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1、商务英语大全商务英语汇总:来源聚行家财务与会计:损益表 税务:报税beginning inventory :期初存货 charitable donation :慈善捐款cost of goods sold :销货成本 deduction :n.扣除;扣除额depreciation :n.折旧 dependent :n.被抚养人distribution :n.配销 e-filing :n.网络报税freight :n.运费 exemption :n.免税额gross margin :毛利 filing status :报税身分income statement :损益表 head of house

2、hold :户长net income :净损益,净收入 married filing separately :已婚分报net sales :销货净额 return :n.退税;收益operating expense :营业费用 tax arrears :欠税,滞纳税金sales revenue :销货收入 tax credit :税款扣抵额财务与会计:资产负债表 tax evasion :逃(漏)税accumulated depreciation :备抵折旧 tax return :报税单asset :n.资产 tax saving :节税balance sheet :资产负债表 unearn

3、ed income :非劳动收入contributed capital :实缴股本 税务:税务事宜fixed asset :固定资产 alimony :n.赡养费liability :n.负债 corporate tax :企业税notes payable :应付票据 direct tax :直接税prepaid expense :预付款项 excluding tax :不含税retained earnings :保留盈余 gift tax :赠与税stockholders equity :股东权益 income tax :所得税产业:品管 inheritance tax :遗产税batch

4、:n.一批 IRS (Internal Revenue Service) :美国国税局glitch :n.缺失 progressive taxation :累进课税inspection :n.检查 tax break :减税优惠leave out :遗漏 tax increase :增税QC history :品管记录 tax reform :税务改革QC procedure :品管流程 tax revenue :税收quality standard :质量标准 taxation :n.课税;征税random sampling :随机抽样 taxpayer :n.纳税人recall :v.回收

5、 谈判:代理权reject :v.拒收;退回 allowance :n.折让;备抵simulation test :模拟测试 distribute :v.经销;代理产业:生产制造 distribution network :经销网assembly line :装配线 distributorship :n.代理权;经销权automated :a.自动化的 exclusive :a.独家的breakthrough :n.突破 hammer out :敲定capacity utilization :产能利用 minimum :a.最低的component :n.零件 normally :adv.通常

6、;一般情形electronics :n.电子产品 null and void :(法律上)无效的farm produce :农业产品 third party :第三方global warming :全球暖化 written consent :书面同意书high-tech industry :高科技产业 谈判:合约labor-intensive :a.劳力密集的 alliance :n.结盟;联盟manufacturing :n.制造 amend :v.修改;修订mass production :大量制造 attorney :n.律师offshoring :n.产业外移 beneficial :

7、a.受益的;有利的outsource :v.外包 breach :n.违反;侵害power failure :停电 clause :n.条款production capacity :产能 commit :v.承诺;保证production process :生产流程 compromise :v.妥协;让步recycling :n.回收;再生 contract :n.合约semiconductor :n.半导体 deadlock :n.僵局service industry :服务业 dotted line :(尤指文件签名处之)点线;虚线waste disposal :废弃物处理 draft :

8、n.草稿;草案国际贸易:货运 negotiator :n.谈判者;磋商者cash on delivery :货到付款 party :n.(契约)当事人;一方delay :v.延迟 resume :v.重新开始free on board :船上交货 terminate :v.终止;终结ground delivery :海陆运输 terms and conditions :交易条款letter of credit :信用状 timetable :n.时间表lump sum :一次付清 谈判:议价Net 30 :货到后三十日付款 affordable :a.负担得起的net weight :净重 b

9、argain :v.议价pallet :n.(装卸、搬运货物用的)货板 discount :n.折扣rush order :紧急订单;急件 going rate :现行价格;现在行情shipment :n.货运物;货运 in bulk :大量国际贸易:进出口 outrageous :a.荒唐的;骇人听闻的customs duty :关税 preferential price :优惠价格duty-free :a.免税的 price war :价格战;削价竞争export :n.出口 profit margin :毛利(率)import ban :进口禁令 profitable :a.有利润的;有

10、赚头的import restriction :进口限制 quantity :n.数量;数额import substitution :进口替代 quote :n.报价non-tariff barrier :非关税壁垒 reflect :v.反映quarantine :n.检疫;隔离 throw in :外加;额外赠送quota :n.配额 通讯:传真smuggling :n.走私 cover sheet :封面页国际贸易:贸易 face down :正面朝下barrier :n.障碍 fax machine :传真机bilateral :a.双边的 incoming :a.传进来的boycott

11、 :v.抵制 paper jam :卡纸dumping :n.倾销 refill :v.再装填free trade :自由贸易 resolution :n.分辨率Normal Trade Relations :正常贸易关系 scan :v.扫描protectionism :n.保护主义 通讯:电话英语trade agreement :贸易协议 call waiting :电话插拨trade friction :贸易磨擦 caller ID :来电显示器trade imbalance :贸易不均衡 cell phone :手机trade surplus :贸易出超 cold call :陌生电访

12、;主动以电话推销商品trade talk :贸易会谈 cordless :a.无线的国际贸易:外汇 dial tone :拨号音currency :n.货币,通货 directory assistance :查号服务devalue :v.贬值 extension :n.分机号码downward :a.下降的,向下的 long-distance call :长途电话exchange rate :汇率 payphone :n.公共电话float :v.浮动 receiver :n.电话筒fluctuation :n.变动,波动 reception :n.收讯;接收foreign exchange

13、:外汇 telemarketing :n.电话营销foreign exchange loss :汇兑损失 text message :简讯in dollar terms :以美元换算 toll-free :a.免付费的intervention :n.干预;介入 touch-tone phone :按键式电话peg :n.连动;紧盯(某货币) transfer :v.转接purchasing power parity :购买力平价 voicemail :n.语音信箱selling pressure :卖压 wrong number :打错电话volatile :a.不稳定的;易波动的 通讯:电子

14、邮件会议:会后 attachment :n.附加檔consensus :n.(意见等的一致;共识 capacity :n.容量decision :n.决定;裁决 CC (carbon copy) :副件抄送get down to business :开始办正事 delete :v.删除implement :v.实施;执行 download :v.下载minutes :n.会议记录 e-mail :v.寄电子邮件postpone :v.延期 forward :v.转寄tie up loose ends :处理枝节问题 junk mail :垃圾邮件unresolved :a.未解决的 mailb

15、ox :n.邮件信箱会议:会前 recipient :n.收件者announce :v.宣布 reply :n.回复chairman :n.主席 salutation :n.称谓conference room :会议室 subject :n.主旨document :n.文件 通讯:邮件equipment :n.设备 fragile :a.易碎的formal :a.正式的 mail order :邮政划拨location :n.地点 mailman :n.邮差meeting notice :会议通知 parcel :n.包裹participate :v.参加 postage :n.邮资resch

16、edule :v.重新安排 postmark :v.邮戳会议:会中 printed matter :印刷品brainstorm :v.脑力激荡 registered letter :挂号信clarify :v.澄清 return address :寄件人地址debate :n.辩论 sender :n.寄件者disagree :v.不同意 zip code :邮政编码elaborate :v.详述;详加说明 投资:股市finalize :v.完成;敲定 investor:n.投资人,投资方fire away :尽管说;尽管问吧 analyst :n.分析师floor :n.发言权 antici

17、pation :n.预期input :n.(建设性的)意见、评论 asking price :卖价interrupt :v.打断;插嘴 bear market :熊市motion :n.临时动议 bellwether :n.指标证券;指标股nominate :v.提名 blue-chip :a.蓝筹股的objective :n.目的 bottom out :止跌回稳pick someones brain :听取意见或建议 decline :v.下跌point fingers :(轻蔑地)指责 dividend :n.股利pros and cons :利弊得失 EPS (earnings per

18、 share) :每股盈余reconvene :v.再召开;再召集 individual investor :散户resolution :n.(会议等的)决议 insider trading :内线交易summarize :v.摘要;扼要说明 IPO (initial public offering) :首次公开发行table :v.搁置 jump :v.快速大幅上涨unanimous :a.一致同意的;无异议的 limit up :涨停板youre up :该你了;轮到你了 make a profit :获利简报:使用图表 margin trading :信用交易attention :n.注

19、意 mixed :a.涨跌互见的compared to :与相比 online trading account :在线交易账户erratic :a.不稳定的;无规律的 OTC market :店头市场figure :n.数字 peak :n.顶点;高点fluctuate :v.波动;震荡 plunge :v.快速大幅下跌level out :持平 portfolio :n.投资组合make up :占了;凑足 pullback :n.拉回pick up :(销售等)开始好转、增加 quarterly report :季报plateau :n.(上升后的)稳定水平(或时期) rally :v.扬

20、升share :n.占有率 rebound :n.反弹sliver :n.薄片 record high :历史新高transparency :n.投影片 run up :走高简报:作简报 SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) :证券管理委员会come down to :最重要的是 share price :股价conclude :v.作总结 sink :v.向下探底condition :v.影响;调整 soar :v.飙涨divide :v.分成;分开 stay on the sidelines :退场观望forecast :n.预测 stock m

21、arket :股市fruits of (ones) labor :努力的成果 stock split :股票分割goal :n.目标;目的 stockbroker :n.股票经纪人handout :n.讲稿;讲义 TAIEX (Taiwan Stock Exchange Stock Index) :台湾证券交易股价指数keep up the good work :好好继续保持 trading volume :交易量make it big :大获成功 undervalue :v.低估overview :n.概观;大要 投资:基金与其他reverse :v.反转;逆转 bond fund :债券型

22、基金revolutionary :a.革命性的 closed-end fund :封闭型running :adv.连续地 derivative :n.衍生商品selling point :卖点 equity fund :股票型基金team up with :与合作 fund manager :基金经理人total sales :总销售额 futures :n.期货video :n.影片 hedge fund :避险基金wrap up :完成;结束 index fund :指数型基金经济:国际经济 leverage :n.杠杆bailout :n.紧急援助 management fee :管理费

23、creditor nation :债权国 mutual fund :共同基金developed country :已开发国家 offshore fund :海外基金emerging market :新兴市场 option :n.选择权European Union :欧盟 REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) :不动产投资信托基金G10 :十大工业国 trust :n.信托globalization :n.全球化 warrant :n.认股凭证IMF :国际货币基金 投资:债券sanction :n.制裁 bond rating :债券评等summit :n.高

24、峰会 convertible bond :可转换债券World Bank :世界银行 government bond :政府债券WTO :世贸组织 junk bond :垃圾债券经济:国内经济 medium-term note :中期债券budget bill :预算案 par value :面值budget deficit :预算赤字 premium :n.溢价economic policy :经济政策 redeem :v.赎回economic reform :经济改革 T-Note (Treasury note) :中期国库券electricity :n.电力 underwriter :n

25、.(股票、债券等的)承销公司;承销商infrastructure :n.基础建设 yield :n.收益investment environment :投资环境 行销:促销monetary policy :货币政策 coupon :n.折价券real estate :房地产 feature :n.特性subsidy :n.补助,补贴 flier :n.传单unemployment rate :失业率 free sample :免费样品经济:经济趋势 giveaway :n.赠品economic fluctuation :经济波动 like gangbusters :狂销;热卖inflation

26、 :n.通货膨胀 poster :n.海报lagging indicator :落后指标 promotional campaign :促销活动optimistic :a.乐观的 sachet :n.试用包outlook :n.展望 sales promotion :促销recession :n.景气衰退 sport :v.展现;夸示recovery :n.复苏 target :v.锁定stagnant :a.停滞的 行销:广告宣传turnaround :n.(营业、经济等的)突然好转 billboard :n.广告广告牌经济:经济学用语 come on the market :上市bubble

27、 economy :泡沫经济 commercial :n.电视广告current account :经常帐 exposure :n.曝光(率)deficit :n.赤字;逆差 eye-catching :a.引人注目的domestic demand :国内需求 Internet ad :网络广告economic growth :经济成长 media :n.媒体economic statistics :经济统计 print ad :平面广告export-oriented economy :出口导向经济 slogan :n.标语;口号foreign exchange reserve :外汇存底 t

28、heme :n.主题GDP :n.国内生产毛额 trademark :n.商标index :n.指数 user-friendly :a.使用方便的indicator :n.指标 行销:商展liberalization :n.自由化 bottom line :结余;结算macroeconomics :n.总体经济学 bundle :n.搭售商品market economy :市场经济 convention :n.(专业)展览会standard of living :生活水平 demonstration :n.展示undersupply :n.供给不足 entrance :n.入口客服:客户投诉

29、go with :选择;决定采用break down :故障 high traffic :a.高流量的claim :n.(保险)理赔;费用申请 marketing material :营销材料;宣传品complaint :n.抱怨;不满 sign :n.标志criticism :n.批评 trade show :商展defective :a.瑕疵的;有缺陷的 turnout :n.出席者;参观人数feedback :n.意见反映 visible :a.显眼的improve :v.改进;改善 行销:行销企划invalid :a.无效的 competition :n.竞争;竞争对手price li

30、st :价目表 customer base :顾客群product quality :产品质量 distribution :n.经销;配销purchase :n.购买 market research :市场研究refund :n.退费 market survey :市场调查replacement :n.更换 marketing budget :营销预算warranty :n.保固 marketing plan :营销计划客服:售后服务 marketing strategy :营销策略assemble :v.聚集,组装 potential client :潜在客户customer satisfa

31、ction :客户满意(度) pricing strategy :定价策略customer service hotline :客服热线 respondent :n.受访者defer payment :延后付款 retailer :n.零售商delivery :n.递送 sposorship :n.赞助installation :n.安装 supplier :n.供货商long-standing :a.长期的 target market :目标市场manual :n.使用手册 业务:出差membership :n.会员身分,会员资格 baggage claim :行李提领处model number :型号 baggage handler :行李搬运员part missing :缺零件 boarding pass :登机证place order :下订单 business suite :商务套房receipt :n.收据 carry-on luggage :随身行李subscribe :v.订购 Immi

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