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1、全国公共英语二级考试模拟试题七含答案分析全国公共英语二级考试模拟试题七(含答案分析)第二部分:英语知识运用 第一节:单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑.1. -How about the book you are reading ?across in our study.a quiet place,-Yes , but much 5.-I must be leaving now. If I I be 3 hours1 dr ive to getthere. A. Good-bye B. Take care C. Take it easy

2、 D. What can I do for you6. Nobody could have guessed , in those days , the place in history that Martin Luther King, Jr hadA. was hav i ng B. was to have 0. had had D.she wi I I7. The queen wi I I visit the town in May , open the new hospital.plenty of time left.proud of.A. The Chinese, the Chinese

3、 B. Chinese language. ChineseC. Chinese, the Chinese D. Chinese language, the Chinese11.一Whats your problem ?一 I have lost sight of my mum and dad . I saw them i n front of me a moment ago.A. were walking B. to have walker C. walk D. walking12.Chi Idren are t i red of learning often because they are

4、 to do more than they can.A. expected B. suggested C. hoped D. wished13. concerts wi 11 be needed if we wanted to collect enough money to start a school.A. Some other ten B. Another ten C Other ten D. Ten others14.The door burst open and , shouting with anger.A. in rushed the crowd B. rushed in the

5、crowdC. the crowd tin rushed D. in the crowd rushed15.We carved thei r names on the stone so that youngergenerations could know whatA. did B. were doing C. had done D have been doing第二节:完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,井在答题卡上将该项涂黑.In its home country of Germany, the hot dog was cal

6、led thefrankfurter. It was named 16 Frankfurt, a German city.Frankfurters were f i rst 17 in the United States in 18Amer icans cal led frankfurters dachshund20were sold by men 22 kept them 23 in hot-water tanks.As the men waIked 24 the rows of peopIe , they yelled ,Get your dachshund sausages ! Get

7、your hot dachshundsausages iPeople got the sausages on 25 , a special bread.26 in 1906 a newspaper cartoonist 27 Tad Dorgan went to a31 a dachshund sausage, 32 a dachshund. Dorgan 33 how to spelI dachshund . Under the cartoon, he wrote Get your hot dogs !”The cartoon was a sensation(轰动),and 34 . If

8、you go to abasebaI I game today, you can still see seIlers walking 35with hot-water tanks. Asthey walk up and down the rowsthey yell.Get your hot dogs here!Get your hot dogs !16.with B. after D. B. sold C. bought D. make18.A.the 1860s B. 1860-s C. the 1860 B. of C. at

9、D. i ned B. stayed C. became D. wereturned21.A.speciaI B. especiaI Iy C. certainlyD. surely22.A.those B. which C. what D. B. hotC. warmD. cold24.A.sometimes B.up anddown C. someday D. here andthere25.buns B. D.chocolates26.A.A day B. Any dayC.Certain D.One da

10、y27.A.who is B. was C.was called D.named28.A.When B. While C.If D. B. as C. withD. led B. made C.drew D. bought31. A. no B. without C. not D. for32. A. except B. but C. and D. except for35. A. over B. around C. fast D. al I day第三部分:阅读理解make sure that the house seems a live

11、d-in one. Living roomare the100W Iights burning and make sure that one is in thekitchen.Lights that turned on and off by themselves are the best.Then, too, it is a good idea to I eave the radio turned onand setto a talking station. Any type of speaking makes a thief think twice before trying to ente

12、r. Final lyf while hoiiday.make sure that nothing collects in front or in theaway onhouse.Particularlyt make certain that the newspaper i s stopped and thatandoverpiled mail boxes.before reading.piece.better.37.The word live-in in this passage means A.left empty B. I iveIy and cheerfuI C. now being

13、used by people D. laid inside38.What does the writer advise the people to do?A.Ask a neighbour to pick up the daily maiIB.Make sure to have Iights that turn on and off by themselves.C.Make sure the newspaper is handed over every day.D.PuI I the I iving room curtains down.39.The most important room t

14、o leave a Ii ght burning in i s the .A. bedroom B. kitchen C. living room D. sitting-room ( B ) Mr Richards has worked in a smalI seaside town for about ten years and he and his wife have a comfortable house near thesea.During the winter they would be quite happy, but every summer a lot of their rel

15、atives used to spend hoiiday in the i r house,and it was much cheaper than staying in hotel Final ly one day in June Mr Richards comp I a i ned to a clever fr iend of hiswho I ived in the same place. M0ne of my wifes cousins is going to br ing her husband and chiIdren and spend ten dayswithus next m

16、onth again. How have you prevented al I yourrelatives from coming to Iive with you in summer ?Oh.the fr iendthat,because because A. Such a Clever Fr iend B. Mr Richards and his FriendC. Money i s Important D. Such Good Usage of Money43.After reading the passage we can infer .A.Mr Richards still comp

17、lains about the coming of his relatives in summerB.The friend of Mr Richards hadnt as many relatives as RichardsC.GraduaI Iy Mr Richards succeeded in keeping his relatives out i n summerD.sNone of Richards relatives came to the seaside town for thei r hoi idays again(C )I wonder why American towns l

18、ooks so much alike that I sometimes mix them up in my memory. The standard influence (影卩向)of massproduction whose agents(代理商)are the travel I ing salesman, the maiI-order house, the five-and-ten cent stores, the chain stores, the movies can hardly explain it.If you staytwo days in Bologna and in Fer

19、rare, or in Ar les and in Avignon, you wiI I never mix them up in al I your Iife. But it may we I Ihappen that after you spend two days in St. Louis and inKansas City the appearances of these two cities soon mi x up. I thinkthe reason for thi s i s that these towns have not yet hadtime enough to dev

20、elop thei r own characters. Similarly, chi Idren aremuch less different from each other than grown people.44.Which two of the fol lowing towns look so much al ike?A. Bo Iogna and Ferrare B. Ar les and AvignonC. St. Louis and Kansas City D. Bologna and St. Louis45.In I ine 4 the word it” refers to A.

21、 standard of towns B. similarity of towns C. peoples memory D. mass production46.Amer ican towns look very much alike because ofmass production B. thei rA. the standard influence ofdifferent appearancesMill ions of stars are traveI Iing about in space. A few form groups which journey together, but m

22、ost of them travelalone.And they travel through a universe so large that one star seldom comes near to another. For the most part each star makesits journey i n comp I ete lonel iness, I ike a ship on an empty ocean. The ship wi I I be we I I over a million miles from its nearest neighbor. From this

23、 it is easy to understand why a star seIdom finds another anywhere neat it.We be Iieve, however, that some two thousand million years ago, another star wandering (漫游)through space, happened to comenear our sun, Just as the sun and the moon raise tides(潮 汐)on the earth, so this star must have raised

24、tides on the surface of the sun .But they were very different from the smaI I tides that are raised in our oceans: a large tidal wavemust have travel led over the surface of the sun, at last forming a mountain so high that we cannot imagine it. As the causeof the disturbance (动荡)came nearer, so the

25、mounta in rose higher and higher. And before the star began to move awayagain,space.They are the planets(彳亍星).47.Mill ions of stars are A.fol lowing a regular path in space B. moving about without a fixed courseC. seIdom wander ing about in the universe D. always traveI I ing together48,Some two tho

26、usand million years ago, the mounta i n on the sun was raised probably because A.a large tidal wave of a star travel led over the surface of the sunB.another star happened to come near the sunD. the star moved away from the sun49.The article suggests that A. our earth exists before the sun B. how sp

27、ace formedC. no one knows where the earth comes from51.In this article, the wr iter mainly wants to tel I the52.readers powerfuID. where the planets in the universe came fromContacts(交往)between Japan and the rest of the worId have grown a great deaI in the twentieth century. In the last thi rty year

28、s, bus i ness contacts between Japan and the West have become very important. Many foreign companies now have offices inJapan and Japanese businessmen do business around the worId.foreign businessmanDifferences between Japanese and Western ways of doing business, however, often bewi Ider the and mak

29、e doing business in Japan difficult fordoes notunderstanding is when a Japanese means Yes” or No. Thisi s becauseTorefuse an invitation or a request with No, or a similarphrase, is felt to be impol ite. It is thought to beself ish(自私)and unfr iendly. So instead of saying No” directly, theJapanese ha

30、ve developed many ways to avoid saying ”N。”.Theseenable them to avoid hurting other peoples feeling.However, this often makes communication with the Japanese difficult for foreigners to understand and fo11ow.53.Paragraph one tells us that .A. It i s not always easy for foreigners to do business inJapanimportantD.Japanese businessmen do business a I I around the worId54.The word ”bewilder in paragraph 2 probably means A. ti re B. interest C. puzzle D. surpr ise55.From the passage we can know that A.Amer ican businessmen do things more quickly than Japanese onesB.Amer ican busines

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