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1、八年级上册unit1wheredidyougoonvacation知识点及习题Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 一、考点短语(共24个)二、考点句型(共14个)三、易错考点语法(共3个) 1、复合不定代词 2、a little, little Vs. A few, few 3、enough四、考点词汇变形(共22个)五、综合探究一、考点短语(共24个)1. 决定去做某事 (4个) Decide to do sth. =make a decision = decide on sth. = make up ones mind2. 到达 (3个) arrive

2、 in/ at = get to = reach3. 当然 (3个) of course = sure = certainly4. 由于 (4个) because of = thanks to = owing to = due to5. 感受到;想要 feel like +句子 /doing sth.6. 相当多(3个) quite a few/ quite a little/ quite a lot of7. 度假中 (2个) on vacation/ on holiday8、上山/进山 gotothemountains9、到海边去 gotothebeach10、参观博物馆 visitmus

3、eums11、去夏令营 gotosummercamp12、为学习 studyfor13、大部分时间 mostofthetime14、玩的开心 (3个) haveagoodtime/have fun/enjoy oneself15、在过去 inthepast16、绕走 walkaround17、另外两个小时 another two hours 18、一碗 onebowlof19、查出来/发现 findout20、继续 goon/keep on21、照相 takephotos22、重要的事情 somethingimportant23、上上下下 upanddown24、出来;升起 comeup二、考

4、点句型(共14个)1.buysth.forab./buysb.Sth. 为某人买某物2.taste+adj. 尝起来3.nothing.but+V.(原形) 除了之外什么都没有4.seem+(tobe)+adj 看起来5.forgettodosth. 忘记去做某事/forgetdoingsth忘记做过某事从句 如此以至于7.trydoingsth. 尝试做某事/trytodosth.尽力做某事8.enjoydoingsth. 喜欢做某事9.wanttodosth. 想去做某事10.startdoingsth. 开始做某事11.stopdoingsth. 停止做某事

5、/ stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事12.tellsb.(not)todosth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事13.dislike/hate doingsth. 不喜欢做某事14.Whynotdosth. 为什么不做.呢?重点语法扩展三、考点语法(共10个)考点1、复合不定代词原文重现: P2 Did you go anywhere interesting?考察方式:单选、阅读理解、短文填空、完成对话、书面表达一、含义:由两部分组成的不明确对象的代词。二、构成(44) 1 2(词根)三、考点:(4个) 1、含义辨析: 根据上下文逻辑选择。Nobody 无一人; 小人物Somebo

6、dy 某一人; 大人物 2、与形容词的位置: 复合不定代词+ adj. 3、主谓一致: 作主语时为单数,谓语动词用三单。 4、否定(2类): 全盘否定: not .any- = no- “任何一个都不” 部分否定: every- . Not = not every- “不是每个都”成功试题1.2014 福建厦门 22 - Is here? - No. Kate is ill in hospital. A. Someone B. Anyone C. everyone2.2012 杭州 18 You look worried! Is all right? A. something B. anyth

7、ing C. everything D. nothing3. 2015 广安 29 - Would you like to eat?-No, thanks.A.nothing B.something C.anything4. 2014 昆明 36 - Where would you like to go this Mid-Autumn Festival? - Id like to go . A.everywhere relaxing B. somewhere relaxing C. Peaceful anywhere D.peaceful somewhere5. 2004 安徽芜湖 - The

8、 exam was very easy, wasnt it? - Yes, but I dont think could pass it. A.somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody6. I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with . A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything 7. She rose from being a nobody to become a superstar. A. a famous person

9、 B. an unknown person C. an important person8. 2013 河南 31 He thinks himself somebody, but we think him . A.nobody B. anybody C. somebody D. Everybody考点2、a few, few Vs. A little, little原文重现:P5 But then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train.考察方式: 单选、完形、短文填空一、词性: 1、adv. (4个) a lit

10、tle = a bit = a little bit = kind of + adj./adv. e.g. A little cute 2、adj.(4个) a few / few + C s a little/ little + U 3、n. (4个) a few / few :指代 C s a little /little : 指代 U 二、考点:(当 a few, few, a little, little 为形容词时) a few few + C s a little little + U s some 肯定有a 就有 no 否定 没a就没有三、解题步骤(1) 确定其后名词: C Vs

11、. U (2) 确定句以: 肯定 Vs. 否定 成功试题1. Each of us has life goals, which will guide us to a bright future. Without life goals, we may waste our lifetime. A. a little B. few C. a few2. Jessica never speaks to strangers because she is shy. A. a few B. a little C. a bit of 3. The girl in purple is new here, so

12、people know her. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 4.His life is full of exams and studies on weekdays. He has free time. A. few B. a few C. much D. little 5. 2013 广州 21 There is news about this movie star in the newspaper. Where can I get some? A. many B. a few C. a lot D.little 6. Wed better w

13、ait more minutes. I think Jeff will come soon. A. a few B. few C. a little D.little 7. 2013 沈阳 13 It is good for the fish to have water plants in the tank (鱼缸) to keep the water pure. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few考点3、enough 的考点 (2个)原文重现: P5 My father didnt bring enough money, so only had one

14、 bowl of rice and some fish.考查方式:单选、完成对话、书面表达【考点透析】(1) enough 作 adv. : 公式: adv. / adj. +enough e.g. :good enough(2) enough 作 adj. : 公式: enough + n. e.g. : enough money成功试题 1. He is to make money to support his parents. A. old enough B. enough old C. young enough D. enough young2. Bill has to help ot

15、hers. enough B. houses enough C. enough money3. The door is not for some big elephants to pass. A.wide enough B. widely enough C.enough wide D. enough widely4. 2014 乌鲁木齐 33 -Can you understand me, Tony? -Yes, madam. You speak . I can follow you. A. enough clear B. clear enough C. enough clea

16、rly D. clearly enough 考点4:decide的考点 原文重现: It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.考查方式:单选、完形、书面表达【考点透析】 They decided not to go back home during the summer holiday.They made a decision/made up their minds not to go back home during the summer holiday.他们决定暑假不回家了。She has d

17、ecided on Hainan Island for vacation.她已决定去海南岛度假。【活学活用】1)他决定在周末去游泳。He go swimming on weekends.2)在你生气的时候,请不要做任何决定。Please dont when you are angry.考点5、wonder 的考点原文重现:I wonder what life was like here in the past.考查方式:单选、完形、书面表达【考点透析】 wonder此处作“想知道;琢磨”讲,相当于want to know,后常接if或whether引导的宾语从句,表示一种委婉的请求或疑问。I

18、wonder if you mind giving me a hand.我不知道你是否能帮我一下。【归纳拓展】 He wondered what had happened.他想知道发生了什么事。Im just wondering how to do it.我正在想该怎样做。What are the seven wonders of the world?世界七大奇观是什么?【活学活用】-What do you think of this one?-It looks nice. But I why you choose this one for me.A.think B.wish C.hope D

19、.wonder考点6:感叹句的考点 原文重现:What a difference a day makes! 考查方式:单选、完形、完成对话、书面表达 【考点透析】这是一个感叹句。表示说话时的惊异、喜悦、赞扬和气愤等情绪。例句Whatabeautifulskirtitis!多么漂亮的短裙啊!Whatgreatinventionshehasmade!他的发明多么伟大啊!Whatbadweatheritistoday!今天的天气多么糟糕啊!Howcleveraboyheis!多么聪明的男孩!HowquicklyTomruns!汤姆跑得真快!【活学活用】1._ expensive mobile pho

20、ne it is!Yes,but I think _ style is quite fashionable.AWhat a;a BHow;theCWhat an;the DHow an;the2. Listen!Someone is playing the piano.Wow!_ beautiful music!I like it very much.AWhat BHow aCWhat a DHow3. _ delicious these beef noodles are!AWhat BHow CWhat a DHow a4._ wonderful news report he wrote!

21、All of us were proud of him. AWhat a BWhat CHow DHow a考点7、too many/too much/much too 的辨析原文重现:We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people. 考查方式:单选、完成对话、书面表达【考点透析】 (1) wait for 固定短语, 意为“等待,等候”。(2) too many“太多”,后跟可数名词的复数形式。 【妙辨异同】 too much,much too与too manyHe has too much tr

22、ouble in his life.他生活中的麻烦太多了。Im much too tired to go out.我实在累得不能出去了。There are too many people on the square.广场上有太多人。【活学活用】1)There are people on the bus.2)There is water on the floor.3)Im afraid that cap is big for me.考点8、because 和because of 的辨析 原文重现: And because of the bad weather, we couldnt see an

23、ything below. 考查方式:单选、完形、完成对话、书面表达【考点透析】 She didnt go to school because she was ill. She didnt go to school because of her illness. 因为生病她没有上学。【活学活用】1)He had to retire early _ poor health.Aas a result BbecauseCso Dbecause of2)The red suitcase is expensive _ its made of leather.(2014,沈阳)Awhen Bif Cbec

24、ause Dthough考点9、try 的考点 原文重现: Parents are trying to plan their kids lives for them.考查方式:单选、完成对话、书面表达【拓展精析】 We should try our best to protect the environment.我们应该尽力保护环境。He is trying finishing the work by himself.他正试着独自完成这项工作。Can I try on the dress?我能试穿这条裙子吗?【活学活用】1)We can go to Jinan Railway Station

25、by bus.Why not _ there for a change?Atry walkingBtrying to walkCtry to walk Dto try walking2)This yellow Tshirt looks nice.May I _?Sure.(2014,广安)Atry them on Btry on itCtry it on考点10:arrive,reach,get to的辨析原文重现: I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.考查方式:单选、完形、完成对话、书面表达【考点透析】 Th

26、ey arrived at the small village last night.他们昨晚到达了这个小村庄。Lisa reached her home very late last night.莉萨昨天晚上很晚才到家。What time do you get to school every morning?你每天早上几点到校?【活学活用】We here last night.我们是昨晚到达这里的。单词妙计四、考点词汇变形(共22个)1.wander /wnd/ (1)V. 想知道(2)n. C 奇迹Wonderful adj.精彩的Wonderfully adv.精彩地2.try /tra

27、i/ (1)v. 尝试着,努力去做(2)n. C 尝试3.dislike /dislaik/ (1)v. 不喜爱(2)n. C 不喜爱的事物like v. 喜欢;prep. 像;n. C 喜欢的东西likely adj.可能的unlike Prep. 不像4.decide /disaid/ v. 决定decision n. C 决定5.wait /weit/ v. 等待waiter n. C 男服务员waiters/ waiters 男服务员(们)的waitress n. C 女服务员waitresss/ waitresses 女服务员(们)的6.bored /bo:(r)d/ adj.感到厌

28、倦的bore v.使厌倦boring adj.令人厌倦的7.enjoyable /indibl; en-/ adj.令人愉快的enjoy v.享受;享用enjoyment n. C 乐趣8.wet /wet/ adj.潮湿的wetter adj.更湿的wettest adj.最湿的9.hungry /hgri/ adj.饥饿的hungrily adv.饥饿的,渴望的hunger n. U 饥饿hungrier adj.更饥饿的hungriest adj.最饥饿的10.most /must/ pron. 最多的,最多,大多数 much pron.许多(修饰 U ;代替 U ;修饰动词、副词man

29、y pron.许多(修饰 C ;代替 C)more prop.更多的;更多得mostly adv.主要的almost adv.几乎11.anywhere /eniwe/ pron. 在任何一个地方 somewhere pron.某一地方everywhere prop.每一地方nowhere prop.无一地方12.activity /ktivti/ n. C 活动active adj.积极的actor n.C 男演员actors/ actors 男演员(们)的actress n.C 女演员actresss/actresses 女演员们的action n. U 行动act v.表演13.building /bildin/ n. C 建筑物build

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