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1、八年级英语上册第4单元测试题及答案 八年级英语上册第4单元测试题及答案20102011新目标英语初中总复习8(上)第4单元测试I. 将下列短语译成英语:1. 坐地铁 _ _ _ 2. 和不同 _ _ _3 快速地吃早饭 _ _ _ _ / _ _ _4. 多久 _ _ 5. 多远 _ _ 6. 全世界 _ _ _7. 在世界的其他地区 _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. 北美 _ _9. 视而定, 决定于 _ _ 10. 少量的,很少的 _ _ _ _11. 最流行的到校方式 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _12. 离开某地去某地 _ _ 13. 骑摩特车 / 马 _ _ _ / _II. 根据句意及

2、首字母提示补全单词:1. Beiing is in the n f hina.2. Dnt w abut e. I k nw.3. The bus r usually takes abut 5 inutes.4. yu annt d n yur parents frever.5. He l fr shl early every rning.III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. Its abut twenty _ (inute) walk t get there.2. A sall nuber f students _ (take) the subway every day.3. y bag

3、 is _ (differene ) fr hers.4. Hw lng des it take yu _ (get) t the park?5. Traveling by train is re relaxing than _. (drive)IV. 选择填空:( ) 1. They arrive _ Shanghai _ a war afternn.A. in, in B. at, in . in, n D. at, at( ) 2. Thats ging t _. A. fun B. re fun . be re fun D. be funs( ) 3. I _ half an hur

4、_ English every rning.A. take, t read B. take, reading . spend, t read D. spend, reading( ) 4. The nuber f the bks in this library _ alst 2,000,000.A. is B. a . are D. /( ) 5. _ des it take hi t d the husewrk? Fr tw hurs.A. Hw sn B. Hw lng . Hw any D. Hw ften( ) 6. _ he / He is ld, _ he is in gd hea

5、lth.A. Althugh, but B. /, then . Althugh, s D. /, but( ) 7. _ d yu live fr the park? Abut twenty iles.A. Hw sn B. Hw uh . Hw far D. Hw lng( ) 8. Hw d yu usually g t shl? I usually g t shl _.A. by a bike B. n bike . ride a bike D. by bike( ) 9. I hate peple _ dnt help thers when they are in truble.A.

6、 wh B. whih . when D. where( ) 10. I want t knw _ every day.A. hw des he get t shl B. hw he get t shl. hw he gets t shl D. hw he gt t shlV. 句型转换:1. She rides her bike t shl. (对划线部分提问) _ _ she _ _ shl?2. st students in Nrth Aeria g t shl n the bus. (改为同义句)st students in Nrth Aeria g t shl _ _.3. the,

7、 early, takes, bus, hi, his, t, wrkplae (连词成句)_4. Hw d yu like hina? (改为同义句) _ d yu _ _ hina?5. I g t the inea ne a week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ d yu g t the inea?6. They ften g t the park n ft. (改为同义句) They ften _ _ the park.7. y ther ges t wrk by train. (改为同义句) y ther _ _ _ t wrk.8. They have breakfast at

8、eight fifteen. (改为同义句)They have breakfast at _ _ _ _.9. It takes the abut tw hurs t get t the bus statin. (对划线部分提问)_ _ des it take the t get t the bus statin?10. r Brwn leaves he n a bike. (对划线部分提问) _ _ r Brwn _ he?VI. 从方框中选择最佳答语补全对话:(有两项是多余的)A.By bike r by bus.B. nly a few. I fine, thank yu.D. hat

9、d yu like abut it?E. D yu think s?F. Se students live near shl, they usually walk.G. By bike. But sething is wrng with y bike tday.( A-i, B-Ann )A: Hell, Ann. Hw are yu?B: (1)A: Hw d yu usually e t shl?B: (2)A: I srry t hear that. Hw d st students in yur lass e t shl?B: (3)A: hat abut the ther stude

10、nts?B: (4)A: Des anybdy e t shl in a ar?B: (5)VII. 根据短内容,选出能填入空白处的适当选项,使短完整:(有两项是多余的)anywhere, ppular, suh, transprtatin, n,n, wn, by, drive, like, fast, surveyHere is a (1) _ f the hanges f eans f transprtatin in hina sine the 1970s, peple usually went t wrk (2) ft r by bike. There were fewer buses

11、 r ars. Fr the 1980s t 1990s, bikes and buses were the st (3) eans f transprtatin. st peple went t wrk by bike r by bus. Se peple had their (4) ars. Nwadays, re and re peple have their wn ars. They usually (5) their ars t wrk. Peple an travel (6) by train r by plane. And its a (7) and easy way fr st

12、 peple t take the subway t wrk in se ities, (8) as Beiing and Shanghai. In a wrd, re and re eans f (9) will e t peples lives. It is believed that re and re peple an g t the (10) r ther stars by spaeship se day.VIII. 阅读理解:Ann lves the undergrund (地铁) in Lndn. She always prefers t travel n the undergr

13、und beause it is fast. She desnt find it diffiult nw, as she has gt used t (逐渐习惯) it. Ann knws the undergrund ap very well. Eah line has its wn lr. Fr exaple, the entral Line (主干线) is red, the Piadilly Line (皮凯得里干线) is blue, and s n. Lndners always all the undergrund “ the tube” ( eaning “ undergrun

14、d”) hen yu see the lng tunnels (隧道) under grund, it isnt hard t understand why. yesterday Ann went he n the undergrund at abut five lk in the afternn. She gt a surprise. Sine everyne was ging he fr wrk, the train was full.This was the “rush-hur”, and it was a new experiene (经历) fr Ann. There were a

15、lt f peple, but trains ae every inute. Everyne waited and didnt push. As the train was full, Ann had t stand, but she didnt ind. In the train she saw a sign. It said, “ keep away fr the Rush Hur.” “ I will, next tie.” Ann thught.( ) 1. Traveling in Lndn _.A. Ann prefers the undergrund t buses B. Ann

16、 prefers buses t the undergrund. Ann prefers bike t the undergrund D. Ann prefers t walk under grund( ) 2. Its easy fr Ann t take Lndns undergrund beause _.A. she lives near the undergrund in Lndn.B. she has a gd knwledge f the undergrund ap. eah line has its wn lr D. there are signs everywhere in L

17、ndn( ) 3. hy d Lndners all the undergrund “ the tube”?A. Beause Lndners like t use the tubes.B. Beause Lndns undergrund has t any lines. Beause Lndners think the undergrund lks like the tube.D. Beause Lndns undergrund is straight and lng( ) 4. The “ rush hur” here eans _.A. 冲刺时间 B. 忙碌时间 . 高峰时间 D. 休闲

18、时间( ) 5. Ann deides _.A. that she will take a bus instead next tieB. that she will n lnger take Lndns undergrund. t take the undergrund at this tie next tieD. nt t take the undergrund at this tie next tie8(上)第4单元测试参考答案I. 将下列短语译成英语:1. take the subway 2. be different fr 3. eat / have a quik breakfast

19、/ have breakfast quikly4. hw lng 5. hw far 6. arund the wrld 7. in ther parts f the wrld8. Nrth Aeria 9. depend n 10. a sall nuber f11. the st ppular ways f getting t shl 12. leave fr 13. ride a trbike / hrseII. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词:1. nrth 2. wrry 3. ride 4. depend 5. leavesIII. 用所给单词的适当形式填空: 1. inutes 2

20、. take 3. different 4. t get 5. drivingIV. 选择填空: 1. 2. 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. 8. D 9. A 10.V. 句型转换:1. Hw des, g t 2. by bus 3. The early bus takes hi t his wrkplae 4. hat, think f5. Hw ften 6. walk t 7. take the / a train 8. a quarter past eight 9. Hw lng10. Hw des, leaveVI. 从方框中选择最佳答语补全对话:(有两项是多余的)1. 2. 3. A 4. F 5. BVII. 根据短内容,选出能填入空白处的适当选项,使短完整:(有两项是多余的)1. survey 2. n 3. ppular 4. wn 5. drive 6. anywhere 7. fast8. suh 9. transprtatin 10. nVIII. 阅读理解: 1. A 2. B 3. 4. 5. D

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