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1、pep四年级英语下册第六单元和复习二课文原文和翻译pep四年级英语下册第六单元和复习二课文原文和翻译pep四年级英语下册第六单元和复习二课文原文和翻译56面Unit 6 Shopping 购物56面56面Can I help you? 有什么需要帮忙的吗?56面Yes. This dress is pretty. How much is it? 好。这条连衣裙很好看。多少钱?56面Its eighty-five yuan. 八十五元。56面Can I try it on 我能试试吗?56面Sure. 当然。57面How much are those big shoes 那些大鞋多少钱?57面S

2、orry. Theyre not for sale. 对不起。它们是非卖品。58面Unit 6 A Lets talk 一起说吧58面58面Can I help you 有什么需要帮忙的吗?58面Yes. These shoes are nice. 好。这些鞋很不错。58面Can I try them on Size 6, please. 我能试试吗?要六码。58面Of course. Here you are. 当然,给您。58面John, are they OK 乔恩,怎么样?58面No. Theyre too small. 不好。太小了。58面Hmm. OK. Lets try size

3、 7. 嗯。好吧。我们试下七码。58面Theyre just right! 正好!58面Good! 好!58面58面58面Lets play58面Can I help you 我能帮您吗?58面Yes.Can I try these on? 是的,我可以试一下吗?58面OK.Here you are. 好的,给你。58面Oh,theyre too big! 哦,它们太大了!59面Unit 6 A Lets learn 一起学吧59面 59面Can I help you 有什么需要帮忙的吗?59面The gloves are nice. Can I try them on 手套很棒。我能试试吗?

4、59面Sure. 当然。59面 59面gloves 手套59面sunglasses 太阳镜59面umbrella 伞59面scarf 围脖59面59面59面Complete and say完整的说59面Its hot,so I put on my T-shirt. .天气很热,所以我穿上了我的T恤衫。59面T-shirt.socksT恤、袜子60面Unit 6 A Lets spell 拼读一下60面60面Read aloud. 大声读。60面computer 电脑60面dinner 晚餐60面girl 女孩60面wall 墙60面homework 家庭作业60面nurse 护士60面card

5、 卡片60面little 小的60面people 人们60面world 世界60面60面Try this! 试试这个!60面work 工作60面sir 先生60面turn 转换60面circle 圆圈60面park 公园60面mall 购物中心60面60面Look, listen and write. 看、听和写。60面My uncle is a farmer. 我叔叔是一个农夫。60面He is tall. 他很高。60面He likes to play ball. 他喜欢打球。60面60面Listen and chant. 听和唱。60面Two little birds are sitti

6、ng on a wall. 两只小鸟停在墙头。60面One is big and the other is small. 一只大另一只小。60面A cute little girl is playing with a ball. 一个可爱的下女孩在玩球。60面Be careful, little girl! 小心,小女孩!60面Dont knock them off the wall! 别把它们撞下墙了!60面 60面Now its your turn. 现在该你唱了。61面Unit 6 B Lets talk 一起说吧61面 61面Sarah, how do you like this sk

7、irt 萨拉,你喜欢这个裙子吗?61面Its very pretty. 很好看。61面Can I help you 有什么需要帮忙的吗?61面Yes. How much is this skirt 好。这条裙子多少钱?61面Its $89. 八十九美元。61面Oh, thats expensive! 哦,好贵!61面I like it, Mum. 我喜欢,妈妈。61面Sorry, Sarah. Its too expensive. 对不起,萨拉。太贵了。61面61面61面Lets act61面It will be cold soon.You have 50 yuan.Choose three

8、things.很快就要冷了,你有50元,选择三样东西。61面That scarf is pretty.How much is it?那条围巾很漂亮,多少钱?61面Its 10 yuan.这是10元。61面Ill take it!我会把它拿走!61面61面10 yuan for shirts, 20 yuan in woolen sweaters, 16 yuan in trousers, 10 yuan for scarves, 4 yuan for socks, 6 yuan for gloves, 12 yuan for hat, and 15 yuan for shoes.【衬衫 10元

9、、羊毛衫 20元、裤子 16元、围巾 10元、 袜子 4元、手套 6元、帽子 12元、鞋子 15元】62面Unit 6 B Lets learn 一起学吧62面 62面Look at that dress. Its pretty. 看那条连衣裙。很好看。62面Yes, it is. 是的。62面 62面nice 好62面pretty 美丽62面cheap 便宜62面expensive 贵62面62面62面Lets play让我们玩62面Who has.谁有62面62面Sarah has a pretty dress. Its 50 yuan.Its very nice.莎拉有一件漂亮的衣服。这

10、是50元。这是非常好的。62面62面What Who How much什么谁多少62面a pretty dress Sarah 50漂亮的裙子,莎拉5062面a nice 一个很好的62面a cheap一个便宜的62面an expensive一个昂贵的62面62面50 40 5 10063面Unit 6 B Read and write 读和写63面63面Read and answer. 读并回答。63面Today all sunglasses and gloves are five yuan! 今天所有的太阳镜和手套都五块!63面They are very cheap. 好便宜。63面We

11、have many nice scarves, too - red, yellow, brown and more! 我们还有许多好的围巾红黄棕色的等等!63面Umbrellas are cheap, too. 伞也很便宜。63面We have many pretty colours for you. 我们给您准备了很多漂亮的颜色。63面Come and see us today! 今天来看看吧!63面63面1.How much is the red scarf Its yuan.1,红色的围巾多少钱?是元。63面2.How much are the brown gloves?Theyre y

12、uan.2、棕色手套多少钱?它们是人民币。63面3.Is the umbrella too expensive?3、雨伞太贵了吗?63面4.Are the sunglasses cheap?4、太阳镜便宜吗?63面63面63面Look and write.63面They are very expensive.63面They are too small.63面63面 Draw your shoes and write a sentence.64面Unit 6 B Lets check 检查一下64面64面Listen and tick or cross. 听并打勾或叉。64面1.Can I he

13、lp you 有什么需要帮忙的吗?64面Yes, please. Can I try on these sunglasses 好。我能试试这些太阳镜吗?64面OK, here you are. 好,给您。64面 64面2.How much is this pretty scarf 这个漂亮的围巾多少钱?64面Its 20 yuan. 二十块。64面Oh, thats very cheap. 哦,好便宜。64面 64面3.Are they OK 合适吗?64面No, my feet hurt. 不好,我的脚受伤了。64面They are too small. 它们太小了。64面 64面4.How

14、 much are these gloves 这双手套多少钱?64面They are 25 yuan. 二十五元。64面Can I try them on please 我能试试吗?64面Sure. 当然。64面64面64面Look and match.看与匹配。64面64面cheap sunglasses廉价太阳镜64面a pretty green scarf漂亮的绿色围巾64面my friends umbrella我朋友的伞64面expensive gloves昂贵的手套64面64面64面Unit 6 B Lets sing 一起唱吧64面 64面How much is that dogg

15、ie in the window? 橱窗里的小狗多少钱?64面How much is that doggie in the window 橱窗里的小狗多少钱?64面The one with the waggity tail. 摇着尾巴的那只。64面With his tail so short and his ears so long. 有着短尾巴和长耳朵。64面I do hope that doggies for sale. 我好想要那只小狗打折。64面 64面Now its your turn. 现在该你唱了。65面Unit 6 C Story time 故事时间65面 65面Zoom, d

16、o a good job. 祖姆,干得好点。65面No problem! 没问题!65面Can I help you 有什么需要帮忙的吗?65面Yes. Can I see that skirt, please 好。我能看看那条裙子吗?65面Its pretty, isnt it 很好看,不是吗?65面Yes, its nice. 是的,很好。65面Its cheap, too. 也很便宜。65面Sixteen dollars! 十六美元!65面No, it isnt. 不,不是。65面Then how much is it 那多少钱?65面Its ninety-one. Sorry, Mis

17、s. 九十一。对不起,小姐。65面Zoom, youre fired! 祖姆,你被解雇了!65面But.但是76面Useful Expressions in Unit 6有用的表达式在第六单元中76面76面Can I help you 我能为您做点什么?76面Yes. These shoes are nice. 是的,这双鞋不错。76面Can I try them on Size 6, please. 我能试试吗?请给我拿6码的。76面Theyre too small. 它们太小了。76面How do you like this skirt 这条短裙你觉得怎么样?76面Its very pre

18、tty. 它很漂亮。76面How much is this skirt 这条短裙多少钱?76面Its $89. 89美元。71面Unit 6单元六71面 71面glove 手套71面scarf 围巾71面umbrella 伞71面sunglasses 太阳镜71面pretty 美丽的71面expensive 贵的71面cheap 便宜的71面nice 好的71面try on 试穿71面size 尺码71面of course 当然71面too 太71面just 正好71面how much 多少钱71面eighty 八十71面dollar 元71面sale 特价销售71面more 更多的71面us

19、 我们66面Recycle 2 复习二66面66面Read aloud. 大声读。66面1.Tomorrow will be warm and sunny. 明天会晴朗温暖的。66面Lets have a picnic tomorrow. 我们明天去野餐吧。66面Yeah! 好!66面2.Can I help you 有什么需要帮忙的吗?66面Yes, five tomatoes and two carrots, please. 好。我要五个西红柿和两个胡萝卜。66面Three bananas and two apples, please. 三个香蕉和两个苹果。66面How much is t

20、hat 那个多少钱?66面Thats 42 yuan in total. 一共四十二元。66面Thats expensive! 好贵!66面3.That jacket is cool! Whose is it 那个夹克好酷!是谁的?66面Its Sarahs. I like it, too. 萨拉的。我也喜欢。66面4.Are those cows They look hungry. 那些是牛吗?他们看起来很饿。66面Whose tomatoes are those 那些西红柿是谁的?66面Theyre Sarahs! Quick! 是萨拉的!快!66面Finish the story! 故事

21、结束。66面Can you act it out 你能演出来吗?67面Listen and tick()听并打勾。67面67面Conversation 1对话167面Welcome! How can I help you? 欢迎!有什么需要帮忙的吗?67面Hi, Id like to wear some gloves. 你好,我想试些手套。67面Where are they 它们在哪?67面Theyre on the second floor. 在二层。67面This way, please. 这边请。67面What colours do you have 你们有什么色的?67面We have blue gloves. 蓝色的。67面Do you have red gloves 有红色的吗?67面No, sir. 没有。67面

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