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1、企业标语口号英文企业标语口号英文导读:本文是关于企业标语口号英文,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、迎接变化,勇于创新。Welcome change and innovation.2、产品若要无缺点,全面品管不可免。Products without defects, total quality control can not be avoided.3、让环宇风帆载着优质的产品,跨越世纪。Let universal sail carrying high-quality products, across the century.4、没有品质,便没有企业的明天。Without quality, t

2、here will be no enterprise tomorrow.5、今天的付出,明天的回报。Todays pay, tomorrows return.6、和传统的昨天告别,向规范的未来迈进。Bid farewell to the traditional yesterdays and move towards the normative future.7、同德才能走得更近团结一条心。Germany can get closer together.8、要有好的灌溉,才有好的结果。Good irrigation results in good results.9、勤俭节约爱护公物,以厂为家,

3、共同发展。Industrious and thrifty, cherish public property, plant as home, and common development.10、失意时你会需要他们合格的员工从。When frustrated, you will need their qualified employees.11、为企业多做一点,为客户多想一点。Do more for the enterprise, for customers to think a little more.12、安全来自长期警惕,事故源于瞬间麻痹。Safety comes from long-ter

4、m vigilance, accidents from momentary paralysis.13、客户服务,重在回访仔细倾听,你认情绪。Customer service, pay attention to return visits, listen carefully, you recognize emotions.14、心事宜诚,才华宜蕴。Mind should be sincere, talent should be yun.15、境静中生境,谈中本然。Exit - static habitat on the original.16、立足新起点,开创新局面。Based on a new

5、 starting point, create a new situation.17、一流的质量来源于一流的管理。Top quality comes from first class management.18、跨越今日的视野、扩展世纪的眼光。Across todays vision and vision of the century.19、众志成城比金坚持诚信互利共荣。Uphold the integrity of mutual benefit and common prosperity Our wills unite like a fortress. than gold.20、严格遵守开始

6、最大的破产是绝望。Strict adherence to the beginning of the greatest bankruptcy is despair.21、多思考才能创新,勤检讨才有进步。Think more, you can innovate, and diligence makes progress.22、自检互检,确保品质零缺点。Check each other to make sure the quality is zero.23、创造变化,并带来绩效突破性地提高。Create change, and bring performance breakthroughs.24、挑

7、战就是机会,突破就是成长。Challenge is opportunity, breakthrough is growth.25、修身重德,事业生根。Cultivate virtue, and cause it to take root.26、自我检验不放松,质量标准记心中。Self inspection is not relaxed, quality standards are in mind.27、同心协力,提高品质。Work together to improve quality.28、观念一变天地宽,坚定信心开新篇。The concept of a changed world wide

8、, firm confidence to open a new chapter.29、创一流通讯企业,当中部崛起先锋。First class communication enterprise, middle part rising pioneer.30、全员参与力量大,产品控制靠大家。Full participation in power, product control by everyone.31、热爱工作,顾全大局,不计较个人得失。Love the work, the overall situation, do not care about personal gains and loss

9、es.32、有一分耕耘,就有一分收获。A single crop, a harvest.33、培育礼仪员工,创造文明团队。Cultivate etiquette employees and create civilized teams.34、品管提高信誉,信誉扩大销售。Quality control, improve credibility, credibility, expand sales.35、讲文明从我做起,树新风从现在开始。Speaking of civilization, start with me, new trees, from now on.36、合格的员工从严格遵守开始。Q

10、ualified employees begin with strict compliance.37、建立管理根基科技是第一生产力。Establish management foundation, science and technology are primary productive forces.38、坚持以质取胜,提高竞争实力。Adhere to quality, improve competition strength.39、高质量服务,高技术创新,高速度发展。High quality service, high technology innovation, high speed d

11、evelopment.40、宁做事前检查,不可事后返工。Better check before work than rework afterwards.41、活力和谐,*奋进。Vitality, harmony, passion, forge ahead.42、足迹印证着梦想。Footprints confirm dreams.43、有一份耕耘,就有一份收获。You reap what you sow.44、要想不被淘汰,只有跑在前面。If you dont want to be eliminated, just run ahead.45、我成长,我晋升,我是亲人的骄傲。I grew up,

12、I was promoted, and I was proud of my family.46、我与公司荣辱与共,公司与我共同发展。My company and the company with my woe, common development.47、团队精神,是企业文化的核心。Team spirit is the core of enterprise culture.48、每天进一步,踏上成功路。Every day, further on the road to success.49、拿望远镜看别人,拿放大镜看自己。Look at others with a telescope, and

13、 look at yourself with a magnifying glass.50、诚信立足,创新致远。Honesty stands for innovation.51、筑质量大堤,迎世纪挑战。Build quality levee and greet the century challenge.52、产品就象一朵花,枝繁叶茂靠大家。The product is like a flower, with luxuriant foliage on everyone.53、预防保养及时做,生产顺畅不会错。Preventive maintenance in a timely manner, pr

14、oduction smoothly, not wrong.54、改善既改革,改革先革心。Improve reform, reform and reform the mind first.55、行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高。Action is the ladder of success; the more you act, the higher you rise.56、超越自我、追求卓越。Surpass yourself and strive for excellence.57、质量是企业的生命,安全是职工的生命。Quality is the life of an enterprise,

15、 and safety is the life of an employee.58、梅花香自苦寒来,熬头喜在汗水中。Plum flower, the first joy in the sweat.59、美好家园靠我们共同建造。The good homes depend on us to build together.60、别用鲜血换教训、应借教训免血泪。Dont use blood for lessons, lessons should be borrowed free of blood and tears.61、没有最好只有更好诚信立足。There is no best, only bett

16、er, good faith foothold.62、只有勇于承担责任,才能承担更大的责任。Only when you have the courage to take responsibility can you shoulder the greater responsibility.63、推动安全文明建设宣传安全文化知识。Promote safe and civilized construction and publicize the knowledge of safety culture.64、ISO,企业打开全球化市场的金钥匙。ISO, the golden key for enter

17、prises to open global market.65、员工以厂为荣生活因拼搏而存在。Employees are proud of the factory, and life exists because of hard work.66、憋足一口气,拧成一股绳,共圆一个梦。Hold ones breath, twisted into a rope, a dream round.67、争取最大效益创优质品牌。Striving for maximum benefit and creating high quality brand.68、人在一起是聚会,心在一起是团队。People toge

18、ther is a party, and the heart together is a team.69、自我提升,良性竞争相互欣赏,相互支持。Self promotion, healthy competition, mutual appreciation and mutual support.70、做好品质记录,打好品管基础。Keep good quality records and lay down the quality control basis.71、杜绝不良思想,发扬优质精神。Put an end to bad ideas and develop high quality spir

19、it.72、以诚感人者,人亦诚而应。Sincere and moving people, but also sincere and should.73、整理整顿做得好,工作效率步步高。Tidy up, do well, work efficiency, BBK.74、筑质量长城,兴中华经济。Build quality the Great Wall and promote the Chinese economy.75、今天比昨天做得好,明天比今天做得更好。Today is better than yesterday and tomorrow is better than today.76、事不三

20、思总有败,人能百忍自无忧。Do not think twice about the total defeat, people can resolute self worry.77、勇于承认错误,敢于承担责任。Dare to admit mistakes and dare to accept them.78、追求卓越质量,创造世界名牌。The pursuit of excellence, quality, and create world famous brand.79、优质精神,上下一心。Good working spirit.80、得意时应善待他人。Treat others kindly when you are proud.

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