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1、三级英语高等学校英语应用能力考试A级翻译电子教案三级英语(高等学校英语应用能力考试A级)翻译 Part IV Translation-English into Chinese 本部分测试考生将英语正确译成汉语的能力,以正确理解原文为主,也涉及汉语表达的准确性。所译材料为4个句子和1个段落;句子有一般性内容的也有实用性内容的;段落则是应用性文字。 所涉及的词汇限于基本要求的词汇表中3400词的范围;所测试的翻译技能主要有:1) 正确翻译一般语句,基本符合汉语习惯 2) 正确掌握被动句式的译法 3) 正确掌握倍数的译法 4) 正确掌握定语从句的译法 5)正确掌握长句的译法本部分的得分占总分的20%

2、。测试时间为25分钟。本部分第一节是句子翻译,共4题 (6164) 满分为8分。题型为4选1。实考试题(2001年12月卷) Studies alone can conduct us to that enjoyment which is best in quality and infinite in quantity.A) 独立学习能给予我们所喜欢的最好质量和无限数量的东西。B) 学习能把我们带到高尚的,永无休止的娱乐之中。C) 学习本身就能把我们带到至高无上的、无穷无尽的欢乐境地。D) 全身心的学习会使我们在精神上激情无比,无限快乐。实考试题(2001年12月卷) We appreciate

3、 the good quality of your products, but unfortunately your prices appear to be on the high side.A) 我们很欣赏你方产品的良好质量,不过遗憾的是你方价格似乎太高了。B) 我们很高兴贵厂的产品质量良好,可是贵方价格相当高。C) 我们感谢你们提供的良好产品,但是你们的价格高的不当。D) 我们感谢你们提供良好的产品,可是你们抬高价格是不可取的。本部分第二节试题为一段70词左右英文段落,要求考生将其译成较通顺的汉语。内容全是应用文,包括广告、告示、报告片断、说明书片段、合同片段、招标投标书片段、规章片段,等

4、等。题目数量为1题,共12分。实考试题(2001年12月卷) Generally speaking, China is now only at the beginning stage of producing its own fax machines. And the products can at best compete with the low grade imported ones in the market. Great efforts are needed to master and apply new and high technologies for the developme

5、nt of new famous brand fax models so as to win a greater market share.这是一篇市场调查报告的一段,可以译出如下:总体上说,国产传真机尚处于初级阶段,最多只能和市场上的低档进口产品竞争。我们需要花大力气掌握和应用新技术,以开发名牌传真机的新机型,从而获得更大的失常份额。练习1Directions: This part is to test your ability to translate English sentences. There are 5 English sentences here. Translate them

6、 correctly into Chinese. 1. These visits brought me into contact with a large public outside the school. _ 2. She was very patient towards the children, but her husband seldom was. _3. Hardly a week goes by without news reports of some new records. _ 4. Please arrange for your telegraphic reply, or

7、long distance call to reach us before noon on Monday. _ 5. John showed astonishing imagination in designing a series of motor patterns. _Directions: This part is to test your ability to translate Chinese phrases. There are 5 Chinese phrases here. Translate them correctly into English. 6. 对生活方式有影响7.

8、花较低的成本 8. 找出火车站的位置 9. 找出根本原因 10. 坐落在商业中心Directions: This part is to test your ability to translate Chinese sentences. There are 5 Chinese sentences here. Translate them correctly into English. 11. 不管发生什么情况,我们都将给予你们以全力支持。 _ 12. 他把老妇人扶到公共汽车上,给她找了个座位。 _ 13. 这帮助我们更深地理解这项工作的意义。 _ 14. 她阅读时养成了记笔记的好习惯。 _ 15

9、. 这书不值得买。_练习2 1. People clapped and shouted for curtain calls again and again. _ 2. There is more communication going up and down and all around the world now than at any time in recorded history. _ 3. The first Europeans came to America in 1492 with Christopher Columbus. _ 4. Since you have to get

10、up early tomorrow morning, you mustnt stay up late tonight. _ 5. Coca-Cola has become a symbol of culture, and is so familiar to buyers that it is almost invisible. _6. 随季节而异 7. 随着科学的发展 8. 看起来有希望 9. 以合理的代价 10. 绝望地哭号 11. 咱们把一切都检查一遍,看问题在哪里。 _ 12. 那台老计算机没法和这台新计算机相比。 _ 13. 你有必要写个报告。 _ 14. 这样的大设备咱见都没见过,更

11、不用说制造了。 _ 15. 我把合同看了一遍,发现一切都符合要求。 _ 练习3 1. The purchase of family cars has increased rapidly nationwide over the past few years. _ 2. Ill bring some water with me in case I might get thirsty on the road. _ 3. Their plant converts crude oil into a wide variety of chemical products. _ 4. Currently amo

12、ng the five national comprehensive(综合的)transport systems-railway, highway, water, air and pipeline-the volume of highway transport is three to four times greater than the rest combined, occupying an important position in the comprehensive transport network._5. 她无疑是一个懂得如何顺利而又有效地管理一个部门的妇女。 _ 6. 必须指出,中

13、国是一个发展中国家,将继续高速发展它的国民经济。 _ 7. 很显然,吸引外资对这个城市的现代化建设是至关重要的。 _ 8. 尽管失败了好几次,他根本没失去信心。 _ 9. 若不是为了我的工作,我会立即回到乡下的大自然中去。 _练习41. Some students hate the lack of privacy in the dormitory. _ 2. The police have investigated the causes of the car accident for a whole week, but to no avail. _ 3. You have as much ri

14、ght to be concerned about your future work as the interviewer has about your ability to do the job. _ 4. Thank you very much for your gracious speech of welcome. China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization and the visit to this ancient civilization has long been my dream._5. 农村地区的发展急需人才,所以他

15、决定回到他的家乡参加经济建设。 _ 6. 中国的电器产品出口到了包括某些发达国家在内的100多个国家。 _ 7. 你为什么不敲门就闯进来? _ 8. 她对接受他的邀请感到犹豫不决。 _ 9. 我不知道她会当朋友接受我还是当陌生人拒绝我。 _练习51. In a sense, city life is marked by isolated existence. _ 2. The guards are hired to watch over the houses as they are being built. _ 3. With his love for science, the boy wil

16、l probably grow up into a scientist. _ 4. Great Britain is an island that lies off the north-west coast of Europe. The nearest country is France which is 20 miles away and from which Great Britain is separated by the English Channel. _5. 只有通过创造财富,我们才能改善人民的生活水平。 _ 6. 人不能生活在社会上而不去考虑除了自身利益以外的别人的利益。 _ 7

17、. 文化不同,对美的看法也不同。_ 8. 因为太缺钱了,我才申请这份工作。 _ 9. 这些书已过期了,你本该一周前就还的。 _练习61. There is always an element of risk in investing capital and starting a business._2. Four out of 10 unemployed people in Britain have been out of work for more than a year._ 3. According to one scientist who has studied aging, there are ways to remain healthy in old age._ 4. The following qualifications are required from the candidates for the above position._

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