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1、人体解剖答案中英文completed第一章Study questions1、Distinguish between the study of anatomy and the study of physiology 描述解剖学和生理学之间的不同:Answer: Anatomy is the study of the structure of body parts. And physiology is the study of the function of the body parts. Anatomy and Physiology are closely connected in that t

2、he structure of an organ suits its function. 答: 解剖学是研究人体各部分的形态和结构。生理学是研究人体各部分功能。解剖学和生理学结合非常紧密是因为器官的结构和功能相互密切联系。2、Cite an example that shows the relationship between the structure and function of body parts.举例说明身体结构和功能之间的关系。Answer: The stomachs pouchlike shape and ability to expand are suitable to it

3、s function of storing food.答:袋状的胃以与其扩张的能力有利于它储存食物3. List the levels of organization within the human body in reference to a specific organ. 列出身体器官的组成单位。Answer: Atoms-moleculesmacromolecules/ biomolecules-cells-tissues-organs答:原子-分子-大分子/生物大分子-细胞-组织-器官4Distinguish between a midsagittal cut, a transver

4、se cut, and a frontal cut.区别矢状面、横截面和冠状面Answer: A sagittle/vertical plane is a lengthwise cut that divides the body into right and left portions. A transverse/horizontal lengthwise plane is a cut that divides the body horizontally to give a cross section. A frontal/coronal plane is a cut that divides

5、 the body into anterior and posterior portions.答:矢状面是把人体从中间纵向的分成左右两部分的面。横截面是把人体水平的分成上下两部分的面。冠状面是把人体纵向的分成前后的两个面。5、Distinguish between the axial and appendicular portions of the body.State at least two anatomical terms that pertain to the head, thorax, abdomen, and limbs.区别人体的主体和附属部分并列出不少于两个的关于头部、胸、腹或

6、四肢的解剖术语Answer: (1)The axial portion includes the head,neck and trunk.The trunk contains the thorax,abodmon and pelvis.The appendicular portion includes the limbs(arms and legs)(2) Cephalic, palmar frontal, oral, nasal, vertebral, pelvic, lumbar答:(1)人的主体部分包括头,颈和躯干。躯干又包括胸部、腹部和盆骨,附属部分包括四肢即手臂和腿。(2)头,手掌,

7、额,口腔,鼻,脊椎,骨盆,腰的6、Distinguish between the dorsal and ventral body cavities, and name two smaller cavities that occur within each.辨别前体腔和后体腔并分别写出其中的两个小体腔Answer: The dorsal cavity contains the cranial cavity and spinal cavity. The ventral cavity is divided by the diaphragm into the thoracic cavity and t

8、he abdominopelvic cavity. The abdominopelvic cavity has two portions: the upper abdominal cavity and the lower pelvic cavity.答: 身体前半部的体腔即前体腔,后半部的体腔即后体腔。前体腔包括:胸腔,腹腔和盆腔。后体腔包括:颅腔和脊髓腔7、Name the four quadrants of the abdominopelvic cavity, use the following terms to divide the abdominopelivic cavity into

9、 nine regions, epigastic, umbilical hypogastric, hypochondric , lumbar, and iliac.说出四个象限中的腹腔名称,再把这些腹腔分成9个器官:腹部,腹上部,腹下部,左右腰部,左右髂骨区。Answer: (1)Right upper quadrant, Right lower quadrant, left upper quadrant, left lower quadrant (2)Right hypochondriac region, epigastric region, left hypochondriac regio

10、n, right lunbar region, umbilical region, left lunbar region, right iliac region, hypogastric region, left iliac region.答:(1)右上象限,右下象限,左上象限,左下象限。(2)右肋弓区,腹上部,左肋弓区,右腰部,脐部,左腰部,右髂骨区,腹下部,左髂骨区。8. Name the major organ systems and describe the general function of each. 说出主要器官的系统,并描述它们的功能。 Answer: Circulator

11、y system-heart, blood vessel, spleen, lymphatic-transport of nutrients to body cells and transport of wastes away from cells.Respiratory system-nose, trachea, pharynx, throat, lung-gaseous exchange between external environment and bloodDigestive system- mouth, tongue, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, sm

12、all intestine, Large intestine-breakdown and absorption of food materials.Urinary system- kidney, bladder, ureter, urethra-maintenance of volume and chemical composition of; body movement; protection of blood cells.Skeletal system-bone, cartilage, arthrosis, ligament-internal suppor

13、t and Nervous system- brain, spinal cord, sense organ, nerve-regulation of all body activities; learning and memory.Endocrine system -hypophysis, thymus-secretion of hormones for chemical regulation of all tissues.Reproductive system-germen, genitals-production of sperm and egg; transfer of sperm to

14、 female system where development occurs.答:循环系统心脏、血管、脾、淋巴管经血液运输物质;调节酸碱平衡;保 免于疾病和体液流失。呼吸系统鼻、咽、喉、气管、肺 提供氧并排出二氧化碳;帮助调 酸碱平衡。消化系统舌、牙齿、咽、食管、大肠消化食物供细胞利用并排除残渣。泌尿系统肾、膀胱、输尿管、尿道 过滤血液和调节化学成分、液体容积和血液的电解质平衡。骨骼系统骨、软骨、关节、韧带支持、保护、运动;血细胞生成的地方。肌肉系统肌肉、肌腱引起身体运动、保持平衡姿势;产生人体所需热量。神经系统脑、脊髓、神经、感觉器对环境的变化做出反应、推理、论证协调身体平衡。内分泌系统内

15、分泌腺化学调控和整和人体活动。生殖系统生殖腺、生殖器 产生配子和性激素。 9. List the major organs found within each organ system 列出身体内器官的主要系统。 Answer: Integumentary system: skin hair nails sweat glands and sebaceous gland. Skeletal system: skull hyoid bone vertebral column thoracic cage girdles and limbs. Muscular system: skeletal mus

16、cle cardiac muscle and smooth muscle Nervous system: brain spinal cord sense organ Endocrine system: hypophysis thymus Circulatory system: heart blood vessels Respiratory system: lungs trachea Digestive system: mouth esophagus stomach: small intestine large intestine. Lymphatic system: lymphatic ves

17、sels spleen lymph wades thymus red bone marrow Urinary system: kidney 答:皮肤系统:皮肤,毛发,汗腺,指甲,皮脂腺。骨骼系统: 骨、软骨、关节、韧带肌肉系统: 肌肉、肌腱神经系统: 脑、脊髓、神经、感觉器内分泌系统: 内分泌腺循环系统: 心脏、血管、脾、淋巴管呼吸系统: 鼻、咽、喉、气管、肺消化系统: 舌、牙齿、咽、食管、大肠淋巴系统:淋巴结,淋巴管,脾,胸腺,骨髓。泌尿系统:肾、膀胱、输尿管、尿道生殖系统:生殖腺、生殖器10、Define homeostasis, and explain its importance什么叫

18、体内自我平衡,并解释它的重要性。Answer: Homeostasis means that the human bodys internal environment remains relatively constant regardless of the conditions in the external environment. Explain: 1. Blood glucose concentration remains at about 0.1% 2. The PH of the blood is always near 7.4 3. Blood pressure in the b

19、rachial artery average near 120/80. 4. Blood temperature averages around 答:自我平衡是指将人体内环境能维持在一个相对稳定的状态。重要性:血糖含量大约为0.1%,血液的PH值接近7.4,血压为120/80,体温维持在37度左右。Objective questions1.match the terms in the key to the relationships given in question 1-51.the esophagus in relationship to the stomach- s

20、uperior (上侧)2.the ears in relation to the nose- lateral (外侧)3.the shoulder in relation to the hard -proximal (近侧)4.the intestines in relation to the vertebrae-anterior(前侧)5.the rectum in relation to the mouth -inferior(下侧)6.buttocks-gluteal 臀的7.palm-palmar 手掌的8.back of head-occipital 后头部的9.mouth -or

21、al 口的 皮肤的11.armpit-axillary 腋的12.neck -cervical 颈的13.stomach-abdominal cavity 腹腔14.heart-thoracic cavity 胸腔15.urinary bladder 膀胱-spinal cavity 脊髓腔16.brain-cranial cavity 头颅腔17.liver 肝脏-thoracic cavity 胸腔18.small intestine 小肠-pelvic cavity盆腔19.thyroid gland- endocrine system 20.lungs

22、- respiratory system 21.heart- circulatory system22.ovaries- reproductive system 23.brain- nervous system 24.stomach- digestive system 25.kidneys- urinary system26.A(n) organ (器官) is composed of several types of tissues and performs a particular function.27.The imaginary plane that passes through th

23、e midline of the body is called the midsagittal (矢状平面)plane.28.all the organ systems of the body together function to maintain organism(生物体),a relative constancy of the internal environment.Chapter 2Study Question1.Describe the composition of an atom, and explain the weight and charge of an atoms co

24、mponents (p.17)描述一个原子的构成并说明原子的重量和电荷。Answer: Atoms contain even smaller subatomic particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons each have a weight of one atomic mass unit. One twelfth weight of a carbon atom is one atomic mass unit. Atomic weight: number of protons and neutr

25、ons. Protons have a positive(+)electrical charge and that electrons have a negative()charge. When an atom is electrically neutral, the number of protons equals the number of electrons.答:原子由质子、中子、电子组成。化学中以碳12原子质量的十二分之一为一个原子质量单位。其约等于一个质子或一个中子的质量,一个原子的重量为质子和中子个数和的质子单位质量。一个质子带一个单位的正电荷,一个电子带一个单位负电荷,当原子中质

26、子和电子数相等时,原子呈电中性。2.Give an example of an ionic reaction, and define the term ion.(p.18)给出一个离子反应的例子,并对离子下定义。 Answer: H+ + OH- = H2O, Ions are particals that carry either a positive(+)electrical charge or a negative()charge.答:H+ + OH- = H2O离子是一种带有正电荷或负电荷的粒子。 3.State the function of some important ions

27、in the body.(p.18,20)指出一些重要离子在体内所起的作用。Answer: Potassium(K +)and Sodium(Na+) are required for muscle contraction and nerve conduction, including the beating of the heart.Calcium(Ca2+)is needed for stronging bones, important in muscle contraction.Lack of sufficient iron(Fe2+)in the blood is called iro

28、n deficiency anemia. Iron is a part of the hemoglobin molecule that transport oxygen. H+ 、NH、HCOOH- are important in acid-base balance.答:K +Na+:在肌肉收缩和神经传导中起重要作用。Cl-: 主要形成胃酸(HCl)Ca2+: 骨骼和牙齿的重要成分;对肌肉收缩十分重要。PO4+:组成骨骼,牙齿,ATP和核酸等的重要成分。Fe2+:主要存在于血红素中,与氧气结合。H+ 、NH、HCOOH-: 维持人体的酸碱平衡。4Give an example of a co

29、valent reation, and define the term covalent bond.(p.18,20)给出一个共价反应的例子,并确定共价键类型。Answer: when oxygen reacts with two hydrogen atoms, water is formed. Polar covalent bond.答:当氧气和两个氢原子反应时,生成一个水分子,共价键类型为极性共价键。5What are electrolytes, and how are they important?(p.21)电解质是什么?它是如何显的重要? Answer: Substances tha

30、t break apart and release ions when out into water are called electrolytes.The electrolytes balance in the blood and body tissues is important for good health.答:物质溶于水分开生成离子,就称为电解质。电解质能够平衡血液和肌体组织,并能影响重要器官的功能,例如:6On the PH scale, which numbers indicate a basic solutions? An acidic solution?(p.22)在PH值中

31、,哪一个标值显示碱性,哪一个显示酸性。Answer: any PH value below 7 is acidic, any PH value above 7 is basis.答:PH值在7以上称为碱性,在7以下得显酸性。7What are buffers, and why are they important to life?(p.22)什么是缓冲溶液?他对生命体起什么作用?Answer: A buffers is a chemical or a combination of chemicals that can take up excess H* or excess OH*. When an acid i

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