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1、大学英语复习重点大学英语(1)复习试题I、填写在括号内单词的适当形式 1.We have all bee n anxious (anxiety) about his safety since he went to the wild forest for a trip.2.He likes to participate (participation) in all kinds of activities oncampus.3.The expert analysed (analysis) the meat and found it contained too much water.4.This p

2、rofessor is famous for his academy (academic) research.5.He is eager to know the result of the an alyses (analysis) of the samples of the new products.6.It is a (an) in formal (formal) occasi on ,you can just wear jea ns and T-shirts7.Work ing in pleasa nt surrounding (surr ound) is enjoyable.8.His

3、patience (patient) and kindness left a deep impression on me.9.After a few years of practice , he became very skillful (skill) at skati ng.10.We are surprised at his great improvement (improve) in English.11.Many young girls see Liu Dehua as an atta iner (attraction).12.All her colleagues admire her

4、 very much in that she appears energetic (energy) every day.13.The new man ager usually en tertains (en tertai nment) his staff once a mon th.14.As is known to all , July 4 is the de pence (dependent) Day in the Un ited States.15.She lies comfortably (comfort) in the big new bed and feels satisfacto

5、ry.16.The idea of law is the realization ( realize) of justice.17.The road was desig ned to relieve (relief ) traffic jam.18.During the economic depression (depress) millions of the unemployed wandered around in the streets.19.He will n ever achieve (achieveme nt) anything if he does nt work fans.20

6、.The team s performanee has been a disappointment (disappoint) for the fans.21.The Internet en ables (able) people to com muni cate more convenien tly.22.He is so busy that he only pays me occasi on al (occasion) visits.23.The innovation (innovate) of air travel during this century has made the worl

7、d seem smaller.24.The great musicia n devoted himself en tirely (entire) to music.25.He s involved in the organization (organize) of anew club.n、用下列的词或者组合填空 .bond voice passive explore bala nee key figure out adapt toadapt to key adva ntage of1.Joggi ng three kilometers every morni ng is the to keep

8、 ing fit forthe professor.2.ln spite of the teacher s efforts, the students remained in class. 3.My daughter soon herself the college life.4.1could nt who the man with a walk ing stick was.5.You should the adva ntages of livi ng dow ntow n aga inst the disadva ntagesbefore buying your new apartme nt

9、.6.He has built of friendship with his new colleagues.7.Some stude nts could nt all their atte nti on liste ning to theteacher in class.8.The Scientists are going to the Antarctic( 南极的)regions next month.9.People at all levels have different opinions about the new public tran sportatio n policy.10.T

10、he villagers are their n atural resources to better their life.especially actually resource spe nd. . . (in) surround en dless chat expressi on program be in terested in |11.We got tired of his boing speech.12.with friends in a good way of relaxation.13.Our country is rich in n atural . 14.Tom a lot

11、 of time play ing computer games every day .15.Upon arrival , the sin ger by a lot of fans and reporters .16.To my surprise , only a third of the stude nts in my class skii ng. 17.He seems so quiet , but he likes tak ing.18.Theres days all the college stude nts are very busy , the seniors. 19.1sent

12、her a bunch of flowers as a (an) of gratitude. 20.Our college offers an excelle nt artmen ti oncareernormalattractfeaturerecomme nc1describeclassical source check out21. Nowadays some wome n are purs uing their while some o nly like to befull-time housewives.22.Our salary is too low , we ll have to

13、find a new of in come.23.We have a good heati ng system , which keeps the room temperature.24.The Great Wall millions of tourists form all over the world every year.25.Many young people find it harder to un dersta nd music that pop.26.Guests usually before 12 o clock in a hotel.27.On the teleph one

14、, she did nt her boyfriend s n ame to me.28.This novel the miserable life of workers in old China.29.Our professor often recommends a few refere nee books at the begi nning of each term.30.A good actor can grasp the of the character s personality.positive impact realize experie nee graduate scorebe

15、likely to get around to bel ong to in volve in31.He graduated as an M . D .( 医学博士)at Beijing University in 2010 .32.Hughes scored two goals before half-time yesterday s game.33.Land bel onging to the crow n dose not bel ong to the king person ally but to the state.34.It s difficult to assess the imp

16、act of the preside nt s speech.35.Like so many others in voled in the case , she was out to make mon ey.36.Youve got to be more positive about your work.37.Ive heard whispers that the firm is likely to go ban krupt( 破产).38.He has had no previous experience in this k ind of job.39.I think we should b

17、e able to get around most of these problems.40.It took us a while to realize the exte nt of the tragedy.successwidespreadin timate |digitalset asidemake surealternateflexibleen ableoccasi on41.This is a widespread misun dersta nding.42.They attributed their success in business to hard work.43.Make s

18、ure to turn off the gas before you go out.44.He need t buy what he has little occasion for. 45.They had bee n in timate for some time.46.We can visit you on Saturday or Sun day , our pla n is fairly flexible .47.The workers alternated periods of work and rest.48.The gover nment has a law en abling t

19、he new federal age ncy.49.Last month my brother bought a digital camera.50.The little boy sets aside little money every week.川、翻译下面的句子.1.It will make .if you.(1)It will make your En glish lear ning easier if you have access to the Intern et. 如果你已经 能上网 了,就会使你 学英语 更容易。(2)如果你已经有博士学位了,就会更容易找到工作了。It will

20、 make your find a job easier if you already have a doctorate . 2.You are no Ion ger.who just.(1)You are no Ion ger a little girl who just depe nds on your pare nts.你不再是一个只 依靠父母的小女孩 了。(2)她不再是一个只懂得演戏的不知名的女演员了。She is no Ion ger who just . 3.Now that you .you should no Ion ger .(1)Now that you have bee

21、n grow n up ,you should no Ion ger make your pare nts angry. 既然你已经 长大了 ,就不能再 惹父母生气 了。(2 )既然你已经恢复了健康,就不能继续像以前那样酗酒了。Now that you ,you should no Ion ger 4.While it is good is importa nt that you.(1)WhiIe it is good to ask your childre n to lear n many thin gs,it is importa nt that you develop the

22、ir in terests and creativity.你 虽然很好,但重要的是你要(2)你能提前完成任务虽然很好,但重要的是你要保证工作质量。While it is good to , it is important that you .5.weatherUni ess you . you will most likely n eed to.(1) Un less you are coming form the n orth,you will most likely n eed to the cold here.如果你不是 来自北方 ,你很可能需要 适应这里(2)如果你不努力学习,你很可能

23、通不过期末考试。Uni ess you ,you will most likely6. . . is very hard , especially if you .(1)Living abroad alone is very hard , especially if you have never been away formehome.独自在国外生活 很困难,尤其是如果 从未离开过家 。(2)找工作很困难,尤其是如果你没有任何文凭 is hard , especially if you 。7.Here are . . . for you that might help you .(1) Her

24、e are some suggestions for you that might help you get out of the trouble.以下是 一些建议 ,也许能帮助你 走出困境 。(2 )以下是我的想法,也许能帮助你做出正确的决定。Here are is my idea , that might help you make the right decision 。8.Make . . . as . . . as possible.(1)Make your college life as rich and colorful as possible.使 你的大学生活 尽可能的 丰富多

25、彩 。(2)使你的报告尽可能简短有趣Make your report as brief as possible 。9.In stead of . . . try to .In stead of keep ing the host wait ing ,try to arrive early.不要 让主人等你 ,而应该尽量 早点到 。(1)不要总抱怨,而应该尽量把困难当做挑战。In stead of dont always compla in about , try to see problems as challe nges10.Some . . . others .(1)Some are st

26、udying in the classroom ,others are playing on the playground.有的 在教室里学习 ,有的 在操场上玩 。(2)有的喜欢滑冰,有的喜欢滑雪。Some like skati ng , other like to ski .11.Besides . . . as . . .I have lost of .(1)Besides my college classmates as my friends , I have lots of friends to chat with on li ne.除了 大学同学和朋友 夕卜,我还有很多网上聊天的朋

27、友 .(2)除了教学作为她的主要工作外,她还有很多编书和讲座的工作作为兼职。Besides teaching as have nagor job she lost of part 。12.Among . . . , . . . is (are) my favorite(s).(1).Among these top ten universities in the world , Harvard University is myfavorite.在这些世界排名前二十的大学 中,我最喜欢 哈弗大学 。(2)在这些美国著名的男演员中,我最喜欢凯文 .考斯特纳Kevin Kost Na is my fa

28、vorite.Among in the famous America n actor13.That s quite a . Such . in such a .(1)That s quite a challenge for him to finish a difficult task in such a short time.在这么 短的时间内 这样 对他们说 ,真是一种 挑战 。(2)中国人民在这么古老的时代建造出这么伟大的长城真是奇迹。That s quite a Such a in such . 14. . . many kinds of . . . form . . . to .(1)

29、.I have read many kinds of foreig n no vels , form classics to moder n on es.我读过很多种外国小说,从古典小说到现代小说 。(2)他一生在影片中扮演过很多种角色,从科学家到普通工人。He has many kinds of ,form to .15. . . always recomme nd . . . which(whom) . . . see as .(1).He always recomme nds the film Dancing with the Wolf ,which he sees as a real

30、Hollywood blockbuster.他总是推荐 ,他认为这是 真正的好莱坞大片 。(2)我总是向学生推荐史密斯教授,我认为他是我们大学最好的老师。I always recommend , whom I see as . 16. . . more that just .(1).What I n eed right now is more that just a good strong cup of coffee.我现在需要的不仅仅是 一杯浓味的咖啡。 (2).大家喜欢的不仅仅是她的聪明和美貌。What every one likes her is more that just her c

31、leverness 17. . . (be) a good way to .(1)Joggi ng for over half an hour every day is a good way to keep your body image.每天跑半个小时以上是保持身材的好办法。(2)培养害虫的天敌是控制害虫数量的好办法。Developing pest s natural enemy is a good way to control pest s populati on.18. . . can . by v-ing(1)You can remove a stamp form an en velope by soak ing it off.你可以通过 用水泡把邮票从信封上撕下来。(2)你靠每天多做家庭作业,很快就能在班上名列前茅。You can get ahead of your classroom soon by have accide 19. . . who . . . be l

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