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1、IKM测试攻略Test71题IKM C+ Test测试规则经过了2个多小时的鏖战,总算是完成了传说中的IKM C+ Programming test, 中介的信上说要在 3rd Oct 3:00AM 前完成它,于是我花了两天半时间把所有可以看得,能够成为知识点的都看了个遍(后来发现我真是很傻很天真,这份考卷的难度远远大于我的预计),好在中介信上有说明如果INTENET断线了该怎么处理,这个给我后面的投机取巧埋下了伏笔。不过这个已经是我这辈子做过的最难的C+ test 了,上个学期的C+ 课的卷子老师已经出的很难了,但是和这个相比,哎,差距太大了。完成考试后,成绩马上递到我邮箱,不是很理想啦,分

2、数是还好,但是在所有参与者里面的排名是很低的。55555下面开始总结经验吧。 先说说看这个考试吧,要求很多,一个很不好应付的考试。1,每一题有5个选项,但是最多只能选3个答案,多选哦2,每一题最多只能选3个答案。(和第一条是一样的哦,翻译过来就是这样的啦.)3,如果某一题实在不会,建议跳过。(对于每一题里面的每一个选项,如果选择错误的选项,扣分,选择正确的选项,得分,对于每一题,回答的完全正确,得分,回答不完全正确,扣分,如果跳过题目,扣分。额,把答题者往死里整就是了.)4,如果可以将正确答案的范围缩小到两个答案,并且你选择这两个是可以保证一个是正确的情况下,建议你选择这两个,因为这样可以拿分

3、。5,如果一题已经被答过了或者被跳过了,是不能回去重新答题的。6,答题的准确性比答的快更重要。7,对每一个问题,当问题全部显示在浏览器上时,才开始计算时间。8,一旦测试开始,必须一直接续直到测试结束。(其实是可以断线的啦.)测试结果最后成绩不好呢,归根结底还是自己的实力的问题,在很多题上时间花的太多了,时间花的很多也直接导致了我最后排名的不高。如果很精通程序很精通概念了,那么应该是可以很快做完的。最最后上图吧:测试经验第一,开着google,开着金山词霸(虽然没有怎么用到),开着MSDN(有几次救险),开着截图工具的方法是对的,是有效可行的。 先说google和MSDN,因为IKM测试里面的问

4、题有一些问的很巧妙,而且选项有多,特别是关于概念性的问题比较多,考的知识点很细很散,遇到很概念的问题(还不少),因为平时基本不会接触到,比如异常处理的时候,抛出什么句柄之类的,是否回收资源之类的,STL的container adapter之类的(这个就是当场查出来的,我根本不会),MSDN可以帮上很大的忙。但是如果遇到一些不是很概念的问题,比如,关于友元类和几个类继承关系在一起的时候,我当时就直接晕了, 就可以找google。 总结:纯概念性的问题,还是要看MSDN,因为MSDN 最全面,但是有的时候google可以搜到IBM的帮助文件,也很有帮助,其他概念性有模糊的地方,需要google.

5、第二, 金山词霸有一定的帮助,做题的时候遇上有一些词真的不知道什么意思,查!所以先把它开着。 第三, 截图工具,每一道题一出来,第一件事就是点快捷键截图,这里的题目每一题都不是那么简单,收集起来有时间慢慢想。 还有一个很大的教训,在IKM test 里面有为数众多的程序题(有差不多40%-50%),一开始我一直以为这样一个经典的考试是有防拷贝机制的,我们的复制粘贴应该是无效的,前面n个题目我都是自己脑子想的,所以估计就死在这上面了,作了差不多20多题了以后,发现越来越多的程序题,而且居然还可以复制.然后就开始后悔,感叹,叹生不逢时,上次我明明看到哪个阿渣说试题是不可以复制的,昨天我就在犹豫要不

6、要安装编译器,如果我昨天装了MS.net多好了,我可以直接复制,运行,看答案了.痛定思痛,干脆一不做二不休,月黑风高杀人夜,日照香炉生紫烟,直接禁止无线网络连接,先断网,然后开始安装,中间的半个小时真的很漫长,新浪开了又关关了又开,什么玻利维亚国脚集体退出国家队,TM他们怎么还不去死。安装完毕,测试确实可以运行了以后,打开网页,重新登入,接着上次的题目继续做,这下就好多了,期间有差不多5题是程序题,每题的答题时间不到30秒。但是前面答过的题估计就没戏了。网申结束后2天收到邮件,通知进行IKM onlinetest,有C+, C#, Java可供选择,选择其一即可。收到邮件后,开始在


8、候可以复制题目,我试着复制了一下,立刻弹出一个警告,说考试题目不允许复制,要是再复制的话,考试将自动终止。所以,题目是不能直接复制的。题目太难,好多都是我不熟悉的,所以也没记住太多信息。Anyway,希望对大家有帮助!发表于 2012-3-21 16:26:12“楼上很厉害啊,我考的JAVA,做了大概20道的样子,坑爹的5选项不定选择,全是考什么异常静态类之类的东西,还有大量的uml题,能把英文看懂就不错了,算了反正没啥希望了,还是等好好复习下再继续参加其他的笔试发表于2012-3-22 17:44:06刚做完了,只做了17道。貌似题目都是看上去不难(我的意思是以概念题为主,看来我悲剧了,做的

9、太差,系统默认给我越来越简单了),当然我还是不会做就是了。悲剧啊。选的C+,貌似主要考C+、面向对象和unix线程的一些概念。发表于2012-3-23 10:10:41我做了java的,做了感觉答的很不好,后来闲着没事又把C+的做了,题目很多都一样啊。不知道什么情况。2周了快,没消息。估计挂了。期待楼主的好消息。发表于2012-3-30 09:55:46没有,全是选择题。主要考 C,面向对象和unix操作系统一些东西。发表于 2011-11-5 14:18:31我做的Java,知识覆盖挺广的,数据库(Sybase)、OS、UML,被活虐了,做完好久了,一直没有信儿,估计挂掉了_大摩IT笔试 (

10、2012-03-29 16:48:57)昨晚进行的大摩IT的笔试,在此略微描述mark下。一共三种语言,C+,C#和JAVA,选择我的老本行,JAVA。时间35分钟,全英文,全选择,多选题,每题5个选项,至多3个正确答案。算分规则是:正确答案选中的加一分,不该选的选了减一分,改选的没选减一分。难度根据你前面的答案正确率和做题的速度会改变,做得越好往后越难,反之。我一共做了30题,感觉难度也没怎么增加,也没怎么减少,一开始做得很慢,总想选的很对,很全,后来觉得实在太慢了,遂加速,答案跟着感觉来。估计后面正确率直线下降了。考了很多方面,OO,JAVA语言,网络,Unix,数据结构,设计模式,最诡异


12、了,一题直接忽略(还是要扣分的,因为该选的没选啊。),还有一题跟着感觉就给选了。其他的,记得不太多了。大体总结下,基础知识还是很重要的,基本都是考的基础,细节啊,基本概念啊。然后就是覆盖面,还是挺广的,别看是JAVA相关,基本覆盖了所有的知识。最后,说下那个系统。我只是忘了把翻译词典的划词功能关掉,直接给我判定为作弊了,呜呜,还好有两次机会。不知道有没有机会电面,感觉挺玄的样子。END测试例题(71道)Assessment C+ PROGRAMMINGIf you lose your internet connection, you will be able to resume the tes

13、t at the point at which it was interrupted. Simply close your browser window(s) using the Alt and F4 keys, reconnect your internet connection and log back on using the above URL and password (prior to the test expiration date and time). For other helpful hints, see our Technical Support Tips (which

14、we encourage you to print out before you begin the test). You must complete these assessments by 2009/01/27 21:16 EST. After this time, the passwords will no longer work, and you will need to contact your test administratorto get new working passwords. Good luck!Ref: IKM Assessment Administration Qu

15、estion 4: Which of the following statements correctly describe the code below inC+?#define language 437 /Line 1#if language 400#undef language /Line 2#else /Line 3#define language 850 /Line 4#ifdef language /Line 5 printf(%d, language); /Line 6#endif#endifA. An error or warning will occur on Line 6

16、because a macro cannot be used as part of a preprocessor directive.B. An error or warning will occur on Line 2 because #undef is not a valid preprocessor directive.C. An error or warning will occur on Line 4 because language has already been defined. D. If Line 1 is changed to #define language 300,

17、Line 6 will print 850.E. An error or warning will occur on Line 3 because #else can only be used as the last conditional in the chain.Answer: D Question 5: Which of the following statements regarding the benefits of using template functions over preprocessor #define macros are correct?A. A preproces

18、sor macro expansion cannot work when user-defined types are passed to it as arguments.B. Since the preprocessor does the macro expansion and not the compiler, the build process takes a longer period of time.C. While expanding #define macros, the preprocessor does no type checking on the arguments to

19、 the macro.D. A preprocessor macro expansion incurs a performance overhead at runtime.E. It is simple to step into a template function code during the debugging process. Answer: E Question 6: Which of the following are container adapters in the STL (Standard TemplateLibrary) in C+?A. listB. mapC. st

20、ack D. queue E. dequeAnswer: C D Question 7: Which of the following correctly identify benefits of the getline() member function for cin over the extraction operator in C+?A. The getline() function by default, accepts whitespace, and returns on seeing then character, whereas the extraction operator

21、returns when it encounters any whitespace character.B. Delimiters indicating end of input can be specified to the getline() function, whereas the extraction operator has no such facility.C. The getline() function can be overloaded to accept different argument types, whereas the extraction operator c

22、annot be overloaded.D. The number of bytes to read can be specified to the getline() function, whereas it cannot be done with the extraction operator.E. The getline() function can be used like a manipulator with cin, whereas the extraction operator cannot be used as a manipulator. Question 8: In whi

23、ch of the following scenarios is a Copy Constructor called or invoked?A. When no conversion function exists for converting the class object to another class objectB. When an existing object is assigned an object of its own classC. When a function receives as an argument, an object of the class, by v

24、alueD. When a function returns an object of the class by valueE. When creating an object and initializing it with an object of its own classAnswer: B C D E Question 9: Which of the following statements correctly describe the results of executing the code below in C+?#include using namespace std;clas

25、s ExBaseprivate:static int stat;public:static int GetStat() return stat; ;int ExBase:stat = 25;class ExDer1 : public ExBasepublic:friend int Der1Fn() return ExBase:stat; ;class ExDer2 : public ExBase;class ExDer : public ExDer1, public ExDer2;A. int main()ExDer d;cout d.Der1Fn() endl;will result in

26、an ambiguity error from the compiler.B. int main()ExDer d;cout d.GetStat() endl;will display an output as25.C. int main()cout ExDer1:GetStat() endl;will result in an ambiguity error from the compiler.D. class ExDer1 : public ExBasepublic:friend int Der1Fn() return ExBase:stat; ;will result in an acc

27、ess error from the compiler.E. int main()cout ExDer1:ExBase:GetStat() endl;will display an output as25.Answer: Question 10: Given the following program snippet, what can we conclude about the use of dynamic_cast in C+?#include #include /Someone elses code, e.g. library class IGlyphpublic:virtual IGl

28、yph()virtual std:string Text()=0;virtual IIcon* Icon()=0;/.;class IWidgetSelectorpublic:virtual IWidgetSelector()virtual void AddItem(IGlyph*)=0;virtual IGlyph* Selection()=0;/Your codeclass MyItem : public IGlyphpublic:virtual std:string Text()return this-text;virtual IIcon* Icon()return this-icon.

29、get();void Activate()std:cout My Item Activated std:endl;std:string text;std:auto_ptr icon;void SpiffyForm:OnDoubleClick(IWidgetSelector* ws)IGlyph* gylph = ws-Selection();MyItem* item = dynamic_cast(gylph);if(item)item-Activate();A. The dynamic_cast ought to be a reinterpret_cast since the concrete

30、 type is unknown.B. The dynamic_cast is unnecessary since we know that the concrete type returned by IWidgetSelector:Selection() must be a MyItem object.C. The dynamic_cast is redundant, the programmer can invoke Activate directly, e.g. ws-Selection()-Activate();D. The dynamic_cast is necessary since we cannot know for certain what concrete type is returned by IWidgetSelector:Selection().E. A polymorphic_cast should be used in place of the dynamic_cast.Answer: Question 11: Whi

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