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1、安全生产重要安全注意事项说明EDX6000使用说明书(硬件)EDX6000 Manual (Hardware)版权申明Copyright天瑞仪器有限公司版权所有,并保留对本手册及本声明的最终解释权和修改权。Copyright Skyray Instrument Inc. The final Interpretation and revision right to this manual and announcement is reserved by Skyray Instrument Inc 本手册的版权归天瑞仪器有限公司所有。除版权法允许之外,未得到天瑞仪器有限公司的书面许可,任何人不得以任

2、何方式或形式对本手册内的任何部分进行复制、摘录、备份、修改、传播、翻译成其它语言、将其全部或部分用于商业用途。The copyright of this manual is owned by Skyray Instrument Inc. Without the prior written permission obtained from Skyray Instrument Inc, no part of this documentation shall in any form or by any means be reproduced, excerpted, stored in a retri

3、eval system, modified, distributed, translated into other languages, in whole or in part applied for a commercial purpose unless be admitted by copyright law.免责声明Disclaimer 本手册依据现有信息制作,其内容如有更改,恕不另行通知。对天瑞仪器有限公司产品和服务的唯一担保在随产品和服务一起提供的明示保修声明中列出。此处的任何信息不应解释为构成了附加担保。天瑞仪器有限公司在编写该手册的时候已尽最大努力保证其内容准确可靠,不对本手册中

4、的技术或者编辑遗漏、不准确、或错误导致的损失和损害承担责任。This manual is made of information on ASIS basis. Skyray Instrument Inc. reserves the right to revise or change this manual at any time without the obligation to notify anyone as it sees fit. The only warranty to the products and services is listed in the explicit Warra

5、nty Statement provided with the products and services. The information here shall not be treated as additional warranty. The manual was prepared by Skyray Instrument Inc. with utmost effort and is believed to be accurate and reliable. Nevertheless, Skyray Instrument Inc. bears no responsibility for

6、losses or damages resulting from the technological or editorial omissions, inaccuracies and errors contained herein.Contents一 注意事项 Precautions11 特别提示Special Notes12 本机使用重要提示请务必阅读 Important Utility Notes Please do read them.121 重要安全注意事项说明 Important Safety Notes 122 安装Installation123 操作Operation13 注意事

7、项Precautions131 适用群体Application 132 工作环境Ambient environment 二 产品概述 Product Overview 21 简介 Introduction22 开箱和检查 Unpacking and checking23 部件及功能 Parts and functions三 仪器安装 Installing the instrument31 安装注意事项 Installation precautions311 安装环境要求:Requirements of ambient environment 312 避免将本机安装在以下位置:Unsuitabl

8、e places for installation32 仪器连接 Connecting the instrument四 仪器操作 Operating the instrument 41 操作注意事项 Operation precautions42 仪器操作 Operating the instrument421 如何打开电源 How to switch the power on422 如何放入和取出样品How to put in and take out the sample五 仪器的维修和保养 Repair and maintenance 六 故障分析与处理 Trouble-shooting

9、61 常见硬件故障和排除 Common hardware failures and their solutions.611 测量过程中高压指示灯不亮No high voltage indicator light in measurement process612 其它硬件故障Other hardware failures62 打印机故障的排除 Printer problems七 维修声明Maintenance statement一、注意事项Precautions11 特别提示Special notes为了便于理解和引起您的注意,当涉及产品安全或需关注的信息时,我们将在本章节或在后面章节中按下列

10、等级和特别的警示用语向您提示,这些特别的警示用语表示方法如下:For better understanding and more attention arousal, we use in this manual the following caution marks as we touch safety information or other crucial points. They are listed in different grades and are indicated as follows: 警告表示对高度危险要警惕 Warning- This denotes informati

11、on, if ignored, may result in high risk. 小心表示对中度危险要警惕 Caution- This denotes information, if ignored, may result in middle risk. 注意表示对轻度危险要关注Note- This denotes information, if ignored, may result in low risk. 切勿表示需要禁止的操作 Please not- This indicates the operation is forbidden. 避免表示安全或其它内容需关注 Avoidance-

12、 This shows there are safety or other information we should attend to. 本章节中为您提供的安全信息并不是全部的,为了您的安全和利益,我们会根据需要将部分产品安全信息编排到说明书的后面章节中,不论这些安全信息置于何处,您均应仔细阅读。Safety information contained in this chapter is incomplete. To assure your security and interest, we put some of them in the latter parts of this man

13、ual. Wherever they are, you should read them carefully. 同样,除了以特别的警示用语提出的注意事项外,对于说明书中的其它内容和介绍,您亦应予以同样的重视。Similarly, equal attention should be paid to other information contained in this manual besides the items introduced by caution marks.12 本机使用重要提示请务必阅读Important usage notes-Please do read them.X荧光光

14、谱分析仪属于高科技精密产品,请您务必仔细阅读下面使用提示。X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer is a hi-tech product of highly sophistication. Please do read the following application notes carefully. 121 重要安全注意事项说明Important safety notes注意:Note:操作本机前请详细阅读这些“重要安全注意事项说明”。由于这些说明是用来避免伤害用户(或他人)或者损坏财产的,所以请务必注意这些说明。另外。除本手册中指定操作之外,切勿执行其他任何操作

15、,以免导致意外事故或伤害。如果对本机的操作或使用方法不当,则可能会导致人身伤害和/或损坏本机,而这些所需的大量修理费可能不包括在“有限担保”条款之中。Please do read these important safety notes carefully before operating the instrument. These instructions are designed to avoid harm to the users (or others) or damage to the property. Further, do not carry out any operation

16、unspecified in the manual. They may cause unexpected accidents or damages. Improper operation may result in personal injury and/or machinery failures. And the related repair fares may not be covered by the limited warranty terms.122 安装Installation警告:Warning 切勿将本机安装在酒精、油漆稀释剂或其他易燃物附近。 Please do not in

17、stall the instrument near alcohol, paint thinners or inflammable substances. 切勿将水杯、花瓶、花盆和其他盛水或液体的容器放在本机上。 Please do not place glass, vase, flowerpot and other water or liquid container onto the instrument. 切勿阻塞本机散热孔或阻碍本机散热。 Please do not block its ventilation hole or hinder its heat dissipation.(违反以

18、上规定,可能会导致火灾或触电事故。)Any breach of the above warnings may result in fire hazard or electric shock. 小心:Caution 切勿将本机安装在不平稳的台面(如:不平稳的桌面、地面或支架等)。 Please do not install the instrument on an uneven surface.(e.g. uneven desktop, floor or bracket) 切勿将本机安装在柔软表面(如沙发、地毯等)。 Please do not install the instrument on

19、 a soft surface. (e.g. on sofa or carpet). 切勿将本机安装在易受剧烈震动的位置。 Please do not install the instrument to a place vulnerable to strenuous vibration.(违反以上规定,可能造成机器损坏甚至带来人身伤害。)(Any breach of the above cautions may cause damage to the instrument or even harm to the operator.)注意:Note: 切勿将本机安装在潮湿或多尘处。 Please

20、 do not install the instrument to a damp or dusty place. 切勿将本机安装在靠近水龙头或近水处。 Please do not install the instrument to a place near a tap or water source 切勿将本机安装在阳光直射处。 Please do not install the instrument to a place exposed to direct sunlight 切勿将本机安装在高温处。 Please do not install the instrument to a plac

21、e with a high temperature 切勿将本机安装在靠近明火处。 Please do not install the instrument to a place near open flame.(违反以上规定,可能造成机器损坏。)Any breach of the above notes may cause damage to the instrument.123 操作 Operation警告:Warning 请将电源线插头完全插入电源插座,否则可能会导致火灾或触电事故。 Please insert the plug completely into the socket, or

22、 else a fire or electric shock may occur. 请将电源线远离热源,否则会导致电源线表层融化,从而导致火灾或触电事故。 Please keep power cable away from heat source, or else the cable cover will melt and a fire or electric shock may occur. 拔出电源线时,务必手握电源插头,否则电源线受损可能会引起漏电,并导致火灾或触电事故。 Do hold the attaching plug when you unplug it, or else the

23、 power cable may be injured and result in electric leakage. A fire or electric shock may occur. 切勿执行以下操作,否则可能导致火灾或触电事故:Please do not carry on the following operations, or else a fire or electric shock may occur. 拆卸或改装本机。Disassemble or remodel the instrument. 损坏或改装电源线;Damage or remodel power cable. 使

24、用不在本手册指定的电压之列的电源;Use power supply with the voltage range unspecified in this handbook. 在电源线上放置重物;Place heavy objects on power cable 用力拉拽或过度弯曲电源线;Drag forcibly or over bend the power cable, 用湿手插、拔电源插头;Insert or pull out plug with wet hands. 将电源线捆扎或打结;Bundle up or knot power cable. 使用随机提供的电源线以外的其他电源线。

25、Use other power cable other than the one provided with the instrument.注意:Note: 仪器应配有交流净化稳压电源,以保证电压稳定。To assure a steady power supply, this instrument must be configured with AC purified regulated power. 请不要在电源插头周围堆放物品,以便紧急情况下能快速拔出插头。Please do not pile up objects around the attaching plug. It is easy

26、 to pull it out in case there is an emergency. 如发现本机有冒烟、发热、异味或异常噪音等,请立即关闭电源开关、拔出电源插头,切勿继续使用本机。If smoke, overheat, off flavor or abnormal noise is detected, please turn off mains switch, disconnect the attaching plug and stop using the instrument immediately.13 注意事项Precautions131 适用群体 Applicable grou

27、p注意:Note:使用本机,应具有一定的电脑基本常识,并经过我们公司专业技术人员培训或指导后方可使用。同时,本机禁止儿童和孕妇接近并操作。Operator of this instrument should know some basic knowledge about computer. They must be trained or instructed by our professional technicians. The instrument forbids children or pregnant women to approach and operate. 132 工作环境Amb

28、ient environment 警告:Warning为避免出现意外故障,电脑应在下述限定环境范围内工作:To avoid unexpected failures, the computer should work under the following specified environmental conditions.内容Contents适应范围Applied range备注Note贮存运输温度Storage and transport temperature1525贮存运输相对湿度Relative storage and transport humidity70%大气压Air pres

29、sure86kPa106 kPa电源适应能力Power adaptive capacity220V5V,50Hz60Hz工作湿度Ambient humidity70%工作温度Ambient temperature1530二、产品概述Product overview21 简介Introduction产品名称:Skyray X荧光光谱分析仪Name of the product: Skyray X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer.系列及型号:天瑞仪器EDX 2800 Series and model number: Skyray Instrument EDX2800产品

30、性能特点:Features of the product: 测量ROHS、电镀镀层、全元素分析,一机多用。A multifunctional machine for RoHS substances, electroplating and all elements analysis 内置信噪比增强器(SNE),有效提高X荧光光谱仪信号处理能力25倍。Added SNE improves the signal treatment ability to 25 times 独特的光路增强系统,方便用户更好地观察样品。Unique light path enhancement system for us

31、ers better observation of the samples 内置高清晰摄像头,方便用户监测样品。Inbuilt high resolution camera for sample monitoring at any time. 特别开发测量软件,操作界面十分友好。Specially-developed measurement software with user-friendly interface 仪器的技术指标:Specifications 测量元素:从硫至铀等75种元素Analysis range: 75 elements from sulfur (S) to uranium (U) 元素含量分析范围:1ppm99.99%Element Concentration Analysis range: 1ppm99.99% ROHS指令规定的有害元素(限Cd/Pb/Cr/Hg/Br)Detection limit: The detection limit can reach 1ppm for hazardous substances (Cd/Pb/Cr/Hg/Br) restricted in RoHS directive.

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