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本文(教师资格证各学科教学设计模板拿去背包含语文数学英语音乐美术.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、教师资格证各学科教学设计模板拿去背包含语文数学英语音乐美术教师资格证各学科教学设计模板,拿去背!语文教学目标1.知识与能力:能够流利,有感情地朗读课文;把握文章的行文脉络,理清文章的叙事线索,能够复述文章主要内容。2.过程与方法:通过反复朗读,合作讨论探究,品析重点段落,揣摩重点语句、字词,揣摩人物性格,学习文章写人记事的方法。3.情感态度与价值观:体会文章表达的情感,培养的情感/学习的品质。教学过程一、导入新课,激发兴趣利用课件多媒体 给学生展示的视频图片音乐,引导学生仔细观看聆听。播放结束之后,向学生提问:“同学们,看了老师给大家播放的视频图片音乐,大家有什么样的感受大家想到了些什么?”鼓

2、励同学畅所欲言,大胆表达自己的视听感受。教师对学生的回答进行一一点评,适时总结,并借此引出本课课题。顺势板书课题。二、初读课文,整体感知朗读课文,引导学生思考文章主要讲了一件什么事?/围绕某人写了几件事?/文章可以分为哪几个部分?明确:文章讲述了/文章可以分为几部分。三、细读课文,深入领悟1. 作者是如何给我们描写这一人物的?运用了哪些描写手法?通过教师引导/学生讨论探究/师生互问互答明确:作者通过描写(动作、语言、外貌)对进行的描绘。2从XX描写中可以看出人物怎样的性格?通过教师引导/学生讨论探究/师生互问互答明确:从描写中,我们可以看出是个的人。3.某句话/某个字/某个词在文中有什么含义?

3、好在哪?(表达出作者怎样的情感?)通过教师引导/学生讨论探究/师生互问互答明确:这句话用了的写作手法,写出了之情。四、拓展延伸,小结作业1.拓展延伸:请同学谈谈对这件事的认识/学习文本之后的感受/对你有什么启发。2.小结作业:(1)教师提问:哪位同学可以告诉老师,今天我们学了什么?学生发言,教师进行总结。(2)给学生布置课下作业数学教学目标设计模板知识与技能目标(学生)了解_(如概念),理解_ (如公式推导的过程、算理、含义),掌握_ (如计算方法,公式),能够应用_解决实际问题。过程与方法目标(学生)在自主探究,小组讨论交流_(某知识点)的过程中,提高发现问题,提出问题分析问题和解决实际问题

4、的能力。情感、态度与价值观目标通过对_(某知识点)的探索,学生的数学兴趣(学习数学的兴趣/积极性)得以提高(增加),能够进一步体会数学来源于生活并服务于生活(数学与生活的密切联系/数学的美/图形的美),培养事物间是普遍联系的辩证唯物主义观念。教学重难点设计模板教学重点:(学生)了解_(如概念),能够应用 (知识点)解决实际问题。教学难点:理解_(如公式推导的过程、算理、含义)教学过程设计一、创设情境、导入新课。_导入:教师活动:教师运用多媒体展示(播放)生活图片(视频、音频)。接着引导学生认真观察和思考,提出问题:_。学生活动:就教师的提问展开独立思考或讨论得出结论。 。教师活动:根据学生得出

5、的回答,再次提出启发式问题,从而引入本节课新课_。设计意图:精彩的开头,不仅能使学生很快由抵制状态进入兴奋状态,提高数学的学习兴趣,还能使学生把知识的学习当成自我需要,使教学任务顺利完成。二、新课讲授环节一:初步感知,以旧引新教师活动:教师提出_(教材中的问句或将肯定句变成疑问句)等目标问题。教师组织学生根据目标问题四人小组讨论或同桌之间交流,教师进行巡视指导,交流讨论结束后,找学生代表回答讨论结果,教师评价,学生互评或学生自评。学生活动:根据问题探究出结论或预设:_(一般都是直接抄题本上的内容) 。环节二:自主探究,得出结论教师活动:教师再次抛出问题_(教材中的问句或肯定句变问句),给予一定



8、认识,更能进一步增强学生的自信心和荣誉感,使他们更加热爱数学。五、作业布置学生完成书后剩余练习题或者自主设计一道能用本节课知识解决的生活实际问题。设计意图:对本节课知识的再巩固,再认识。板书设计:(写出本节课的主要定义、公式或算式等)英语一、阅读课I Teaching Contents:This is a reading lesson. It talks about_.II Teaching objectives(1)Knowledge objectives:a) Students will learn some words and phrases like _.b) Students can

9、 understand the passage and learn more about _.(2) Ability objective:Students will be able to use different basic reading strategies like skimming and scanning correctly in their reading process.(3)Emotional objectives:a)Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English and be fond of

10、taking part in kinds of class activities.b)_.III Key and difficult points:Key point:Help students get the details of the passage.Difficult point:Guide students to use the new knowledge in their daily life.IV Major Steps:Step 1 Lead-in(4 mins)At the beginning of the class, the teacher will show the v

11、ideo of _ and ask one question: “_”, then invite some volunteers to share their answers. After that, the teacher will give corresponding comments to the students answers and show the topic/task for this lesson.(Justification: The video is vivid and interesting, which can arouse students interest to

12、the teaching activity. Meanwhile, it can also lead to the topic today naturally)Step 2 Pre-reading(5 mins)1.Prediction Before reading, the teacher will guide students to make a prediction. The teacher will present some hints to help them.Hint 1: Title of this material-_.Hint 2: Some pictures/ videos

13、 in which students can see_.2.Words/Phrases explanation The teacher will explain some new and difficult words/ phrases like _.Students will use those words to make sentences.(Justification: Through above activities, students will be prepared to read and can understand the material better)Step 3 Whil

14、e-reading(20 mins)1.Global reading(1)Skimming Students will have 23 minutes to read the passage for the first time to check their prediction and conclude the main idea of the passage.(2)Scanning Students will read the passage again to locate certain information and answer the following questions:_?_

15、?(Justification: Through fast reading, students will have a general understanding of this passage.)2.Detailed readingStudents should read the passage for the third time and do the following tasks:(1)True or False_(T/F)._(T/F)._(T/F).(2)Matching/ Form-filling/Mind mapping(Justification: Through above

16、 reading activities, students will not only understand the main idea and details of this reading material, but also improve their reading ability. )Step 4 Post-reading(11 mins) Group discussion/Do a survey: Students will work in groups to discuss the following question/do a survey about:_? After the

17、 discussion, several students will be invited to share their answers. Then the teacher will make a conclusion.(Justification: This task can arouse students interest and involve the whole class. Also, by group discussion, students critical thinking and autonomous learning ability can be developed. /T

18、hey will be more confident to share their opinions in public./ They will be willing to cooperate with others.)Step5 Summary and homework(5 mins)1.Summary Ask students to act as an assistant teacher to conclude what we have learned this class. And then make a summary together.(Justification:Reviewing

19、 the important knowledge in this lesson can deepen students impression and form good study habits.)2.Homework(1) Retell the passage after the class.(2) Search more information about_and share with others next class.(Justification: Retelling can help students sort out the course content, while the ta

20、sk of collecting information can help students actively explore more knowledge and information.)二、听说课I Teaching Contents:This is a listening lesson. It talks about_.II Teaching objectives(1) Knowledge objectives:a) Students will learn some words and phrases like _.b) Students can understand the pass

21、age and learn more about _.(2) Ability objective:Students can improve their listening abilities and grab the key information through listening activities.(3)Emotional objectives:a)Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English and be fond of taking part in kinds of class activities.

22、 b)_.III Key and difficult points:Key point:Help students get the details of the passage.Difficult point:Guide students to use the new knowledge in their daily life.IV Major Steps:Step 1 Lead-in(4 mins) At the beginning of the class, the teacher will show the video of _ and ask one question: “_”, th

23、en invite some volunteers to share their answers. After that, the teacher will give corresponding comments to the students answers and shows the topic/task for this lesson.(Justification: The video is vivid and interesting, which can arouse students interest to the teaching activity. Meanwhile, it c

24、an also lead to the topic today naturally)Step 2 Pre-listening(5 mins)1.Prediction Before listening, the teacher will guide students to make a prediction. The teacher will present some hints to help them.Hint 1: Title of this material-_.Hint 2: Some pictures/ videos in which students can see_.2.Word

25、s/Phrases explanation The teacher will explain some new and difficult words/ phrases like _.Students will use those words to make sentences.(Justification: Through above activities, students will be prepared to listen and can understand the material better)Step 3 While-listening(20 mins)1.Extensive

26、listening Students will listen to the passage for first time to check their prediction and conclude the main idea of the passage.(Justification: Through extensive listening, students will have a general understanding of this passage.)2.Intensive listeningStudents should listen to the passage for the

27、 second time and do the following tasks:(1)True or False_(T/F)._(T/F)._(T/F).(2)Matching/ Form-filling/Mind mapping(Justification: Through above listening activities, students will not only understand the main idea and details of this listening material, but also improve their listening ability. )St

28、ep 4 Post-listening(11 mins) Group discussion/Do a survey: Students will work in groups to discuss the following question/do a survey about:_? After the discussion, several students will be invited to share their answers. Then the teacher will make a conclusion.(Justification: This task can arouse s

29、tudents interest and involve the whole class. Also, by group discussion, students critical thinking and autonomous learning ability can be developed. /They will be more confident to share their opinions in public./ They will be willing to cooperate with others.)Step5 Summary and homework(5 mins)1.Summary Ask students to act as an assistant teacher to conclude what we have learned this class. Then make a summary together.(Justification:Reviewing the important knowledge in this lesson can deepen

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