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1、新标准大学英语第二版本综合学习教程精读2课后学习练习答案新标准大学英语 (第二版)综合教程 1课后练习答案Unit1ar12.2,3,4,6,7,10,123.campus, protests, establishment, prospects, employment, launch, opportunity4.clashes, alliance (formed an alliance), liberal (as a liberal), governor, economy,characterized (were characterized by), liberating(a liberatin

2、g experience)5.gave rise to,, was brought about, dropping out/to drop out, set up, was brought to its knees6.b a b b b, b a a b7.1.government, Postmodernism, development, individualism, agreement, investment, romanticism, post-war2.Starting out at college means meeting lots of interesting p

3、eople.Going to bed too late means not being able to concentrate the next day.Doing a course in Literary Theory means spending a lot of time on difficult subjects.Being interested in literature means having an open mind about other ways of life.Going to college today means spending a lot of time thin

4、king about what you willdo afterwards.3.peaceful protests, caused.frustration, critical/ decisive/ important/ key/ major factor, golden/ unique opportunity, close/powerful alliance, complete/total destruction, complete/total destruction4.篮球运动是一个名叫詹姆斯 奈史密斯的体育老师发明的 。 1891 年冬季 ,他接到一个任务,要求他发明一种运动 ,让田径运动

5、员既保持优秀的身体状态 ,又能不受损害 。 篮球在大学校园里很快流行起来 。 20 世纪 40 年月,职业联赛开始以后 ,美国职业篮球联赛向来从大学毕业生里招聘球员 。这样做对美国职业篮球联赛和大学两方都有利处 :大学留住了可能转向职业篮球赛的学生 ,而美国职业篮球联赛无需花费组建一个小职业篮球结盟 。大学篮球在全国的广泛推行以及美国大学体育协会对 “疯狂三月 ”(即美国大学体育协会甲级联赛男篮锦标赛 )的市场推行 ,使得这项大学体育赛事向来在蓬勃发展 。5.Volunteering has now become the norm for college students in China.

6、The volunteers may provide community services for senior citizens, support students in mountain areas in education, organize fund-raising activities to help those in need, or work for majorinternational projects such as the World Expo and the Olympic Games. Doing volunteerwork is a useful way for st

7、udents to enhance their professional skills and socialexperience as well as promoting their moral development. The majority of collegestudents believe that it is their duty and obligation to participate in volunteer activities.They hope that they can do something meaningful and promote the developme

8、nt ofsocial harmony.Unit 2Active reading 21.Sympathy, empathy, Sympathy, empathy, Sympathy, Sympathy/empathy2.3,64.distract, Sensitivity, evokes, retrieve, confused, sympathetic, trace, disciplined5.stroke, crawl, imitate, pat, patted, imitating, crawl, stroking6.a a a b a, b a b b7.1,3,5,71.accepta

9、nce, endurance, vacancies, performance, tolerance, hesitance, assistance, pregnancy, reassurance2.You misunderstand it.3.considerable/great/total/widespread/general confusion, add to.confusion, angry response, evoked responses, distinct advantage, direct/ immediate/ positive/ quick response, distinc

10、t impression, adds to.confusion4. 当前这类形式的 “抱抱团 ”运动是澳大利亚人胡安 曼恩倡始的 。 2004 年 6 月,他开始在悉尼市中心的皮特街购物中心给人送去拥抱 。 胡安要做的是伸出胳膊拥抱陌生人 ,点亮他们的人生 。 胡安从前住在伦敦 ,以后他的生活变得一团糟 ,不得不回家 。 等他乘飞机回到悉尼 ,他只剩下一个塞满衣服的手提行李包和一大堆的麻烦 。 于是 ,他找到一块硬纸板和一只马克笔 ,做了一个指示牌 ,在牌子的两面写上 “免费拥抱 ”。 他等了 15 分钟才有一个老太太走上前来 ,给了他一个拥抱 。 他的朋友 , “病小狗 ”乐队的主唱希蒙 摩

11、尔 ,给胡安和他的 “抱抱团 ”成员拍了一段录像 ,使得 “抱抱团 ”运动在全世界有了更大的有名度 。 现在 ,“抱抱团 ”运动日渐流行 ,它使我们生活的这个世界更为暖和 。5. Be not pleased by external gains, nor saddened by personal losses is a statement fromthe essay “ Remarks of Yueyang Tower ” by Fan Zhongyan, a writer of the Northern SongDynasty. The statement means one should

12、look at and accept things as they are, andremain unbothered by external matters or personal gains or losses. It is a mental outlookthat reflects the traditional T aoist ideas of China, instructing people to become calm anddetached. Even today, when we have a highly developed material civilization, k

13、eepingsuch a state of mind is still important. When you possess such a state of mind, you willbe able to live a brighter and more joyous life.Unit 3active reading 2Page 494.exhausted, roar, ensured, boost, strain, fatigue, composed5.leading up to, shut out, keep up with, counting/to count down, miss

14、ed out, set off, fight back6.a a b b b m a a a bPage 52-531.A c b d2.B a a a a, a b b3.只管极限运动自己很危险 ,任何闪失都会造成损害甚至死亡 ,但这类运动在西方国家却特别流行 ,吸引的 “运动员 ”比一些传统的团队体育项目还要多。人们喜爱极限运动是由于他们能够经过参加像爬山、滑雪和攀岩这样的极限运动来打破人类的极限。极限运动给人供给赏识海岸线和景色的绝佳时机,这样的美景在传统运动中是看不到的。在传统的体育赛事中 ,运动员在限制的环境里相互竞争,而极限运动的运动员不单要相互竞争 ,还要应付环境的阻碍和挑战。无

15、论参加哪一项极限运动,运动员都要保证他们使用适合的装备 ,采纳适合的安全防备举措 。现在有愈来愈多的极限运动问世,每一个都比上一个更为独到。4. There are three reasons why table tennis is called China s national game. First, upnow China has won more than 200 world titles in table tennis, which has earnedgreat honour for the country. Second, table tennis is widely enjoy

16、ed by the generalpublic, and is one of the most popular amateur recreational sports in China. Finally,table tennis helps promote China s friendlywithexchangesforeign countries. Thefriendly table tennis match between China and the US, which took place in Beijing in1971, is an event known to history a

17、s- pong diplomacy“ping” , and helped resumeSino-US diplomatic relations. T oday, while developing its own table tennis, China alsohas top table-tennis players playing the game in other countries. This plays a positiverole in promoting the global development of the game of table tennis.Unit 4Page 693

18、.c d a b c4.precaution, fraud, trash, cancel, deceived, Household5.log off, commonplace, forge, anonymous, fictional6.b b a a a, a a2.b3.b a b b b a4.b b a b a, b b a b b5.最近几年来浮现了很多重要技术发明 ,此中包含互联网 、个人电脑系统及掌上设备 。 互联网技术不停发展 ,给我们的平时生活带来了诸多便利 。 但是 ,固然高科技的发展带来了各种利处 ,它也带来了有待解决的新问题 ,此中一个就是网络犯法 。 网络犯法已成为一般

19、公众及专家日趋关注的问题 。 专家们提出了各样方法来预防针对个人 、家庭、公司及政府机关的网络犯法 。 在预防针对个人的网络犯法方面 ,我们一定尽量减少在网上公布个人信息以自我保护 。我们绝不可以向陌生的在线机构和个人供给个人信息 。 要分外当心翻开邮件附件或许在电脑上安装某些程序 ,这一点也十分重要 。6.In the middle and late 20th century, the rapid development of science and technology witnessed the birth of high technology, represented by the I

20、nternet. But at the same time various high-tech crimes, as represented by cybercrime, also arose, posing/constitutinga potential threat to the healthy development of society. How to prevent and reducehigh-tech crimes has become a common concern. China is facing a similar situation. Toavoid or reduce

21、 losses caused by high-tech crimes, we should keep alert in our daily lives,so as not to be deceived.Unit 5AR13.c a d b c4.fulfilled, leisure, inherent, interaction, virtual, peculiar, insult5.span, addicted, chill, evolved; evolving, extensive, fashionable, involves6.b a b aLanguage in use1.The mor

22、e hobbies you have, the less likely you are to worry. The longer you work, the more you earn.The more people work, the less free time they have.The more leisure inactivities have developed, the less chance you have of becominginterested.The more time you spend in front of the computer screen, the le

23、ss interest you have inthe outside world.The less effort you make, the better a couch potato you will be.2.Wiston Churchill was a British Minister and a Nobel Price winner. He was more famous for the former.There are people who keep work separate from their pleasure, and people whose workis their pl

24、easure. The latter are less common.Cricket and football give you the impression of doing something useful. The former ismore peculiar as a sport.You need somewhere comfortable to sit and the remote control. The latter is moreimportant.The couch potato and the mouse potato enjoy leisure inactivity. T

25、he latter has lessinterest in the outside world.Mouse potatoes travel the world online or participate in chat rooms. The former aremore adventurous.3.inherent danger, enforce.policy, poses.threat, fulfill.role, rational analysis4.游玩园是集娱乐景点 、游玩设备和其余娱乐活动为一体、供大众游玩的娱乐场所 。 游玩园是从过去三种传统的游玩场所发展而来的 :欧洲的按期市集

26、、欢喜花园和世界展览会 。在平时用语中 ,人们往常会把 “主题公园 ”和 “游玩园 ”看作同义词 。 可是 ,主题公园能够被看作是独具一格的游玩园 。 主题公园有美化的景观 ,有建筑 ,有鉴于一个或多个特定的主题而设置的景点 。 游玩园行业既包含像迪士尼乐园 、奥兰多大海世界和气莱坞全世界影城这样的大型全世界主题公园 ,也包含像六旗乐园和雪松会公园这样小一些和中等规模的主题公园迪士尼乐园的奇异王国是全世界观光人数最多的主题公园 ,公园的标记性建筑灰姑娘城堡也是美国最有名的摄影景点之一 。5.Since 2008, with the implementation/enforcement of t

27、he free admission policy, Chinese museums have had / held more than 20,000 exhibitions, which have attracted over 600 million visitors each year. Museums are not only places to display collections,but also sites with educational, entertainment and recreational functions. For Chinesepeople, visiting

28、museums has become an important means of enjoying their leisure time.On weekends and holidays, parents take their children to various kinds of museums.While visiting a place, apart from eating amazing local food and enjoying beautifulscenery, tourists may also visit local museums to learn more about

29、 its history andculture.Unit 8AR 13.having fun, social skills, harder, in universities, do public service, in the outside world, help other people4.numerous, catering; option, dreaded, Employers; their personalities, shortage, entertained5.reveal, extrovert, conviction, cooperative, solution, commun

30、ity6.a a b a b, a b b a7.f g e a c b dLanguage in use1.hard-earned, old-fashioned, well-timed, widely-held, open-minded, well-known, specially-adapted, newly-cut2.14573.On Monday I went to Oxford, and on Tuesday to Milton Keynes. Some of the volunteers were interested in medicine, and others in IT.The first activity depended on physical strength, and the second on reason. After the accident he was examined by a doctor, and a few days later by a psychologist.Some people were advised to wear glasses, and others to use contact lenses. At the beginning w

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