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1、高中英语选修7教案高中英语选修7教案选修7教案 Unit 1Living well知识目标1Get students to learn the useful words and expressions in this unit.eyesight,ambition,disabled,beneficial,in other words,clumsy,adapt,microscope,out of breath,absence,stupid,fellow,annoyed,all in all,industry,tank,make fun of,encouragement,adapt to2Help

2、students to learn about disabilities and life of the disabled.能力目标1Let students read the passage Martys Story to develop their reading ability. 2Enable students to know that people with disabilities can also live well.情感目标1By talking about disabilities and life of the disabled,make sure students can

3、 learn some positive stories of the disabled.2Help them understand more about how challenging life can be for the disabled.3Develop students sense of cooperative learning.教学重点Get students inspired by positive stories of the people with disabilities.教学难点1Develop students reading ability.2Help student

4、s understand the difficulties the disabled have to overcome.学情分析1.教学方法1Taskbased teaching and learning.2Cooperative learning.Step 1Warming up1Warming up by discussingFirst ask students to talk about people with a mental or physical disability to see how much they know about disabilities. Then show s

5、ome photos of people with disabilities. Students will be asked to discuss the following questions in small groups.Do you know any famous people who are disabled?What difficulties do they have to overcome in daily life?What have they achieved?2Warming up by talkingFirst,ask students to look at the pi

6、ctures and read what these people have achieved even though they each have a disability. Next,work with partners to talk about what disability they might have according to each description below the picture.Step 2PrereadingAsk students to read the short paragraph in Prereading carefully and find out

7、 the purpose of the website “Family Village”Step 3Reading1SkimmingGive students 2 minutes;ask them to read the passage fast to fill in the blanks:Sum up the main idea of each paragraph:Paragraph 1:A(n)_ to Marty and his muscle disease.Paragraph 2:How the disease _.Paragraph 3:Marty met a lot of _ at

8、 school.Paragraph 4:How his life has become _.Paragraph 5:The _ of his disease.Suggested answers:Paragraph 1:An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease.Paragraph 2:How the disease developed/started.Paragraph 3:Marty met a lot of difficulties at school.Paragraph 4:How his life has become easier.

9、Paragraph 5:The advantages of his disease.2Scanning for detailed informationAsk students to read the passage carefully to locate the detailed information.(1)First ask students to read paragraph one and complete the chart below.DiseaseDifficultiesMottoSuggested answers:DiseaseA muscle disease that ma

10、kes him very weak.DifficultiesHe cant run or climb stairs as quickly as other people. Sometimes he is clumsy and drop things or bump into furniture.MottoLive one day at a time.(2)Next read paragraphs two and three and choose the best answer.Why did the doctors cut out a piece of muscle from Martys l

11、eg?ABecause they could cure the disease by cutting it out.BBecause they wanted to use it as a specimen(标本)CBecause they would transplant(移植) the new muscle.DBecause they wanted to find out the cause of the disease.Key:D(3)Read paragraph four and answer the following questions:What is Martys ambition

12、?What is Martys achievement?What is Martys hobby?(4)Ask students to find Martys advice in paragraph five.Step4:合作探究1.Ask students to work together to write a mini biography for Marty according to the text.My mini biographyNameStatusHealthInterests and HobbiesAmbitionMotto2.Discuss in pairs to get th

13、e main idea of the passage by filling in the blanks.Though he is a _ person,Marty never feels _ for himself and he _ his life.Step 5总结提升1Ask students to read the whole passage and choose the best answers.(1)Which of the following is false?AAlthough there are a few students who look down upon him,Mar

14、ty never gets annoyed.BMarty leads a meaningful life and does not feel sorry for being disabled.CMarty only spends time with his pets and never with his friends.DMartys disability has made him more independent.(2)From the passage we can infer that _.AMarty asks others to feel sorry for himBMarty nev

15、er loses heartCMarty is afraid of being made fun of DMarty will not accept any encouragement because he has grown stronger psychologically Step 6Homework1Retell Martys Story according to the mini biography.2Surf the Internet to learn more about the life of disabled people.教学反思:这篇文章是记叙文,对文章的整体理解不存在问题

16、,不足之处是单词不熟。 Unit2 Robots三维目标知识目标1. Read a passage about robot and get some information from it.2. Practise the skills of careful-reading and fast-reading.能力目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语fiction, cartoon, desire, satisfaction, absent, alarm, alarmed, smooth, embarrass, sympathy, elegant, pile, sc

17、an, fingernail, absurd, haircut, accompany, curtain, cushion, carpet, paint, awful,affair, firm, firmly, declare, victory, envy, marriage, test out, ring up, turn around, leave aloneb. 重点句型1. She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go.2. Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy b

18、y a robot.3. By the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair.2. Ability goals能力目标: Help students to learn about robots and science fiction. 3. Learning ability goals学能目标:Enable students to realize science fiction reflects scientific thought; a f

19、iction of things-to-come based on things-on-hand.Teaching important points教学重点Teach students to enjoy science fiction. Enable students to grasp what Tony did to help Claire and how her emotion developed during Tonys stay at her house. Help students to sum up characteristics of science fiction.Teachi

20、ng difficult points 教学难点How Claires emotion developed during Tonys stay at her house.Teaching methods教学方Discussing, explaining, reading and practisingTeaching aids教具准备The multimedia computer Teaching procedures & ways教学过程Step I Warming upDeal with Warming up. Present photos of different kinds of rob

21、ots. Then ask them to say something about his or her favorite robot. Step II Pre-readingAsk students to discuss the questions in pre-reading in groups. Students are encouraged to speak out their opinion freely, no matter what it is. Teacher should encourage students to use their imagination.Step III

22、 ReadingDeal with the reading part.ScanningAsk the students to scan the text and find out what Tony looks like.1. What did Tony look like?2. What did Tony do to make Claire and her home elegant?Several minutes later check the answers with the whole class.Suggested answer:1. He was tall and handsome

23、although his facial expressions never changed. His hair was smooth and black and his voice was deep.2. Tony gave Claire a new haircut and changed the makeup she wore. He also suggested Claire buy new curtains, cushions, a carpet and paint for the house and new dresses for herself. He made improvemen

24、ts on the house so that the house looked very elegant.Careful readingComprehending questions on Page 12Ask students to read the text carefully and then discuss the comprehending questions Step IV Homework: Remember the characteristics of science fiction.Surf the internet to learn more about robots a

25、nd science fiction.Surf the internet to learn about Isaac Asimov. Unit3 Under the sea-教学目标1. Ability goals 能力目标To help students develop their reading abilityby skimming for main ideas and scanning for details.To help students solve the reading problems with the teachers guidance2. Learning ability g

26、oals 学能目标To help students learn about animals and plants under the seaTo get students to master some key words, such as witness,abandon,reflect,drag,be aware of and so on教学重点和难点1.Help to comprehend the text and grasp the main idea of the text.2.Guide students to learn about the usage of some key exp

27、ressions,revise the key words and the language ponits, grammar learned in the last passage.Difficult Points: 教学难点1.To help students get the main idea and some information by skimming and scanning the passage .2.To help students tell apart from when, while and as .学情分析1.Most of the students are poor

28、in English.2.Students are active in thinking and comunicating,especially interseted in the given topicUnder the sea教学过程(Teaching procedure)Step 1. Warming up talking about ocean plants and ocean animalsStep 2. Pre-readingWhat is an anecdote Lets start with a definition:Anecdote: a usually short narr

29、ative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident.Give some anecodotes you have readStep 3. Reading1.Reading aloud to the recording2.Comprehension questions(1). How did the killers help the whalers catch the whale The wrong one is_.A. Old Tom reported the news to the whalers.B. Some stopped

30、 it fleeing out to sea.C. Some used the harpoon to hit the whale.D. Some killers threw themselves on top of the whale to stop it breathing.(2). Which order is correct according to the passage?A. Clancy heard a huge noise coming from the bay.B. Clancy grabbed his boots and raced after George to the b

31、oat.C. The killers started racing between our boats and the whale.D. The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale.A. ABCD B. ACBDC. BDAC D. DBCA(3). Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Killer whales are whalers friends.B. Killer whales often hunt cooperatively in groups for food.C. Killer whales like eating the lips and tongues of whales.D. Theres no danger in the sea because killer whales can protect human beings.

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