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1、英语演讲稿北极熊英语演讲稿北极熊篇一:雅思阅读材料之北极熊观察员 智课网IELTS备考资料 雅思阅读材料之北极熊观察员 出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别 Xu lives at the foot of Moon Mountain, a must-see tourist attraction in Yangshuo, where she has guided countless tourists. Her sincerity has won her the name Mama Moon. 徐秀珍住在月亮山脚下,这是阳朔的一个必去的旅游

2、景点。徐秀珍在那儿带过无数游客,亲切的她被游客们称为“月亮妈妈”。 Yangshuo, known for its other-worldly karst landscape and the Lijiang River, has been drawing millions of foreign tourists since China opened its door to international travelers in the early 1980s. 阳朔超凡脱俗的喀斯特地貌景观和漓江使其声名远扬,自从中国在80年代早期向国际游客开放后,它吸引了数以百万计的外国游客。 The scen

3、ic town is home to many people who make a living by both farming and working as tour guides. 这个风景优美的小镇的居民,多依靠农牧业和为游客做导游为生。 Over the past 16 years, Xu has taught herself 11 foreign languages, including English, Spanish, Japanese and Korean. In addition to making her incredibly popular, her linguistic

4、 prowess has made it easier for her to communicate with foreign tourists. 在过去的16年中,徐秀珍自学了11门外语,包括英语,西班牙语,日语和韩语等。这个会说多种语言的技能不但让她十分出名,更让她与外国游客交流起来更便利。 My peers are trying to pick up new languages to boost their business, but no one can catch up with me, she said. 徐秀珍说:“我的一些同行也想多学一些语言来促进自己的生意,但没有人能赶得上我

5、。” But the polyglot farmers success has been hard-won. She started learning simple English phrases 16 years ago, when Yangshuos tourism industry started to boom. 但这位会说数国语言的农妇的成功得来不易,早在16年前,也就是阳朔的旅游业刚开始起步时,她就开始学习一些基础英语。 Illiterate, she was unable to read grammar books, so she had to memorize each wor

6、d by its sound. But Xu seized every opportunity to talk to foreign tourists and tried to utter out her English. 因为之前目不识丁,她并不能通过阅读语法书来学习英语,所以她必须通过读音来记忆每一个单词。但是徐秀珍抓住每个能与外国游客说话的机会,去说一些她学到的英语。 Constant communication and a sense of perseverance proved effective, and she was gradually able to express hers

7、elf in English. The determined woman has since learned other foreign languages in succession. 频繁的交流和毅力终于收到了回报,她渐渐地开始能用英语表达自己,这个坚持到底的农妇自此之后又接连学会了其它多种语言。 With her command of 11 foreign languages, Xu is one of the busiest tour guides in Yangshuo. Her reputation draws a large crowd of tourists every day

8、, especially foreign visitors, who come to meet the multilingual guide out of admiration. 掌握了11门外语,徐秀珍成了阳朔最繁忙的导游,她的名声也为她每天都招揽了一大批游客,特别是一些对她敬仰已久特地来找她的外国游客。 More and more foreign tourists are coming to Yangshuo, and I hope they will feel at home here with my help, she said. 她说:“越来越多的外国游客来到阳朔,我希望通过我的帮助

9、,他们都能把这儿当成自己家一样。” Not content to simply serve as a tour guide, she now owns a popular restaurant and operates a reputable hotel. 不满足于仅仅做一位导游,徐秀珍现在还开了一家受欢迎的餐馆以及一家好名声的旅馆。 Huang Yongzhong, director of Yangshuos tourism bureau, said Xus success has encouraged many farmers to follow suit. 阳朔旅游局局长黄永忠说,徐秀珍

10、的成功鼓励了许多农民也开始追随仿效她。 Official statistics show that 1.5 million foreign tourists visited Yangshuo in XX, a number that has inspired local tour guides to jump on the foreign language bandwagon with hopes of achieving success on par with that of Mama Moon. 官方数据显示XX年有150万外国游客来阳朔旅游,这个数字激励了许多当地导游去学习外语,希望能取

11、得和“月亮妈妈”同样的成功。 What Mama Moon does is a good interpretation of the Yangshuo farmers shared Chinese dream - to make life better by learning new skills, Huang said. 黄永忠称:“月亮妈妈的行为代表了阳朔农民的中国梦通过学习新的技能来让自己的生活变得更好。” He added that the government supports local tour guides by providing frequent training on t

12、he laws and regulations of the tourism industry.他补充道,政府会通过提供频繁的旅游业法规培训来支持当地导游。 Farmers in Yangshuo are passionate, sincere and hard-working, and this spirit will lead to more success stories like that of Mama Moon, he said. 他还说:“阳朔的农民热情、亲切并努力,正是这种精神将会带来诸如月亮妈妈那样的更多的成功故事。” 篇二:Unit 7单元整理及语言模块训练Unit 7单元

13、整理及语言模块训练一、词汇归类1重点单词:名 词:square, meter, desert, population, Asia, tour, tourist, wall, ancient, achievement,condition, challenge, force, nature, ocean, birth, adult, bamboo, research, keeper,excitement, illness, government, whale, oil, protection动 词: protect, achieve, include, succeed, weigh,形容词: de

14、ep, amazing, wide, man-made, southwestern, think, freezing, endangered,awake, wide, huge2. 重点短语:动词短语: feel free to do sth, as far as I know, run along, risk ones life, challenge oneself,take in air, achieve dreams, succeed in doing sth, prepare sth for sb, walk into sb,fall over, be awake, die from,

15、 cut down,其它短语:in the face of, asas, in the world, at birth, up to, a symbol of China, in fact,because of, or so,二、话题句子:使用形容词三级形式谈论地理和大自然1.Whats/Which is the highest mountain in the world? Qomolangma.2.How high is Qomolangma?Its 8,844,43 meters high. Its higher than any other mountain in the world.3

16、.Which is the deepest salt lake in the world?The Caspian Sea is the deepest of all salt lakes.4.Did you know China is one of the oldest countries in the world?Yes, its much older than the US.5. China is almost as big as the US. It has the biggest population in the world.6. The elephant eats many tim

17、es more than the panda.三、语言知识点:1. 形容词和副词三级(原级、比较级和最高级)用法2. much, a little, a lot, more, less用法3. 如何对事物进行描叙?4. weigh和heavy的用法。5. achieve和come true的用法。6. awake和wake 的用法。7. 巧记单词的方法。四、语言模块训练一)单项选择。1. Why did the boys shout with _? Because they won the football match.A. pressure B. fairness C. silenceD.

18、excitement2. Is it cold outside? Yes, and its windy. Youd better wear a _coat.A. strange B. wide C. thickD. deep3.What do you think of your English teacher?She is very good at teaching _shes worked for few years.A. even though B. so that C. becauseD. if4. Work hard and I believe you can _, Jack!Than

19、k you, Mr. Huang.A. riskB. offerC. compare D. succeed5.What does your wife do?She works in the library. Her duties (责任) _cleaning desks and tidying books.A. provide B. develop C. include D. begin6. Would you mind opening the window? I want to _some fresh air. Of course not.A. take on B. take inC. lo

20、ok after D. look at7. When did you _ up this morning? I was already _at 5:30 am, but I got up at 7:00 am.A. wake; awake B. wake; wake C. awake; wake D. awake; awake8.I think Li Ping can understand what I said _ of all.Yes, and he is also _at sports than other boys.A. better, better B. best, better C

21、. better, bestD. best, best9. How old is your grandmother? She is 95 years old. She is one of _people in our village.A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest10.What do you think of the white dress, Mary?It is more expensive than _dress in the shop.A. many B. any otherC. some D. the others二)完形填空。to pe

22、oples life.The Nile is a major north-flowing river in northeastern Africa, generally regarded as the . The Nile is an international river as its water The Nile has two major tributaries, the White Nile and Blue Nile. The White Nile is longer and流入) north through Tanzania, Lake Victoria, Uganda and S

23、outh the southeast. The two rivers near the Sudanese capital of Khartoum.The River Thames is one of the most important rivers in England. It rises in the Cotswold Hills, passes through London and flows for its waterway (水路).Long ago, the River Thames was one of Londons main “roads”. Many ships and b

24、oats fish, wood and food to the city by it.In the 1700s, many ships were always arriving with all kinds of things for like tea and silk from the East. The River Thames wasbusy at that time that many ships on the river could move on. Sometimes, the ships had to for days along the bank (岸) to get thin

25、gs on land.Most of the ancient buildings in London are learn about the British from them. So its best to travel through London by the river.1. A. exciting B. dangerousC. interesting D. important2. A. old B. high C. long D. tall3. A. citiesB. mountainsC. countries D. towns4. A. rises B. takes C. puts

26、 D. gets5. A. from B. into C. alongD. through6. A. departB. meet C. see D. cross7. A. high B. tallC. long D. heavy8. A. good B. famous C. usefulD. bad9. A. bought B. made C. brought D. left10. A. fairness B. study C. eat D. sale11. A. for B. soC. such D. as12. A. really B. quicklyC. hardly D. mainly

27、13. A. care B. waitC. repairD. arrive14. A. aboutB. forC. fromD. along15. A. historyB. weather C. language D. nature三)阅读理解填表。Rock climbing (攀岩) did not become a sport until late in the 1900s. But now it has become a popular outdoor activity. While rock climbing may still be necessary for mountain cl

28、imbing, most people just climb low mountains for fun.If you have ever done rock climbing, you will know that it is not a very easy sport. Indoor and outdoor rock climbing both need lots of practice. What most people dont know is that rock climbing is one of the sports that depend on your body and mi

29、nd.To climb successfully, one must know about some rules. One important rule is to always have three parts of your body on the rock face. Another important rule is that your arms only hold you close to the rock face while your legs are pushing you up. The third rule is that the closer you are to the

30、 rock face, the easier it is to climb.Rock climbing is a wonderful sport. Once you start to learn how to climb, youll find lots of fun. People who like games such as chess playing or problem solving may love rock climbing, because they are nearly the same in the way of thinking. For anyone who wants

31、 to get into beautiful shape, rock climbing is a fun and good way. Anyone who enjoys difficult games and loves outdoor activities should think of taking rock climbing as a new hobby.(Winnie is in the zoo with her cousin Mike.)W=WinnieM=MikeM: Now we are in the Elephant Area.W: Elephants are really larg

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