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1、新外研版英语七年级下册m16重点总结完整版新外研版英语七年级下册m1-6重点总结完整版七年级下复习资料M1-M6Module 11. whose 疑问代词 Whose bag is it? whose为形代Whose is this bag? whose是名代。2.* 人称代词归纳(必背) 主格 宾格 形物代 名物代 反身代词 我 I me my mine myself 你 you you your yours yourself 他 he him his his himself 她 she her her hers herself 它 it it its its itself 我们 we us

2、 our ours ourselves 你们 you you your yours yourselves 他们 they them their theirs themselves3. welcome back to +地点 欢迎回到某地 Welcome to +地点 欢迎到某地来Welcome sb to+地点 欢迎某人到某地来4. *everyone 每个人(指人)后面不能接of ,作主语时谓语动词用单数 *every one 每个人或物(根据上下文,可指人也可指物)后面可以接of every one of us我们中每个人5. first of all = at first = first

3、ly 首先 in the end 最后 all the time 一直 6. lost and found box失物招领箱7. heres、herere句型,其后be的形式由后面的名词决定Here is a book. Here are some books.8. be careful with/of/about sth. 仔细保管某物 (反义词careless)*adv.carefully(修饰动词、形容词)9. from now on从现在开始 from then on 从那时开始 10.I think its Bettys. I think+后接肯定句,如果后面是否定句,要否定前移,变

4、为I dont think11. *watch 观看(vt.电视,电影,比赛等) look 看(vi.表示动作,后接at) see 看见(vt.强调结果) read 看(vt.看书、报纸,杂志等)12. lost and found office失物招领办公室(前面用介词at)13.a pair of gloves一副手套14. look for寻找(强调动作) find找到(强调结果)15.strange adj.奇怪的 stranger 陌生人16. get on上(公交车,飞机,轮船,火车等) get off下(公交车,飞机,轮船,火车等) Get in上(小轿车) get out of

5、 下(小轿车)17. lose 动词,丢失( 过去式lost,lost也作为形容词,丢失的) be/get lost=lose ones way 迷路 18. travel 旅行 注意ing形式:travelling sb at +号码 打.号找某人 call Tony at 123456.20. hundreds of 数以百计的 thousands of数以千计的 (millions of数以百万计的) three hundred 注意:有s必须有of,没有of,后面不能加s21. every day每一天 everyday 形容词,日常的22. many other th

6、ings 许多其他的东西23. at the moment = at this moment此时此刻 at that moment在那时24. fifteen kilos of sausages 15公斤香肠25. in a hurry(n.)匆忙的 hurry to do sth(v.)=do sth in a hurry匆忙做某事 hurry up(v.)=be quick 赶快26. thats why + 从句 那就是为什么.27. help sb (to)do sth 帮助某人做某事 help sb with sth在方面帮助某人28. think about 考虑 think of

7、想起,想出 think over仔细考虑29.Whats the name of.?=Whats.called?.的名字是什么?Module 21. the new clubs for this term这个学期的俱乐部,注意此处用for,而不是of2. on the board 在布告板上3. would like+名词 想要某物 I would like a cup of coffee。我想要一杯咖啡 Would like to+do sth 想要做某事 I would like to play basketball。我想打篮球。 Would like sb to do sth 想要某人做

8、某事 I would like you to come to my school。我想要你到我学校来。4. join 参加(组织团体,成为一员) join in=take part in 参加(活动,比赛等)5. well(1)adv. 好,表示做某事做的好(实义动词之后,做状语)(2).adj.好的,表示身体状况好(连系动词后,做表语)(3).感叹词,用在句首。 *good adj.好的,通常放在系动词后作表语。6.cook v.做饭 (动名词:cooking :do some cooking做饭)n.厨师 cooker n. 炊具7.What about.?=How about.?+名词/

9、代词/ving .怎么样?8. worry about sb/sth=be worried about sb/sth 担心某人或某事9. teach v.教 (三单 teaches 过去式 taught)*teach sb sth=teach sth to sb 教某人某事(sb要用宾格)teach us English *Teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事10. the start of .的开始 11. a kind of 一种 all kinds of各种各样的11. get on well/badly with sb与某人相处融洽/不好(on可换成along)get o

10、n well with sth某事进展顺利12. do well in+名词或动词ing = be good at+名词或动词ing 擅长 good for.对.有好处 be bad for.对.有坏处14 (1)promise (not)to do sth 承诺(不)做某事 (2) promise sb (not)to do sth 承诺某人(不)做某事 (3)promise sb sth=promise sth to sb 承诺某人某事 (4)promise +从句 (5)make/keep/break a promise 许下/遵守/违背承诺(n.)15. be sure o

11、f sth对某事有把握 be sure to do sth 务必做某事 be sure+that+ 从句 对有信心16. make sb/sth + adj 使某人或某物具有状态 make me angry使我生气 make sth for sb为某人制作某物 make sb do sth 使某人做某事(注意:make与let后面都不能有to)17. 询问职业:(1). what does your father do? (2). What is your father?(第二人称不适用) (3). what is your fathers job?18. be ready to do sth

12、乐于做某事/准备做某事 get ready to do sth 准备做某事(无乐意之意) get/be ready for(doing) sth 为(做)某事做准备19.want to do sth想要做某事 want sb to do sth想要某人做某事20.Keep fit/healthy 保持健康 21.tidy adj. 整洁的 tidy up 整理 反义词:untidy22.hard (1)adj.困难的,坚硬的 (2) adv.刻苦地 work hard 注:hardly为副词,几乎没有,(否定词)23.Choose sb as/for.选某人作为.Module

13、 the weekend在周末 on weekdays 在工作日 2.go over 复习;检查 go them over 、go over the lessons3. be going to+动词原形 表示将来,意为打算做某事 注意:当be going to后接go to sp时,go to通常省略,直接用be going to+地点,如: I am going to go to the zoo.应该写为:I am going to the zoo.4.*on:具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上;星期几;具体某一天;节假日In:用在上午、下午、晚上之前;月份;年份;年代;世纪之前At:用在钟点;年

14、龄;一天中的某一时段(noon、night)5.have a picnic去野餐 6.check (ones) email 查收(某人)邮件 7.see a film/watch a movie/go to the cinema看电影8.Who else is going to be there? Else 用于不定代词、不定副词、特殊疑问词之后9.plan to do sth计划做某事(v.) make a plan制定计划(n.)10. look forward to+代词、名词、动词ing形式 期待某人/(做)某事 6. make friends with sb和某人交朋友11.Dont

15、 be silly! 别傻了! Dont be +adj. !别.了!12.*wear (vt.)穿着(衣服、鞋帽、饰品),强调状态wear a shirt * Put on 穿上、戴上(衣服、鞋帽),强调动作 反义词组:take off*Dress 穿衣vt. 接人做宾语,意为给某人穿衣 dress up 打扮* in 穿着,表示状态,后接表颜色或衣服的单词 (be in=wear)13.cheer sb.为某人喝彩 cheer sb up 使某人振奋起来cheer sb on 为某人加油(sb 为名词时可放中间或后边)14. win赢得(比赛,战争,荣誉,奖品) 过去式won 名词:win

16、ner15.(1) hope to do sth希望做某事 错误:hope sb to do sth(2 )hope for 希望(3)hope that+从句16.enjoy oneself 过的愉快 have a good time=have fun 17.英语中日期格式的表达:*英式英语:日月年 4(th)May,1949读:the fourth of May,nineteen forty-nine 美式:May 4(th),1949读:May the fourth,nineteen forty-nine关于日期的写法,应注意以下几点(1):年份应全部写出,如2004,不可写04。(2)

17、月份应用英文名称或简拼,不要用数字。(Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.May.June.July.Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov. Dec.其中五月、六月、七月单词太短,不简写)(3)日期可用序数词,1st,2nd,3rd,4th.;也可用基数词1,2,3,4.(美式多用后者)(4)年份和月日之间需用逗号隔开。18.good fun 很有乐趣 =great/a lot of/lots of fun (fun 为不可数名词)19. go on a summer camp去参加夏令营 20. go sightseeing去观光 21. on the beach在沙滩上22. 花费take、cos

18、t 等词用法见M1023. be busy (in)doing sth忙于做某事 be busy with sth忙于某事24. its time for sth/doing sth 该是做某事的时候了=its time to do sth Module 41.carry vt. 随身携带、搬、抗、抱、背某物(无具体方向)*take 带走、拿走(从说话地到别的地方)*bring 带来、拿来(从别的地方到说话的地方)*get/fetch 去拿来(表示去某地方拿某东西过来,双向)2.Need 用法:(1)实义动词,需要。*后接名词、代词:We need a bag./She needs us.(我

19、们需要一个包。/她需要我们) *后跟to do sth :We need to water the flowers.我们需要浇花。 *后跟doing(主语为物,东西需要被.):The flowers need watering.花需要被浇了。 (2)情态动词,有必要.(无人称和数的变化)。*后接动词原形。肯定句:She need come here.她有必要过来。否定句:She neednt come here.她没必要过来。*一般疑问句:-Need she come here?-Yes,she must/have to.(肯定回答不用need)-No,she neednt/dont have

20、 to.注:-Must I learn English?-Yes,you must/have to.-No, you neednt.3.everything 不定代词 每件事、所有事 *作主语时,谓语动词用三单:Everything goes well.一切进展顺利。 *修饰的形容词后置。Everything import 所有重要的事情。 *变否定句时,everything变成 the future在将来,指距离现在较远的将来的某一时刻 in future 今后,指从说话时算起的全部将来的时间5.In twenty years time =in twenty years

21、 * in +一段时间, (多长时间以后),表示某个动作还要多久才会发生,用于将来时,提问用how soon6. maybe adv.可能 Maybe he is a student.也许他是名学生。 May be可能是 (情态动词+be) He may be a student.他可能是名学生7.Change (1)v.Change.into.把.变成. change ones mind 改变某人的主意(2)n. a change of. .的变化 8.Get information 获得信息 a piece of information 一条信息(不可数名词) On the interne

22、t 在网上 9. ask a question问问题 ask sb to do sth要求某人做某事 ask for寻求10.* be able to+动词原形:可用于将来时(will be able to),有人称和数的变化。can是情态动词,无人称和数的变化,只用于一般现在时和一般过去时,没有将来时。*be able to 可表示通过努力成功做了某事,can无此意。Eg:Ill be able to drive the car in a week.*can可表示推测,be able to 不能。Eg:Thats cant be Lily,she is in England now.11.

23、notany more 不再.(动作不再重复)= no more notany longer 不再.(动作不再延续)= no longer12. free time空闲时间 (反义词busy) one=nobody 没有人(专指人), 作主语谓语动词用三单14. chalk粉笔 不可数名词 a piece of chalk 一支粉笔 two pieces of chalk 两支粉笔15. too much+不可数名词 太多(表数量)much too+形容词或副词 太(表程度)16. come true成真,实现(用作不及物动词短语,其后不接宾语) The dream will com

24、e true. *Come true the dream 是一种错的表达方式。 代词 指代前文出现过的事物是同类,但不是同一个,同名异物;I lost my pen,I want to buy a new 代词,指代上文中提到过的同一个事物,同名同物。I lost my pen,I want to find it.18.light rain 小雨 heavy rain 大雨(n.) rainy adj. 有雨的19. not onlybut also不但而且*强调后者,also可省略 *连接两个主语时,谓语与后面的主语保持一致,即就近原则20.everywhere 不

25、定副词,到处=here and there 21.traffic jam 交通堵塞 traffic lights 红绿灯 traffic accident 交通事故 air 乘飞机 in the air 在空中 on the air 正在广播15. working hours工作时间23.heavy and difficult jobs繁重而困难的工作(job 工作,可数名词 )light and easy work轻松且容易的工作(work 工作,不可数名词)24. mean to do sth意图做某事 mean doing sth意味着做某事25. 询问天气;whats the

26、 weather like? = How is the weather?26.What will life be like in the future?27.There will be many buildings in five years.(there be 句型将来时)Module 51. what can I do for you?= can/may I help you?=Is there anything I can do for you?我能为您做些什么?2. buy sth for sb = buy sb sth 为某人买某物3. what does she like?她喜欢什

27、么?(问爱好)4. what size does she take?她穿多大尺寸的衣服?What size 询问尺码 whats the size of.?.的面积?5. try to do sth尽力做某事 try doing sth尝试做某事 try ones best to do sth尽某人最大努力做某事 Try on 试穿(代词要放在短语中间)try it/them/名词 on try on t+名词6.may 情态动词(1)表请求“可以.” eg:May I come in?-Yes,you may/please.-No,you cant/mustnt. (2) 表推测“可能,也许

28、”语气比can、could弱7.price价格,用high或low来形容。 The price of the car is high/low. The price of. .的价格 对价格提问:how much?或what is the price of?商品的贵贱用expensive或者cheap eg: The car is expensive/cheap. 8.Theres a sale on.(on 为副词,正在进行种)on sale 减价出售,打折 for sale代售 half price半价9.Ill take it.英语表达方式:我买了。10.问数量:how many+可复?或

29、how much+不可数?问价格:-How much+ is(it/可数单)/+are they/可复11.wait for等待 wait a minute = wait a moment等一会12.一公斤半:one kilo and a half 半公斤: half a kilo a kilo of apples and two kilos milk13. new ways of+n/ving (做)的新方式 14. one of+可复/代词复数(them/us),作主语谓语动词用三单。15. open v.打开 open adj.开放的 Close v.关闭 closed adj.关闭的1

30、6. receive a letter from sb = hear from sb收到某人来信 17.two days later 两天以后two days ago 两天以前18.several adj.几个的 后加可复(表示一眼就可以看出数量);some adj.一些的 后加可复或者不可单(表示数量不确定)19.advantage n. 优势 反义词 disadvantage 15. at any time在任何时候20. compare sth with sth 与相比较 compare sth to sth把比作21. save money省钱 save time 节省时间 save

31、ones life挽救某人的生命22.Paying over the internet isnt always safe.网上支付不总是安全的。*Ving作主语谓语动词用单数。 * Safe adj.安全的 反义词 dangerous adv.safely* over prep.通过,相当于on 23. go out for a walk外出散步 20. way of life生活方式 live a life过着一种的生活24. one day有一天(过去或将来)some day有一天(将来)22. and so on等等25. popular受欢迎的 be popular with sb 受某人的欢迎Module 61. cross v.穿过(从表面)across prep.穿过 cross=go/walk across through(从内部)over(从上方)2. in front of 在前方(外

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