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negative造句推荐word版 30页.docx

1、negative造句推荐word版 30页本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! = negative造句篇一:第一册造句练习第一册造句练习Book 1 Unit 1这种积极的教学方法使我踊跃回答各种问题,而且从不怕答错。Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worryingmuch about making mistakes.Because of, sb. doe

2、s sth/is + to do sth., never worrying/caring much about由于, 某人很做某事,从不担心在意用于强调“某种因素导致的连锁效应” 。心里装着母爱的他抓紧每一秒的学习时间,从不在乎吃穿。in mind/seize every second/care about/what to eat and wearBecause of his mothers love in mind, he seizes every second to do his lessons, never caring muchabout what to eat and wear.上了

3、高中,我渴望继续学英语。但高中的学习却与以前不同了。When I went to senior middle school, I was eager to continue studying English; however, myexperience in senior middle school was very different from before.When sb. is eager/desires/longs to do sth.; however, 当时,某人渴望做; 然而,用于描述“事后情形与某人的愿望相左”。当他开始和一个漂亮的姑娘同桌时,很想给她留个好的印象;然而,事情并

4、没有如他想象的那样。share a desk with/make a good impression on sb./as wishedWhen he began to share a desk with a pretty girl, he was eager to make a good impression on her;however, things did not go as wished.离家上大学时她渴望过一种无忧无虑的生活; 然而, 不久她就发现校园生活与自己的期望相差甚远。When she left home for her college, she desired to liv

5、e a life free of worry and care; however,before long she found the campus life was far from her expectation.以前的老师对所有学生都很有耐心,而新老师却总是惩罚答错问题的学生。While my former teacher had been patient with all of the students, my new teacher quicklypunished those who gave incorrect answers.While sth./sb. is/does, sth.

6、/sb. else is/does某事/某人, 而另一事/另一人用于表述“人与人或事与事之间的反差”。鼓励使学生乐于接受新知识,惩罚则使学生充满挫败感。encouragement/keep ones mind open to sth./full of frustrationWhile encouragement will always keep students minds open to new knowledge, punishment maymake students full of frustration.突然有一天我发现以前学过的东西都懂了,更重要的是,我能脱口而出说英语了。Then

7、, one day I realized I could understand just about everything I came across, and mostimportantly, I could “say” anything I wanted to in English.Sb. realizes/becomes aware (of) (that), and most/ best/worst of all, 某人意识到, 尤为重要/突出/糟糕的是,用于强调“某人对事物认识的递进关系”。一天我突然意识到自己的学习进步了,尤为重要的是,我对自己的专业更感兴趣了。most of all

8、/in ones area of study/take more interestOne day I suddenly realized I had made some progress in my studies, and most of all, I took moreinterest in my area of study.将来有一天,我们会意识到一直以来我们都没有善待地球,而且更糟的是, 亡羊补牢为时已晚。One day in the future we will become aware we havent been taking good care of the earth, an

9、dworst of all, it is too late to make up for it.对我来说,学习外语是非常艰辛的经历,但这个经历拿什么我都不换。Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me, but one that I wouldnttrade for anything.Doing sth. is a most + for sb., but one that(从句)做某事对某人来说是非常的经历,但又是一种的经历。用于强调“对事物的辩证认识”。对你来说现在玩网络游戏非常愉快,但肯定会是日后

10、你为之后悔的一段经历。play online games/a most enjoyable experience/be certain toPlaying online games is now a most enjoyable experience for you, but one that you are certain toregret in future.参加高考是我们多数人一次最痛苦的经历,但我认为又是最值得珍惜的经历。Participating in the college entrance examinations was a most painful experience fo

11、r most of us,but one that I think is most worth holding dear.学一门外语最令我兴奋的收获是能与更多的人交流。The most wonderful result of having learned a foreign language was that I could communicatewith many more people than before.The most wonderful/delightful/awful result of doing sth. is that做某事最令人惊奇的/高兴的/糟糕的结果是。用于表述“对

12、做某事的结论性评价”。耍小聪明最糟糕的后果是反被聪明误。play tricks in petty matters/fall victim toThe most awful result of playing tricks in petty matters is that the player falls victim to it.Book 1 Unit 2您听一下吧,您肯定会喜欢的。Listen for a minute; Im sure youll like it.Do sth.; I am sure (that) you will (not) 做某事,你肯定(不)会用于表述“给对方建议/与

13、对方论理”。改进你的思维模式,这肯定会给你的学习带来新的面貌。improve your way of thinking/bring a new look to sth.Improve your way of thinking; Im sure that will bring a new look to your study.虽然你的理由完全站得住脚,但恐怕他不会那么容易改变观点。Im not sure he will come round that easily, though your reasons do hold water.我想我还不至于老得落伍吧,可没完没了地听那不成曲调、叫人心烦的

14、歌着实让我生气。I dont think Im old-fashioned, but hearing those tuneless, offensive lyrics repeatedly makes myblood boil.Sb. doesnt think sb./sth., but doing sth. does 某人认为不至于,但做某事又实在用于表述“对事物的看法与感受的反差”。我想我并不多愁善感,但那部影片却着实让我感动得落泪了。emotional/move one to tearsI dont think Im an emotional person, but watching t

15、hat film did move me to tears.我认为看小说对一个人的进步并不是没任何好处,但把一整天的时间都花在看小说上又总让我有一种负罪感。I dont think reading novels does no good to ones progress, but spending a whole day readingnovels always gives me a feeling of guilt.我想我们应该感到幸运了,因为对我们来说女儿的最大问题还只是化化妆。I suppose we should feel lucky because makeup is our big

16、gest problem with her.Sb. supposes sb. should (not) because sb./sth. 某人想某人(不)应该,因为某人/某物 用于表述“看待事物的角度和理由”。我想我们应该为儿子取得的进步感到骄傲了,因为他去年考试还垫底儿呢。feel proud of/sb.s progress/come bottom in an examI suppose we should feel proud of our sons progress because he came bottom in the exam lastyear.我想你不该灰心,因为事物不是一成

17、不变的,而是始终在变化着的。I suppose you should not lose heart because things are not being but a becoming.我担心那种音乐对桑迪可能会产生负面影响。What worries me is that music could have a negative influence on Sandy.What worries one is that令某人担心的是,(that 可替换)用于表述“某人的担心”。父母担心女儿在异地不会照顾好自己。take good care of oneself / in a strange pla

18、ceWhat worried the parents was that the daughter could not take good care of herself in a strangeplace.Book 1 Unit 3现在回想起来,我不禁惊叹:像他那样一个成年人,得有多大的勇气才能承受这样的屈辱和压力, 而当时他却表现得毫无痛苦,也没有一句怨言。When I think of it now, I am amazed at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man tosubject himself to such sh

19、ame and stress. And at how he did itwithout bitterness or complaint.When sb. thinks of sth./sb. now (someday in the future), he/she is/feels amazed/shocked/delighted/embarrassed/guilty/alarmed/ at 现在(将来有朝一日)回想起某事某人来,某人会对感到惊叹震惊高兴难堪内疚恐慌。用于表述“某人回想起某事时的一种感慨 ”。现在回想起军训,我仍惊叹不已的是,自己当时怎会表现出那么大的毅力。military tr

20、aining / feel amazed at / display / willpowerWhen I think of the military training now, I still feel amazed at how much willpower I displayedthen.现在当我回想起那次经历时,我仍为父亲面对死亡时的镇静感到惊叹。When I think of that experience now, I still feel amazed at my fathers calmness in the face ofdeath.虽说有很多活动不能参加,但是父亲还是试着以某种

21、方式去参加。Unable to engage in many activities, my father still tried to participate in some way.(Although sb. is) Adj./P.p. phrase, sb. still does虽说是 ,某人还是用于表述“某人尽管有不利因素但仍努力去做 ”。虽然用英语表达远不自如,他还是设法用英语描述了自己的所见所闻。express oneself/ far from free/ what one sees and hearsFar from free to express himself in Engl

22、ish, he still managed to describe what he had seen andheard.不知他当时是否留意在我们同行时,我不愿意被人看到和他在一起。若他确实注意到了, 那我真惭愧一直没对他说我是多么对不起他,我是多么不孝,我有多么后悔。I wonder if he sensed my reluctance to be seen with him during our walks. If he did, I am sorry Inever told him how sorry I was, how unworthy I was, how I regretted i

23、t.If sb. sensed/noticed, I am sorry I never told him/ her how, how, how如果某人当时觉察到, 我真惭愧一直没对他她说我多么, 我多么, 我多么用于表述“某人对曾经的过错的内疚心理 ”。如果我父母觉察到我当时在向他们撒谎,我真惭愧一直没对他们说我有多么缺乏常识,我有多么粗心,我有多么的不孝。notice sb. doing sth. / lack common sense / unworthyIf my parents noticed me lying to them, I am sorry I never told them

24、 how I lacked common sense,how careless I was, how unworthy I was.如果她当时觉察到我对她的痛苦麻木不仁,我真惭愧一直没对她说我多么缺乏同情心,我是多么不懂事,我有多么懊悔。If she sensed my indifference toward her pain, I am sorry I never told her how I lacked sympathy, how insensible I was, how I regretted it.每当我因一些琐事怨天尤人的时候,每当我嫉妒别人运气比我好的时候,每当我没有怀着“好心

25、”的时候,我就会想到他。I think of him when I complain about trifles, when I am envious of anothers good fortune, when I dont have a “good heart”.Sb. thinks of/remembers/calls to mind sth./sb. when (从句) when (从句), and when (从句) 每当的时候,每当的时候,某人就会想到某事某人。用于表述“某人某事对当事人的影响力”。每当我感到孤寂时,每当我情绪低落时,每当我遭遇挫折时,我都会想起我的故乡。 feel

26、 lonely / in low spirits / run into frustrationI think of my hometown when I feel lonely, when I am in low spirits, and when I run into frustration.每当我们随地吐痰,每当我们品尝野味,每当我们破坏自然界时,我们就应想到非典。 We should think of SARS when we spit anywhere, when we enjoy the deliciousness of wild game, when we do damage to

27、 the nature.Book 1 Unit 4有研究显示,我们对他人的判断是根据我们遇到他们的最初七秒钟内所进行的无声交流形成的。Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them.A large body of research/evidence/study/facts/ experience/data shows/proves/suggests/indicates that(从句)大量的研究证据研究事实经验

28、数据显示证明表明,用于表述“证据 ”。大量证据表明积极思维可以使人摆脱困境。positive thinking / enable sb. to do sth. / get out of difficultyA large body of evidence shows that positive thinking enables one to get out of difficulty.事实表明逃避现实会使你更加痛苦。Facts show that escape from reality will drive you into much more pain.想想那些让你最难忘的会面:被介绍给你未

29、来的妻子或丈夫、一次求职面试、与陌生人的一次邂逅。(想想有哪几次你确切知道你给人留下了好印象。)Think about some of your most unforgettable meetings: an introduction to your future spouse, a job interview, an encounter with a stranger. (Think of times when you know you made a good impression.)Think about/of sth. (that)想想譬如用于表述“例证 ”。你的一生很值得回忆。想想你一

30、生中的最精彩表现:大学时成绩全优生、事业上的成功者、 一次大难不死。be well worth recalling / the highlights of ones life / a straight-A student / a narrow escape from deathYour life is well worth recalling. Think about the highlights of your life: a straight-A student at college, an achiever in career, a narrow escape from death.诀窍

31、在于要始终如一地保持自我,保持最佳状态的自我。The trick is to be consistently you, at your best.The trick/secret/key (to doing sth.) is to(做某事的)诀窍秘诀关键在于用于表述“做某事的诀窍秘诀 ”。赢得女孩芳心的诀窍在于表现得比她周围的人也包括她要好。win a girls heart / act better thanThe key to winning a girls heart is to act better than those around her, including herself.然而,演说家常常会传递一些含混不清的信息。我最喜欢用来作例子的一类演说家是那些一边看着自

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