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1、英语实用文体写作系列8会议记录Unit 8会议事务(Conference Business)一、概述在正式会议尤其是大型会议进行前,通常要设定会议议程,一时会议如期进行。正式会议进行期间通常由秘书在场,将会议的过程用文字记录下来,以便日后分析、研究、考查决议事项的执行情况提供依据。正式会议记录一般是在秘书原始记录的基础上整理出来的。另外,会议记录也可整理成“会议纪要”,以叙述的方式总结会议精神,主要功能是汇报会议要点,总结会议的收获或成果,故可称为Summary。二、写作技巧会议记录可以采用信件或备忘录形式。此类会议记录的主要内容:1、 会议时间、地点(Date and Place)2、 会议

2、主持(Presenting office)3、 会议主题(Subject)4、 会议类别(Type of meeting)5、 出席人员(Members present)6、 缺席者(Absentees)7、 会议发言、讨论纪要(Summary of speeches and discussions)8、 结束时间(Time of adjournment)9、 记录人签名(Signature)撰写这类会议记录时应注意做到以下几点:1、 记录应客观、清楚、简明、完整。2、 一般采用过去式、间接引语。3、 尽量避免使用抽象、概念性词语,如:“人事办公室”应写成“the Personnel Depa

3、rtment”,而不应简单写为“the Office”。4、 尽量避免使用感情色彩较浓的词语,如:good, poor, as usual, Mr. Johns disagreed with the committee5、 当提及某人时,其姓名、头衔应一并使用。6、 总结会议情况时,不要漏掉重要事项,如:某提议由谁提出?由谁附议?有多少人赞同?有多少人反对?7、 要有记录整理人签名。如果记录时有一个人整理,另一个人打印,则应标注其姓名的首字母缩写。三、经典范文会议记录(Meeting Minutes Form)例一Class Meeting Minutes of Class Three, Gr

4、ade OneTime: Friday afternoon, June 2, 2006Place: Classroom 301 of the English Department BuildingAttending: All the students except Yang LingObserving: Teacher LiuChairman: Monitor Li YongMinutes Keeper: Zhou TaoTopic for Discussion: How to review the lessons in preparation for the final exam.The c

5、ontents are as follows:Ch: Comrades, is everyone here now? Who will check the attendance?A: Let me count the member present only one is absent. Who is it?B: Oh, yes, it is Yang Ling, who is on sick leave.Ch: Then, lets begin our meeting, shall we?Cries: Order! Order! The meeting is going to begin.Ch

6、: The topic for discussion today is :“How shall we review the lessons in preparation for the forthcoming final exam? Whod like to speak first? ”Li Ying, it seems you have got something to say, havent you?L: All right, let me say something, I think it wont be very helpful if we organize into small gr

7、oups, say, into groups of five, or at least seven. What do the other comrades think?D: I think thats a good idea. And that was just what we did last term. The result was quite good.J: Thats a very wonderful idea. I quite agree with you. But sometimes there may occur questions which we can not solve

8、ourselves. And in such cases, I think we may ask the teacher for coaching, what do you all think?Cries: “Very good,” I quite agree,” “Ok”, “Good idea”.Ch: All right. We have done a good job of discussion today. We shall prepare for the exam as we have just agreed. Lets now ask Teacher Liu to say som

9、ething to us.T: Comrades, your meeting is a success. The way you are to take to review the lessons is quite right. Individual efforts and group discussion should be combined with emphasis on the former. I am sure, in so doing you will reap good results. Thats all.Ch: Does anybody have anything more

10、to say?_ Well, then, the meeting is closed.Meeting closed at 5:00一年级三班班会会议记录时间:2006年6月2日下午地点:英语系教学楼301教室出席:全班同学(杨玲未出席)缺席:杨玲(病假)列席:刘老师主席:李勇(班长)记录:周涛讨论事项:如何复习功课,准备期考。发言如下:主席:同学们,大家都到齐了吗?请哪位点一下人数。A:我来算一下人数只有一个没有来。是谁呀?B:是杨玲同学没有来,她在休病假。主席:那么我们开始开会,好吗?喊声:请大家安静,会议开始了。主席:今天讨论的题目是:“如何复习功课,迎接即将到来的期末考试?”谁想先发言?


12、样做,一定会取得良好的效果。就说这些吧。主席:还有同学要发言吗?好吧,没有人要发言,散会。五点散会Notes:1.who is on sick leave她在休病假2. at least3. agree with you同意4. in such cases在这种情况下5. Individual efforts and group discussion should be combined with emphasis on the former.个人的钻研和小组讨论可以结合起来,但重点放在个人努力上。例二Meeting Minutes of Student UnionTime: Thursday

13、 afternoon, April 2, 2006Place: Classroom 301 of Building OneAttending: All the members of Student UnionObserving: Teacher ZhangChairman: Sun Hua Minutes Keeper: Zhang QiangTopic for Discussion: Things on Forthcoming English Speech ContestThe contents are as follows:Ch: comrades, is everyone here no

14、w? Who will check the attendance?A: Let me count the member present everyone is here.Ch: Then, lets begin our meeting, shall we?B: Order! Order! The meeting is going to begin.Ch: The topic for discussion today is :“Things on forthcoming English Speech Contest. Who d like to speak first? ”Li Hong, it

15、 seems you have got something to say, havent you?L: All right, let me say something, I think we should first call upon students to participate in it. And then we first choose those who do well in classes, ask them to practice more in order to make much progress in English Speech Contest.D: I think t

16、hats a good idea. And that was just what we did last term. The result was quite good. In addition, we should show honorable style and high level.J: Thats an excellent idea. I quite agree with you. But sometimes there may occur questions which we can not solve ourselves. And in such cases, I think we

17、 may ask the teacher for coaching, what do you all think?Cries: “Very good,” “I quite agree,” “Ok”, “Good idea”.Ch: All right. We have done a good job of discussion today. We shall prepare for English Speech Contest. as we have just agreed. Lets now ask Teacher Zhang to say something to us.T: Comrad

18、es, your meeting is a success. The way you are to take to prepare for English Speech Contest is quite right. Well begun is half done. I am sure, in doing so you will reap good results. Thats all.Ch: Does anybody have anything more to say? Well, then, the meeting is closed.Meeting closed at 4:30学生会会议


20、们要赛出风格、赛出水平。J:这是一个好办法,我完全同意。但是有时我们会碰到一些解决不了的难题。我看在这种情况下我们可以请老师辅导。同学们认为如何?喊声:很好!我完全同意。同意!好办法!主席:好了。今天的讨论会开得很好。我们就按照大家同意的办法去做。现在请张老师讲话。张:同学们,你们的会开得很好。你们提出的办法也很好。好的开端是成功的一半。我敢肯定的说,你们这样做,一定会取得良好的效果。就说这些吧。主席:还有同学要发言吗?好吧,没有人要发言,散会。四点半散会Notes:1call upon动员e.g. The leader called upon all the teachers to writ

21、e articles.2do well in classes在班上表现好的同学e.g. The students who did well in classes were praised by the teacher.3make much progress in English Speech Contest. 比赛中取得更大的进步e.g. The students made much progress in this English competition. 例三Minutes of a Meeting of the English ClubTime: Thursday, June 5, 20

22、06Place: Club OfficeChairman: The English Club of University held its first meeting of the new term at 2:30 p.m. All the leading (council) members were present. Also attending were its two advisers, pro. Harry and Mr. Johnson . The chairman gave a report on the activities planned for the whole term.

23、 There was a heated discussion on it. Revisions and improvements were made before it was finally approved. It was decided that on oratorical contest be held on the afternoon of Saturday, Apr. 4, with a view to encouraging the membership of the club to practice speaking English, and that the club run

24、 an English wall paper to be put out every other week .All the club members were expected to send in contributions. Mr. Welden was entrusted with the preparatory work of the oratorical contest. Miss Jiang was appointed the editor of the English wall paper, and Mr. Sterling , her assistant.Prof. Harr

25、y suggested holding an English evening in the middle of the term. The participants agreed. Messrs. Stewart and Mitchell were put in charge of the task . The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. William JohnsonSecretary大学生英语学会会议记录时间:2006年6月5日(星期四)地点:学会办公室主席:大学英语学会今天下午2:30举行新学期的第一次会议。 全体理事出席了会议。 学会的顾问哈利教授和赫

26、伯特先生出席了会议。主席向会议报告了整个学期的工作安排。大家就他的报告进行了热烈的讨论,对其中的某些地方作了修正和改进,然后予以通过。会议决定在4月4日星期六下午举行一次演讲比赛, 以便鼓励学会的会员练习英语口语,还决定办一期英语墙报,每两个星期出一期,希望会员们踊跃投稿。韦尔登先生负责演讲比赛的准备工作。西尔维亚女士被任命为英语墙报的编辑,斯特林先生任她的助理。哈利教授建议期中举行一次英语晚会。大家一致同意他的建议,并委托斯图尔特和密切尔先生负责此事。会议于4点30分结束。秘书:威廉约翰斯顿Notes:1. The chairman gave a report on the activiti

27、es planned for the whole term.主席向会议报告了整个学期的工作安排e.g. Prof. Wang gave us a lecture on how important English was.2. It was decided that on oratorical contest be held on会议决定在举行一次演讲比赛。that引导了一个主语从句,由于decide一词,后面从句中的谓语动词用(should)+V.(动词原形)e.g. It was decided that an English party be held at this weekend.3.

28、 run an English wall paper to be put out every other week.每隔一星期办一期英语墙报4. suggested holding建议举行suggested doing建议做某事。suggest一词后跟动名词或从句,表示“建议”e.g. We suggested going camping that Sunday. We suggested that a meeting be held at once.6. in charge of负责e.g. She is in charge of the sales department.例四Guangzh

29、ou Trade CompanyMarketing Department meeting , to be held on Friday, 12th July, 2006, at 9:00 a.m. in the meeting room.Agenda1. Apologies for absence2. Minutes of the meeting held on 14th June , 2006(copied circulated )3. Matters arising from the minutes:a) Minute 6 should be amended as follows:For

30、“85%”and “87%”b) Minute 1_Mr. Lius report on the market survey1. Winter promotion plans2. To review last months sales record3. Date of next meeting4. Other business广州贸易公司市场推广部会议。于7月14日上午9点在会议室举行。议程1、 缺席致歉2、 2006年6月14日会议记录(已传阅)3、 上次会议事项(a)记录6应作以下修改:“85%”作“87%”(b)记录1刘先生介绍市场调查报告4、 冬季推广计划5、 上月业绩回顾6、 下次会

31、议日期7、 其他事项Notes:1.Minute 6 should be amended as follows记录6应作以下修改:例五Guangzhou Trade CompanyMinutes of the Marketing Department conference held on 18th July, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. in the meeting room.Present:Mr. Zhang Xiaohua (Chairman) Miss Wu Jie (Secretary)1. Apologies for absenceapologies for Peter2. Minutes of the meeting held on 14th June , 2006 were taken as read. The following amendments were made :Minute 1 for “85%”and “87%”.The minutes were then approved as a cored record and signed by the chairman.3. Matters arising from the minutes M

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