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1、汉语日常会话150句60489讲课稿汉语日常会话150句60489汉语日常会话150句汉语日常会话150句(hn y r chng hu hu 150 j)150 Sentences for Chinese Daily Communication你好(n ho) Hello 再见(zi jin) Goodbye谢谢(xi xi)!Thanks 不客气(b k q) Youre welcome!对不起(du bu q) I am sorry 没关系(mi gun xi)Dont mention it.1问(wn)候(hu)和(h)自(z)我(w)介(ji)绍(sho) Greetings and

2、 Self-Introduction(1)你好(n ho)! Hello!(2)我叫桑德兰(w jio sng d ln)。 My name is Sandra.(3)你是哪国人(n sh n gu rn)? Whats your nationality?(4)我是奥地利人(w sh odl rn)。 I am Austrian.(5)我不是大学生(w b sh dxushng)。I am not a university student.(6)我不会说汉语(w b hu shu hny)。 I dont speak Chinese.(7)我会说英语(w hu shu yngy)。 I can

3、 speak English.(8)我喜欢吃中国菜(w xhuan ch zhngguci)。 I like Chinese food.(9)你是第一次来深圳吗?(n sh d y c li Shnzhn ma)?Is this your first time in Shenzhen?(10)你去过香港吗?(n q gu xinggng ma)? Have you been to Guang An(11)你住哪里(n zh nli)? Where do you live?(12)可以告诉我你的电话号码吗(ky gos w n de dinhu hom ma)?Could you tell me

4、 your telephone number?(13)我的电话是(w de dinhu sh)60728915。My telephone number is 60728915.(13)认识你很高兴(rnshi n hn goxng)。Im pleased to meet you.(14)我也很高兴(w y hn goxng)。再见(zijin)!Im pleased to meet you, too. Bye!2点菜和结帐(dinci h jizhng) Ordering Dishes & Paying the Bill(1)你们吃什么(nmen ch shnme)? What would y

5、ou like to eat?(2)有西兰花吗(yu xlnhu ma)? Do you have broccoli?(3)这里面是什么(zh lmin sh shnme)? Whats inside?(4)要这个(yo zhge)。 I want this (one).(5)要两瓶啤酒(yo ling png pji),三碗米饭(sn wn mfn)。I would like two bottles of beer and three bowls of rice.(6)米饭跟菜一起上(mfn gn ci yq shng)。I would like to have the dishes ser

6、ved along with the rice.(7)还要什么(hi yo shnme)? Anything else?(8)就要这些(ji yo zhxi)。 That is all I want.(9)不要了(b yo le)。 I dont want anything else.(10)我们不吃肉(wmen b chru)。 We dont eat meat.(11)再来一瓶可乐(zi li y ping kl)! One more cola, please!(12)请等一下儿(qng dng yxir)。 Wait a minute, please.(13)买单(mi dn)! The

7、 bill, please!(14)要发票(yo fpio)。 I would like a receipt.(15)可以打包吗(ky dbo ma)?Can you pack the leftover food for me?3买东西(mi dngx)Shopping(1)您要买什么(nn yo mi shnme)? What would you like (to buy)?(2)我看看(w knkan)。 Im just having a look.(3)这个多少钱(zhge dusho qin)? How much is this?(4)打折吗(dzh ma)? Is there any

8、 discount?(5)太贵了(ti gu le)! Its too expensive!(6)便宜一点儿行吗(pinyi ydinr xng ma)? Could you give me a reduction?(7)是不是真丝的(sh bu sh zhns de)? Is it pure silk?(8)有大一点儿的吗(yu d ydinr de ma)? Do you have a larger one?(9)还有别的颜色吗(hiyu bide yns ma)?Do you have it in any other colors?(10)你穿多大的(n chun dud de)? Wh

9、at size do you take?(11)有没有更好的(yu meiyu gngho de)? Have you get a nicer one?(12)能换一个吗(nng hun yg ma)? Could you let me see another one?(13)这是什么材料做的(zh sh shnme cilio zu de)? What is made of?(14)我喜欢这条裤子(w xhuan zh tio kz)。 I like this trouser.(15)可以试试吗(ky shsh ma)? May I try it on?4.打车(d ch) Take a t

10、axi(1)你要去哪里(n yo q nli)? Where are you going?(2)去超市(q chosh)。 Im going to supermarket.(3)请开一下后备箱(qng ki yxi hubixing)。Please open the trunk(4)你知道怎么去深圳大学吗(n zhdo znme q Shnzhn dxu ma)?Do you know how to get to the Shenzhen University?(5)请快一点(qng kui ydin)。 Please go a little faster.(6)我有急事(w yu jsh)。

11、 Im in a hurry(7)请你不要太快,我害怕(qng n b yo ti kui,w hip)。 Please dont go too fast, Im scared.(8)大概要多长时间(dgi yo duchng shjin)?Roughly how long does it take?(9)四点能到吗(sdin nng do ma)? Can we arrive by 4 oclock?(10)你能停一下吗(n nng tng yxi ma)? Can you stop for a short while?(11)你能等我十分钟吗(n nng dng w sh fnzhng m

12、a)?Can you wait for me about 10 minutes?(12)你有一块钱吗(n yu ykui qin ma)? So you have one Yuan?(13)去飞机场多少钱(q fijchng dusho qin)?How much does it cost to get to the airport?(14)到了,下车吧!(do le,xich ba)Here we are. You may get out.(15)对不起(dubuq),我没带零钱(w mi di lngqin)。Sorry, I do not have any small change on

13、 me.5.问路(wnl) Asking for Directions.(1)请问(qng wn),邮局在哪里(yuj zi nli)?Excuse me, where is the post office?(2) 怎么去购物公园(znme q guw gngyun)?How do we get to the Shopping Park?(3)洗手间在什么地方(xshujin zi shnme dfng)?Where is the restroom?(4)这儿附近有饭馆吗(zhr fjn yu fngun ma)?Are there any restaurants near here?(5)哪

14、儿有网吧(nr yu wngb)?Where can we find an Internet bar?(6)哪儿可以发传真(nr ky f chunzhn)? Where can I send a fax?(7)去书城怎么走(q sh chng znme zu)?How can I get to Book City?(8)这趟车去不去机场(zh tng ch q b q jchng)?Does this bus go to airport?(9)向前走(xing qin zu)。 Go straight ahead.(10)往左拐(wng zu gui)。 Turn left.(11)你得去马

15、路对面上车(n di q ml dumin shngch)。You have to cross the road to take the bus。(12)这是什么地方(zh sh shnme dfng)? What place is this?(13)我们现在在哪里(wmen xinzi zi nli)? Where are we now?(14)这边还是那边(zhbin hish nbin)? This side or the other side? (15) 去火车站在哪里下车(q hu ch zhn zi nli xich)?Where do I get off for train St

16、ation?6问时间(wn shjin) Asking the Time(1)现在几点(xinzi j din)? What time is it now?(2)今天几号(jntin j ho)? What is the date today?(3)明天星期几(mngtin xngq j)? What day is tomorrow?(4)你什么时候有空(n shnme shhu yukng)?When do you have free time?(5)周末我没有时间(zhum w miyu shjin)。I do not have free time at the weekend.(6)你们

17、从几点到几点上班(nmen cng jdin do jdin shngbn)?When do you start and finish work?(7)我明天九点来找你(w mngtin jidin li zhon)。Tomorrow at nine oclock Ill come to meet you.(8)请你今天晚上八点以后给我打电话(qng n jntin wnshang bdin yhou gi w d dinhu)。Please give me a telephone call after 8 p.m this evening.(9)你等了多久了(n dng le duji le

18、)? How long have you been waiting?(10)我们在这儿学习一个月(wmen zi zhr xux y g yu)。We will study here for one month.(11)火车几点开(huch jdin ki)? What time dose the train leave?(12)飞机什么时候起飞(fij shnme shhu qfi)?When dose the plane take off?(13)明天几点到上海(mngtin jdin do shnghi)?What time will you arrive in Shanghai tom

19、orrow?(14)你们哪天回国(nmen ntin hugu)?When will you return to your country?(15)你打算什么时候再来(n dsuan shnme shhu zi li)?When do you intend to come back?7寄信和明信片(j xn h mngxnpin)Sending Letters and Postcards(1)我要寄一封信(w yo j y fng xn)。 I would like to send a letter.(2)挂号信还是平信(guho xn hish pngxn)?Is it a register

20、ed or surface letter?(3)寄到美国要多少钱(j do migu yo dusho qin)?How much does it cost to send it to America?(4)买五张八毛的邮票(mi w zhng bmo de yupio)。I want to buy five 8-mao stamps.(5)寄一张明信片多少钱(j y zhng mngxnpin dushoqin)?How much dose it cost to send a postcard?(6)到奥地利(do odl),不是澳大利亚(b shodly)。Please send it t

21、o Austria, not Australia.(7)这儿能寄包裹吗(zhr nng j bogu ma)? Can I send parcels here?(8)里面是礼物(lmin sh lw)。 There are presents inside it.(9)还用看吗(hi yng kn ma)? Do you still need to check it?(10)打开看一下(dki kn yxi)。Please open it and let me have a look.(11)有好看的邮票吗(yu hokn de yupiom a)?Do you have any beautif

22、ul stamps?(12)特快专递得多少钱(t kui zhund di dusho qin)?How much is it by express delivery?(13)什么时候能到(shnme shhu nng do)? When will it be delivered?(14)给我一张包裹单(gi w y zhng bogu dn)。Give me a parcel form, please.(15)我们这儿的邮政编码是多少(wmen zhr de yuzhng binm shdusho )?What is the post code of this area?8打电话(d din

23、hu) Making Telephone Calls(1)喂(wi),找谁(zho shu)? Hello! Who are you looking for?(2)请问(qng wn),桑德拉(sng d l zi ma)?Excuse me, is Sandra there?(3)她现在不在(t xinzi bzi)。 She is not here right now.(4)你打(n d)60437852。 Call the number 60437852.(5)打错了(d cu le)。 Youve got the wrong number.(6)占线(zhn xin)。 The lin

24、e is busy.(7)没人接(mi rn ji)。 Nobody answered.(8)大堂吗(d tng ma)?请接912号房间(qng ji ji yo r ho fngjin)。Is that reception? Please put me through to Room 912.(9)能转告他吗(nng zhungo t ma)? Can you take a message?(10)可以留言吗(ky liyn ma)? Can I leave a message?(11)请他给我回电话,号码是(qng t gi w hu dinhu,homsh)Ask him to cal

25、l me back. My number is (12)请你过一会再打来(qng n gu yhu zi dli)。Please call again in a few minutes.(13)我听不见(w tng b jin)。 I cant hear you.(14)请你大声点儿(qng n dshng dinr)。 Louder, please.(15)你可以打他的手机(n ky d t de shuj)。You may call him on his mobile phone. 9 请求帮助(qngqi bngzh)Asking for help(1)对不起(dubuq),我要下车(w

26、 yo xich)。 Excuse me, I want to get off.(2)你能帮我一个忙吗(n nng bng w y g mng ma)?Can you do me a favor?(3)麻烦你帮帮我吧(mfan n bngbng wba)! Could you help me?(4)你有什么事(n yu shnme sh)? What can I do for you?(5)你怎么了(n znme le)? Whats the matter?(6)请送我去医院(qng song w q yyun)。 Please take me to the hospital.(7)请帮我打(

27、qng bng w d)110。Please call the police on 110.(8)快叫警察(kui jio jngch)! Call the police immediately!(9)救命(ji mng)! Help!(10)怎么办(znme bn)? What can I do?(11)我迷路了(w mll e)。 Im lost.(12)我的车票丢了(w de chpio dile)。 I have lost may train/bus ticket.(13)可以用一下你的电话吗(ky yng yxi n de dinhu ma)?May I use your telephone?(14)你真是太好了

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