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1、完整版新概念101110短语总结NCE I Lesson101-110总结重点单词Lesson1011.Scotland n, 苏格兰 2.card n.明信片 3.youth n. 青年 4.hostel n. 招待所,旅馆 5.association n. 协会 6.soon adv, 不久 7.write (wrote/written)v. 写 Lesson 103 8.exam n.考试 9.pass v,及格,通过 10.question n.问题 1.easy adj,容易的 12.enough adv, 足够地 13.paper n考卷 v.未及格,失败

2、swer v.回答 16.mark n.分数 n.其他 的东西 18.difficult adj.困难的 19.hate v. 讨厌 20.low adj.低的 21.cheer v.振作,振奋 22.guy n.家伙,人 n.上方,顶部(垂下的?) Lesson10424.clever adj,聪明的 25.stupid adj 笨的 adj.便宜的27.expensive adj.贵的 28.stale adj不新鲜的 29.low adj.低的,矮的30.loud adj.大声的 31.high adj.高的32.hard adj.硬的 3

3、3.sweet adj.甜的34.soft adj.软的 35.sour adj.酸的Lesson10536.spell v.拼写 37.intelligent adj.聪明的,有智慧的 38.mistake n.错误 39.present n礼物 40.dictionary n词典Lesson106.41.carry v.携带 42.correct v.改正,纠正 43.keep v.保存,保留Lesson107 44.madam n.夫人,女士(对妇女的尊称) adj,漂亮的 well 同样 47.suit v适于 48.pretty adj.漂亮的lesson

4、10949.idea n.主意50.a little少许(用于不可数名词之前) 51.tea spoonful n一满茶匙52.less adj.较少的,更小的(little的比较级)53.a few 几个(用于可数名词之前)53.pity n 遗憾 54.instead adv 代替 55.advice n 建议,忠告lesson11056.most adj.(many, much的最高级)最多的 57.least adj(little的最高级)最小的,最少的 58. worst adj(bad的最高级)最坏的59.worse(bad的比较级)更坏的 adj.(good的最高

5、级) 最好的. 共60个 6重点短语 1.a card from Jimmy Jimmy寄来的明信片 sth. to sb .(read sb sth) 给某人读3.Youth Hostel(Association) 青年招待所 4 .arrive in. 到达 ,大地点 5.stay at . 呆在. 6.a member of. .中的一名成员 7.what else 其他的什么 8.write a letter写封信 9.write a letter to sb 给某人写信 10.speak up 大声说 11.hear sb 听见.说话12.hear from sb收到某

6、人的来信 13. hear of. 听说. 14.write very much 写很多 15.sooner or later 迟早 16.the French test 法语 考试 17.pass in.(科目) .及格 18.pass the exam (考试,考试卷) .及格 in the exam (科目) .不及格 (考试,考试卷) .不及格 21.the English papers 英语考试卷 22.easy enough for me to do sth . 对我来讲够容易 23.enough time 足够的时间 24.the rest 其余

7、的 25.too difficult for me to do sth 对我来讲太难 26.have a low mark 得了个低分 27.have a high mark 得了高分 28.have full marks 得满分 29.cheer up 振作起来 to me 挨着我 the top of. .的顶端 the bottom of. 的底部 33.sit there 坐在那 34.the answer to. 的答案 太.而不能. do 够.能做. 37.How (What)about.? .

8、呢? 38.clever enough 够聪明 39.too stupid 太笨了 enough 够便宜 41.too expensive 太贵了 42.a fresh hand 新手 43.fresh air 新鲜的空气 fresh water 淡水44.stale food 馊了的食物 a low voice 用低的声音 46.a low house 一座低矮的房子 47.a high price 高价 48.a hard stone 一块坚硬的石头 hard 努力工作 50.sweet orange 甜橙 51.sweet shops 糖果店

9、 52.soft enough 够软53.a soft voice 柔和的声音 54.too sour 太酸 55.want to so. 想做. 56.want do sth.想让某人做某事 57.speak to sb. 同.讲话 58.want her to come to my office 想让她来我办公室 59.tell do.告诉.做. 60.tell her to come 告诉她来 once 马上 full of mistakes 满是错误 full of. 充满. 64.make a mistake 犯错误 65.

10、a little present 一个小礼物 66.type it again 再打一遍 present 目前 English-Chinese dictionary 一本英汉词典 69.Im sorry about. 对.很抱歉 sorry to do sth 对.很抱歉 sorry that 对.抱歉72.keep the piano in my room 把钢琴存放在我的房间里73.a correct answer 一个正确的答案74.correct exercise books 批改练习本 75.carry an umbrella 带着把伞

11、76.a lovely dress 一件漂亮可爱的裙子 77.too small for me 对我来讲太小 78.this one 这一个 79.short skirts 短裙 in fashion 流行 out of fashion 过时 81.all right 好吧 82.would like to do sth 愿意做某事 well 同样,也 84.suit me 适合我 all 根本不 that one 像那个一样 much 非常喜欢 88.Im afraid. 我恐怕 89.the bl

12、ue one 蓝色的那一个 me 给我看91.another blue dress 另一条蓝裙子 92.a larger dress 一条大一点的裙子 the shop 在商店里 94.a good idea 一个好主意 95.just a little 就一点( 不可数名词 ) 96.a few 几个(可数名词) 97.less then. 比.少/少于. 98. more then. 比.多;多于. and a half teaspoonful 一茶匙半 100.some more 更多的 101.of course 当然 102.have a b

13、iscuit 吃块饼干 103.It doesnt matter 没关系 more 多吃点 105.smoke less 少抽点106.good advice 好忠告 107.instead of. 而不是.代替. 108.make (some) coffee 煮咖啡 109. be enough for. 对.来讲足够 共109个重点语法总结1 直接引语和间接引语(一)直接引语就是直接引用说话人原来所说的话,间接引语就是用自己的话转述原来说话人所说的话。直接引语要放在引号内,间接引语是把说话人的原话变为宾语从句,在间接引语中,宾语从句的主要动词与主句中的主要动词的时态要保持一

14、定的照应关系,一般情况下主句的主要动词如果是现在时,间接引语中根据实际可以使用各种时态(包括现在时,过去时和将来时)如:She says shes got a headache. 她说她头痛He says he will come in a minute. 他说他将马上过来Xiao zhang says he didnt pass the exam. 小张说他没有通过考试把陈述形式的直接引语改为间接引语,从句用that引导,that在口语中常常省略 .例如:he says(that) he has got a headache.除了时态变化之外,还应注意人称的变化,基本上遵循一主,二宾,三不容

15、的原则,即在宾语从句中的第一人称,we(I)我主句的主语保持一致,从句中的第二人称you和主句中的宾语保持一致,如主句中无宾语通常省略us (me)如:He says “I hope you are all well”他说“我希望你们都很好”(直接引语)He says he hopes we are all well.他说他希望我们都很好(间接引语)The boy says “Ive finished my homework”.那个男孩说“我已经做完了我的家庭作业”(直接引语)Toe boy says he has finished his homework.,那个男孩说他已经做完了他的家庭作

16、业。2 反意疑问句反意疑问句是附加在陈述句后面的简短问句,所以亦称附加疑问句,用于询问对于它前面那个陈述句所说的事情的肯定或否定意见,或者用于表明希望陈述句所说的事实得到证明。反意疑问句的构成为:助动词/情态动词+主语,主语要用代词表示,助动词或情态动词的肯定或否定形式要与陈述句位于动词的肯定或否定形式相反,即陈述句的谓语动词如果是肯定形式,反意疑问句就要用否定形式,反之,如果前面是否定式,后者则要用肯定式,而且前后的时态必须一致如:You are waiting for Mary, arent you? 你在等玛丽,是不是?The students have already left, ha

17、vent they?学生们都已经走了,对不对?Julia will bring her baby here,wont she?朱丽亚将会把她的孩子带过来,对不对?These people are not middle school students, are they?这些人不是中学生,对不对?His parents cant understand English, can they?他的父母不懂英语,是不是?She didnt study German last year, did she ?去年她没学习德语是不是?但有些词本身含有否定的意思,如:little few Hardly ,nev

18、er, seldom 等,则后面则需用肯定形式,如:There is little water in the bottle, is there?He has never been Dalian, has he?对于这种反意疑问句的回答,只要答案内容是肯定的,就要用yes,否定的就要用no,当前面的陈述句是否定形式的时候,与我们的汉语语法稍有不同,如:You cant sing an English song, can you ?你不会唱英语歌,对吧?Yes, I can.不,我会唱He came to the party last night, didnt he?他昨晚来参加聚会了,是不是?N

19、o, he didnt不,他没来。实际使用时反意疑问句的语调重音应该落在助动词或情态动词上,当期望得到肯定回答时,用降调征求意见时,往往有两种可能,则要用升调。3 形容词的比较级和最高级一般的形容都具有比较级和最高级,两个比较等级。不加比较级的形容原则一般称为原级。形容词的比较级形式是原形+后缀er(或more+原形),形容词最高级形式是原形+后缀-est或most+原形)规则变化如下表:构 成 方 法例 词原 级比 较 级最 高 级单音节词末尾加er 和estcleancleanercleanest单音节词末尾以e结尾只加r 和st nicecutenicercuternicestcutes

20、t闭音节词末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写这个辅音字母再加er或estbighot thinbiggerhotter thinnerbiggesthottest thinnest以辅音字母+y结尾的形容词把y变I再加er或esthappyhappierhappiest多音节形容词比较级前加more最高级前加mostdifficultcritical more difficultmore criticalmost difficultmost critical 不规则变化的形容词如下:原 级 比 较 级 最 高 级 good well better bestbad worse worstmanymuc

21、h more mostlittle less leastfar farther /further farthest/furthest 形容词比较级用于两者的比较,结构为:主语+be+形(比较级)+than+对比对象如:Jane is taller than Alice. 简比爱丽丝高There are more children in that school than in this school. 那个学校的孩子比这个学校的多。形容词最高级用于三者或三者以上的比较结构为 主语+be+ the+形(最高级)+表示范围的短语或从句如:peter is the tallest boy of the

22、m all 彼特是这些男孩中最高的。This is the best film that I have ever seen.这是我看过的最好的电影。习题专练一 将下列句子改为反意疑问句1 He does his homework every day._?2 They are teachers._?3 She can dance,_?4 Tom isnt reading a magazine,_?5 They cleaned the classroom yesterday afternoon,_?6 You have done the work ,_?7 Tom is a student,_?8

23、 Shes had her lunch._?9 Youd better go to see your sister,_10. Lets go to school,_?11. He hurt his foot yesterday,_?二按要求转换句型:1“Im thirsty” Mary says(改为间接引语) _2.The new teacher says hes glad to see us (改直接引语) _3.John is going to travel in England(改一般将来时) _4.she has a lot of apples(加上反意疑问句) _5.sam wil

24、l do his homework in the evening (改用going to 结构) _6.the children say that theyve never been to London(提问) _7. This young man is not a middle school student.(改为复数) _8She hasnt found her baby yet (加上反意问句) _9.The fields are full of all kinds of crops (加上反意疑问句) _10.Im happier than anyone else in the wor

25、ld (改用最高级形式) _11. He is shorter than any other students in this school.(改为最高级形式) _12.Tom is tall ,Jane is taller (合并为一句) _13. Helen wants to join in the activity.(改为一般疑问句)_ 形容词比较级和最高级专练一.写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级原形 比较级 最高级easy _ _good _ _bad _ _new _ _talented _ _interesting _ _clear _ _early _ _poor _ _excit

26、ing _ _much _ _二.选择填空( ) 1.mary works hard , His brother cooks _ than her A. hard B. harder C. the hardest D. hardly( ) 2.Tom is _ than I A. older five years B. five years older C. five years elder D. oldest by five years ( ) 3.They felt very _ A. happy B. happilier C. happily D. happier ( ) 4.Li le

27、i is _ student in his class A. tallest B. the taller C. taller D. the tallest ( ) 5.Peter is _ than his brother . A. fatter B. fat C. more fatter D. very fat ( ) 6.she is fatter_ Mary A. than B. in C. of . after.( ) 7.The green suitcase is _ of them all .A. heavy B. the heavy C. heavier D. the heaviest ( ) 8.This car is _ Ive ever seenA. best B. better C. the better D. the best( ) 9.Eat _ and smoke A. less, more B. least, most C. more ,less D. most ,least ( ) 10.Ive made _ mistakes than you have A. many B. more C. much D. few

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