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1、全国成人高考考试真题卷九2022年全国成人高考考试真题卷九(本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。)单位: 姓名: 考号: 题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值 得分 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.“Will he go to Guilin with us?”“No,He there twice before he hereA.had been,cameB.went,cameC.has been,comeD.goes,comes2.My uncleto see meHell be here soonA.has

2、 comingC.ameD.comes3.“Whatthe workersover there now?”“A new hotel”A.dobuildB.arebuildingC.arebuiltD.obuilding4.“How oftenthe Olympic Games“Every four years”A.reheldB.willare heldC.doesheldD.isheld5.The teacher told us that the earth round like a ballA.isB.wasC.has beenD.had been6.Did she sa

3、y that they me this morningA.will telephoneB.would telephoneC.have telephonedD.telephone7.Sheher bikeBut sheit yetA.has lost,did not findB.lose,does not findC.lost,hasnt foundD.losed,did not find8.“Will he stay in the school this weekend?”“NoHe usually leaves for home as soon as the bell ”A.will rin

4、gB.rangC.has rungD.rings9.Look at the white clouds!A.It is going to be clearB.It will clearC.It is going to clearD.It will be clearing10.Johnhome at night when he noticed a young man standing in the rainA.was drivingB.has just drivenC.would iust driving11.IPeter quit wellWe firstat a meeti

5、ngA.m knowing,was meetingB.know,metC.was knowing,metD.has been knowing,met12.Jane drove to the airport and by the time she arrived she found the planeA.was taken offB.had alreadv taken offC.took offD.will take off13.The engineer for a monthA.has leftB.has been awayC.has goneD.went away14.She is good

6、 at playing the violinSheto play it when she was six years oldA.would be ableB.was ableC.has been able15.I was grateful to Lucy for what sheA.didB.has doneC.doesD.had done16.How long may Iyour dictionary?A.borrowB.lendC.keepD.get17.She said she what IA.understood,had doneB.understanding,had

7、 understand,have saidD.have been risensaid18.“Lets go swimming sometime”“Wonderful idea!What tomorrow?” you you doC.are you going to will do19.Heby the always praisedB.praisesC.have been praisedD.always is praised20.Great changesplaceManynew schoolsA.have

8、takenhave been opened B.takeare openC.are takenopenD.have been takenare opened21.Workers there were madefrom morning till workB.workC.workingD.worked22.A new play on TVIt again next shownwill showB.showswill be being shownwill be shownD.showedwill show23.A lot of dif

9、ferencesbetween the two languagesA.can be foundB.can findC.would to found24.He some pieces of advice,but heto themA.gavedidnt listenB.was givenwasnt listenedC.gavewasnt listenedD.was givendidnt listen25.The First World Warin 1914A.was broke outB.roke outC.was brokenD.was happened26.People c

10、anrunning everywhereWhy they? seenarerunning27.The children by the nurseA.were lookedB.looked afterC.were looked afterD.looked28.Good books again and againA.will readB.must readC.should be readD.ought to read29.You didnt phone Bill?Bill?A.Must I phoneB.Sh

11、ould I phoneC.Shall I phoneD.Should I have phoned30.It was playing computer games that cost the boy plenty of time that hedoing his lessonsA.might have spentB.must have spentC.ought to have spentD.could have spent31.I saw Jim at the meeting yesterdayDid you?I think he have attended for he is an expe

12、rtA.needntB.mustntC.shouldntD.couldnt32.I didnt see her yesterdayOf course,you,because she had gone on a tripA.cantB.may not haveC.ant haveD.mustnt have33.I promised to get there before 5 oclock,but now the rain is pouring downTheyfor me impatientlyA.may waitB.ought to waitC.ould waitD.must be waiti

13、ng34.Dont believe himHis story be trueA.mustntB.needntC.shouldntD.maynot35.You cant imagine that a wellbehaved gentleman be so rude to a ladyA.mightB.needC.shouldD.would36.The young man has made so much noise that he not have been allowed to attend the concertA.couldB.mustC.wouldD.should37.Jenny her

14、 father about her failure in the examA.dares not tellB.dare not to tellC.dare tellingD.ared not tell38.MrBush is on time for everythingHowit be that he was late for the opening ceremony?A.canB.shouldC.mayD.must39.he a famous doctor at that time?He was so young thenA.Can;beB.Must;;have beenD.Mu

15、st;have been40.Look what you have done!Yoube more carefulA.mayB.shouldC.wouldD.had to41.They the plane,or perhaps they have been prevented from coming for some reasonsA.can have lostB.may have have missedD.may have missed42.You to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important t

16、o doA.neednt have comeB.neednt to comeC.neednt comeD.ont need come43.I have neither a raincoat nor an umbrellaThats why I wait until the rain stopsA.mustB.shouldC.ought toD.have to44.I wont allow you to swim across the river,even if you do itA.dareB.daredC.dares toD.ared to45.She must have gone back

17、 to the valley ,she haveThe entrance to it was nowhere to be foundA.No;mustntB.Yes;mightC.Yes;couldD.No;couldnt46.We could have worked out the problem ourselves because it was not difficultI think soIt necessary at all to ask the teacherA.wasntB.couldnt beC.shouldnt beD.wouldnt be47.Where is George?

18、How I know?A.wouldB.shouldC.mustD.may48.As you have finished your homework,yougo home nowA.mustB.canC.are able toD.have to49.The old man sit for hours watching the ships coming and going at one timeA.wouldB.shouldC.ouldD.can50.I tried to persuade him not to smoke,but helisten to meA.couldntB.may notC.mustntD.wouldnt

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