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Roe VWade英文及中文.docx

1、Roe VWade英文及中文罗伊诉韦德案(Roe V.Wade,410 U.S.113,1973)Roe v. WadeRoe v. Wade - Then and NowBy Janet BenshoofOn January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court struck down the State of Texass criminal abortion laws, finding that the right to decide whether to have a child is a fundamental right guarante

2、ed by the U.S. Constitution. The 7-2 decision in Roe v. Wade would have an immediate and profound effect on the lives of American women. Before Roe, it is estimated that between 200,000 and 1.2 million illegally induced abortions occurred annually in the United States.1 As many as 5,000 to 10,000 wo

3、men died per year following illegal abortions and many others suffered severe physical and psychological injury.2To prevent women from dying or injuring themselves from unsafe, illegal or self-induced abortions, womens advocates spearheaded campaigns to reverse century-old criminal abortion laws in

4、the decades preceding Roe. During the 1960s and 1970s, a movement of medical, public health, legal, religious and womens organizations successfully urged one-third of state legislatures to liberalize their abortion statutes.Roe v. Wade is a landmark decision that recognized that the right to make ch

5、ildbearing choices is central to womens lives and their ability to participate fully and equally in society. Yet, the Supreme Courts decision in Roe was far from radical it was the logical extension of High Court decisions on the right to privacy dating back to the turn of the century. The decision

6、is grounded in the same reasoning that guarantees our right to refuse medical treatment and the freedom to resist government search and seizure. In finding that the constitutional right to privacy encompasses a womans right to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy, the High Court continued a

7、 long line of decisions recognizing a right of privacy that protects intimate and personal decisions including those affecting child-rearing, marriage, procreation and the use of contraception from governmental interference.The DecisionIn its 1973 decision in Roe, the Supreme Court recognized that a

8、 womans right to decide whether to continue her pregnancy was protected under the constitutional provisions of individual autonomy and privacy. For the first time, Roe placed womens reproductive choice alongside other fundamental rights, such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion, by conferri

9、ng the highest degree of constitutional protection strict scrutiny to choice.Finding a need to balance a womans right to privacy with the states interest in protecting potential life, the Supreme Court established a trimester framework for evaluating restrictions on abortion. The Court required the

10、state to justify any interference with the abortion decision by showing that it had a compelling interest in doing so. Restrictions on abortions performed before fetal viability, that is the period before a fetus can live outside a womans body, were limited to those that narrowly and precisely promo

11、ted real maternal health concerns. After the point of viability, the state was free to ban abortion or take other steps to promote its interest in protecting fetal life. Even after that point, however, the states interest in the viable fetus must yield to the womans right to have an abortion to prot

12、ect her health and life.Immediately following the Roe decision, those who did not want to see women participate equally in society were galvanized. The far right initiated a political onslaught that has resulted in numerous state and federal abortion restrictions and contributed to a changed Supreme

13、 Court, ideologically bent on eviscerating Roe. The right to choose became the target of not only the religious right, but also right-wing politicians and judges who used the Roe decision to attack the judicial activism of the Supreme Court and its purported failure to adhere to the text of the Cons

14、titution and the original intent of its framers. This backlash reached its peak during the three terms of Presidents Reagan and Bush. Beginning in 1983, the U.S. solicitor general routinely urged the Supreme Court, on behalf of the federal government, to overturn Roe. In addition, when appointing Su

15、preme Court justices, Reagan and Bush used opposition to Roe as a litmus test. During this twelve-year period, five justices - OConnor, Scalia, Kennedy, Souter, and Thomas - were appointed. Not one of these five, who still constitute a majority on the Court today, supports the strict scrutiny standa

16、rd of review established by Roe.The Dismantling of RoeShortly after the Roe decision, state legislatures began passing laws in hopes of creating exceptions to it or opening up areas of law that Roe did not directly address. No other right has been frontally attacked and so successfully undermined, a

17、nd all in the course of two decades the same two decades that sustained advances in other areas of womens rights, including education and employment.Teenagers were the first successful target. In 1979 the Court endorsed state laws that required parental consent, as long as they were accompanied by a

18、 complicated system whereby minors could assert their privacy rights by requesting a hearing before a state judge on whether they were mature or an abortion was in their best interests (Bellotti v. Baird)。The next assault on Roe was directed at low-income women. In 1980 the Hyde Amendment, which pro

19、hibited Medicaid from covering most abortions, was upheld by the Supreme Court by a 5-4 margin (Harris v. McRae)。 The Court abandoned the neutrality required in Roe, finding that, for poor women, government could promote childbearing over abortion, so long as it did so by manipulating women through

20、public funding schemes, not criminal laws.Dissenting in City of Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health (1983), Justice OConnor called for a radical erosion of Roe and proposed that a lesser standard of constitutional protection for choice be established, called the undue burden standard, in p

21、lace of the strict scrutiny test. By 1989, after the arrival of Justices Kennedy and Scalia and the elevation of William Rehnquist to chief justice, there were no longer five votes to preserve reproductive choice as a fundamental constitutional right. The Courts ruling in Webster v. Reproductive Hea

22、lth Services (1989) demonstrated this new reality when five justices expressed hostility toward Roe in differing degrees and essentially called for states to pass legislation banning abortion in order to test the law.Three years later, in Casey, the strict judicial scrutiny established in Roe was fi

23、nally abandoned in a plurality opinion of Justices OConnor, Kennedy and Souter. Although the Court said it was not overturning Roes central premise that abortion is a fundamental right, the Casey decision replaced the original strict scrutiny standard governing other fundamental rights for the weak

24、and confusing undue burden standard. This opened the door to a host of state and federal criminal restrictions designed to steer women away from abortion and to promote the rights of the fetus throughout pregnancy. Over 300 criminal abortion restrictions have been enacted by legislatures in the past

25、 six years alone, none of which would have been constitutional under the original Roe decision.The Four Pillars of RoeThe Roe opinion was grounded on four constitutional pillars: (1) the decision to have an abortion was accorded the highest level of constitutional protection like any other fundament

26、al constitutional right; (2) the government had to stay neutral; legislatures could not enact laws that pushed women to make one decision or another; (3) in the period before the fetus is viable, the government may restrict abortion only to protect a womans health; (4) after viability, the governmen

27、t may prohibit abortion, but laws must make exceptions that permit abortion when necessary to protect a womans health or life.Only two of the four Roe pillars remain today as a result of the Supreme Courts 1992 decision in Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey. This decision is th

28、e culmination of a steady decline in constitutional protection for the right to privacy. A womans right to choose is still constitutionally protected, however, the strict scrutiny standard was jettisoned in favor of a lesser standard of protection for reproductive choice called undue burden. Under C

29、asey, state and local laws that favor fetal rights and burden a womans choice to have abortion are permitted, so long as the burden is not undue. No longer does the state have to be neutral in the choice of abortion or childbearing. Now the government is free to pass laws restricting abortion based

30、on morality, a code word for religious anti-abortion views. States are now permitted to disfavor abortion and punish women seeking abortions, even those who are young and sick, with harassing laws.Roe in the 21st CenturyIn 2000, eight years after the Casey decision, the Court agreed to hear another

31、case that opened up Roe for reexamination. During that period, President Clinton had appointed two justices, Ginsburg and Breyer. The first challenge to Roe in the 21st century came in the form of a Nebraska ban on so-called partial-birth abortion brought by the Center for Reproductive Law and Polic

32、y. The language of the Nebraska ban and the cookie-cutter versions passed in 30 states was sweeping and broad, and could have included virtually all abortion procedures, even those used in the early weeks of pregnancy. Publicly, however, supporters of these bans camouflaged this fact by using a term made up by the National Right-to-LifeCommittee partial-birth abortion and pretending that the bans were designed to prevent doctors from using one particular procedure.In a 5-4 vote in the case Stenberg v. Carhart (2000)

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