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本文(高中英语备课《Module 4 A Social SurveyMy Neighbourhood》同步练习 外研版必修1.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高中英语备课《Module 4 A Social SurveyMy Neighbourhood》同步练习 外研版必修1.docx

1、高中英语备课Module 4 A Social SurveyMy Neighbourhood同步练习 外研版必修1Module4 A Social Survey My Neighbourhood总复习作业本 外研版必修1.单项填空 1Would you mind if I turned the TV down? _Do as you please.AAbsolutely! BDefinitely!CNot at all! DIs that right?2Shall we go shopping at the weekend?_OK.Maybe we can find some bargains

2、.ASounding BSoundCSounded DSounds3They are planning to tear down these apartments and_an office building here.Aput away Bput offCput up Dput down4Its the first time she_the beautiful scenery of the sea.Is that the reason why she looks so excited?Ahas seen Bis seeingCsees Dhad seen5Shall I make tea f

3、or you?No,dont_.Thanks a lot.Ahesitate BworryCbother Dhurry6After climbing for a whole night,we finally arrived at the peak of Mount Tai,_.Aexhausting Bbeing exhaustedChaving exhausted Dexhausted7Mary_from Oxford University last year,where she_English for four years.No wonder she speaks English so w

4、ell.Ahas graduated;studied Bgraduated;studiedChas graduated;was studying. Dgraduated;studies8It is three years_my sister went to Japan and it will be ten days_she comes back.Awhen;after Bsince;whenCbefore;until Dsince;before9When doing the work,we cant_the waste of a single minute.Amanage BaffordCta

5、ke Dsuffer10(2011山东实验中学模拟)His mother had thought it would be good for his character to_from home and earn some money on his own.Arun away Btake awayCget away Dbreak away11(2011山东实验中学模拟)It seems there are_people out of work because of economic crisis.Something must be done to create more employment.A

6、a great many Ba great many ofCa great deal Da great deal of12(2011山东青州模拟)These robots will be designed to look like people to make them more_and easier to sell to the public.Apositive BattentiveCactive Dattractive13(2011江苏省南通一中模拟)The technical cooperation and cultural_between the two countries are i

7、ncreasing gradually.Arevenge BexpensesCexchanges Dextension14At the meeting they discussed three different_to the study of mathematics.Aapproaches BmeansCmethods Dways15(2011成都市摸底测试)Dont forget to return the book in two weeks._.Dont worry about it.AYes,I wont BNo,I wontCSorry,I wouldnt DI dont think

8、 so.完形填空(2011南京第一次模拟)Recently,I stopped by a convenience store to get a newspaper and a bottle of drink.The young woman at the check out_1_said,“Thatll be five dollars in all please.” She then_2_down at the paper I was buying and said,“Im _3_all these negative (消极的) words on the front pages.I want t

9、o read some_4_news for a change.” She then said,“_5_,I think someone should just_6_a good news newspapera paper with wonderful,inspirational_7_about people overcoming difficulty and doing good things for others.” She_8_me for coming in and said,“Maybe well get some good news,” and she_9_.She made my

10、 day. The following day after my business appointments,I_10_the same store again to pick up bottled water and a newspaper, but a_11_young lady was behind the counter.As I checked out I said,“Good afternoon” and_12_her my money.She said nothingnot a word,not a smile or not a_13_.She just gave me my c

11、hange and_14_a negative tone ordered “Next!” It _15_me right between the eyes:Two people,the same age;one made me feel_16_,but the other,well,made me feel that I had inconvenienced her by_17_.Every morning,you should ask_18_this important question:“Who do I want to be today?The Grouch (不高兴的人) orThe

12、Good News Girl”?Your answer will go a long way toward_19_the joy and happiness that you will experience in your_20_.1.A.bed Bcounter Ctable Dshop2A.put Bgot Cglanced Dturned3A.tired of Binterested inCcareful about Dfond of4A.latest Bgood Cinteresting Dreal5A.In fact BAs usualCHowever DBy the way6A.c

13、ollect BprintCsell Dpublish7A.stories BideasCpictures Dhabits8A.told BthankedCpraised Dcongratulated9A.did Bagreed Claughed Dpointed10.A.dropped by Bstood byCbrought in Dtook in11A.beautiful Bdifferent Cclever Dstupid12A.carried Bpassed Chanded Dshowed13A.gesture Bmovement Cshake Dproblem14A.for Bat

14、 Cthrough Din15A.caught BhitCpushed Dsaw16A.great BsadCexcited Ddisappointed17A.moving on Bgoing awayCshowing up Dshowing off18A.her BthemCyourself Dthemselves19A.creating Bdetermining Csharing Dforming20A.home BofficeCstudy Dlife.阅读理解(2010淮南市第二次检测)Generations of Americans have been brought up to be

15、lieve that a good breakfast is one of life essentials.Eating breakfast at the start of the day,we have all been told,and told again,is as necessary as putting gasoline in the family car before starting a trip.But for many people the thought of food first in the morning is by no means a pleasure.So d

16、espite all the efforts,they still take no breakfast.During the past ten years the number of people who didnt have breakfast,have increased by 33 percent.For those who feel pain of guilt about not eating breakfast,however,there is some good news.Several studies in the last few years indicate that,for

17、 adults especially,there may be nothing wrong with omitting breakfast.“Going without breakfast does not affect performance,”said Arrold EBender,former professor of the nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College in London,“nor does giving people breakfast improve performance.”Scientific evidence linking br

18、eakfast to better health or better performance is surprisingly not enough,and most of the recent works are about adults,not children,“The literature”,says one researcher,Dr Erresto at the University of Texas,“is poor”1For those who do not take breakfast,the good news is that_.Aseveral studies have b

19、een done in the past few yearsBnot having breakfast does no harm to ones performanceCstudies have been specially on adultsDeating little in the morning is good for health2“.nor does giving people breakfast improve performance” means_.Aanyone without breakfast does improve his performanceBnot giving

20、people breakfast improve performanceChaving breakfast does not improve performance,eitherDpeople having breakfast do improve their performance3The word “literature” in the last sentence refers to_.Apoems,plays,etc. Bwritten works on a particular subjectCthe famous works in history Dthe modern storie

21、s of America4What is implied but NOT stated by the author is that_.Abreakfast does not affect performanceBDr Erresto is engaged in research work at the Universty of TexasCnot eating breakfast might affect the health of childrenDProfessor Bender once taught nutrition in London 答案:.单项填空1解析:考查交际用语。Abso

22、lutely!意为“当然!”Definitely!意为“肯定!”Is that right?意为“是这样吗?”Not at all!意为“一点儿也不!”问句为“我把电视音量调低你介意吗?”根据答语后一句“随你的便”,可知选C。答案:C2解析:考查sound的用法。sound意为“听起来”,作系动词,后常跟形容词、名词或介词短语作表语,不能用于被动语态。Sounds good/great/OK.意为“听起来不错”。句意为:“周末我们去逛街好吗?”“听起来不错。也许我们能找到减价品。”答案:D3解析:考查短语辨析。put up意为“修建”。put away意为“收好,放起来”;put off意为“

23、推迟”;put down意为“放下;写下”。句意为:他们打算把这些公寓拆了盖一栋办公楼。答案:C4解析:考查现在完成时的用法。在This/It is the first (second,third.) time that.句型中,that从句常用现在完成时。句意为:“这是她第一次见到大海的美景。”“这就是为什么她看起来这么兴奋的原因吗?”答案:A5解析:考查动词辨析。Dont hesitate意为“别犹豫”;Dont worry意为“别担心”;Dont bother意为“不用麻烦了”;Dont hurry意为“别着急”。句意为:“需要我给你泡茶吗?”“不用,别麻烦了。多谢。”答案:C6解析:考

24、查形容词作状语。exhausted意为“筋疲力尽的”,形容词作状语。句意为:经过一夜的攀登,我们终于筋疲力尽地登上了泰山顶。答案:D7解析:考查时态。第一空由last year可知应用一般过去时,第二空表示过去一段时间内发生的事情,故用一般过去时,选B。答案:B8解析:考查连词。“Its/has been一段时间since”表示“自从多长时间了”;“It will一段时间before”表示“要过才/就”。句意为:我姐姐去日本三年了,再过十天她就回来了。答案:D9解析:考查动词辨析。manage设法;经营,管理,afford“(通常与can,could,be able to连用)有时间或金钱去做

25、,供给”,take拿,suffer遭受。句意为:做这件工作时,我们不能浪费一分一秒的时间。答案:B10解析:句意为:他的母亲原以为离开家独立挣钱会对他的性格有好处。get away from在此处表示“离开”。run away逃跑;take away带走;break away背叛,脱离。答案:C11解析:句意为:看起来这儿有很多人都因为经济危机而失业了,现在必须采取措施来增加就业岗位。a great many与of连用时,其后的名词前应有限定词;D项修饰不可数名词。故选A。答案:A12解析:句意为:这些机器人将被设计成人的模样以便使它们更具吸引力,这样也就更容易卖给大众。positive乐观的


27、店买报纸和水,碰到了一个乐观而开朗的女收银员,我们相谈甚欢,这一天我很快乐;而第二次,我却碰到了另外一个冷漠的女收银员后来发生了什么呢?让我们从文章中寻找人生的真谛。1解析:从下文11空后的counter提示可知,此处表示“收银台”,故选B。 答案:B2解析:她向我买的报纸瞥了一眼(glanced)说:“我早就厌烦了(tired of)头版的那些消极的东西了,我想读些好点儿的(good)东西,换换口味。”这里glance at是固定词组,表示“对看一眼,瞥见”。答案:C3答案:A4解析:这里表达的意思应该与negative相反,所以选good,也可从6空后的提示得到答案。答案:B5解析:实际上

28、(In fact),我认为人们应该出版(publish)一些只有好消息的报纸。答案:A6答案:D7解析:报纸上应该讲些美好的、鼓舞人心的故事,讲述人们如何克服困难这里用stories表示“故事,事情”,选A项。答案:A8解析:这个女收银员对我能够光顾她们的便利店表示了感谢,所以用thanked。答案:B9解析:从上文可知,我们告别的时候,彼此都很高兴,所以她应该是“笑着”跟我说再见的,用laughed。答案:C10解析:第二天,我又顺路经过这家店。drop by顺便经过,stand by站在旁边,bring in引进,take in欺骗;让进入,根据语意选A项。答案:A11解析:从上下文可知,

29、这次的收银员不是上次的那个,用different。答案:B12解析:我买了报纸和水后,给了她钱,所以用handed,表示“交给”。答案:C 13解析:但这个收银员什么也没说,微笑也没有,甚至连一个手势都没有。所以根据上下文,该空用gesture,表示“手势,姿势”。答案:A14解析:in a negative tone表示“用消极的语调”,故选D。 答案:D15解析:从上下文可知,这让我非常震撼。此处hit表示“使某人突然想起”。答案:B16解析:从上文可知,第一个收银员让我感觉非常好,所以用great,但第二个收银员给我的感觉好像是我的出现(showing up)给她带来了很多麻烦和不便。答案:A17解析:move on表示“向前进;继续”,go away表示“走开”,show off表示“炫耀”,都与语境不符。答案:C 18解析:从上下文可知,你每天早上都要问问自己,所以用反身代词yourself。答案:C19解析:从语境可知,这将决定着(determining)你人生(life)中要经历的幸福和快乐。此处determine决定。create创造,share分享,form形成,都与语境不符。答案:B20答案:D.阅读理解语篇解读本文先讲传统观念,强调早餐的重要性;再讲最新研究成果,表明不吃早餐不会影响工作和健康,通过对比来阐述最新研究成果。 1解

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