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外研选修6 Module 1 Small Talk 知识讲解.docx

1、外研选修6 Module 1 Small Talk 知识讲解Module 1 Small TalkPeriod 1 Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary 整合储单词Word 1 informal【整合用法】informal adj. 非正式的; (衣服) 休闲的For lunch, dress is informal. 吃午餐可以穿着休闲装。【拓展延伸】表示否定的前缀impossible不可能的;impolite没有礼貌的;incorrect不正确的;inability无能,无力;inaccurate不准确的;irregular不稳定的;irresisti

2、ble不可抵抗的;unfinished未完成的;undoubted无疑的;unemployment 失业;non-existence不存在; misunderstand误解;misjudge误判;mislead误导;misfortune不幸;disappear消失;disconnect失去联系Word 2 confidently【整合用法】confidently adv.自信地;确信地She walked confidently across the hall. 她自信地走过大厅。We are confident next years profits will be higher. 我们确信明

3、年的利润会增加。The company is confident of success. 这家公司对成功很有把握。【拓展延伸】confident adj. 自信的;确信的confidence n. 信心have confidence 有自信be full of confidence 充满自信lose ones confidence 失去信心give sb confidence 给某人信心gain confidence增加自信build up sbs confidence 建立某人的自信心boost/increase sbs confidence 增强某人的自信心shake sbs confid

4、ence削弱、动摇某人的信心destroy sbs confidence 摧毁某人的自信sbs confidence grows/increases 某人的信心增强Word 3 lack【整合用法】lack v. & n. 没有;不足;缺乏Too many teachers are treated with a lack of respect. 有太多老师得不到尊重。Some tours are cancelled for lack of bookings 有些旅游因预订人数不够而取消。There was no lack of willing helpers. 主动提出帮助的不乏其人。【拓展延

5、伸】lack sth. 缺乏某物a lack of欠缺;不足for lack of因为缺乏lack for nothing 应有尽有no lack of不缺,不乏be lacking in缺乏(某种品质、特点等)【易错警示】在使用lack时,容易把动词和名词混淆,最典型的错误是在动词lack后加of。We lack of ideas.() We lack ideas.() We are lacking in ideas.() We have a lack of ideas.()Word 4 advance【整合用法】advance adj.预先的 nC前进;发展,进展 v前进;进步;推动; 提

6、出A line of US tanks slowly advanced. 一列美军坦克缓缓前进。Our understanding of human genetics has advanced considerably. 我们对人类遗传学的了解有了很大进展。Could you distribute copies well in advance of the meeting? 开会前把复印件早早分发下去,好吗?【拓展延伸】advanced adj.先进的;高级的in advance预先;提前advance planning/warning/booking 预先计划、事前警告、预订technolo

7、gical/scientific/medical advance科技、科学、医学进步a major advance 一项重大进展technological/scientific/medical advance 科技、科学、技术进步【语境巧记】Book tickets 21 days in advance. However, I should warn you in advance that Im not a very good dancer. 请提前21天订票。但是我要先提醒你,我跳舞不是很好。Word 5 opportunity【整合用法】opportunity n. 时机,机会Id lik

8、e to take this opportunity to thank you all. 我想借此机会感谢各位。 I had an opportunity to go to New York and study.我曾有过一个去纽约学习的机会。An opportunity comes (along/up). 机会来临。An opportunity arises. 机会出现。【拓展延伸】a good/great/wonderful opportunity 好、不错、绝妙的机会a golden opportunity 绝佳的机会a rare/unique opportunity 难得的机会a was

9、ted/lost/missed opportunity 失去的、错失的机会have opportunity 有机会take/use opportunity把握、利用机会seize/grasp an opportunity 抓住机会miss/lose an opportunity 错过、失去机会give sb an opportunity 给某人一个机会get an opportunity 得到一个机会provide/present/open up an opportunity 提供、展现/创造一个机会巧记识短语Phrase 1 think of【整合用法】1. 想起;想出(主意);提出(建议)

10、I cant think of a better place for our party.我想不出一个更好的聚会的地方。2. 设想;想像I scarcely dare think of the price of the car.我简直不敢想这辆车的价格。3.对有(某种)看法The teacher thinks a great deal of him.老师对他的印象很好。4.把看做(与as连用)Ive long thought of Paris as one of the most beautiful cities in the world.我长期以来都认为巴黎是世界上最美丽的城市之一。【拓展延

11、伸】think highly / much of 重视,高度赞扬。think about 考虑think over 仔细考虑think back回想起,追忆Phrase 2 look away from【整合用法】look away from把目光移开,看别的地方The girl looked away from him. 女孩转过脸不去看他。【拓展延伸】look after照顾look around/round 环顾look down on/upon轻视;看不起look forward to盼望;期待look into调查,向里看look on旁观look out 小心;朝外看look ou

12、t for注意,当心look over 查看;(仔细) 检查 look through检查;浏览look up 抬头向上看;查阅look up to仰慕,尊敬Phrase 3 in addition 【整合用法】in addition (用作副词) 除此之外,此外The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes shareware freely available. 该公司提供廉价的因特网接入服务。此外,它还推出免费的共享软件。【拓展延伸】in addition to sth (用作介词)除了外addition

13、of sth. 增加;添加additional adj. 附加的;额外的;另外的In addition to his movie work, Redford is known as a champion of environmental causes. 除了电影事业外,雷德福还是位公认的环保斗士。Phrase 4 find out【整合用法】find out识破;找出;发现;查明(真相等)Her face was so grave, I wondered for a moment if shed found me out.她表情非常严肃,我一时怀疑她是不是已经识破了我。Ill find out

14、 her secret.我要弄清她的秘密。【拓展延伸】come out出版,出现get out离去,(消息等)泄漏go out外出,熄灭hold out伸出,坚持keep out把挡在外边leave out忽略,删除look out注意,朝外看make out辨认,理解pick out选出,分辨出put out扑灭,出版sent out派遣,发出set out陈述,动身take out拿出,扣除turn out生产,结果是watch out留意,提防wash out洗掉,wear out精疲力竭探索理句型Sentence 1 Social skills are easy to learn. (

15、P2) 社交技巧很容易学习。【句型分析】该句是简单句。“主语+be+ adj. +to do” 为常用句型, 该句型中动词不定式常用主动形式表被动含义。例句:I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good to breathe. 夏天我喜欢早起,早上的空气新鲜利于呼吸。【重点梳理】“主语+be+形容词+ to do”结构“主语+be+形容词+ to do”结构如果同时符合了下列两个条件,则不定式是主动形式表被动意义:表语是性质形容词;主语是to do的逻辑宾语。These apples are good to

16、 eat. 这些苹果很好吃。I find the lecture difficult to understand. 我发现这个报告很难懂。The cake is easy to make. 这种蛋糕很容易做。 The apples are hard to reach.苹果很难够到。 The water is not fit to drink. 这水不宜喝。 这种结构中不定式的主动形式表被动意义时,不定式必须是及物动词,否则后面要添加相应的介词。The boss is hard to get along with. 这个老板很难相处。Im grateful to be taken care of

17、. 我受到了照顾,我很感激。 He is a man easy to get on with. 他是一个容易相处的人。The baby is not easy to look after. 这个孩子不好带。Sentence 2 People with good social skills communicate well and know how to have a conversation. (P2)具有良好社交技能的人能很好地和别人交流并且知道怎样说话。【句型分析】该句是简单句。句中and连接两个并列的谓语动词,how to have a conversation为“疑问词+动词不定式”

18、结构,在句中作动词know的宾语。【重点梳理】“疑问词+to do”做宾语。该结构具有名词的特征,可做动词和介词的宾语。forget, find out, discuss, decide, tell, teach, know, learn, wonder, remember等动词之后都可用“疑问词+to do”做宾语。例句:Last summer I took a course on how to make dresses.去年我参加了学怎样制作衣服的课程。It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows

19、what to do with it.据说在澳大利亚土地太多以致政府不知道怎么去处理。Sentence 3 Show that you are listening by using encouraging words and gestures(P2) 用鼓励的话语和手势表明你在听。【句型分析】该句是主从复合句。主句为祈使句,句中动词show后接宾语从句。【重点梳理】by doing通过方式。例句:One learns a language by making mistakes and correcting them. 我们总是通过犯错误和纠正错误来学习语言。Students enter the

20、se schools by taking an entrance examination.学生通过入学考试才能进入这些学校。Make the sauce by boiling the cream and stock together in a pan. 通过将乳酪和高汤一起放在平底锅里煮来制作调味料。The all-female yacht crew made history by becoming the first to sail round the world. 全部由女性组成的游艇船员通过首次环球航行而创造了历史。【拓展延伸】1. 由创作A painting by Van Gogh h

21、as been sold in New York for more than eighty-two million dollars. 一幅由梵高创作的画在纽约卖到超过八千二百万美元。2. 在旁边Judith was sitting in a rocking chair by the window. 3. 经过A few cars passed close by me. 几辆车从我近旁驶过。4. 到时; 在之前By eight oclock he had arrived at my hotel. 他八点前已到了我住的旅馆。6. (表示数量、程度等) 以之差Violent crime has in

22、creased by 10 percent since last year. 暴力犯罪自去年以来已上升了10。7. 按计算Packages arrived by the dozen from America. 成打的包裹从美国寄来。Sentence 4 Talk to a man about himself, and he will speak to you for hours! (P3) 对一个人讲关于他的事情,他就会 恭 听好几个钟头了。 【句型分析】祈使句 + and/or + 陈述句【重点梳理】1. “祈使句+and/or+结果分句”的祈使句部分用动词原形;连词部份可用and/or;结

23、果部分常用一般将来时;祈使部分有时可用名词短语代替。2. 祈使句相当于条件状语从句,句中 or时相当于一个否定条件状语从句,句中 and时相当于一个肯定条件状语从句。例句:Bring the flowers into a warm room, and theyll soon open. 把这些花拿到一个温暖的房间,他们很快就会开。Start out right away, or youll miss the first train. 立刻动身,否则你就会赶不上第一班火车。One more hour, and Ill get the work finished.多一个小时 ,我将完成这项工作。P

24、eriod 2 GrammarGrammar 1 Didnt need to do 与neednt have done的用法。这两种结构都表示过去不必做某事,但didnt need to do通常表示“没必要,实际上也没做某事”;而neednt have done则表示“虽然没必要,但已经做了某事”。例如:I didnt need to get up early this morning, so I stayed in bed until 9 a.m.我今天早晨没必要早起,所以我一直睡到上午9点。(实际上我没早起)I neednt have got there so early because

25、 she didnt come until 10. 我本来没有必要那么早到那儿,因为她10点才来。(虽然没必要,但实际上我很早就到了)请研读以下例句:1. It was Sunday. He didnt need to go to work. (so, he didnt go. He stayed home or went somewhere else.)2. That year, he was young and didnt need to serve in the army. (He was studying at school.)3. The manager didnt need to

26、do such things himself. (His assistants did things like that for him.)4. The poorgirl neednt have waited in the rain for so long. (Unfortunately she did it.)5. You neednt have said so much about your being late. (You kept explaining.)6. They neednt have written the letter to the headmaster. (They wr

27、ote a letter to the headmaster, but it was not necessary.)【温馨提示】在口语中,人们通常会在上述两种情况下都使用 “didnt need to do”,因为它听起来比 “neednt have done”随意。这种用法并不是错误,而是一种口语化的表达。Grammar 2 情态动词+完成体1. must have done 表示对过去或已经发生的行为或状态进行确有把握的推测, 意为“一定/准是做了某事;只能用在陈述句的肯定句中。The children must have got lost in the woods; otherwise,

28、 they would have been at the lakeside camp as scheduled. 孩子们肯定在树林里迷路了;否则的话,他们就该按计划在湖边的宿营地了。2. cant/couldnt have done sth. 表示对过去或已经发生的行为或状态进行确有把握的否定的推测,意为“一定/准是没有做了某事;只能用在陈述句的否定句中。My sister met him at the theatre last night, so he couldnt have attended your lecture. 我姐姐昨天晚上在电影院遇见了他,所以他肯定没参加你的演讲。3. co

29、uld have done sth. 用于陈述句的肯定句中时是虚拟语气,表示没有实现的可能性,意为“本来能够做到”,而实际上没有做到。We could have faced the difficulty together, but why didnt you tell me? 我们本可以一起面对困难,但是你为什么不告诉我?4. Can/Could have done sth? 用在疑问句中表示主观上的猜测只能用can/could;表示对过去或已经发生的行为或状态的怀疑“可能已经吗?” My book, The House of Hales, is missing. Who could have

30、 taken it? 我的书The House of Hales不见了,是谁拿走了?5. may/might(not)have done sth 表示对过去或已经发生的行为或状态进行可能的推测,意为“也许/或许(没有)做了某事 ;用在陈述句的肯定和否定句中。Where is Tom? He may have gone to the skating rink. Im not sure. 汤姆在那? 他可能已经去了溜冰场。我不确定。6. might have done表示对过去事情可能性的推测,所推测的可能性与实际情况相反,往往有委婉的责备之意。What a pity! Considering h

31、is ability and experience, he might have done better.太遗憾了!鉴于他的能力和经验, 他本可能做得更好。7. should/ought to have done sth 表示“本应该做”而实际上没做。I ought to have come earlier. I deeply regret.我本应当早点来的,我真后悔8. should/ought not to have done sth. 表示“本不应该做”而实际上做了I shouldnt have watched that movie itll give me horrible dreams. 我本不应该看那部电影它会让我做噩梦。9. neednt have done sth. 表示做了“本来不必做的事。I got up early, but I neednt have done so, because I had no work to do that morning. 我起床起得很早,但我本来不必起那么早的,因为我那天早上没什么事做。Period 3 Integrating

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