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1、人教版七年级英语下册第910单元知识点归纳人教版七年级英语下册第九单元知识点归纳Unit 9 What does he look like?短语归纳1. short hair 短发 2. long hair 长发3. curly hair 卷发 4. straight hair 直发5. (be) of medium height 中等个子 6. (be) of medium build 中等身材7. go to the movies 去看电影 8. a little有点儿9. look like 看起来像 10. a big nose 大鼻子11. a small mouth 小嘴巴 12.

2、 a round face 圆脸13. black hair 黑发 14. big eyes 大眼睛15. a long face 长脸 16. the same way 同样的方式17. in the end 最后 18. blonde hair 金黄色的头发 19 a little bit =a little=kind of 一点儿 20. a pop singer 一位流行歌手 21. have a new look 呈现新面貌 21. go shopping (do some shopping) 去购物21. the captain of the basketball team 篮球队

3、队长 of - -中的一个 23. be popular with sb 受某人欢迎 24. stop to do sth 停下来去做某事25. stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情 26. tell jokes/ stories 讲笑话/ 讲故事27. have fun doing sth 愉快地做某事28. remember ( forget) to do sth 记得(忘记)做某事(没有做的)29. remember (forget) doing sth 记得(忘记)做过某事(已做) +高矮胖瘦31.what do/does look like?=wha

4、t +be +sb.+like?询问某人的外貌用法集萃1. What does / do + 主语 + look like? 长得什么样?2. sb. + be + of + medium build / height 某人中等身材/个子3. sb. + has + hair 某人留着发4. sb. wears + clothes/glasses 某人穿着/戴着典句必背1. What does he look like? 他长什么样Hes really tall. 他真的很高。2. Do they have straight or curly hair? 他们留直发还是卷发?They have

5、 curly hair. 他们留卷发。3. Is he tall or short? 他高还是矮?He isnt tall or short. Hes of medium height. 他不高不矮,他中等个子。4. The man with a pair of glasses is my English teacher. 那个戴眼镜的男人是我的英语老师。词语辨析Wear, put on 与have on dress的辨析wear表示“穿、戴”的意思时,强调穿的状态。常用一般现在时表示经常状态,用进行时态表示暂时状态。wear还可用来表示佩戴手表、首饰、徽章、花儿的“佩”或“戴”以及留头发,胡

6、须的“留”。My mother is wearing her pink dress.我的妈妈穿着粉红色的裙子。put on意为 “穿上、戴上”,表示瞬间完成的动作,是终止性动词短语,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。例如:She put on her coat and went out. 她穿上外套出去了。have on的意思是“穿着、戴着”和wear是同义词,指穿的状态,后面可以用表示衣服、帽子、鞋的名词。have on不用于进行时态。dress “使.穿着,装扮,打扮”dress sb/ dress sb in +衣服。 dress后面不能直接跟衣服。tall 指人、树、动物的高。High指物

7、体高或位置高,也可指空间位置或程度上的高,不指人或动物的高,也可表示高山,高级的,此时不能用tall替换。询问与描述人物外貌:(1)询问某人的外貌特征和长相的用语What do you look like? 或者What does he look like?即用:What助动词do/does主语look like?相当于“What +be动词主语like?” 辨析:look like 和 be likelook like 意为“看上去像.”,指外貌。be like意为“像.一样”,指品德、性格、脾气等,更多侧重表示人的个性特征。Eg:-What does your brother look l

8、ike? 你的哥哥长什么样?-He is tall and strong. 他又高又强壮。-Whats he like? 他是个什么样的人呢?-Hes friendly and kind. 他友好善良。(2)描述某人的外貌特征的用语描述某人的外貌特征经常用“主语be描述人外貌特征的形容词”或者“主语have/has名词(名词的前面有多个形容词修辞)”两种方式来回答。“主语be 形容词”强调某人是样子的外形”,常用于描述大概的体形、身高等。“主语have/has 名词”结构强调某人具有的相貌特征,常用于描述五官、相貌等。例如:What do you look like? 你长得怎么样?I am

9、tall and thin. 我又高又瘦。What does your mother look like? 你妈妈长得怎么样?She is tall. She has long hair. 她个子高,长头发。注意:描述人或事物的特点,性质还可以使用“be + of + 名词”结构,例如本单元学到的表示某人中等身材或中等个头时,其构成为“sb be of medium build/height”。 build作名词意为“体格,体型”。 height作名词意为“高度,身高”,两个词表示身高、体格的时候,有两种表示方法: He is of medium build=He has a medium b

10、uild.(3)描述外貌的其他方法除了以上的句式外,动词wear, have;with构成的介词短语等也常用来描述人的外貌。例如:Lu Xun wore a moustache while Max had a beard.鲁迅留着小胡子,然而马克思留着络腮胡。Do you know the girl with long hair?你认识那个留长发的女孩吗?现在进行时表将来表示按计划、安排将要发生的动作,常跟tomorrow,soon等表示将来的时间状语。能用这种结构表示将来的动词往往是表示位置移动的动词,如go, come, leave, arrive, start, begin, move,

11、 fly等.Eg:They are going to the village tomorrow.My brother are coming to my home soon.Yes , but I may be a little late. 是的, 但我或许要晚点。【解析1】a little, a bit, a little bit, a bit of(1)a little = a bit = a little bit 表示“有点”,后接adj/adv。Its a little hot today.(2)a little = a bit of 表示肯定,意为“有一点”,后接不可数名词。There

12、 is a little rain tomorrow. 明天有小雨。拓展: little:几乎没有,表示否定。There is little rain here in spring, so its very dry.【解析2】 may be与maybemay be是情态动词动词原形,在句中作谓语;maybe是副词,意为“也许”,在句中作状语,通常放在句首。You may be right=Maybe you are right.Well, he has brown hair and wears glasses. 他留着棕色的头发,戴眼镜。glass 玻璃glasses 眼镜.【解析1】glas

13、s的用法glass作“玻璃”讲时,为不可数名词。Glass breaks easily. 玻璃易碎。glass作“玻璃杯”讲时,为可数名词。Please have a glass of water. 请喝杯水。glass作“眼镜”讲时,只用复数形式。 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜Eg:Hes wearing a pair of glasses. 他戴着一副眼镜。.He has long straight brown hair .curly /short/straight/long hair 卷短直/长 发几个形容词修饰一个名词时的顺序:大小长短形状颜色。形容词的顺序一般与被修饰

14、形容词关系密切的形容词靠近名词; 如果几个形容词的重要性差不多, 音节少的形容词在前, 音节多的方在后, 在不能确定时, 可参照下表:限定词+数量词(序数词在前, 基数词在后)+ 描绘性状形容词+大小、长短、高低等形体+名词如: those + three + beautiful + large + square新旧+颜色+国籍+材料+名词 (口诀:新颜国木)如: old + brown + wood + table 解析:多个形容词同时修饰一个名词时,我们遵循这个顺序:限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老;颜色国籍跟材料,作用类别往后靠。故选B.选择疑问句的用法“Is he short or ta

15、ll?”是一个选择疑问句。选择疑问句是指提出两个或两个以上可能的答案供对方选择的句式。此类问句不能用yes或no来回答,要选择其中一项作答。or意为“或者;还是”。Eg: - you want to go to the movies or study at home?-want to go to the movies.话题写作LostKate, a twelve year-old girl, is lost in the street.She is of medium height with short hair. She has a round face and small eyes. Sh

16、e wears a pair of glasses. She wears a white shirt, a pair of blue jeans and a pair of black sports shoes.If anyone knows her, please call Mr. Green at 26458132. Thanks a lot. 人教版七年级英语下册第十单元知识点归纳Unit 10 Id like some noodles.短语归纳1. would like todosth想要做某事 2. take ones order 点菜3. beef soup 牛肉汤 4. one

17、bowl of 一碗5. what size 什么尺寸 6. mapo tofu with rice带米饭的麻婆豆腐7. what kind of什么种类 8. small / medium / large bowl noodles小/ 中/大碗面9. green tea 绿茶 10. orange juice 橘汁11. around the world 世界各地 12. birthday cake 生日蛋糕13. the number of 的数量 14. make a wish 许个愿望15. blow out 吹灭 16. in one go 一口气17. come true 实现 1

18、8. cut up 切碎18.多大号碗的面条whatsizebowlofnoodles 19.冰激凌icecream20.不同种类的鱼differentkindsoffish 21.特色水饺specialdumplings22.要我帮忙吗CanIhelpyou=WhatcanIdoforyou23.水饺店houseofdumplings 23.甜品屋desserthouse24.来买你的水饺吧comeandgetyourdumplings25.phonenumber电话号码 26.aswellas而且27.akindof一种 28.somekindof许多种29.abowlofrice一碗米饭

19、30.abottleoforangejuice一瓶桔子汁31.threeoranges三个桔子(可数) 32.abottleoforangejuice一瓶桔子汁(不可数)33.somechicken一些鸡肉(不可数)34.threechickens三只小鸡(可数)用法集萃1. would like + sth. 想要某物 2. would like + to do sth. 想要做某事3. Why dont you + do sth.? 何不做某事? 4. the number of + 名词复数 的数量,a number of+名词复数 许多典句必背1. What kind of noodl

20、es would you like? 你想要哪种面条?2. Id like beef noodles, please. 我想要牛肉面。3. What size would you like? 你想要多大的?4. Id like a medium bowl, please. 我想要一个中碗的。5. Would you like a large bowl? 你想要一个大碗的吗?6. Yes, please. 好吧。7. If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true. 假如他或她一口气吹灭所有的蜡烛

21、,愿望将实现。词性转换 1.potato复数:potatoes 2.tomato复数:tomatoes3.large反义词:small 4.answer反义词:ask 5.different 名词:difference副词:differently6.lucky 名词:luck 副词:luckily 反义词:unlucky重点句子 1.Idlikesomenoodles.我想要份面条 2.Arethereanyvegetablesinthebeefnoodles?在牛肉面条里有一些蔬菜吗? 3.Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike?你想要哪种面条?4.MayItakeyou

22、rorder?您现在点菜吗?5.Whatsizewouldyoulike?你想要多大碗的?Idlikeamediumbowl,please.我想要中碗的。 6.Wedalsolikegongbaochickenandsomemapotofuwithrice.我们也想要一些宫爆鸡丁和一些带米饭的麻婆豆腐。7.Wouldyoulikealargebowl?你想要大碗的吗? Yes,please.是的。 8.Isthereanymeatinthetomatoandeggsoup.在西红柿鸡蛋汤里有肉吗? No,thereisntany./No,theresnomeat.不没有 9.Idontlike

23、onions,greenteaorporridge.我不喜欢洋葱、绿茶和粥。10.Theanswerwouldbedifficultindifferentcountries.在不同的国家里,答案将是不同的。 11.Thenumberofcandlesisthepersonsage.蜡烛的数目是这个人的年龄。 12.Ifheorsheblowsoutallthecandlesinonego,thewishwillcometrue.如果他一下子吹灭所有的蜡烛,那愿望将会实现。 Theynevercutupthenoodlesbecausethelongnoodlesareasymboloflong

24、life.他们从不切碎面条因为长长的面条是长寿的象征语法一、would like“想要”,相当于want, 用法亦同want,但比want委婉。1)want/would like sth. 想要某物 2)want/would like to do sth. 想要做某事 3)want/would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 4)What would sb. like? 某人想要什么? 5)What would sb. like to do? 某人想要做什么? 6)would you like sth. 你想要某物吗?(委婉地询问对方的要求时的用语) 肯定回答:Yes,

25、 please. 否定回答:No, thanks. 7) Would you like to do sth?你想要/愿意做某事吗?(向对方有礼貌地提出建议或邀请)肯定回答:Yes, Id like/love to. 是的,我愿意。否定回答:Sorry, + 原因。二、kind1)种类 a kind of一种 many kinds of多种 all kinds of各种各样的2)仁慈的,和蔼的,好意的,友爱的 3)kind of + adj/adv 稍微/有几分(相当于a little) 三、 fish 鱼;鱼肉 1)指多少条“鱼”,为可数名词。复数:fish或fishes,通常用复数fish.

26、 2) 指多少种“鱼”, 为可数名词。复数: fishes 3)指“鱼肉”,为不可数名词。 Therere hundreds of fish in the pool. 在这水池里有几百条鱼。 Therere all kinds of fishes in the lake. 这个湖里有各种各样的鱼。 Help yourself to some fish. 请随便吃些鱼。四、英语中表示食物的一些词的特殊用法 1)beef, fish, chicken, pork, meat, mutton等表示肉类的食物,是不可数名词。 2)vegetable蔬菜,可数名词 3)fruit, salad, ice

27、 cream, food等指总称时是不可数名词,指种类时是可数名词。 4)cabbage, onion, fish, chicken指食物时是不可数名词,指植物和活着的“鱼”“鸡”时是可数名词。话题写作My Favorite FoodIm a middle school student. I like to eat healthy food. I have milk, eggs and bread for breakfast. For lunch I would like rice, fish and vegetables. I like chicken, juice, rice and hamburgers for supper. Of all the food, my favorite food is chicken and apple juice.

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