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unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came单元测试题解析.docx

1、unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came单元测试题解析Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?一单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )1.When the man downstairs knocked at the door, I_. doing housework B. was doing housework C. were doing housework going

2、 to do housework ( )2. There is a blackboard_ our classroom. Our teacher was standing _ the blackboard at this time yesterday. A. in front of; in the front of B. in the front of; on C. in the front of; in front of D. in front of; in( )3. Look! The cat _ from the tree. Yes.It_ the tree just now. A. i

3、s jumping down; climbed up B. is jumping down; is climbing up C. jumps down; was climbing up D. jumps down; climbed( )4. What were you doing _last Sunday morning? A. at B. in C. over D. / ( )5. While I was at the _, I heard a nurse_ Davys name. A. doctors; call B. doctors; to call C. doctors; callin

4、g D. doctors; called ( )6.The boy with two dogs _in the yard when the earthquake hit the city. A. is playing B. are playing C. were playing D. was playing( )7. My father was reading a newspaper while my mother _ dinner. A. is cooking B. cooks C. was cooking D. will cook( )8.All the students were sle

5、eping _they heard a man _“help”.A.when; shouting B.while; to shout C.when; to shout D.while; shouted( )9 The rainstorm came while Ann _ her purse in the classroom.A. was looking for B. looked for C. is looking at D. looks at( )10. . _ beautiful park Xiaoyaojin Park is!A. What B. What a C. How D. How

6、 a ( )11. “They are filling the bags with clothes.” means theyre _ A putting their clothes away B. putting their clothes into the bags C. putting down their clothes D. putting on their clothes( )12.Mr. Black talked about his son with the teacher the phone.A. by B. on C. in D. with( )13 What are you

7、doing ? I am thinking about at the class meeting. A. how say B. what say C. how to say D. what to say( )14. Dad, could you please drive ? No hurry. We have enough time before the plane takes off. A. faster B.fastest C.more slowly D. more carefully( )15. I tried several jackets on, but _ of them look

8、ed good. A. both B. either C. none D. neither二完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Mr Black was once a policeman. He was a kind person. He liked to have a walk in the park after breakfast. It was very cold 16 a winter morning. Mr Black was walking along the street when he heard

9、a cry for help. He turned around but could see nobody. He stopped and looked here and there. At the moment, a boy 17 to him.The boy was in such a hurry 18 he couldnt say a word except pointing towards the river. Mr Black realized what had happened and ran to the river as soon as possible. 19 of them

10、 ran along the river and saw a girl in the water. She 20 a piece of wood. It was carrying her away. It was too 21 . Without a word, Mr Black took off his clothes as 22 as he could, and jumped into the river. He 23 to the girl and took her back near the bank and lifted the girl up, and then the boy h

11、elped 24 her out of the water. Then they stopped a car and took the girl to the 25 . At last the girls life was saved, and she thanked them verymuch. ( )16. A. in B. on C. at D.for( )17. A. walked up B. looked out C. rushed out D. ran up( )18. A. so B. and C . that D.but( )19. A. All B. Both C. Neit

12、her D.either( )20. A. was holding B. was lifting C. is taking pushing( )21. A. heavy B. exciting C. dangerous D.interesting( )22. A. slowly B. carefully C. quickly D.quietly( )23. A. swam B. ran C. flew D.walked( )24. A. push B. pull C. bring D.take( )25. A. house B. school C. park D. hospital三

13、补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。 A: 26_ B: I was flying a kite. A: 27_ B: By the river. A lot of children were flying kites there ,too. A: It blew yesterday, didnt it? B: 28_ It was good weather for flying a kite. A: 29_ B: Zhang Lei and Liu Hua. They both bought two new

14、 kites and got there earlier than I did. A: Did you enjoy yourselves yesterday?B: 30_ A.Who helped you to mend the kite? B.What were you doing yesterday afternoon? C. Who did you fly kites with? D. Yes, but the wind wasnt strong.E. Were you very busy yesterday? F. Where did you fly the kite? G. Yes,

15、 we did. We played there for about three hours. 四阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AA young American doctor was sleeping when suddenly his doorbell began to ring. It was already midnight, but what could the doctor do? He had to get up, put on his coat and go downstairs. When

16、 he opened the door, he saw a man standing with a hat in his hand. “How do you do?” said the man. “Can you come at once to a place out of town? Its quite far but you have a car and I can show you the way.” “Certainly,” said the doctor. “Im quite ready. I can come at once.” After a few minutes the ca

17、r was standing at the front door, the man got into the doctors car, and they drove off. They drove on for a long time. Then the man said, “Here we are. This is my home. Now I can pay you and you can go back to the town.” “I must see the patient. How can I go back without seeing the patient?”“There i

18、s no patient,” explained the man. “Nobody is ill. I live here, you see, and one must get home from a town, mustnt he? There are no taxis this time of the night, but a doctor often makes night calls, so excuse me. Here is money. Thank you, doctor. Good night.” ( )31. What was the doctor doing when th

19、e doorbell started to ring ? A. He was sleeping upstairs. B. He was sleeping downstairs. C. He was working upstairs. D. He was working downstairs.( )32. What did the man ask the doctor to do ? A. to go out for a walk B. to go to a place in the town C. to see a patient D. to go to a place out of town

20、( )33. How did they go away ? A. on foot B. by car C. by bus D. by bike ( )34.What does the phrase “make night calls” in this sentence mean ?A.打骚扰电话B.打夜间打电话C.夜间喊叫D.夜间出诊( )35.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.The story happened in the midnight .B. It was so late that there were no taxis

21、 for the man to take at that time. C.The doctor was very thankful to get some money.D The man was cleverer than the doctor. BOne day a poor farmer was taking a bag of rice to town. Suddenly the bag fell off his horse on the road. He didnt know what to do about it because it was too heavy for him to

22、lift by himself. He only hoped that somebody would soon pass by and help him.Just at this moment a man riding a horse came up to him. But the farmer was very disappointed (失望) when he saw who he was. It was the great man living nearby. The farmer had hoped to ask another farmer or a poor man like hi

23、m.But to his surprise, the great man got off his horse as soon as he came near. He said to the farmer, “I see you need help, friend. How good it is that Im here just at the right time.” Then he took one end of the bag, the farmer took the other. They together lifted and put it on the horse. “Sir,” a

24、sked the farmer, “how can I pay you?” “Its quite easy,” the great man answered with a smile, “wherever you see anyone else in trouble, do the same for him.” ( )36. What happened when the farmer went to town? A. His horses leg was hurt B. The bag fell from his horse. C. The farmer lost his bag. D. Th

25、e horse was ill.( )37. The farmer couldnt lift the bag onto the horse by himself because _. A. the bag was broken B. the horse went away C. the bag was too heavy for him to lift D. the farmer was too old( )38.Why was the farmer very disappointed when he saw the great man? A.Because he thought the gr

26、eat man couldnt help him. B.Because he thought the great man could take away his bag. C.Because he thought the great man could take away his horse. D.Because he thought the great man couldnt see him.( )39. Who helped the farmer? A. The great man. B. Another farmer. C. A poor man like him. D. A frien

27、d of the farmers.( )40.If you see someone in trouble, what will you do?A. Ill go away as soon as possible because I dont want any trouble. B. Ill give some help if I know him or her .C.I wont give any help unless he or she pays me money.D.Ill volunteer to help him or her.五单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)A)根据

28、首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。41.I was cutting my hair when the s_(奇怪的) man passed the door. 42.Bens mom was putting some candles and m_(火柴) on the table.43. We were having fun in the p_(操场) when the school bell rang.44.Robert and his friends were c_(完全)surprised to hear the news.45.The news on TV r

29、_(报道) that there was a rainstorm in the area.B) 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。46.We were climbing up the mountain when it began to rain _(heavy).47.Ben didnt fall asleep until the wind _(die down)at around 3:00 a.m.48.He had a fight with his best friend, and they walked home in_ (silent).49.I was too tired an

30、d still sleeping when my alarm _( go off).50.Kate didnt think her friend was telling the _(true) about the event六书面表达 (共1小题;满分20分)根据提示写一段短文,谈谈你和Mary上星期天做的事情, 80词以上,开头已写好,不计入总词数。These days students have a lot of stress from school.They are always busy even on Sundays. Last Sunday, Mary was very busy. What about you?Last SundayMaryYou9:009:30read Englishlisten to the English tapes10:0011:00do math homeworkwatch TV12:001:00have lunch with Dadhave lun

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