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最新 外研版 七年级下册英语 Module11 body language5课时教案.docx

1、最新 外研版 七年级下册英语 Module11 body language5课时教案Module 11 body language Unit 1 They touch noses教学目标On completion of this class, students will be able to 1. Finish the listening task.2. Get familiar with the relevant information about body language3. acquire the key words and language points 教学重点Understand

2、 the body language in different situation and learn how to use the imperative sentence。教学难点Make suggestions with the imperative sentence。学情分析Seventh graders are different in their personality, intelligence, learning habit and language basis, because of the different family and elementary education。七

3、年级学生由不同的小学升入初中,他们来自不同的地方,各自的家庭和以前的学校都不相同,这就导致了无论是学生的个性、智力还是学生的学习习惯和学习基础都不相同。学法指导Self-study combining with group work 自学互帮,小组合作教 学 过 程教学内容教师活动学生活动效果预测补救措施修改意见Step1 Lead in Step 2. vocabularyStep 3 activityStep4 Listeningand ReadingStep5 Language points and PracticeStep6 Homework1 Review the key words

4、 about human body.复习有关人体的词汇,2. learn the new words。学习新词汇,播放词汇音频让学生关闭书本在纸上画“正”字测试自己刚才3. teacher shows some body action and ask students to guess the meaning。老师自己或请两名同学上台表演,其他同学猜测肢体语言所传达的含义。 1) students are required to read the words of the listening activity.朗读听力任务出现的新词汇2).播放录音,提出2个问题作为学生听对话的任务,再点名提问

5、。5. Teacher gives the lecture.写一篇关于中国人各个地方不同问好方式的简短文章。1 Students are divided into several groups to answer the questions学生被分成六个小组进行抢答。2. follow the teacher to read the words and test the words by listening the tape3. take part in the activity4. Students are required to match the new words and the re

6、lated picture. 用英语词汇描绘所给图片的动作以及相关手势语在某个国家赋予的含义。全班核对答案。比技巧,比合作,看哪组学生快准。the Ss are asked to do some translation, sentence-analyzing, and other text related exercises. Ss are required to read each paragraph with right pronunciation and intonation.1)学生朗读,并记忆单词.2)学生不看课文,只听对话,并小组之间讨论上诉问题。3)学生勾画重点短语和句型。小组之

7、间共同完成并核对答案。学生独立完成。6.以小组为单位共同合作,下节课每 选一名代表上台做报告1.调动学生学习兴趣。学生复习相关重点词汇并引出body language 这个话题重点上一环节图片的重点词汇,初步掌握重点词汇的发音,能认读。 通过亲身肢体动作展示加强师生互动,进一步巩固所学词汇。通过分派听录音回答问题并完成练习进一步巩固所学知识并锻炼学生的听力,并且通过小组内合作,小组间竞争的设计引起学生的关注度。学生掌握相关写作知识 扩展延伸课堂所学知识,培养合作意识,学会用简单的词汇和句子表达一个主题和思想1.1.板书设计1) What is Lingling going to do?Do t

8、he Russian and American people greet each other ?2) I am welcoming the visitors.是现在进行时态表将来的用法.Eg :My parents are talking me to the Science Museum this weekend?3) times 次数 three times“三次”在英文中,一次是once,两次是twice,三次以上都用times参考书目推荐资料教学反思Module 11 body language Unit 1 They touch noses教学目标1. To understand w

9、hat is talked about in ht conversations2. To briefly talk about the body languages people use when they meet in some countries.教学重点Key words: shake, shake hands, smile, what, head, each other, touch, noseKey structures: How do I do that? No, I didnt know that.教学难点Some students can not understand the

10、 conversation and they have difficulty in talking about the body language in English.学情分析This unit is about body language, and different customs in different countries , so students may be very interested in it.学法指导Interactive approach , groupwork教 学 过 程教学内容教师活动学生活动效果预测(可能出现的问题)补救措施修改意见一、lead-in 二、s

11、how more pictures about body languages三、 listen to the tape and match the pictures with the nationality in activity 2.四、Act and guess五、Introduce more about the body language in different countries六、Homework1、Ask students to do the exercise in activity 1.1、 show pictures 1、go through the nationalitie

12、s in the box with the class. Ask where they are from. 2、 Ask students to describe the pictures in pairs with their own words and guess their nationalities.3、 Play the recording and tell students to decide which picture is described.4、 check the answers.1. ask one students to come to the front and ac

13、t out the words on the PPT, then the other students guess.Show students PPT1、students do the exercise in activity 1. 1、say the words in each picture and repeat the action1、go through the nationalities in the box and answer the teachers questions.2、describe the pictures in pairs with their own words

14、and guess their nationalities.3、listen to the tape and decide which picture is described in the tape.4、 elicit answers from the class and ask students to say why.1. one students to come to the front and act out the words on the PPT, then the other students guess1、some students cant understand the me

15、aning and they may have difficulty in doing the exercise.1、some students cant read the words and expressions about body language.1、 some students may not know the where are the people in the picture from. 2. students cant describe the pictures with their own words.3、students are unable to understand

16、 the conversation in the tape.4. some students may give the wrong answers.1. some students may not understand their classmates.1、 to explainthe order more clearly.1、 to explain the words and ask students to read after the teacher.1、ask other students to answer the question until somebody give the co

17、rrect answers.2、the teacher give them an example.3、play the tape again.4. ask other students to answer the question and the teacher can give the answers too.1. ask their classmates for the answers.板书设计Module 11 Body languageUnit 1 They touch nosesBow : 3 Homework:Kiss: 1Shake hands: 2Smile: 1 2 3参考书

18、目及推荐资料七年级下英语教材教学反思Module 11 body language Unit 2 Here are some ways to welcome them教学目标1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组:finger, foot, knee, leg, mouth ,body, foreign ,personal, arm, hold , move , Britain, polite, somewhere, wave, bring, not at all, in fact, wave to say goodbye, on time. 2、能读懂简单的介绍不同国家身势语的短文。3、能正确用祈使

19、句给出书面指示语和建议。4、通过阅读,了解世界各地不同地区的地域差异,培养对不同文化的兴趣。教学重点能够读懂文章。并能在阅读中找出身势语,完成任务。教学难点正确使用祈使句的用法。学情分析Seventh graders are different in their personality, intelligence, learning habit and language basis, because of the different family and elementary education。七年级学生由不同的小学升入初中,他们来自不同的地方,各自的家庭和以前的学校都不相同,这就导致了无论

20、是学生的个性、智力还是学生的学习习惯和学习基础都不相同。学法指导Self-study combining with group work 自学互帮,小组合作教 学 过 程教学内容教师活动学生活动效果预测补救措施修改意见Step1 Warming-up Step2 Pre-reading Step3 While-readingStep4 Post-readingStep5 SummaryStep6 HomeworkLead-in1.Play the video and let the Ss enjoy it.2.Guessing game:one student act out body lan

21、guage,other students say out the wordsNew words learning:Show Ss some pictures and have a free talk between T& Ss, teach the new words and expressions.1、ScanningAsk the Ss to scan the passage and find out what it is about.2、SkimmingAsk the Ss to skim the passage.T:How many paragraphs are there?Ss:fi

22、ve.T:Read it again and then check the true sentences.3 Careful reading(1)Paragraphs 1, 2Answer question.Let the Ss read Paragraphs 1 and 2 in groups of four and then find out the difficulties.Solve the difficulties.(2)Paragraph 3 and 4:Present Ss some statements and ask them to write “T” or “F”,also

23、 correct the wrong sentences after reading Paragraph 3and 4Let one team students read Paragraph 2 and the other students listen carefully to point out the importance and difficulties.Solve the difficulties.(3)Paragraph five:Let the Ss fill in the blanks after reading Paragraph 5Ask a groups of six s

24、tudents to read Paragraph 5. and let the other students listen carefully to point out the importance and difficulties.Solve the difficulties.(4)Ask the whole class to read out the whole passage, make sure that they understand it better.1、RetellLet the Ss fill in the blanks according to the passage.C

25、all back the answers from two students then the whole class read the short passage together.1、Get the Ss to sum up the language points.T:What have we learned today?Ss:2、Let the Ss choose the best group in this lesson.Have the Ss make a list of rules for your class1、Watch the video and guess what the

26、y are going to learn in this lesson 2、Play the gameLearn new words and phrases by free talk.1、Scan the passage and find out what it is about.2、skim the passage. and then check the true sentences.3、Careful reading (1)Paragraphs 1, 2Read Paragraphs1, 2 and answer the questions.Is it all right to stand

27、 close to people in the Middle East?Read Paragraphs 1 and 2 in groups of four and then find out the difficulties.Solve the difficulties together.(2)Paragraph 3and 4:Go through the statements and write “T” or “F”,also correct the wrong sentences after reading Paragraph 2.1、 The British like touching

28、people.( )2、 Americans look at people when they talk.( ).One team students read Paragraph 2 and the other students listen carefully to point out the importance and difficulties.Solve the difficulties.(3)Paragraph 5:Ss fill in the blanks after reading Paragraph 5.A groups of six students to read Para

29、graph 5. and the other students listen carefully to point out the importance and difficulties.Solve the difficulties together.(4)Ask the whole class to read out the whole passage, make sure that they understand it better.1、Fill in the blanks.2、Speaking1、Sum up the language points.2、To choose the bes

30、t group.Finish the homework.1.调动学生学习兴趣。学生复习相关重点词汇并引出body language 这个话题引导学生直观谈论图片,训练学生的口头表达能力,在描述和谈论图片的同时学习新单词和新句型。让学生带着任务(问题)去阅读课文、去找答案,有助于学生更加准确地获取信息,提高阅读效果和阅读技巧。而分层阅读文章更能把知识点和对课文内容的理解得以突破;小组活动能通过学生间的自主、合作学习,让学生充分地实践运用语言,并激发学生创造性思维的发展。学生掌握相关写作知识适量的口头训练,让学生加深对课文内容的理解,巩固语言知识点。此环节能培养学生自主总结的良好学习习惯;小组评价更能激发学生的学习兴趣,树立学习英语的信心。巩固已学知识。写作是阅读的拓展,让学生最终完全掌握语言,实践运用语言。Module 11 body language Unit 2 Here are some ways to welcome them教学目标1. To understand the passage about body language and learn more about the differences in body language in different countries

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