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1、高考英语人教版要点梳理+重点必修1Unit 2English around the world 要 点 梳 理高效梳理知识备考重点单词1official adj.官方的;正式的;公务的office n办公室officer n官员2voyage n航行;航海3native adj.本国的;本地的 n本地人;本国人4actually adv.实际上;事实上5base vt.以为根据n.基部;基地;基础basic adj.基本的;基础的6gradual adj.逐渐的,逐步的gradually adv.逐渐地,逐步地7identity n本身;本体;身份identical adj.相同的,一样的id

2、entify v确定;认出;鉴定8fluent adj.流利的;流畅的fluently adv.流利地,流畅地fluency n流利,流畅9frequent adj.频繁的;常见的frequently adv.常常;频繁地frequency n频率;频度10usage n使用;用法;词语惯用法useful adj.有用的use n. & v使用,利用11command n. & vt.命令;指令;掌握commander n指挥员,司令员12request n& vt.请求;要求13expression n词语;表示;表达express v表达expressive adj.富于表情的;有表现力的

3、14recognize vt.辨认出;承认;公认recognizable adj.容易认出的;易于识别的recognition n认出;认识;识别15accent n口音;腔调;重音16lightning n闪电17straight adv.直接地;挺直地 adj.直的;笔直的;正直的重点短语1because of由于;因为2come up 走近;上来3at present 现在;目前4make use of 利用5such as 例如;像这种的6play a part in 扮演一个角色;参与7ever before 从前8even if/though 即使9be based on 以为基础

4、10over time 长期以来11in the early days 在早期12the same as 相同于重点句型1Today, more people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language than ever before.如今说英语的人比以往任何时候都多,他们有的把英语作为第一语言来说,有的把它作为第二语言或外语。2Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of Engli

5、sh.以英语为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以相互交流。3Believe it or not,_there is no such thing as standard English.信不信由你,(世界上)没有什么标准英语。高考范文(2009全国卷)假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Sarah 打算暑期来北京旅游,来信询问改建后前门大街的情况。请你写封回信,简单介绍以下内容: 1. 简况:长800余米、600多年历史、300余家商铺;2. 位置:天安门广场南面; 3. 交通:公共汽车17、69、59等路,地铁2号线;4. 特色:步行街、当当车、茶馆、剧院等。 参考词汇:步行街 pedestr

6、ian street当当车 trolley car地铁 subway 注意:1. 词数100左右,开头语已为你写好;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Sarah,Thank you for you letter asking about the rebuilt Qianmen street. Here is something about it. _ _ _ Yours,Li Hua范文Dear Sarah, Thankyou for your letter asking about the rebuilt Qianmen street. Here is something ab

7、out it. It is more than 800 meters long with a history of over 600 years and 300 shops around it. It lies south of the Tiananmen Square and its traffic is very convenient. You can take several buses such as No. 17, 69,59, etc. to get there. You can also take No.2 subway. There are many attractions h

8、ere. For example, you can walk on the pedestrian street to experience the rich culture of Beijing and buy something you like. You can also take trolley car to go wherever youd like to. Besides, there are some tea shops and theaters where you can relax yourself after some walk.Looking forward to your

9、 coming.Yours,Li_Hua考 点 探 究互动探究能力备考.词汇短语过关1native adj. 本地的,出生地的;天赋的n. 本地人;出生于某国的人be native to.原产于某地ones native country/land本国,祖国native place出生地ones native language本国语,本族语,母语a native of当地人/产于的动/植物即学即练1(1)China is our _, and Chinese is our _.中国是我们的祖国,汉语是我们的母语。(2)The tiger _ India.这种虎产于印度。(3)He is _ Be

10、ijing.他是北京人。native countrynative languageis native toa native of2base vt.以为根据 n基部;基地;基础base sth. on/upon sth.以为基础(或根据)base sb./sth./oneself in以为据点(或总部等),把(总部等)设在the base of a column/glass/pyramid柱基/玻璃杯底/金字塔底座a military/naval base军事/海军基地即学即练2(1)What are you _ this theory _?你这种理论的根据是什么?(2)They decided

11、 to _ the new company _ New York.他们决定将新成立的公司总部设在纽约。(3)The t0own is an ideal _ for touring the area.这个镇子是在这一地区旅游观光的理想地点。basingonbaseinbase3command nC命令;指令U掌握 vt. & vi.命令;指挥;支配at ones command随心所欲地at/by ones command奉某人之命in command of指挥;统帅under ones command由指挥take command of担任的指挥have a good command of很好

12、地掌握command sb. to do sth.命令某人做某事command that.(should) do.命令即学即练3(1)The army is _ _.军队由国王直接统率。(2)She _ the German language.她精通德语。(3)He commanded us _ immediately.He commanded that we _ immediately.他命令我们马上离开。under the kingscommandhas a good command ofto leaveshould leave4request n. & vt. 请求,要求request

13、sth. of/from sb.向某人请求某物request sb. to do sth.请求某人做某事request that sb. (should) do sth.请求Its requested that.据要求at ones requestat the request of sb.应某人之请求be in request有需要,受欢迎make a request for sth.请求,要求即学即练4(1) These materials are _ _.急需这些材料。(2)She _ some water.她请求给点水。(3)May I _ your attention?请你们注意一下好

14、吗?(4)I request (of him) that he _.我要求他离开。(5)Visitors are requested _ the paintings.游客不许动油画。in greatrequestMade a request forrequestshould leavenot to touch 5recognize vt. 辨认出;承认recognition n认出,识别recognizable adj.可认出的 recognized adj.公认的recognize sb. /sth. by /from.根据认出某人/事(物)recognize sb./sth. as/to

15、be.承认某人(物)是Its recognized that.人们公认out of/beyond recognition认不出来即学即练5(1)I _ Mary _ her voice on the phone.我在电话中根据声音辨认出是玛丽。(2)Lawrences novel _ eventually _ _/_ _ a work of genius.劳伦斯的小说最后被认为是天才的作品。(3)_ environment pollution has become one of the most serious problems.人们一致认为环境污染已经成了最严重的问题之一。recognize

16、dbywasrecognizedasto beIt is recognized that6because of因为,由于because of是介词短语,后跟名词、代词或动名词。because是连词,后跟从句。即学即练6(1)He was absent not _ his illness, but _ his father died.他缺席不是因为他生病,而是因为他父亲去世了。(2)It was _ that he had gone abroad.就是为了她,他才出国的。because ofbecausebecause of her (3)He realized that she was cry

17、ing because of _.他意识到她哭是因为他说的那些话的缘故。(4)Because of _, I said nothing about her mistake.因为她丈夫在场,对她的错误我就没说什么。what he had saidher husbands being there7come up走近;(植物)长出地面;(太阳)升起;出现;被提及(1)come forward走近;赶上;上来(2)rise; come to a higher place(esp. the sun, the moon)(太阳、月亮)升起(3)be brought up for discussion; b

18、e mentioned被提出讨论,被谈到;引起注意(4)occur/happen(尤指意想不到地)发生(5)present oneself出席,参加,到场(6)appear above the soil; begin to grow露出地面,发芽即学即练7写出下列各句中come up的意思。(1)Ill let you know if anything comes up._(2)A child came up to me and showed me the way to the station._(3)Your question came up at the meeting._(4)The s

19、ky was dark blue and clear when the moon came up._(5)The young trees have come up._(6)I came up for an interview but didnt get the job._发生走近;走上来被提出讨论升起发芽到场拓展:come up with想出;提出come about发生come across偶遇;偶然发现(come upon)come along一道来;一起去;进步;赶快come back回来;记起come on(风、雨等)到来;演出;赶快;得了吧come out出版;出来,出现;结果是co

20、me to苏醒;总计;达到;谈到8make use of利用;使用make full use of充分利用make the best use of尽量利用make good use of好好利用,合理利用make little use of没有很好地利用即学即练8(1) We should _ every minute to learn well.我们应该充分利用每一分钟好好学习。(2)Our factory _ robots.我们工厂正越来越多地使用机器人。make good use ofis making increasing use of拓展:be of great use很有用go o

21、ut of use不被使用,废弃come into use开始被使用be in use在使用中bring/ use加以使用【注意】在学习语言的过程中应注意语言的活用以及词的搭配。How much do you know about the use that we have made_of the money?(句子中use做先行词,关系代词that代替use,在定语从句中做make的宾语。)我们对钱的使用情况你了解多少?9play a role/part in在中担任角色;在中起作用play an important role/part in在方面起重要作用play the rol

22、e of the part of sb.(在剧中)扮演某人的角色play the leading role起主要(带头)作用即学即练9(1)Science and technology _ _ developing agriculture.科技在发展农业中起重要作用。(2)He will _ the doctor in my latest drama.他将在我最新的戏里出演医生的角色。plays animportant role/part inplay/act the role/part of【提示】play a role/part in是“动词名词介词”构成的动词短语

23、,这类短语有两个重要考点:(1)用名词做主语,用于被动句;(2)用名词做先行词,用于定语从句。类似短语有:make use of, pay attention to等。.重点句型详解1Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English. 以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所说的英语不尽相同,也可以相互交流。句中 even if 相当于 even though, 意为“即使;尽管”,引导让步状语从句。even if/though 引导的从句中可用现在时代替将

24、来时。Even if you dont like flowers, you shouldnt miss the flower exhibition.即使你不喜欢花,这次花展你也不应错过。We have decided to visit the museum even if it rains tomorrow.我们决定明天去参观博物馆,即使下雨。拓展:(1)引导让步状语从句的引导词还有 although, though, no matter when/what., whenever, wherever, however 等等。(2)as也可以引导让步状语从句,但要把其表语、谓语或宾语前置,且前置

25、的单数名词不可以加冠词。Even though you achieve great success in your work, you should not be conceited.即使你们在工作中取得了巨大的成绩,也不应该自满。Whatever you do, do it well.不管你做什么,把它做好。However hot it is, he wont take off his hat.不管多热,他都不摘下帽子。Girl as she is, she can go alone in the darkness.尽管她是个女孩,她敢一个人走夜路。即境活用1(2007浙江)Many of

26、them turned a deaf ear to his advice, _they knew it to be valuable.Aas ifBnow thatCeven though Dso that解析:even thougheven if “即使”,引导让步状语从句。答案:C 2Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English. 信不信由你,(世界上)没有什么标准英语。(1)believe it or not 信不信由你。常在句中做插入语。(2)no such thing 没有这样的事情。such与 all,

27、no, some, any, few, little, many, much, several, one 等词连用时,应位于它们的后面。Believe it or not, he refused to accept our offer.信不信由你,他拒绝接受我们的帮助。There is no such street in the city.这城市没有那样的街道。He said he didnt have time or made some such excuse.他说他没有时间或别的诸如此类的借口。即境活用2(2009安徽)Im amazed to hear from my school teacher again. _, it is ten years since we met last.AIn a word BWhats moreCThats to say DBelieve it or not解析:句意:想不到又一次收到学校老师的来信,信不信由你,我们上次见面还是在十年前。in a word总之;whats more而且;thats to say也就是说;believe it or not信不信由你。答案:D易 错 点 拨自我完善误区备考1. recognize/realize/kn

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