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本文(学年人教版高中英语必修三学案之Unit5Canada课堂检测.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、学年人教版高中英语必修三学案之Unit5Canada课堂检测I. 根据提示完成句子。1. They come from Canada, so they are _(加拿大人).2. The new _(部长;大臣) will be _(批准) in office by the Queen.3. This world we live in is divided into seven _(大陆).4. The _(景色;风景) in the mountains is very beautiful.5. She has always been _(包围;环绕) with fashionable fr

2、iends.6. We reached the _(港口) at sunset.7. They took strong _(措施) against dangerous drivers.8. It is a _(传统) that the young look after the old in their family.9. The animals were _(吓坏) by the storm.10. His words are strongly _(使铭记;使印象深刻) on my memory.II. 用适当的短语填空,每个短语只能使用一次,可以作必要的变化。rather than, set

3、tle down, manage to, catch sight of, have a gift for, in the distance1. I could see the faint gleam of light _.2. After retirement, the old man _ in a faraway village.3. He _ making everyone around him feel happy.4. _ risk breaking up his marriage he told his wife everything.5. She _ a car in the di

4、stance and ran towards it.6. The pilot _ circle the balloon for some time. 单项填空。1.Wehaventsettledthequestionof_itisnecessaryforhimtostudyabroad.A.if B.where C.whether D.that2. A warm thought suddenly came to me _ I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday.A. if B. when

5、C. that D. which3.Thereismuchchance_Billwillrecoverfromhisinjuryintimefortherace.A.that B.which C.until D.if4.Pleaseremindme_hesaidhewasgoing.Imaybeintimetoseehimoff.A.where B.when D.what5. We saw several natives(本地人) advancing(前进) towards our party, and one of them came up to us, _ we gave so

6、me bells and glasses.A. to which B. to whom C. with which D. with which6. With his work completed, the businessman stepped back to his seat, feeling pleased _ he was a man of action.A.which B.that C.what D.whether7._teamwinsonSaturdaywillgothroughtothenationalchampionships,A.Nomatterwhat B.Nomatterw

7、hich C.Whatever D.Whichever8.Ijustwonder_thatmakeshimsoexcited. A.whyitdoes B.whathedoes C.howitis D.whatitis9._isourbeliefthatimprovementsinhealthcarewillleadtoastronger,moreprosperouseconomy. A.As B.That C.This D.It10.Nobodybelievedhisreasonforbeingabsentformtheclass_hehadtomeethisuncleattheairpor

8、t. A.why B.that C.where D.because11.Theshopkeeperdidnotwanttosellfor_hethoughtwasnotenough.A.where C.what D.which12. Henoticedthatthedanceintheafternoonwasdifferentfrom_ithadbeeninthemorning. A.that B.where C.what D.which13.Idliketoworkwith_ishonestandeasytogetonwith.A.who B.whoever C.whomever

9、 D.nomatterwho14.Whenyouarereading,makeanoteof_youthinkisofgreatimportance.A.which B.that C.what D.when15. Canwegeteverythingreadybytheweekend? Italldependson_wecangetMr.Greenscooperation(合作).A.that B.what C.whether D.if IV. 语法填空。阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为1-

10、10的相应位置上。 While Emily was working on her French lessons or watching football games on TV, George was working for his father in his store 1 school. He liked selling things to people. Mr. Peters found George so 2 (help) that he thought about offering him a higher pay. In fact, it was football 3 brough

11、t Emily and George back together. 4 George was going home one afternoon, he looked in the window of Emilys living-room and he saw that she 5 (watch) a football game on TV. He walked up and knocked at the door. Emily was surprised to see him, 6 she asked him to come in, and they watched 7 rest of the

12、 game together. Emily and George are good friends again. They still have different ideas about things sometimes, but they agree with 8 that football is the worlds best game. Mrs. Mason doesnt seem to 9 (approve) of her daughters interest in football as 10 as she used to.V. 完形填空。 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1-10

13、各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 At the end of the nineteen century a Danish doctor, Niels Finsen began to study the effect of sunlight on certain diseases. He was interested not only in natural sunlight but also in 1 produced rays. A Swiss doctor, Auguste Rollier, also found that Sunlight could c

14、ure a great many diseases in his hospital at Leysin. Leysin is a small village high up in the Alps. The 2 is important. The rays of the sun with the greatest healing power are the inflated(红外线的) and ultraviolet(紫外线的) rays; but ultraviolet rays are too easily lost in fog and the 3 air near industrial

15、 towns. There were a large number of children in Dr Rolliers hospital. He decided to start a hospital school where sick children could be 4 and continue to learn. It was not long before his school was 5 . In 6 , wearing only shorts and socks, the children left the hospital after breakfast. Their tea

16、cher led them over the snow until they reached a slope which 7 the sun. There they 8 their desks and chairs, and school began. Rolliers pupils were very seldom cold. That was because their bodies were full of 9 which they got from the sun. But the doctor knew that sunshine can also be dangerous. If,

17、 for example, tuberculosis(肺结核) is 10 the lungs, unwise sunbathing may do great harm.1. A. technically B. artificially C. deliberately D. constantly2. A. position B. construction C. relation D. process3. A. thin B. cold C. warm D. polluted4. A. taught B. cured C. examined D. analyzed5. A. full B. em

18、pty C. legal D. available6. A. hospital B. summer C. winter D. school7. A. got B. avoided C. faced D. covered8. A. set out B. put forward C. left out D took up9. A. antivirus B. strength C. enthusiasm D. energy10. A. hurting B. attacking C. curing D. breakingVI. 阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在

19、答题卡上将该项涂黑。 To sacrifice means to give up something for the sake of something else. We decided to sacrifice our luxurious city life to move to a seaside village with our children aged 9 and 3. In the city, we had a beautiful home and plenty of money but little real security because crime was on the i

20、ncrease every day. We never knew if we would all make it home safely each night. We were very happy in the new town but life was very difficult economically. Our income was very much dependent on tourism and the jobs at other times are few. Although many of the long-standing residents live well, it

21、is a very competitive environment for newcomers. Reading the newspapers from big cities assured us that we had made the right choice. There is so much violence and crime there! However, it was not always easy to explain to the children why they could no longer have what they used to have, especially

22、 when our rich friends came from the city to visit us. Generally, they have so much but think they have so little and are always looking for more. One day, one of our rich friends came to visit us. His son preferred riding in the back of our beat-up little pickup (小卡车) to his father s big modern car

23、. Our little daughter called me and said, “Mom, please help me to explain to James the reason why he is wrong. He said, today, if you dont have money you are nothing. I know that is not true. If you do have money you share it with your friends and if they dont have money, you share it with them. Tha

24、t is what makes us all rich. This made me realize that the sacrifice was well worth it. Our kids understand that they may not have all the spoils of city life but they do have a solid set of values and they know that our most precious gifts are our good friends and a wonderful environment.1. What wa

25、s the reason why the family moved away from the city? A. They were tired of city life. B. The city was not safe enough. C. The people in the city were not friendly. D. The cost of living in the city was too high.2. Why was it a very competitive environment for them according to the author? A. The re

26、sidents were all very poor. B. It was hard to make a living. C. Their children couldnt get what they had in the city. D. They had few friends in their new environment.3. What assured the author that they had made the right choice according to the passage?A. What she read in the newspaper. B. The bea

27、utiful scenery of countryside. C. The residents living conditions. D. That fact that they had been accustomed to the new place.4. What does the underlined word beat-up probably mean? A. Old. B. Convenient. C. Powerful. D. Expensive.5. What did the family gain from their sacrifice? A. They had a beau

28、tiful house in the seaside village. B. They made a lot of money during the tourist seasons. C. The parents got very good jobs in the new town. D. The children developed good values.VII. 基础写作。假如今天是10月10号,星期天,天气晴朗。下午你要到你家附近书店去买一本英英词典,路上你遇见了一位迷路的新西兰老太太,史密斯太太,你没有去书店,而是把她送回了宾馆。一路上你用英语和她交谈。你向她介绍了你市的几个著名景点。史密斯太太也向你介绍了一些新西兰的情况。虽然没有买到书,但你却有很多收获。 写作要求: 1. 必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容。 2. 将5个句子组织成连贯的一篇日记,使用必要的连接词。_

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