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1、考研英语619考研英语-619(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Section Use of English(总题数:1,分数:10.00)A narrowing of your work interests is implied in almost any transition from a study environment to managerial or professional work. In the humanities and social sciences you will at best reuse only a fraction of the material

2、 (1) in three or four years study. In most career paths academic knowledge only (2) a background to much more applied decision-making. Even with a training form of degree, (3) a few of the procedures or methods (4) in your studies are likely to be continuously relevant in your work. Partly this (5)

3、the greater specialization of most work tasks compared (6) studying. Many graduates are not (7) with the variety involved in (8) from degree study in at least four or five subjects a year to very standardized job (9) . Academic work values (10) inventiveness, originality, and the cultivation of self

4、-realization and self-development. Emphasis is placed (11) generating new ideas and knowledge, assembling (12) information to make a rational decision, appreciating basic (13) and theories, and getting involved in fundamental controversies and debates. The humanistic values of higher (14) encourages

5、 the feeling of being (15) in a process with a self-developmental rhythm. (16) , even if your employers pursue enlightened personnel development (17) and invest heavily in human capital for example, by rotating graduate trainees to (18) their work experiencesyou are still likely to notice and feel (

6、19) about some major restrictions of your (20) and activities compared with a study environment.(分数:10.00)A.restrictedB.coveredC.spreadD.confirmed解析:解析 语义搭配题。cover意为“微盖,遮蔽;包括,涉及”,例如:(1) You should cover that meat with something to protect it from flies. (2) This leaflet covers what have iust been di

7、scussed in more detail. 原文意为:如果你学习的是人文礼会学科,在将来的工作中顶多会再用到三或四年大学学习中所学知识的一小部分,故选项B正确。选项Arestrict意为“限制”,例如:Congress is considering measures to restrict the sale of cigarettes. 选项Cspread意为“传播”;选项Dconfirm意为“证实”,例如:Id like to confirm when youll be arriving on Monday.A.admitsB.equipsC.statesD.forms解析:解析 语义搭

8、配题。form意为“组成,形成”,例如:I formed the impression/opinion/view that she didnt really want to come. 原文句中的宾语为background, form可与其连用且符合题意,故选D。选项Aadmit意为“承认”;选项Bequip意为“装备”;选项Cstate意为“陈述”,例如:Please state(express clearly andcarefully) why you wish to apply for this grant.A.hardlyB.scarcelyC.evenlyD.only解析:解析 语意

9、复现题。only意为“只有,仅”,根据上下文意思可得答案。上文谈到学校中学到的东西与工作的关系并不是很密切,工作中仅能用到学过的一小部分知识,此处意思与上文一致,故选项D正确。选项Ahardly意为“几乎不”;选项Bscarcely意为“简直不,决不”,例如:He would scarcely have said a thing like that. (I dont believe he said that. )选项Cevenly意为“平均地”,例如:beevenly distributed across the country。A.practicedB.describedC.encounte

10、redD.analyzed解析:解析 语义搭配题。encounter:卷为“遇到”,原句意为:即使拥有“培训”类的学位,也仅有少数几种你学习中所碰到的做事程序和方法可能与你今后的工作有关,故选项C正确。选项Apractice意为“练习”;选项Bdescribe意为“描述”;选项Danalyze意为“分析”,例如:Water samples taken from streams were analyzed for contamination by chemicals.A.reflectsB.affectsC.checksD.reduces解析:解析 词汇辨析题。在做此题之前应先做较容易的第6题。

11、做完后可知此句意为:这部分地_,与学习相比,大多数工作具有更强的专业性。四个选项中reflect意为“反映”;affect意为“影响”;check意为“检查”;reduce意为“减少”。根据句意可知,此处只能选A,表示“这部分地反映出”。A.withB.againstC.uponD.from解析:解析 词语搭配题。compare with意为“与作比较”,属习惯用法,例如:Instant coffee doesnt compare with/cant be compared with freshly ground coffee. (速溶咖啡无法与现磨的咖啡相比。)故选项A正确。选项B中的aga

12、inst打“比较”之意,如:compete against,但不可与compare连用;选项Cupon和选项Dfrom均不符合题意。A.contestB.contentC.contactD.contract解析:解析 形近词辨析题。此题需要选出在系动词are后充当表语的成分,只有选项Bcontent(满意的)符合题意,例如:I think hes fairly content with his life. 选项Acontest意为“竞赛;质疑”,例如:(1) She stands a good chance since only two people are contesting the se

13、at. (2) We will certainly contest any claims that made against the safety ofour products. 选项Ccontact意为“与接触,联系”,例如:I must contact my lawyer before I make my final decisions. 选项Dcontract意为“(使)收缩;订立合约”,例如:People often contract word combinations when they are speaking. 又如:The company has just contracted

14、 to build shelters for the homeless.A.transferringB.transmittingC.translatingD.transporting解析:解析 形近词辨析题。transfer意为“改变;转移”,例如:(1) She transferred her gun from her shoulder to his side. (2) The aim is to transfer powerto self-governing regional councils. 原文意为:从一年至少学四或五门学位课程转变为接受标准化的工作要求。只有选项Atransferr

15、ing有转换的意思。选项Btransmit意为“传送,输送,传播”,例如:Some diseases are transmitted from one generation to the next. 选项Ctranslate意为“翻译”,常与into连用;选项Dtransport意为“运输”,均不符合题意。A.peculiaritiesB.meansC.satisfactionsD.demands解析:解析 词汇辨析题。peculiarity意为“古怪,奇怪”;means意为“手段,方式”;satisfaction意为“满足,满意”,与第7题语意重复;demand意为“要求”。very sta

16、ndardized job demands意为“非常标准化的工作要求”。全句意为:从一年学习至少四或五门学位课程到非常标准化的工作要求的转变,许多毕业生并不满意。A.uniqueB.singleC.individualD.specific解析:解析 语义搭配题。individual意为“个人的”,本句需用一个形容词来修饰inventiveness, originality等词,原句意为:学术类的工作看重个人的创造能力、独创性以及培养自我认识和自我发展的能力,故选项C正确。选项Aunique意为“唯一的”,强调独一无二;选项Bsingle意为“单个的”,常修饰具体事物,例如:The letter

17、 was written on a single sheet of paper. 选项Dspecific意为“特有的”,例如:The money is intended to be used for specific purposes.A.byB.onC.acrossD.through解析:解析 词语搭配题。place emphasis on sth. 意为“强调某事”,故选项B正确。其他选项均不能与emphasis连用,均排除。A.adequateB.definiteC.valuableD.profitable解析:解析 语义搭配题。adequate意为“足够的,充足的”,强调符合客观要求或

18、标准,例如:The reason I didnt do well in the exam is that I just didnt have adequate time to prepare. 原文意为:做出合理的决定需要收集足够多的信息,故选项A正确。选项Bdefinite意为“明确的”;选项Cvaluable意为“有价值的”;选项Dprofitable意为“有好处的,有利的”,例如:a profitable business。A.beliefsB.conceptsC.religionsD.faiths解析:解析 语义复现题。concept意为“概念”,此处需选一个和下文的theories同

19、属学术知识范畴的名词,根据英文同义复现的特点,选项B正确。选项Abelief。意为“信仰”;选项Creligion意为“宗教”;选项Dfaith意为“信任”。原句意为:它强调产生新的想法和知识,收集足够多的信息以做出合理的决定,重视基本概念和原理,参与讨论基本争议及辩论。A.positionB.principleC.reputationD.education解析:解析 语义搭配题。education意为“教育”,根据上下文的意思可得答案。上文一直在谈学术类的工作重点,这句话接着讲高等教育中体现出的人文价值观念,故选项D正确。选项Aposition意为“位置”;选项Bprinciple意为“原理

20、”;选项Creputation意为“名誉”。A.consistedB.dealtC.engagedD.worked解析:解析 词语搭配题。be engaged in意为“从事于,忙于”,例如:Engaged in conversation, they did not see me. 根据原文意思:高等教育的人文价值观念鼓励学生积极培养自我发展的能力,选项Cengaged在语意与结构上均符合题意,故选C。选项Aconsist in意为“存在于”,例如:The beauty of air travrel consists in its speed and ease. consist的常见用法还有:

21、consisl of (由组成,构成),consist with (与一致,符合);选项Bdealt和选项Dworked均不能与in连用。A.By contrastB.That isC.ThereforeD.Meanwhile解析:解析 逻辑关系题。by contrast意为“相比之下”,上文谈的是学习的氛围,下文谈到工作环境,二者形成对比关系,故选项A正确。选项Bthat is意为“也就是说”,表顺承关系;选项Ctherefore意为“因此”,表因果关系;选项Dmeanwhile意为“同时”,表并列关系,均不符合题意。A.lawsB.rulesC.policiesD.studies解析:解析

22、 词汇辨识题。policy意为“政策”,例如:a foreign and security policy; policies on education。原文的意思是,老板们制定的是开明的人事发展政策,而非法律或具体的规章、规则,故选项C正确。选项Alaw意为“法律”,范畴太广;选项Brule意为“规则”,太具体,概念范畴太小;选项Dstudy意为“研究”,均不符合题意。A.improveB.introduceC.varyD.achieve解析:解析 词汇辨识题。vary意为“使不同,变化”,例如:(1) Salary scales vary from state to state. (2) T

23、he samples varied in quality but were generally acceptable. 根据上文中的rotate (使轮换工作)一词可知,原文意为:让刚毕业的员工轮换工作以便获得多种经历,故选项C正确。选项Aimprove意为“改进”,不能与经历搭配;选项Bintroduce意为“介绍”,不符合题意;选项Dachieve意为“获得”,虽可与下文的experiences勉强连用,但不够准确,往往有achieve success之类的搭配,achieve后面跟褒义词的情况居多。A.strangeB.ashamedC.funnyD.sorry解析:解析 语义搭配题。s

24、orry意为“遗憾的”。原句意为:人们对所受的约束感到遗憾,故选项D正确。选项Astrange意为“奇怪的”;选项Bashamed意为“惭愧的”,例如:You should be ashamed of yourself选项Cfunny意为“滑稽的”,均不符合题意。A.hobbiesB.interestsC.subjectsD.concerns解析:解析 语篇理解题。文章的第一句话指出,从学习环境转换到工作环境意味着兴趣会受到限制。此处所表达的意思与其呼应:即使公司人事政策开明,你仍然会对自己的兴趣、活动受限而感到遗憾,故选项B正确。选项Ahobby意为“业余爱好”;选项Csubject意为“科

25、目”;选项Dconcein意为“关注的事”。全句可译为:相比之下,即使你的老板追求开明的人事发展政策,并且在人力资源方面投入巨资例如,让刚毕业的员工轮换工作以便使其获得多种工作经历但你仍然有可能注意到:与在学校相比,你的兴趣和活动都受到了极大的限制,这会使你感到遗憾。二、Section Reading Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Jet lag is back on the agenda for business travelers, especially as long-

26、haul international traffic picks up again.There is endless advice online about jet lag. Drugs are frequently mentioned, and a recent favorite is Nuvigil, used to treat excessive sleepiness. Nuvigils manufacturer, Cephablon, has so far not succeeded in obtaining government approval for its plan to ma

27、rket the drug as a remedy forjet lag.But the approach I hear most often from long-haul travelers involves diet and preparation. Why would you take a pill that your body then has to shake off? said Lynne Waller Scanlon, the author, with Charles F. Ehret, of Overcoming Jet Lag, which was a best seller

28、 in the mid-1980s but went out of print until she revised and republished it last year under a snappier title, The Cure for Jet Lag.The book lays out a treatment system for jet lag based on pre-trip diet and conditioning to reset the bodys internal clock. The book suggests resetting the body clock s

29、o that it will be in sync with the time at the destination. One to three days before a trip, the authors suggest low-calorie meals. In flight, avoid or strictly limit alcohol, and use coffee or tea to persuade the body clock that its daytime. If its morning after flying all night, resist sleep and f

30、lood your eyes with daylight , they suggest.While all long-haul travel can cause normal fatigue, travel across time zones causes the body to react with the most pronounced effects of jet lag, including disorientation and a general sense of discomfort.In the last few years, the global airlines have p

31、ut more emphasis on accommodating the need for in-flight sleepat least in the business and firstclass cabins, where international airlines earn most of their revenue. But at the same time, international airlines also promote extensive in-flight entertainment selections, as well as high-end menus, including quality wine lists, in premium classes. Indulging in these would seem to work against dietary treatment to c

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