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1、高三语法练习100题高三语法练习100题以下100题的练习自己检查基础知识方面的漏洞,做完下列练习可以发现自己在哪些语法基础知识上还有补足之处,以利于尽快弥补。1. Mary likes to wear beautiful _.A. dress B.cloths C.jacket D.dresses2. It _ to the airport.A. takes forty minutes drive to getB. takes forty-minute drive to getC. is forty-minutes driveD. is a forty-minute drive 3. Wha

2、t do you know about the French _?A. history B. languageC. culture D. literature 4. She cut the cloth with _ scissors.A. a couple of B. a pair of C. two D. a 5. - Who broke the glass? - I suppose _ must be one of the children.A. the one B. he C. it D. who 6. The students encouraged _ to go on.A. one

3、after another B. one anotherC. the other D. one by one 7. Will he come back to school tomorrow? I hope _.A. that B. this C. so D. it 8. He was ill. _ is why he didnt attend the meeting.A. This B. It C. There D. That 9. His attitude to us is _ of a comrade.A. one B. it C. that D. those 10. One of the

4、 students hasnt prepared _ lessons very well.A. ones B.ones C.their D. his 11. I remember _ word he said that day.A. all B. both C. each D. every 12. How many elephants did you see? _.A. None B. No oneC. Not many ones D. No many 13. _ of them knew about the plan because it was secret.A. Some B. Any

5、C. No one D. None 14. Biology is _.A. science of life B. science of the lifeC. the science of the life D. the science of life 15. When we saw his face, we knew _ was bad.A. the news B. some newsC. a news D. news 16. It is pleasant to play _ game of _ table tennis _ summer afternoon.A. a.the.on the B

6、. a.X.on aC. the D. a 17. What _ heavy snow. Lets go out for a stroll in _ snow, shall we?A. X.the B. a.the C. a.X D. X.X 18. There are ten boxes on the desk and the _ is yours.A. nine B. nineth C. ninth D. forth 19. _ was done by the girl students.A. One three of the work B. One

7、 third of the worksC. Two third of the works D. Two thirds of the work 20. Which of the following is wrong?This book is easy enough for _.A. a six-year-old childB. a child of six years oldC. a child aged sixD. a six years old child 21. Fifty-six _ twenty-seven makes eighty-three.A. plus B. minus C.

8、times D. divided by 22. Every means _ tried, yet no result _encouraging up to now.A. have been .is B. has been.has beenC. have .has been D. 23. Peter was _ to come to school this morning.A. a second B. the secondC. a No. two D. the two 24. Tom with his friends _ volleyball since three oclock.

9、A. has been playing B. is playingC. have been playing D. have played 25. All that can be said _.A. has been said B. have been saidC. is said D. are to be said 26. Many a school and many a hospital _ since 1949.A. have set up B. has set upC. have been set up D. has been set up 27. Two kilograms _ too

10、 heavy for a sick man.A. is B. are C. was D. were 28. A group of children _ hide and seek in the garden.A. is playing B. are playingC. has been playing D. was playing 29. All but one _ here just now.A. is B. was C. have been D. were 30. The police _ for the lost child everywhere.A. is looking B. has

11、 lookedC. are looking D. are looked 31. Both bread and butter _ on sale in this shop.A. is B. are C. have D. has 32. The parents as well as the baby _ in high spirits.A. are B. is C. has been D. have got 33. He is one of those who _ very hard.A. works B. work C. is D. are 34. Hold the book _ please,

12、 for I cant see the words in it clearly.A. more closer B. more closelyC. closely D. closer 35. Alice is a kind girl. She is _ willing to help me study in English.A. very B. so C. such D. too 36. What is the _ news?A. late B. later C. latest D. latter 37. Which do you think _, wealth or health?A. bet

13、ter B. the better C. best D. the best 38. I cannot thank you _ much of your kindness.I owe my success to you.A. so B. very C. too D. as 39. It is _ for anyone to choose good friends.A. the most important B. too important thingC. a most important D. most important 40. Li Pin is the _ man I want to se

14、e.A. last B. laster C. latest D. latter 41. The meeting lasted till late _.A. into night B. at nightC. into the night D. at the night 42. Im badly in need _ your help.A. of B. for C. from D. at 43. Its the first turning _ the left after the traffic lights.A. on B. in C. by D. for 44. Shes such a qua

15、rrelsome woman. I dont know how you can _ her.A. put up B. put up withC. stand up with D. stand with 45. Mans life is often compared _ a candle.A. with B. as C. to D. in 46. Im afraid youve mistaken me _ my twin sister.A. for B. with C. to D. by 47. I agree with him _, but not entirely.A. until a ce

16、rtain point B. to some pointC. to some extent D. until a certain extent 48. As you are now a member of our society we shall let you _ our secrets.A.into B. through C. to D. between 49. I _ all day and I havent a penny left.A. had shopped B. am shoppingC. have shopped D. have been shopping 50. A rela

17、tive of yours _ this evening.A. will be coming to see you B. will have been comingC. would come to see you D. wont have seen you 51. Xia Yan _ a lot of novels.A. wrote B. had writtenC. was writing D. has written 52. - Could you give these books to Mr. Mackintosh?- Certainly, _ him about something el

18、se in any case, so it wont be any bother.A. Ill see B. I seeC. I can see D. Ill be seeing 53. Look at these clouds. _.A. Itll rain B. Its going to rainC. Itll be raining D. It is to rain 54. It _ six years since they last saw each other.A. was B. had beenC. is D. would have been 55. George has arriv

19、ed, but I did not know he _ until yesterday.A. comes B. will comeC. is coming D. was coming 56. He _ English for six years by the time he takes his examination.A. was studying B. would have been studyingC. had been studying D. will have been studying 57. I am told that her father is in London and _

20、a dry-goods store.A. has kept B. kept C. keeps D. had kept 58. _ you make a little room for me?A. Should B. Could C. May D. Must 59. I will certainly be surprised if he _ to tell them what he knows.A. dare B. will dare C. dared D. dares 60. - _ he open the door?- Yes, please.A. Shall B. Will C. Can

21、D. Would 61. He _ live in the country than in the city.A. prefers B. likes toC. has better D. would rather 62. The problem is _ we can master modern science and technology in a short time.A. if B. that C. what D. how 63. Give it to _ you think can do the work well.A. who B. whoever C. whom D. someon

22、e 64. _ the old mans sons wanted to know was _ the gold had been hidden.A. That, what B. What, whereC. What, that D. What, if 65. _ in the newspaper that the Japanese Prime Minister will arrive next Monday.A. It says B. Its saidC. He is said D. It has said 66. The man _ is our new headmaster.A. who

23、the teacher is talking to himB. whom the teacher is talkingC. the teacher is talking toD. who the teacher is talking 67. The old lady _ the girl ten yuan for washing windows, most of _ hadnt been cleaned for a long time.A. spent, those B. paid, thatC. paid, these D. paid, which 68. The doctor _ she

24、sent her friend is very famous.A. to whom B. to whose C. whom D. at whom 69. He wrote his first novel _ studying in a university.A. since B. as C. while D.with 70. Tom and Jack went _ they could find work.A. every place B. the city whereC. the place where D. wherever 71. _ the library was closed.A.

25、Sunday B. Being SundayC. It to be Sunday D. As it was Sunday 72. _ you ever have any trouble, let me know.A. If B. Whenever C. While D. X 73. Its _ he helped you that Im ready to help him.A. the reason B. for C. because D. since 74. She looks pretty _ she wears.A. in B. whatever C. what D. which 75.

26、 Another driver had just driven into the back of Jacks car _ he was waiting at some traffic lights.A. since B. once C. while D. during 76. _ she said this, she regretted it.A. The time B. The momentC. The hour D. The day 77. There isnt such a word _ I know.A. as soon as B. as long asC. so long as D.

27、 so far as 78. Whats made Ruth so upset? _ three tickets to the folk music concert.A. Lost B. LosingC. Because of losing D. Since she lost 79. Who were those people with the banner?A group _ itself the League for Peace.A. calling B. calls C. called D. is called 80. Japan is an _ industrial country.A

28、. advancing B. advancedC. to advance D. to be advanced 81. I feel it an honor _ to speak here.A. to ask B. askingC. to be asked D. having asked 82. Tom failed _ the experiment yesterday.A. doing B. did C. to do D. do 83. I found my home town completely _.A. changed B. changingC. to be changed D. to change 84. They want the job _ by the end of the week.A. to do B. done C. did D. to be doing 85. He was seen _ a letter in his bed room.A. write B. to write C. written

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