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1、江苏省扬州市邗江美琪学校八年级英语上学期第一次月考试题牛津版邗江区美琪学校202X202X第一次调研试卷八年级英语 (满分:140分;考试时间:100分钟)本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷为第1至65题,第卷为第66至101题。试卷总分140分,考试时间100分钟。第卷(选择题80分)一、听力部分(共20小题;每小题1分,计20分)第一部分 听对话,回答问题1.Who runs the fastest?A. Jim. B. John. C. Tom.2.What day is it today?A. Monday. B. Thursday. C. Sunday.3.What

2、s the weather going to be like tomorrow?A. Cloudy. B. Snowy. C. Fine.4.When might they go to see those birds?A. Monday. B. Wednesday. C. Friday.5.Does Millie really want to go to the cinema after dinner?A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. We dont know.6.Is Simon stronger?A. Yes, he is. B. No, he

3、 isnt. C. We dont know.7.What does Amy want to be when she grows up?A. A dancer. B. A singer. C. A scientist.8.What does Sallys maths teacher look like?A. Tall and handsome. B. Tall and slim. C. Pretty and slim.9.What is the most interesting activity?A. Swimming. B. Hiking. C. Cycling.10.Which boy i

4、s Peter?A. The boy on the left. B. The boy on the right. C. The boy in the middle.第二部分 听对话和短文,回答问题听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。11.Who is not feeling well in the conversation?A. Mrs. Brown. B. Mrs. Browns son. C. The little girl.12.What did Jim have for supper?A. Some hamburgers. B. Hot water. C. Milk and bread

5、.听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。13.Where is Lin Tao going for vacation?A. Beijing. B. Hong Kong. C. Shanghai.14.What is Lin Tao doing for vacation?A.Hes going sightseeing.B.Hes visiting his cousin.C.Hes going to the beach.15.Who is Wang Xia going for vacation with?A. Lin Tao. B. Yang Ying. C. Her cousin.听一篇短文,回答

6、第16-20小题。16An old man died and left his son _.A. nothing B. some gold C. much money17When the son was _, he went to see Tom.A. short of money B. quite poor and sick C. quite poor and alone18The young man was very glad because Tom said that _.A.he would become rich againB.he would soon feel much happ

7、ierC.he would become clever19Tom meant the young man _.A.would get rich againB.would be used to having nothingC.would get used to being in trouble20What this story tells us is _.A. that money is everythingB. that money makes the mare (鬼) goC. that misfortune (不幸) tests the sincerity of friends二、单项选择

8、(本题共15小题,满分15分)( )21、He is honest boy. He never tells a lie.A. a B. an C. the D. /( )22、They always have a good time each other.A. chatting B. chat C. chatting with D. chat with( )23、Its raining hard. Please wait _ the house. - Thank you. A. outside B. around C. behind D. in( )24、I bought _ exercise

9、 books with _ money.A. a few, a few B. a few, a little C. a little, a few D. a little, a little( )25、The boss often _the workers _for 12 hours a day. A. make, work B. makes , to work C. makes , work D. make , working( )26、Im 1.70 metres. Yao Ming is 2.27 metres. I am Yao Ming.A. as tall as B. taller

10、 than C. not as tall as D. so tall as( )27、Eddie is eight years old, but we have seven candles only, we need _ candle.A. Only one B. one more C. some more D. one much( )28、The boy is very fat _ too much food.A. so B. so of C. because D. because of( )29、The old man always thick glasses and works very

11、 hard.A. puts on B. takes off C. dresses D. wears( )30、 Must I clean my rabbits hutch every day? No, you _. A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant D. dont( )31、-Whats your best friend like? - .A. He is helpful and generous B. He is a doctor.C. He likes watching TV. D. He is fine. Thank you.( )32、 Can I have _

12、more food? Sorry. There is not_ in the fridge. A. some; anything else B. some; nothing else C. any; anything else D. any; nothing else( )33、The fantail goldfish looks different _ other goldfish. A. from B. to C. of D. by ( )34、The goldfish move very _ and sleep _. A. slowlya lot B. slowa lot of C. s

13、lowera lot D. slowlya lot of( )35、What about going to Yangzi Park? _ AThank you BHere you are CNot at all DGood idea三、完形填空。 (本题共15小题,满分15分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 One night, a little swallow flew over the city. He was very 36 and wanted to have a good sleep in the city. When he saw the Statue

14、of the Happy Prince (王子), he flew down and got ready to sleep 37 the feet of the Happy Prince.Just as he was putting his head under his wing, some 38 fell on him. He thought it was raining. But when he looked 39 , he found the sky was 40 clear and bright that he could see lots of stars. Suddenly, he

15、 saw some tears were running down the Princes golden 41 .“ 42 are you crying?” asked the swallow.“In a little street, theres a poor house. From one of the windows, I see a woman 43 at a table. Shes sewing clothes for 44 women to wear. In a bed in the corner of the room, her little boy is sick. Hes a

16、sking for oranges, but his mother has only water to give him, so he is crying. The boy is so thirsty 45 the mother is so sad. Little swallow, will you please take her the 46 from the top of my sword (宝剑)?”“It is very cold here and I am leaving for a warm place, but I will stay with you and do as you

17、 ask.”The swallow took the bright red jewel from the Princes sword and flew away with it in his mouth. He flew into the womans room and 47 it beside the womans needle.48 he flew back, he told the Prince what he had done. “It s strange,” he added, “Its so cold but I feel quite 49 now.”“Thats 50 you h

18、ave done a good thing,” said the Prince. The little swallow began to think about this, and then he fell asleep.( )36. A. hungry B. tired C. angry D. sad( )37. A. among B. above C. below D. between( )38. A. water B. snow C. grass D. milk( )39. A. at B. down C. up D. for( )40. A. quite B. so C. such D

19、. very( )41. A. ear B. feet C. hair D. face( )42. A. Where B. How C. When D. Why( )43. A. sitting B. eating C. drinking D. cooking( )44. A. poor B. rich C. young D. old( )45. A. but B. or C. and D. so( )46. A. jewel B. orange C. gold D. diamond( )47. A. forgot B. took C. got D. put( )48. A. Before B

20、. After C. Till D. While( )49. A. cold B. hot C. warm D. cool( )50. A. because B. though C. if D. whether四、阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AJoe Brown had a shop. He sold(卖) meat in his shop . One Thursday a woman came into his shop at five to one . “Im sorry Im late,” she said. “I need some more meat for my

21、 dinner tonight.” Joe had only one piece of meat in his shop. He took it out of the fridge and said, “This is6.50.” “That piece is too small.” the woman said, “havent you for anything bigger?” Joe went into the room behind his shop, put the piece of meat into the fridge, took it out of again and clo

22、sed the door with lots of noise. Then he brought the piece of meat to the woman and said, “This piece of meat is bigger and more expensive. Its 8.75.” “Good,” the woman said with a smile,“give me both of them.”( )51.Joe Brown was_. A. a waiter B. a runner C. an actor D. a shopkeeper( )52.When did th

23、e woman come to Joes shop? A. Early in the morning. B. Early in the afternoon. C. Late in the evening. D. At about one oclock at night.( )53.Why didnt the woman want that piece of meat? A. Because she had no money. B. Because it was bad. C. Because it wasnt big enough. D. Because it was too bigBIf y

24、ou want to watch and know something about birds, you must find a good place near the bird nest(巢).Birds sit on eggs and take care of their babies from April to June. Because the baby birds are too young to leave the nest, parents often go to look for food and come back in several minutes. So it is g

25、ood to watch birds. When we watch birds, wed better hide ourselves in a close place to the nest, and its better to use binoculars(双筒望远镜).But how to make a bird nest? A good bird nest must be very fine, strong, thick and comfortable. If you want to make one, please follow these:a) Each nest must have

26、 six boards(木板). Dont make the boards too slippery(滑).b) Dig a small hole in the front of the nest as a “door”. The “door” is big enough .So birds can fly in or out easily.c) Make sure the rainwater cant go into the nest.d) One piece of the board should be easy to open.e) Dont forget to colour the n

27、est.( ) 54. The most important thing in watching birds is to .A. look for a place near the bird nest B. climb up to the treesC. catch a bird D. kill a bird( ) 55. We have to hide ourselves to , when were watching birds.A. take better care of them B. use the binocularsC. make them do everything as us

28、ual D. kill them at last.( ) 56. If we make the nest too slippery, .A. it wont be very beautiful B. it wont be easy to makeC. it wont be strong D. its very difficult for birds to hold or stand on it ( ) 57. Whats the best title of this passage?A. Birds are mans friends B. How to catch birdsC. Watchi

29、ng birds and making bird nests D. How to keep birdsCCan we make animals work for us? Some scientists thinks that one day we can teach animals to do a lot of things for people. They say that in a film or on TV, you may see elephants, monkeys, dogs or some other animals doing a lot of things. If you watch carefully, you may find those animals are always given a little food to eat after they have done something. Scientists say that people can

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