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1、阅读理解、阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)A难度:We have twenty minutesrest(休息)between classes. Look! Most of us are playing. Some students are on the playground(操场). They are playing basketball. Oh! A boy is running with the ball. And other students are trying(尽力)to stop him. They look so cool. And there are some girls wa

2、tching the game. Some students are in the classroom. Five students are talking, Ten students are reading and four students are doing homework. Look! A girl is looking at the birds in the tree outside the classroom. She must be thinking of some interesting things because she is smiling(微笑)in the clas

3、sroom.What are the teachers doing? Some of them are working in the office, and some are talking with students. Everyone is doing his or her things, busy but happy! ( )66、Where are the students playing basketball? A、In the tree B、On the playground C、In the classroom D、In the office( )67、A girl is loo

4、king at the birds. She is A、happy B、cool C、interesting D、shy( )68、What are the teachers doing? A、Playing with the students B、Having a basketball game C、Working or talking with students D、Doing some reading( )69、There are students in the classroom. A、four B、fifteen C、nineteen D、twenty( ) 70、The passa

5、ge is mainly about . A、studentsactivities(活动) B、teachersactivities C、a basketball game D、break time(课间休息) activitiesB难度:House Rules1.Please clean up before leaving.2.Dont take a shower after 11:00 P.M.3.Dont go out after 11:00 P.M.4.You can only use my phone to answer(接听),but cant use it to call oth

6、ers.5.Bedtime is 11:00 p.m.6.Dinner is at 7:00 p.m. (If(如果)you dont have dinner, you must let us know before 6:00 p.m.)7.Keep quiet.8.No smoking(吸烟)in the house.The place you will live in is:112 Kendal WayChestertonCambridgeCB4 HTTelephone number:My phone numberIs 07870-347980.( )71、These rules are

7、made(被制定)for . A、People who will come to take a shower B、People who will work in a store C、People who will do the cleaning D、People who will live with a family( )72、 is/are NOT talked about in the rules. A、The name of the host B、The time to go to bed C、Some things you cant doD、The phone number of th

8、e host( )73、You can do the following EXCEPT (除了) . A、taking a shower at 9:00 p.m. B、smoking outside the house C、telling the host at 7:00 p.m. if you dont have dinner D、using the hosts phone to answer phone calls( )74、Before you are out, you must . A、take a shower B、.have dinner C、call the host D、cle

9、an the room.( )75、If it is 9:00, you cant . A、have dinner B、take showers C、go to bed D、go out C 难度:Today is Sunday. What are the four people doing?Hi, Im Kate. I love my students. I often tell them funny stories. Its Sunday today. I dont have any classes. Im taking a bus to the zoo.My name i

10、s Frank. My job is a little dangerous (危险的), but I love it very much. I have no time to talk to you. Im running after two thieves (贼).Im Susan. Im 22 years old. Sunday is my busiest (最忙碌的) day in a week. There are many people eating and drinking. Im busy coming and going to offer (提供) them food and

11、drink. My job is a little boring. I want to be a musician.My name is Steve. Im singing a beautiful song. All the people are shouting (喊叫) at me. How happy I am! “Bang, bang, bang.” I wake up (醒来) only to find some women knocking at (敲) the window of my car. They want to go to the shopping mall. Oh,

12、my god. I am too tired.( )76、What is Kates job? A、A teacher. B、A policewoman (警察) C、A musician. D、A driver.( )77、Who may be a policeman/policewoman? A、Kate. B、Frank. C、Susan. D、Steve.( )78、What does Susan think of her work? A、Interesting. B、Important. C、Boring. D、Relaxing.( )79、What is Steve doing?

13、A、He is taking a bus. B、He is running after two thieves. C、He is offering food. D、He is sleeping.( )80、Which of the following is TRUE? A 、Kate wants to go to school. B、Frank thinks his job is dangerous. C、Susan has a happy day on Sunday. D、Steve wants to be a musician.D 难度:My parents often take me t

14、o the zoo on weekends. I like animals. I have many toy animals in my room. In the zoo I can see tigers, elephants, pandas and many other animals. Some animals are friendly, but some are not. Tigers, lions and snakes are dangerous. That is why they have to be in the cages. But I think it is terrible

15、for animals to be in the cages.Tigers usually live in forests (森林) and mountains (高山). They can run. They catch and eat small animals, but now they live in small rooms. They can only walk and sleep in the cages, and they want to go out. I feel sorry for them.I think my favorite animals are dolphins

16、(海豚). I like watching them swim and jump. They can play with a ball. They can “walk” on the water! They are very friendly to people. They can help you when you fall into (掉进) water and cant swim.( )81、We often go to the on the weekend. A、library B、zoo C、supermarket D、.village( )82、 are dangerous. A、

17、Tigers, pandas and elephants B、Tigers, elephants and dolphins C、Tigers, lions and snakes D、Tigers, lions and dolphins( )83、What does the underlined word”cage” mean? A、笼子 B、抽屉 C、箱子 D、篮子( )84、In my opinion(在我看来), it,s for animals to be in the cages! A、good B、not good C、interesting D、important( )85、Whi

18、ch of the following is NOT TRUE? A、The tigers eat small animals. B、The tigers like to live in the forests and mountains. C、The dolphins can teach people to swim. D、The dolphins are not dangerous.书面表达(20分)请根据下表中的内容,写一篇60词左右的英语短文,描述一下Brown一家人正在进行的活动和一些家规。PeopleActivitiesRulesEric BrownPlaying computer

19、 gamesPlay computer games only on weekendsTina BrownDoing her homeworkFinish it before 9:00 p.m.Their father and grandfatherPlaying chess/Their mother and grandmotherWatching a movie on the sofa/ 七年级英语测试I. 关键词语选择你将听到五个句子。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到的单词或短语。( )1、 A、sixteen B、sixty C、seventy( )2、 A、let B、.

20、like C、live( )3、 A、station B、musician C、question( )4、 A、from to B、either or C、between and ( )5、 A、take the bus B、take a shower C、take the subwayII.短对话理解(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)你将听到十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。( )6、When does the girl have guitar classes?( )7、What does Alan usually do at 8:00 P

21、.M.?( )8、How doest the girl go to school?( )9、What cant the boy play?( )10、What does Tom usually do after dinner?( )11、When is the school show? A、On June 1st B、On July 1st C、On July 10th ( )12、How long does is take the woman to get to work? A、About 8 minutes B、About 18 minutes C、About 28 minutes( )1

22、3、What time does Peter usually get up? A、At 6:00 a.m. B、At 7:00 a.m. C、At 8:00 a.m.( )14、What can Anna play? A、The piano and the guitar.B、Only the drums.C、The piano and the drums.15、How far is it from the school to the boys home?A、8 kilometers. B、10 kilometers.C、12 kilometers.三、长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分

23、)你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听下面一段对话,回答第16至17两题。( )16、What can Mary and Alan do very well? A、Play the violin. B、Speak English. C、Play volleyball.( )17.What club do they want to join? A、The volleyball club. B、Speak English. C、The music club.听下面一段对话,回答第18至20三个小题。( )18、How does Mike us

24、ually go to school? A、By bike. B、Walks. C、By bus.( )19、Why does Mike ride his bike to school today? A、Because his bike is new. B、Because he gets up late. C、Because he doesnt want to take the subway.( )20、How long does it take Mike to ride his bike to school?A、About 10 minutes. B、About 15 minutes.C、A

25、bout 20 minutes.四、短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个问题,请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。( )21、Who is Paul? A、Sallys brother. B、Sallys father. C、Sallys son.( )22、What do they do after breakfast? A、Watch TV. B、Do sports. C、Go to work.( )23、Where do you think they eat lunch? A、At home . B、In the libra

26、ry. C、At school。( )24、When does Sally go to the music club? A、After work. B、After dinner. C、At6:00 p.m.( )25、Why do they join the Chinese club? A、Because they can know about Chinese history. B、Because they want to speak Chinese well. C、Because they think Chinese is very interesting.五、信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分

27、,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单,人仅填一词。TimeActivities(活动)at(26) oclockdoes his homeworkat eight oclockhas(27) at about eight(28) watches TVat nine thirtyBrushes the(29) At(30) oclockgoes to bed. 单项填空( )31、Can you play piano or chess? Join our club. A、the; the B、the;/ C、/;the D、/;/( )32、Mr. Wang us

28、ually goes to work bike. A、at B、in C、on D、by( )33、 Dave Clark can go with you because one of them must stay (待) at home. A、Either; or B、Between; and C、Not; and D、From; to( )34、Tim lives near (在附近) a . He always swims there with his friends on Sunday. A、river B、stop C、village D、bridge( )35、 can you p

29、lay volleyball? On Sunday afternoon. A、How B、When C、Where D、What( )36、The woman is very busy, so she watches TV. A、always B、never C、only D、usually( )37、Peter wants to find a new . He doesnt like to here. A、work; work B、job; job C、work; job D、job; work( )38、 What time Jill her homework? At seven oclo

30、ck.A、does;does B、do;doC、does;do D、do;does( )39、 Anna usually school very early and home very late.A、gets; goes B、gets to; gets to C、goes to; gets to D、goes to; gets( )40、 What do you the song Gangnam Style (江南style)? It is relaxing.A、think of B、talk toC、tell about D、look at( )41、 does your mother go

31、 to work, Tom?She takes the subway.A、Where B、What C、How D、Why( )42、Is your school far from your home?Yes. It me an hour home. A、takes; walk B、takes; walking C、takes; walks D、takes; to walk( )43、Can you cross the river, Lin Fang? . I go on a ropeway to cross the river every day.A、Yes, I do B、No, I dontC、Yes, I

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