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魔鬼口语1000句 一 禽兽不如.docx

1、魔鬼口语1000句 一 禽兽不如 魔鬼口语1000句 一 禽兽不如1. You seem subdued. Are you all right?你好像有点没精神。有什么心事吗?2. No spells no. 我说不行就不行(没必要再讨论了)。3. Dont bulldoze me. 别逼我。4. He got this zen look on his face. 他摆出一副一本正经/无所谓的样子。5. Their smiles were plastic. 他们的笑太假了。6. He lacks personality. 他没有个性。7. Roger! 收到!(OK,知道了)8. I coul

2、dnt find my bearings. 我有点找不着北。9. Theyre lower than the animals. 他们禽兽不如。10. Hey, thats mine. Fork it over! 喂,那是我的。拿过来! 魔鬼口语1000句(二):发什么神经1. Whats come over you? 你发什么神经啊?(怎么啦?)2. They enjoy being wined and dined. 他们喜欢吃请。3. My patience is running out. 我等不及了。4. Stop it! You could bite the dust. 别瞎折腾。当心摔

3、个狗啃泥。5. You dont have to mind your Ps and Qs. 你不必小心翼翼的。6. Might is right. 拳头大的是爷。7. He is a bit of a handful in your class. 你们班这小子不太好管。8. She is nothing but a dumb blonde. 她只是个花瓶而已。9. Hey, this is no laughing matter. 喂,这可不是闹着玩的。10. I reserve judgment on this issue. 我对此事暂不表态。 魔鬼口语1000句(三):如胶似漆1. They

4、 were like one and the same back then. 当时他俩好的跟一个人似的。2. Let go of the stresses and strains. 别忧心忡忡的。3. In English, please. 有话直说(别兜圈子,我听不懂)。4. Dont touch the tender spot. 别哪壶不开提哪壶。5. What are you? Hit the jackpot? 你发什么疯?中大奖了?6. Stop harping on about it! 别唠叨了行吗?7. We compared notes. 我们交换了一下看法。8. We hand

5、led the matter with kid gloves. 这个问题我们处理的很谨慎。9. Woe betides you if it happens again! 下次你死定了!10.I balk at the idea.这个主意我不太喜欢。 魔鬼口语1000句(四):好酒不怕巷子深1. She grudgingly admitted she was wrong. 她勉强承认了错误。2. I hold him in awe. 我对他很敬重。3. Youll have to resign yourself to it. 你只能无奈地接受。4. Your illness is psychos

6、omatic. 病由心生。5. Good wine needs no bush. 好酒不怕巷子深。6. They just skirted around the issue. 他们光兜圈子,不谈正题。7. Its the widows mite. 礼轻情义重。8. Its too way-out for me. 对我来说太前卫了。9. We should explore every avenue. 我们要千方百计。10. Do you have any contingency plans? 你有防范措施吗? 魔鬼口语1000句(五):生活平淡如水1. The bulk of the speec

7、h fell short. 演讲的大部分内容令人失望。2. Take the stage in a positive frame of mind. 登台的时候要保持积极的心态。3. Arent they picked over? 都是人家挑剩下的了。4. The odds are stacked against you. 你成功的机会渺茫。5. I envy her measurements. 我真羡慕她的三围。6. He remains untamed. 他屡教不改。7. Ill have to wing it / play it by ear. 我只好即兴发挥了。8. Life is as

8、 flat as usual. 生活还是那么平淡。9. He poached this idea from me. 这个想法是他剽窃我的。10. Im not deflated. 我没有气馁。 魔鬼口语1000句(六):名花有主1.I need a stout heart.我要的是个坚强的人。2. That is grungy. 那件汗衫太脏了。3.Dont play Russian roulette with fate.别玩命。4. He appears offhand with people. 他好像对人爱搭不理的。5. The worm turns. 兔子急了也会咬人。6. House

9、prices will never dip. 房价不会降了。7. Youre not going to palm me off with that feeble excuse. 别想轻易把我打发走。8. Nothing can break my spirit. 我永不屈服。9. Hes a hardy soul. 他是条硬汉。10. Shes spoken for. 她名花有主了。 魔鬼口语1000句(七):胡说八道1. They were victims of circumstance. 他们是环境的牺牲品。2. You look perky. 你精神不错啊。3. Dont give me

10、the bull. 胡说八道。4. Take the tonsure. Lifes fuck all. 出家算了。活着真没劲。5. Dusk hasnt fallen. 天还没黑。6. It all happened in a flash. 这一切来得太突然了。7. The market is glutted. 市场饱和了。8. I think we should give him a fair hearing. 我们应该听听他的解释。9. Mayday! 救命!10. Theyre paid a pittance. 他们的薪水少得可怜。魔鬼口语1000句(八):幸灾乐祸1. Are you

11、going to bleed me dry? 你要把我榨干哪?2. The dogma dies hard. 教条根深蒂固。3. I sleep rough but youre in clover. 我餐风露宿,你却过得逍遥自在。4. You look so woebegone. 你看起来很忧伤。5. Thats a rationalization. 那只是个借口。6. Wild horses wouldnt drag me there. 八匹马都拉不动我。7. His good humor is proverbial. 他的幽默广为人知。8. You wily old fox. 你这只老狐狸

12、。9. You have to feign surprise. 你得装出很惊讶的样子。10. Dont be exultant. 别幸灾乐祸。 魔鬼口语1000句(九):我要抓狂了1. Hes a night owl. 他是个夜猫子。2. People have been indoctrinated. 人们被毒化了。3. I have you by the short hairs. 我抓到你的小辫子了。4. Im old but I havent gone gaga yet! 我还没有老糊涂!5. Dont be impudent!放肆!6. Im constipated. I need so

13、me laxative. 我便秘了。给我点泻药。7. If youll pardon the expression. 说句不该说的话。8. Dont cut up. 不要哗众取宠。9. Prick up your ears. 竖起耳朵。10. Ill be climbing the walls. 我得抓狂了。 魔鬼口语1000句(第十天):我刚才走神了1. He slipped into his old habits. 他老毛病又犯了。2.Hes such a slug.他太蘑菇了。3. Im happy with my lot. 我很满足。4.Things got a bit overhea

14、ted.气氛有点紧张。5.I was in a brown study.我刚才走神了。6. The film will chill you to the marrow. 这部片子能把你吓死。7. She is stepping out on me. 她对我不忠。8. It makes me queasy. 我想吐。9.Shes generous to a fault.她大方的离谱。10. Were over the hump now. 最困难的时刻过去了。 魔鬼口语1000句(十一天):别玩狠的1. How can we break the logjam? 怎样打破僵局呢?2. Im othe

15、rwise engaged. 我有别的安排。3. She was relegated / demoted. 她被降职了。4. He can play hardball. 他可以玩狠的。5. Youre so yellow. 你是个胆小鬼。6. Dont perjure yourself. 别撒谎。7. Im not a big fan of the golden mean. 我不懂什么中庸之道。8. Stop fanning the flames. 别扇风点火了。9. Shes a Girl Friday. 她是个女助理。10. Theres life in the old dog yet.

16、小子,姜还是老的辣。 魔鬼口语1000句(十二天):他是黑社会老大1. He is an underworld kingpin. 他是黑社会老大。2. We have to make economies. 我们得省着点。 3. Lets have a night out today. 今晚咱们出去玩吧。4. It left a bad taste in my mouth. 这事我一想起来就别扭。5. I just look on you as my brother. 我只把你当哥哥看待。6. Dont pull my focus. 别打扰我。7. Well have to play for t

17、ime. 我们得拖延时间。8. The blurb was full of hyperbole. 广告充满夸张。9. I really saw life. 我真是大开眼界。10. She gave him a demure smile. 她冲他娴静地笑了笑。 魔鬼口语1000句(十三天):她假装清纯1. Shes whiter than white.她假装清纯。2.She wont budge.她根本不听。3.Dog doesnt eat dog.官官相护。4.The movie is to be vetted.电影要通过审查。5. Hang out the white flag. 投降吧。6

18、. Well, you live and learn. 林子大了什么鸟都有。7.Theres been a tacit agreement.已经达成默契。8.Nip it in the bud.把它消灭在萌芽状态。9.I hedge my bets.我做两手准备。10.I was washing up.刚才我正洗漱呢。 魔鬼口语1000句(十四天):我们闹翻了1. Our relationship is strictly platonic. 我们的关系很纯洁。2. We fell out. 我们闹翻了。3. Theres no need to sustain this relationship

19、. 没必要继续交往了。4. You can confide in her. 你可以完全信任她。5. Thats life. 生活就是这样。6. This is the life! 这才叫生活!7.Shes been leading him on.她一直牵着他的鼻子走。8. All my hard work is nullified. 我全部的心血都泡汤了。9. He revealed it in an unguarded moment. 他一不小心说漏了。10. Dont cast pearls before swine. 不要对牛弹琴。 魔鬼口语1000句(十五天):愿有情人终成眷属1. Y

20、our face is as white as a sheet. 你脸色怎么那么苍白?2. Choose the psychological moment. 寻找最佳时机。3. Hide your light under a bushel. 不要锋芒毕露。4. Ive become a beast of burden. 我作牛作马。5. Shes been cranky all day. 她一整天心情都很糟。6. Eventually I caved in. 最后我妥协了。7. Ive rallied now. 我现在好多了。8. You make my heart flutter. 你让我心

21、旌摇曳。9. Jack shall have Jill. 愿有情人终成眷属。10. He didnt bat an eyelid. 他连眼都不眨一下。 魔鬼口语1000句(十六天):友谊地久天长1. It merits special attention.值得特别注意。2. Will there be a recurrence? 会复发吗?3. Dont be alarmed. 别慌。4. The heckler was out on his ear. 搅局者被轰了出去。5. Reputation passes by word of mouth. 名声要靠口碑。6. The situation

22、 is very fluid. 情况充满变数。7. More power to you! 再接再厉!8. I did it by some sleight of hand. 我耍了点花招。9. Im sorry to subject you to this trouble. 给您添麻烦了。10. To our abiding friendship! 我们的友谊地久天长! 魔鬼口语1000句(十七天):你得敢想1. He did a spoof on the movie.影片被他恶搞。2. Are you trying to undercut my authority?休想削弱我的权威。3. T

23、hats a good question.我也不知道。4. The book won golden opinions.这本书好评如潮。5. Shes past her bloom. 她已经徐娘半老。6. That is so unseemly. 那太不得体了。7. I dont want to be dubbed a lion-hunter. 我不想人家说我攀龙附凤。8. You need to think big. 你得敢想。9. Its not unheard-of. 没什么大惊小怪的。10. You guys are unsung heroes.你们是无名英雄。 魔鬼口语1000句(十八

24、天):丢三拉四1Shes solid behind me. 她完全支持我。2. Im a man of pronounced views.我向来观点鲜明。3. Your accusation is baseless.你的指责毫无道理。4. Were not a fly-by-night operator.我们不做一锤子买卖。5. Red flag.危险!6. He runs after anyone in skirts.他玩弄女性。7. How could you lay it at my door?你怎么能说是我的责任呢?8. My heart was in my mouth.我的心都提到嗓

25、子眼了。9. Im such a scatterbrain.我总爱丢三落四。10. I dont really have the gift of gab.我口才不是很好。第十九天 1 My jaw dropped. 我大吃一惊。2. Opposition was feeble. 没遇到什么反对。3. Dont rise to the bait. 别上钩。4. I could have bitten my tongue off. 我恨不得抽自己。5. Im filled with remorse. 我满怀愧疚。6. We all have human frailties. 人无完人。7. I c

26、an feel it in my bones. 我有预感。8. Its come to the crunch now. 非做决定不可了。9. Good things come in small packages. 浓缩的都是精品。10. The guy couldnt be more servile. 瞧他那点头哈腰的样子。 第二十天 1. Shes a kept woman. 她是个二奶。2. Courage will carry you through. 勇气会助你渡过难关。3. Ill never go cap in hand to him. 我才不会求他。4. I hate his g

27、uts. 我恨死他了。5. My dad is a real stick-in-the-mud. 我爸是个老古板。6. Time is of the essence. 时间紧迫。7. I know him by reputation. 我听说过他。8. I shall be with you in spirit. 我精神上支持你。9. He is a thorn in my side. 他是我的眼中钉。10. Beauty and the beast. 一朵鲜花插在牛粪上了。第二十一天1 She showed manifest lack of interest. 她明显不感兴趣。2. That

28、s just a side issue. 那不是主要问题。3. Was that a tacit approval? 默认了?4. Dont let the genie out of the bottle. 会一发而不可收。5. Not a moment too soon. 差一点来不及。6. You cant have your cake and eat it. 鱼与熊掌,不可兼得。7. This issue is too hot to handle. 这件事很棘手。8. Stop bickering! 为一点小事吵什么?9. Thats just a cloak for / cover s

29、tory. 那只是他的幌子。10. So help me, I will never let you off. 我保证不会放过你。 第二十二天 1 Can you put it on your expense account? 这个你能报销吗?2. Water is squirting out. 水滋出来了!3. Dont quarrel with your tools. 别拉不出屎来赖茅坑。4. He went off like a shot. 他噌地一下就跑了。5. It can be ruinously expensive. 贵得要死。6. Youve moved up in the w

30、orld. 你小子抖起来了。7. Hes very secretive. 他太内向。8. Cant you take a joke? 开个玩笑都不行啊。9. America is a melting pot. 美国是个大熔炉。10. New brooms sweep cleaner. 新官上任三把火。 第二十三天 1 Im just a tinpot manager. 我只是个小小的经理。2. She gave me a brush-off. 她对我爱搭不理的。3. The writing is on the wall. 不祥之事就要发生。4. Were expecting a full ho

31、use tonight. 今晚将座无虚席。5. Cross the bridge when we get to it. 车到山前必有路。6. Im of two minds. 我犹豫不定。7. This is a perennial problem. 这是个老大难问题。8. Thats not saying much. 这话等于没说。9. She wears skimpy dresses. 她穿着暴露。10. Dont learn it by rote. 别死记硬背。第二十四天 1 Sorry, Im booked up. 对不起,我另有安排了。2. Shes a tough cookie. 她可不是个善茬儿。3. Dont obfuscate the main issue. 别故

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