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1、美国文学题型一选择题1. The period before the American Civil War is generally referred to as _C_. (东北师大2006研) A. The Naturalist Period B. The Modern Period C. The Romantic Period D. The Realistic Period2. Washington Irvings Rip Van Winkle is famous for_D_.(天外2008研)A. Rips escape into a mysterious B. The storys

2、 German legendary source materialC. Rips seeking for happinessD. Rips 20-years sleep3. Rip Van Winkle reveals the theme of _A_ the past.A. nostalgia B. rejection to C. detachment from D. dislike for4. Washington Irvings Rip Van Winkle got ideas from _C_ legends. (西南大学2004研)A. British B. Italian C. G

3、erman D. French 5. _C_ has always been regarded as a writer who “perfected the best classic style that American literature ever produced.”A. Melville B. Whitman C. Irving D. Hawthorne6. In Rip Van Winkle the drastic political changes in the lapsed 20 years are suggested by all the following except _

4、C_. (北二外2005研)A. the flag of the US B. the portrait of George Washington C. the graves of the dead Union soldiers D. the mention of election and Congress7Which of the following statement is not true about Washington Irving?(中南2006研)CA. Washington Irving is regarded as Father of the American short st

5、ories.B. Irvings relationship with the Old World in terms of his literary imagination can hardly be ignored considering his success both abroad and at home.C. Irvings taste was essentially progressive or radical.D. Washington Irving has always been regarded as a writer who perfected the best classic

6、 style that American literature ever produced.8. Henry David Thoreaus work, _A_, has always been regarded as a masterpiece of the New England Transcendental Movement.A. Walden B. The Pioneers C. Nature D. Song of Myself9. There is evil in every human heart, which may remain latent, perhaps, through

7、the whole life; but circumstances may rouse it to activity, which author of the following authors does the mention belong to_C_.A. Washington Irving B. Ralph Waldo Emerson C. Nathaniel Hawthorne D. Walt Whitman10. In Hawthornes novels and short stories, intellectuals usually appear as _B_.A. saviors

8、 B. villains C. commentators D. observers11. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind is a famous quote from_D_s writings.A. Walt Whitman B. Henry David ThoreauC. Herman Melville D. Ralph Waldo Emerson12. The Publication of _A_established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of

9、 New England Transcendentalism.A. Nature B. Self-Reliance C. The American Scholar D. The Over-Soul13. The phrase a transparent eye-ball compares philosophical mentation of Emersons. It appears in_B_.A. The American Scholar B. Nature C. The over Soul D. Essays: Second Series14. In 1837, Ralph Waldo E

10、merson made a speech entitled _C_at Harvard, which was hailed by Oliver Wendell Holmeasas :Our Intellectual Declaration of Independence.A. Self-Reliance B. Divinity School Address C. The American Scholar D. Nature15. The Transcendentalists believe that, first, nature is ennobling, and second, the in

11、dividual is_C_, therefore, self-reliant.A. insignificant B. vicious by nature C. divine D. forward-looking16. In the following works, which sign the beginning of the American literature? AA. The Sketch Book B. Leaves of Grass C. Leather Stocking Tales D. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn17. _C_ is the

12、first American to achieve an international literary reputation in the American literary history.A. Cooper B. Whitman C. Irving D. Hawthorne.18. _A_ is the author of the work The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.A. Washington Irving B. James Joyce C. Walt Whitman D. William Butler Yeats19. Washington Irvings

13、Rip Van Winkle is famous for_D_.A. Rips escape into a mysterious B. The storys German legendary source materialC. Rips seeking for happiness D. Rips 20-years sleep20.Rip Van Winkle reveals the theme of _A_ the past.A. nostalgia B. rejection to C. detachment from D. dislike for21. Washington Irvings

14、Rip Van Winkle got ideas from _C_ legends.A. British B. Italian C. German D. French22. _C_ has always been regarded as a writer who perfected the best classic style that American literature ever produced. A. Melville B. Whitman C. Irving D. Hawthorne23. In Rip Van Winkle the drastic political change

15、s in the lapsed 20 years are suggested by all the following except _C_. A. the flag of the US B. the portrait of George Washington C. the graves of the dead Union soldiers D. the mention of election and Congress24.In his_Autobiography_, Benjamin Franklin creates the image of a boys rise from _poors_

16、to riches and demonstrates his belief that the new world of America was a land of opportunities which might be met through hard work and wise management.(天津外国语2008)25.The first symbol of self-made American man is _D_.A. George Washington B. Washington Irving C. Thomas Jefferson D. Benjamin Franklin2

17、6. Thomas Paines Commen Sense_ states that “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in his worst state an intolerable one”.27. It is a critical commonplace now that American literature is based on a myth, that is _C_. A. the ancient Greek myth of ZeusB. the British myth of the S

18、aint Grail C. the Biblical myth of the Garden of EdenD. the Legend of the Sleepy Hollow28. The first permanent English settlement in North America was established at _A_.A. Jamestown B. New York C. Boston D. Concord29. What is the analogy that Emily Dickinson uses in the her poem “Because I could st

19、op for Death” ?AA. Horse and carriageB. Stage and performanceC. Cloud and shadeD. Ship and harbor30. In “I heard a Fly buzz -when I died” and “Because I could not stop for Death,” Emily Dickinsons attitude toward death is that of _C_.A. eager embrace B. helpless anxietyC. peaceful acceptance D. terr

20、ified despair31. Perhaps Emily Dickinsons greatest interpretation of the moment of _D_ is to be found in “I heard a Fly buzz-when I died”, a poem universally regarded as one of her masterpieces.A. fantasy B. birth C. crisis D. death32. Altogether, Emily Dickinson wrote 1775 poems, of which only _C_

21、had appeared during her lifetime.Athree Bfive Cseven Dnine33. Which of the following statements is NOT true of Emily Dickinson and her poetry? BAShe remained unmarried all her life BShe wrote, 1,775 poems, and most of them were published during her life time. CHer poems have no titles, hence are alw

22、ays quoted by their first lines. DHer limited private world has never confined the limitless power of her creativity and imagination.34. In general, the American woman poet _B_ wanted to live simply as a complete independent being,and so she did,as a spinster.A. Anne Bret B. Emily Dickinson C. Anna

23、Dickinson D. Emily Shaw35. Though Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson were romantic poets in theme and technique, they differ from each other in a variety of ways. For one thing, whereas Whitman likes to keep his eye on human society at large, Dickinson often addresses such issues as(D), immortality, r

24、eligion, love and nature. A. progress B. freedom C. beauty D. death36. Emily Dickinson wrote many short poems on various aspects of life. Which of the following is not a usual subject of her poetic expression? DA. Religion. B. Life and death. C. Love and marriage. D. War and peace. 37. Most of Emily

25、 Dickinsons poems were published _D_.A. When she was young. B. After her failed love affairC. In her old age. D. After her death.二作家作品1. William Cullen Bryant :To a Waterfowl致水鸟 Thanatopsis 死亡随想The Yellow Violet 黄色堇香花2Walt Whitman:Leaves of Grass (9 editions): Song of MyselfThere Was a Child Went Fo

26、rth(有一个孩子在成长) Democratic Vistas (民主远景)the title : It is significant that Whitman entitled his book Leaves of Grass . He said that where there is earth, where there is water, there is grass. Grass, the most common thing with the greatest vitality, is an image of the poet himself, a symbol of the then

27、 rising American nation and an embodiment of his ideals about democracy and freedom.3. Philip Freneaus:The Wild Honey Suckle (1786)The Indian Burying Ground(1788)4. Herman Melville:Moby-Dick (a white whale): His best work and masterpiece; the first American prose epic.(散文体史诗) Typee 泰皮 Mardi 玛地Pierre

28、 皮埃尔Billy Budd 比利巴德5. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:Voices of the Night 夜吟:A Psalm of Life 人生礼赞 Evangeline 伊凡吉林 The Song of Hiawatha 海华沙之歌 Ballads and Other Poems 歌谣及其他6. Nathaniel Hawthorne :Young Goodman Brown 小伙子布朗 The Scarlet Letter The House of the Seven Gables 七个尖角阁的房子7. Henry David Thoreau:Walde

29、n:Where I Lived, and What I Lived for.8. Ralph Waldo Emerson:Nature The American Scholar 论美国学者 Self-Reliance 论自立 The Over-Soul 论超灵 9. Edgar Allan Poe: The Raven, Annabel Lee, To Helen10. James Fenimore Cooper: The Spy (1821)间谍The Pilot (1824) 舵手Leatherstocking Tales皮袜子故事集: The Pioneers (1823), 拓荒者Th

30、e Last of the Mohicans (1826), 最后的莫西干人The Prairie (1827), 大草原The Pathfinder (1840), 探路人 The Deerslayer (1841). 杀鹿者11. Washington Irving: The Sketch Book 见闻札记: (1)Rip Van Winkle 瑞普 凡 温克尔(2)The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷传奇12. Thomas Jefferson : the Declaration of Independence (1776)Note on the State o

31、f Virginia弗吉尼亚笔记13. Thomas Paine: Common Sense常识The American Crisis 危机14. Bartram:Travels旅行散记.15. Benjamin Franklin: Poor Richards Almanack 穷理查德年鉴The Way to Wealth 致富之路 The Autobiography 自传16. John Smith: A True Relation of Virginia 关于弗吉尼亚的真实叙述A Description of New England 新英格兰叙事17. John Winthrop: The History of New England新英格兰史A Model of Christian Charity 基督教之爱18. William Bradford: the History of Plymouth Plantatio

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