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1、连锁遗传分析二连锁遗传分析(二)(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Section Use of English(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Government officials reported three new cases of mad cow, bringing the total so far this year to 99. Last year, France recorded just 31 cases of the mad cow disease. The rising numbers are in part (1) a new testing program

2、that focuses on cows that are most (2) . That program has (3) 39 cases. But still 60 new cases were identified in the usual way, (4) were found in 1999. Many scientists (5) that this year, five years after safety precautions were (6) , the number of cases would be (7) .The rise in cases has (8) some

3、 scientists to question whether the disease can be transmitted in ways not yet understood. Scientists are still (9) the disease, first recognized in cows in 1986.It appears that it is not caused by a bacteria, virus or fungus, but (10) infectious particles called prion, perhaps (11) a virus or other

4、 agent. The disease kills cells in the brain, (12) it spongy and full of holes.France has taken more steps to (13) safety than most European countries, (14) refusing to take English beef (15) the European Union. But some scientists believe that France has not been (16) in imposing the ban on feed th

5、at (17) animal pans.Some French officials hope that the sudden interest in mad cow disease will mean that French consumers will become educated about it, thereby recognizing that French beef is actually (18) controlled. Every cow is given a passport at birth, and extensive information about its pare

6、ntage and (19) it was raised must be (20) to any slaughterhouse. When a diseased animal is found, the entire herd is destroyed.(分数:10.00)(1).A as B because C since D due to(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 同义词辨析题。due to意为“由于”,后面加名词。此处需要一个表示原因的词与后面的名词短语连用。四个选项虽然都表原因,但前三项为连词,连接从句,故只有选项Ddue to正确。(2).A risking B i

7、n risk C at risk D at danger(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 词语搭配题。at risk意为“处境危险”,如:The economy will fall further, putting more jobs at risk. (经济将进一步滑坡,使更多的人遭受失业的危险。)此处意思是:一种新测试系统主要测试那些处境最危险的奶牛。Arisking意为“冒险的”,奶牛并不会去冒险;选项Bin risk搭配不当。 选项Dat danger搭配不当,danger多与in连用,意为“处于危险中”,例如:We are in danger of alienating

8、ourselves from the masses if we sit in the office all day long. (如果整天坐在办公室,我们就有脱离群众的危险。)故选项Cat risk正确。全句可译为:这一数目的增长部分是因为一种新的测试方案。这种新的测试系统主要检测那些处境最危险的奶牛。(3).A discovered B invented C identified D disclosed(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 语义复现题。identify意为“确认,鉴定”,如:identify handwriting(鉴定笔迹);又如:He identifies bea

9、uty with goodness. (他认为美等同于善。)原文意为:通过测试确认了39例疯牛病。下一句也出现了identify一词,故选项Cidentified正确。选项Adiscovered意为“发现”;选项Binvented意为“发明”;Ddisclosed意为“揭示,透露”,如:The police refused to disclose the clues they were working on. (警察拒绝透露他们追踪调查的线索。)(4).A more B far more C far more than D less than(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 语义搭

10、配题。far more than意为“远远多于”,本句提到,用常规方式确认了60例新的疯牛病,这一数字远远多于1999年发现的病例数。句子完整的结构应为:far more than (the cases which) were found in 1999。故选项Cfar more than正确。其他选项:Amore; Bfar more Dless than均不符合题意。全句可译为:但是,用常规方法又检出了60例新的疯牛病,这远远超出了1999年发现的病例数。(5).A expect B expected C have expected D had expected(分数:0.50)A.B.C

11、.D.解析:解析 语法题。此处需填一个谓语,根据宾语从句谓语中的would可知,预测的内容,即从句所表示的事实发生在预测之后,敞选项Dhad expected正确。意为:许多科学家曾预测过。其他选项:Aexpect; Bexpected; Chave expected均与题意不符。(6).A put to place B put a place C put in place D put in the place(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 词语搭配题。be put in place意为“到位;实施”,此处需填与safety precautions搭配的谓语动词,只有选项Cput

12、 in place正确。此句意为:在预防措施实施之后。其他选项:Aput to place; Bput a place; Dput in the place均搭配不当。(7).A declining B inclining C increasing D reclaiming(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 词语辨识题。decline意为“下降,减少,衰落”,如:His influence has begun to decline now that he is old.(他老了,影响力已开始衰退。)根据上文谈到的条件预防措施到位,疯牛病的病例数自然会下降,所以选项Adeclining

13、正确。选项Bincline意为“使倾斜,倾向于”;选项Cincrease意为“增加”,与题意相反;选项Dreclaim意为“纠正,回收”,如:reclaim former criminals(感化曾经的罪犯)。全句可译为:许多科学家曾预言,今年,在预防措施实施了五年后,疯牛病的病例数应该会下降。(8).A attempted B intended C lured D prompted(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 语义搭配题。prompt意为“促进,鼓励”,例如:What prompted you to do such a thing?(什么促使你做出这样的事来?)原句意为:病例

14、的增加促使科学家提出疑问。故选项Dprompted正确。选项Aattempt意为“企图,打算”,例如:He attempted to speak but was told to be quiet. (他试图说话,但有人要他安静点。)选项Bintend意为“计划,意欲”,例如:I intend to go. (我打算去。)选项Clure意为“引诱”,以强有力的方式吸引或诱骗他人,含有对其不利之意。全句可译为:疯牛病病例数的增加促使科学家家提出疑问:疯牛病是否在以一种人们不了解的方式传播?(9).A disappointed at B puzzled by C amazed at D critic

15、al of(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 语义搭配题。Adisappointed at意为“对失望”;Bpuzzled by意为“对迷惑不解”;Camazed at意为“惊奇于”;Dcritical of意为“批评”。上文提到,科学家对疯牛病的传播方式存在疑问,由此可知,此处应为“科学家对疯牛病仍迷惑不解”,故选项Bpuzzled by正确。全句可译为:科学家对于1986年首次在牛身上发现的这种病仍然迷惑不解。(10).A stems from B developed in C grew out of D generated from(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析

16、词语搭配题。stem from意为“产生于,根源是”,如:Her interest in flowers stems from her childhood in the country. (她对花的兴趣来自于在乡间度过的童年。)原句提及疯牛病不是由细菌、病毒或真菌引起的,而是一种被称为朊病毒的蛋白质感染粒子引起的,故选项Astems from正确。选项Bdeveloped in意为“在里发展”;选项C grew out of意为“由产生”,如:Her sympathy grew out of understanding. (因了解而产生同情。)选项D generated from意为“产生于”

17、,均与句意不符。(11).A grew with B agree with C coincide with D in concert with(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 语义搭配题。in concert=in agreement意为“一致,共同”,如:The various government decided to act in concert over this matter. (各国政府决定对此事采取一致行动。)根据原文的句子结构,此处缺少一个词与后面的a virus or other agent一起作句子的状语,只有选项Din concert with(与一致)可以与

18、后面的构成介词短语,作状语,故选D。选项Agrow with与句意不符;选项Bagree with=be in accordance with意为“与一致”,例如:Your story agrees with his in everything. (你的故事跟他的在各方面都一致。)虽然意思正确,但此处是句子的状语需要用agree的非谓语动词形式,故排除;选项Ccoincide with意为“(意见,观念等)恰好一致,相符合”,如:I timed my holiday to coincide with the childrens school holiday. 意思、结构都不符合。全句可译为:它

19、看起来并不是细菌、病毒或真菌引起的,而是一种被称为朊病毒的蛋白质感染粒子引起的,它也许与病毒或其他的病源体共同引起了疯牛病。(12).A to leave B left C leaves D leaving(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 语法题。根据本句结构,此处应选用一个现在分词,构成分词短语作伴随状语,故选项Dleaving正确。其他选项:Ato leave; Bleft; Cleaves均不符合题意。全句可译为:这种疾病杀死脑细胞,使大脑呈海绵状且充满小孔。(13).A be sure B ensure C make sure D assure(分数:0.50)A.B.C.

20、D.解析:解析 语义搭配题。ensure=make certain to get sth. good or avoid sth. bad意为“确保”,如:These drugs will ensure you a good nights sleep. 根据原句中现的more steps和safety可知,此处意为:法国采取了更多的安全措施来确保安全,故选项Bensure正确。选项Abe sure=have no doubt意为“肯定”,例如:Im sure hell come. 选项Cmake sure意为“确定,设法”,如:Make sure that you get there. (你要设

21、法到那儿。) make sure要接of sth. 不能直接加名词,故排除。选项Dassure=promise(保证)=make oneselfsure/certain(使某人确信),例如:(1)Before going to bed she assured herself that the door was locked. (2)You may rest assure(你可以放心)(14).A including B excluding C containing D enclosing(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 词语辨识题。include意为“包括”,根据上下文的意思,法国

22、采取了更多措施来确保安全,下文谈及拒绝进口英国牛肉,很显然这是众多措施中的一条,故选项A including正确。选项Bexclude意为“不包括”,与句意相反;选项Ccontain=hold, have within itself意为“包含;控制”,如:Beer contains alcohol.又如:contain your anger; 选项Denclose意为“围绕;(随函)封入,附寄”,如:I enclose abill with this letter. (随本信附寄一张账单。)(15).A abiding by B in defiance of C according to D

23、in accordance with(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 语义搭配题。in defiance of意为“无视,公然违抗”,如:In defiance of the law you drove your car much too fast. 根据原文,此处指法国无视欧盟规定,拒绝进口英国牛肉,故选项Bin defiance of正确。选项Aabide by=obey意为“遵守”,如:abide by the roles;选项Caccording to意为“根据”;选项Din accordance with意为“与一致”,这三个选项均与句意相反。全句可译为:法国现在采取了比

24、欧洲其他旧家更多的措施来确保安全,其中包括无视欧盟的规定,拒绝进口英国牛肉。(16).A affective B efficient C effective D affect(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 形近词辨析题。effective意为“有效果的”,此处指法国强制推行的安全措施并没有效果,故选项Ceffective正确。选项Aaffective意为“感情的,表达感情的”;选项Befficient意为“有效率的”;选项Daffect意为“影响;假装”,如:affect indifference(假装不关心)。(17).A contains B consists of C is

25、 made from D is made up of(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 语义复现题。contain意为“包含”(详见第14题答案),此处应选一个动词与定语从句中的宾讲animal parts搭配,该定语从句所修饰的先行词足feed(饲料),因此选项Acontains正确,意指含有动物成分的饲料。选项Bconsist of意为“由组成”,如:Coal consists mostly of carbon. 选项Cis made from意为“由制成”;选Dis made up of意为“由组成”。全句可译为:但有些科学家认为,法国强制推行的禁用含动物成分的饲料的做法还没有

26、成效。(18).A stiff B rigidly C hard D roughly(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 语义搭配题。rigidly是副词,意为“严格地”,根据上下文,法国消费者加深对疯牛病的了解,就可以认识到法国牛肉是受到严格控制的,故用Brigidly来修饰control(控制)。选项Astiff意为“坚硬地”;Chard意为“努力地;艰难地”;Droughly意为“粗糙地”,均不符合题意。全句可译为:有的法国官员希望,对疯牛病突然产生的兴趣将意味着法国的消费者开始了解这种疾病,从而认识到法国牛肉是受到严格控制的。(19).A where B how C when

27、D why(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 语篇衔接题。由上下文可知,由于每头牛都要给出出生证明,其父辈血统以及它_被饲养,分析可知,屠宰场要知道牛在哪里饲养的,而不是什么时候、如何或为什么被饲养,故选项Awhere正确。其他选项:Bhow; Cwhen; Dwhy均不合题意。(20).A subjected B submitted C reported D registered(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 语义搭配题。submit意为“顺从;提交”,如:submit a new plan。根据原句意思,牛的相关资料(出生证明、血统、饲养地)都必须提交给屠宰场,故选

28、项Bsubmitted符合题意。选项Asubjected (to)意为“使经历,遭受”,如:They were subjected to great suffering. (他们遭受了巨大的痛苦。)选项Creported (to)意为“向报告”;选项Dregistered意为“登记”。全句译译为:每一头牛在任何一家屠宰场被宰杀时都必须提交一大堆资料:出生证明、父辈血统、饲养场所。二、Section Reading Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Sadness isnt man

29、lythis Eric Weaver knew. When depression engulfed this New York police sergeant, it took a different guise: a near-constant state of anger. One minute Id be okay and the next minute Id be screaming at my kids and punching the wall, he recalls. My kids would ask, Whats wrong with Daddy? Whys he so ma

30、d all the time? For years, Weaver didnt know what was wrong. Weavers confusion about what tortured him was not unusual. Roughly a third of the 18 million or more Americans who suffer depression each year are men. Yet all too often, experts say, men fail to recognize the symptoms and get the treatment they need. For years, experts suspected that gender makes a big difference in depression. Studies from New York to New Zealand have repeatedly found the same startling statistic: About twice as many women

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