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1、4雅思写作第四次引言段与结尾段的写法总结Copy引言段与结尾段的写法总结:一:情景渐入法二:开门见山法三:转折对照法四:提问法一:情景渐进法这是议论文开头经常使用的写法,即讲述一种社会,自然想象,或描述一个场景,以此揭开序幕,铺垫气氛,后对此做一番论述。 这种方式便于学习,易于把握,是雅思写作考试中最经常使用的一种方式。在引入情景渐入的方式上, 咱们能够将其分为两种结构,即背景深切分析法和两边观点较量法。 前者是重在描述问题现状,后者重在引入问题争辩点,也确实是两边的观点。背景深切分析法的结构:第一句描述问题现状 the present situation (background)第二句细化观

2、点 the further explanation of the present situation 第三句揭露文章目的 what you are going to do in your essay真题模拟:1Many countries have spent vast sum of money on armament for the sake of self defense. Some people think they should spend the money on helping the poverty and other disadvantages rather than on w

3、eapons. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Sentence 1 Many years has gone by since World War Two, and we now live in a relatively peaceful environment and strive to develop a stronger economy.Sentence2 By contrast, developed and developing countries are spending a staggering amount of money on

4、national defense.Sentence 3 While such policy might be an awful waste to some Countries, particularly developing ones like China and India, it has deeper reasons for doing so.真题模拟:2More and more people using mobile phones and computers instead of letters. Will letters disappear completely? Agree or

5、disagree? How important of letter-writing you think is?Sentence 1 Mobile phones and computers have filled the shoes of Letters as primary means of communication in our lifeSentence2 Technology enables us to get in touch with each other With unparalleled speed and convenience.Sentence3 But as the old

6、est and one of the most cherished ways of communication, letters will maintain their presence in peoples life instead of disappearing completely.真题模拟:3What are the causes and solutions of the problem of the scarcity of water resource?Water, a natural resource, has become a sought- after economic goo

7、ds and the management of which is likely to become a major global issue. Increasingly, there is an imbalance between the geographical and seasonal demand for water. In this essay, I will suggest some possible solutions to this problem.两边观点较量法的结构:第一句提出一方观点 one side of the present situation第二句提出另一方观点

8、the other side of the present situation第三句揭露文章目的 what you are going to do in your essayDoes space exploration benefit mankind?Sentence For Many people are excited about space explorationSentence Against However, other feel it is a massive waste of moneySentence 3 (thesis) This essay will look at som

9、e of the arguments for and against space exploration.真题模拟: Unlike other countries, police in UK do not carry guns. Some people think it leaves citizen unprotected, but others think it reduce the overall violence in society. Please discuss it and give your opinion.At the mention of a policeman, most

10、people will have in their mind the image of a strong man with a gun on his belt. But it is not the case in UK: police there do not carry guns. This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against towards it.Children are under increasing educational, social and financial stress. Some people

11、think this is a positive development. Do you agree?In contemporary world, the issue of childrens growth is playing a vital role in our lives. But in the meantime, whether children should be under high educational, social and financial stress has sparked heated debate. Some people assert that this is

12、 a positive development while others think differently. For my part, I am in favor of the latter view.引入背景或两边的观点之模板1Along with the development of society, more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that_.2The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history. Wit

13、h increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention.3While the rhythm of peoples life is speeding up, a lot of changes have taken place in peoples daily habit. _is mushrooming everywhere.4_ plays such a vitalpivotal role that it undeniably becomes

14、 the biggest concern of the presentday world. There arouses a question: is it a blessing or a curse?5Now we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations, and great changes have taken place in peoples attitude towards some traditional practices.6As to whether it is worthwhile _,

15、 there is a longrunning controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.7When asked about _, the vast majority of people say that _, but other people view_ as _.二 开门见山法: 开门见山法,确实是起笔点题:或直截了本地切入话题,或开宗明义旗帜鲜明地说明自己的观点,立场,或单刀直入点明敌论。这

16、种写法的益处在于:干脆利落,入题快捷,不蔓不枝,不遮不盖,一目了然。范例1 Do you think whether parents should take the responsibility if their children behave badly or pay for what their children have done?Many crimes and social problems are caused by children. This essay will discuss whether parents should be forced to pay for their

17、childrens crimes.范例2Many people consider the death penalty to be appropriate punishment in certain cases whilst others think that there is never a reason for it to be used. Do you agree or disagree?The issue of death penalty is an emotional one, with many people taking the attitude that it needs to

18、be used both often and swiftly to deter crime. Others believe that in a socalled “civilized” society, the death penalty is little more than barbarism.范例3The overuse of modern technologies in recreational activities makes human beings less creative. Do you agree or disagree?In recent years, there has

19、 been a debate over whether the use of modern technology increases or decreases peoples creativity. I believe modern technology has generally allowed people to become more creative.In the last decade, the funding of higher education has become one of the most heated focuses of discussion and dispute

20、s across the whole country. Opinions are deeply divided as to who are responsible for paying the increasingly high fees.To improve the environment and beautify our surroundings is the theme of todays world. Coordinating operations at the international level is highly desirable. I fully agree with th

21、e claim that international joint efforts are the best way to protect the environment.三 转折对照法:关于考试中的许多题目,诸君也能够不直接引入题目中的核心主题,而先描述跟题中相反的内容,后转折对照入题,这种写法欲抑先扬,二者兼顾,螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后。范例1A report indicates that nowadays children are becoming more and more lazy, fat and unsociable. Discuss the reasons for this and gi

22、ve some proposals.The social and economic development should have resulted in a happier and healthier life for children. However, recently, increasingly more parents are concerning that their children have become lazy, fat and unsociable.范例2The overuse of modern technologies in recreational activiti

23、es makes human beings less creative. Do you agree or disagree?It is generally acknowledged that modern technologies in recreational activities have brought us easier and more convenient life. However, to use them too often might result in the loss of creativity belonging to human beings.Tip: 表示“人们一样

24、以为”的句型链接It is universally acknowledged thatIt is well accepted thatIt is widely believed thatIt is generally maintained that范例三Some people suggest that more courses promoting the healthy psychological growth of students should be set up in high schools. They believe that such courses will help the s

25、tudents in their future careers. Do you agree or disagree?Recently, high school students have had quite a few problems concerning not only academic matter, but also psychic issues. To solve these problems, more courses promoting the healthy psychological growth of students have been proposedTip:表示“解

26、决问题”的链接To solve resolve deal with cope with handle tackle combat fight conquer this problem.范例四:Some people think that government should be pay course fees for those who want to go to university. Do you agree or disagree?In recent years, colleges and universities have been raising their tuition fees

27、 to a record high in China, which indeed brings unimaginable hardships for the impoverished families both in rural and urban areas. To solve these problems, some suggest that the government should pay the course fees for those freshmen, as they once did.四 提问法开篇设问,总起下文,启发读者思索, 激发其阅读爱好。 精妙的设问简练,明快,下文顺

28、理成章,从不同角度进行表达,既拓展了思路,又吸引了读者,是一种极富表现力的写法。Have it ever happened to you? Have you ever put your trousers in the washing machine and then remembered there was a large bank note in your back pocket? When you rescued your trousers, did you find the note was whiter than white? People live in Britain neednt

29、 despair when they make mistakes like this! Fortunately for them, the Bank of England has a team called Mutilated ladies which deals with claims from people who fed their money to a machine or to their dog. Dogs, it seems, love to chew up money!范例一People have different likes or dislikes of different

30、 sports. Do you prefer outdoor activities or indoor activities?Have you ever gone swimming in a humid hot summer day? Have you ever been to the seashore to see the splendid waves? Have you perform shadow boxing on the peak of a mountain with cloud around you? Have you ever walked in the quiet silver

31、 moonlight? If you have no experience like any of these, your life is probably an inadequate one. In my point of view, I like outdoor activities much more than indoor activities.范例二:Some people claim the government should stop putting money in space research. Others believe space investigation is of

32、 great importance to human being. What is your opinion?Why should mankind explore space? Why should money, time and effort be spent exploring, investigating and researching space? Why should resources be spent on space rather than on the earth we live in, or on our own country? Just like Shakespeare once said, strong reasons make strong actions(理由充沛,行动坚决). The governments investing

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