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1、英语听力练习相关文稿8-27In just two weeks, well come together, as a nation, to mark the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks. Well remember the innocent lives we lost. Well stand with the families who loved them. Well honor the heroic first responders who rushed to the scene and saved so many. And w

2、ell pay tribute to our troops and military families, and all those who have served over the past ten years, to keep us safe and strong.Well also recall how the worst terrorist attack in American history brought out the best in the American people. How Americans lined up to give blood. How volunteers

3、 drove across the country to lend a hand. How schoolchildren donated their savings. How communities, faith groups and businesses collected food and clothing.We were united, and the outpouring of generosity and compassion reminded us that in times of challenge, we Americans move forward together, as

4、one people.This September 11th, Michelle and I will join the commemorations at Ground Zero, in Shanksville, and at the Pentagon. But even if you cant be in New York, Pennsylvania or Virginia, every American can be part of this anniversary. Once again, 9/11 will be a National Day of Service and Remem

5、brance. And in the days and weeks ahead, folks across the countryin all 50 stateswill come together, in their communities and neighborhoods, to honor the victims of 9/11 and to reaffirm the strength of our nation with acts of service and charity.In Minneapolis, volunteers will help restore a communi

6、ty center. In Winston-Salem, North Carolina, theyll hammer shingles and lay floors to give families a new home. In Tallahassee, Florida, theyll assemble care packages for our troops overseas and their families here at home. In Orange County, California, theyll renovate homes for our veterans. And on

7、ce again, Michelle and I look forward to joining a local service project as well.There are so many ways to get involved, and every American can do something. To learn more about the opportunities where you live, just go online and visit Even the smallest act of service, the simplest act o

8、f kindness, is a way to honor those we lost; a way to reclaim that spirit of unity that followed 9/11.On this 10th anniversary, we still face great challenges as a nation. Were emerging from the worst economic crisis in our lifetimes. Were taking the fight to al Qaeda, ending the war in Iraq and sta

9、rting to bring our troops home from Afghanistan. And were working to rebuild the foundation of our national strength here at home.None of this will be easy. And it cant be the work of government alone. As we saw after 9/11, the strength of America has always been the character and compassion of our

10、people. So as we mark this solemn anniversary, lets summon that spirit once more. And lets show that the sense of common purpose that we need in America doesnt have to be a fleeting moment; it can be a lasting virtuenot just on one day, but every day.8-20Hello from the Country Corner Farm in Alpha,

11、Illinois! For the past few days, Ive been traveling to small towns and farm towns here in the heartland of this country. I sat down with small business owners in Gutenberg, Iowa; and ranchers and farmers in Peosta. I had lunch with veterans in Cannon Falls, Minnesota; and talked to plant workers at

12、a seed distributor in Atkinson, Illinois. And to the girls volleyball team at Maquoketa High School, let me just say one thing: Go Cardinals.Now, Im out here for one reason: I think Washington, DC can learn something from the folks in Atkinson and Peosta and Cannon Falls. I think our country would b

13、e a whole lot better off if our elected leaders showed the same kind of discipline and integrity and responsibility that most Americans demonstrate in their lives every single day.Because, the fact is, were going through a tough time right now. Were coming through a terrible recession; a lot of folk

14、s are still looking for work. A lot of people are getting by with smaller paychecks or less money in the cash register. So we need folks in Washington the people whose job it is to deal with the countrys problems, the people who you elected to serve we need them to put aside their differences to get

15、 things done.There are things we can do right now that will mean more customers for businesses and more jobs across the country. We can cut payroll taxes again, so families have an extra $1,000 to spend. We can pass a road construction bill so construction crews now sitting idle can head back to the

16、 worksite, rebuilding roads, bridges, and airports. Weve got brave, skilled Americans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Lets connect them with businesses that could use their skills. And lets pass trade deals to level the playing field for our businesses. We have Americans driving Hyundais and Ki

17、as. Well, I want to see folks in Korea driving Fords, Chevys and Chryslers. I want more products sold around the globe stamped with three words: Made in America.These are commonsense ideas ideas that have been supported by both Democrats and Republicans. The only thing holding them back is politics.

18、 The only thing preventing us from passing these bills is the refusal by some in Congress to put country ahead of party. Thats the problem we have right now. Thats whats holding this country back. Thats what we have to change.Because, for all the knocks weve taken, despite all the challenges we face

19、, this is still the greatest country on earth. We still have the best workers and farmers, entrepreneurs and businesses, students and scientists. And you can see that here in Alpha. You can see it along the country roads that connect these small towns and farmlands.These past few days, Ive been seei

20、ng little kids with American flags and grandparents in lawn chairs. Ive shaken hands with folks outside machine shops and churches, corner stores and farms. It reminds me why I got into public service in the first place. Getting out of Washington and spending time with the people of this country see

21、ing how hard youre working, how creative you are, how resourceful you are, how determined you are that only makes me more determined to serve you as best I can as President. And it only makes me more confident in our future.Thats why its so important that folks in Washington put country before party

22、. Thats why its so important that our elected leaders get past their differences to help grow the economy and put this nation back to work. Because here in Alpha it couldnt be more clear: if we can come together, theres no stopping the United States of America. Theres no doubt that our future is bri

23、ght.Thanks, and have a great weekend.Talking about yogaMike: Whatre you doing up so early, Amanda? Have you decided to take up jogging in the park like me? Amanda: No, Mike. You know I really cant stand jogging. Ive joined a yoga class at our local fitness center. I hear its a great way to stay fit.

24、 Want to join me? Mike: No way! Yoga is for girls. Id rather do some weights or cardio at the gym than contort my body into painful postures. Amanda: Come on, theres more to yoga than that! Its perfect for physical and spiritual well-being. It also helps your body become more flexible. Mike: No than

25、ksI think all of this is just a moneymaking gimmick. Im telling you Amanda, dont buy into it! Amanda: Mike, we just learn three new postures every day and do some meditation. My yoga guru is going to teach us about breathing today. Did you know that we dont even breathe properly anymore? Mike: Count

26、 me out! I dont need anyone to tell me how to breathe! Just because celebrities are doing yoga, everyones jumping on the bandwagon. Amanda: Thats not true! Youre always reluctant to try something new. Give it a chanceyou might enjoy it. Mike: Okay, but only if you promise Ill end up with a body like

27、 Matthew McConaughey!to contort (v.) 扭曲;曲解Peters face contorted with rage when he found out his sister had broken his laptop computer.posture (n.) 姿势;姿态He maintained a good posture even in old age by sitting straight instead of slouching.flexible (adj.) 可弯曲的;柔韧有弹性的The dancer is so flexible that she

28、can touch her head with her (n.) 导师;大师Many people in the U.S. consider Martha Stewart to be a lifestyle guru.reluctant (adj.) 不情愿的;勉强的Sharon was reluctant to leave the children alone with the babysitter, but she had no other choice.spiritual well-being 心灵上的平静;心灵上的喜悦A: Arent you glad we dec

29、ided to take a trip to the Himalayas instead of New York?B: Yes, the peaceful atmosphere and fresh air have been good for my spiritual well-being.moneymaking gimmick 赚钱的技俩;赚钱的花招A: Guess what? The department store is offering a buy-one-get-one-free deal on all clothes and jewelry!B: Come on, thats ju

30、st a moneymaking gimmick to attract more end up with 最后;结果A: Why are we here so early? The concert doesnt start until an hour later!B: I wanted to find good seatsI always end up with seats in the back row when I arrive lateTalking about poetry 谈谈诗歌Amanda: Hi, Mike. What are you reading?

31、 Mike: Oh, these are just some books I picked up at a local poetry festival that took place a couple of weeks ago. Even though a lot of what the featured poets read wasnt in English, it was still neat to see that there are so many people who appreciate poetry in Taiwan. Amanda: I didnt know you were

32、 such a poetry lover, Mike. Personally, Ive always found that stuff a little bit boring and hard to understand. All that flowery language gives me a headache! Id rather read a nice long novel any day. Mike: Ill admit that poetrys an acquired taste. But once you learn more about it, youll find that poems arent all flowery and incomprehensiblethey dont even have to rhyme! One of my favorite poets is Billy Collins, who writes really funny, cl

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