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1、电子行业专业英语词汇专用词汇表一、生产流程1. 插机(刮蓝胶)component- inserting 2. 装配 assembly 3. 修理repair4. 包装 packaging5. 成品仓 finished goods warehouse 6. 返工 rework 7. 啤胶件 8. 组件成型 component moulding 9. IC烧录 IC program10. 插件 insection 11. 注塑 plastic injection 12. 发料 material delivery 13. 插机 14. 零件加工 component-processing15. 炉前外

2、观检查 visual inspection before wave soldering 16. 电源板波峰焊 power board wave soldering 17. 执锡 18. 零件后焊 hand soldering19. 零件焊接&打黄胶 20. 低电压测试 low voltage test 21. 半成品外观检查Semi-finished goods visual inspection22. 过水洗机23. 打热熔胶 dotting hot glue 24. 装卡板 25. pallet栈板26. IC烧录 IC program 27. SMT(刮锡膏) 28. 喷油 spray

3、conformal coating 29. 焗干防水油 30. welding 焊接 31. breathing 排气 32. feed 供料33. Tiana天那水 34. to load material上料 35. to unload material卸料 36. to return material/stock to退料 37. to fix a die装模 38. to take apart a die拆模 39. cold forging 冷锻 40. press forging 冲锻41. to impose lines压线 42. to compress, compressin

4、g压缩 43. 焗炉温度 44. 开槽groove45. shearing剪断46. 接线端子 terminal 47. to stake, staking, reviting铆合 48. fuse together熔合49. electrical sparkle电火花50. fit together组装在一起51. fasten锁紧(螺丝)52. rotating speed, revolution转速 53. argon welding氩焊54. to take apart a die卸下 模具 55. to load a die装上 模具 56. to tight a bolt拧紧螺栓

5、57. to looser a bolt拧松螺栓 58. compound die复合模 59. punched hole冲孔 60. buffing 抛光 61. chamfering machine 倒角机62. panel board镶块 63. to cutedges=side cut=side scrap切边 64. to pull, to stretch拉伸65. Line streching, line pulling线拉伸 66. engraving, to engrave刻印 67. degrease脱脂 68. rinse水洗 69. pierce die冲孔模 70. f

6、orming die成型模 71. progressive die连续模 72. gang dies复合模 73. shearing die剪边模 74. riveting die铆合模 75. pierce冲孔 76. forming成型(抽凸,冲凸)77. draw hole抽孔 78. 吹热缩管 79. 胶芯 plastic core二、夹具设备、工具80. 烙铁 iron 81. 排氣扇 A exhaust fan82. 稀釋劑 a tinner 83. 水洗锡线 84. pallet栈板 85. gunk 料斗86. caliper gauge 卡规87. Screw driver起

7、子 88. barcode scanner条码扫描器 89. 热风枪 hot air reflowing gun90. taker取料机91. roller 滚筒 runner 流道 92. plastic basket胶筐 93. isolating plate baffle plate; barricade隔板94. steel plate钢板 95. roll material卷料96. conveyer belt输送带 97. transmission rack输送架98. 钢网 stencil 99. 油墨 printing ink100. 插机并过炉 101. 高压测试 hi-po

8、t test102. 铣刀 milling cutter103. 发热管 heater104. 烙铁咀 iron tip105. 静电手套 ESD gloves106. 风枪 air gun107. punch冲头108. groove punch压线冲子 109. air vent排气道 110. welding line熔合痕111. CONN Connector 连接器 112. CAV Cavity 模穴 113. ASSY Assembly 装配,组装114. 继电器relay115. 磨床切割片116. 延时器 delay timer117. 热电偶Heat control sen

9、sor 、thermocouple118. 电磁阀Solenoid119. 温控器Temperature control120. 烙铁发热芯heater core for iron121. 剪钳 wire cutter122. 电批开关Electric screw driver switch123. 电批Electric screw driver124. 电批齿轮Electric screw driver gear125. 火牛transformer126. 碳刷Carbon brush127. 吸锡泵suck solder pump128. 尖嘴钳micro long nose pliers

10、129. 热熔胶枪glue gun130. 热风筒heating gun131. fuse machine热熔机 132. 烙铁座iron seat133. 静电带wrist strap134. 波峰锡炉wave soldering oven135. 水循环系统water-recycling system136. 水洗机137. 防水油 conformal coating138. 自动成型机 auto-moulding machine139. 电晶体自动成型机140. 螺丝泵 screw pump141. 恒温运风焗炉142. 手浸锡炉143. 剪脚机144. 超声波蒸水机145. 表面组件拾

11、放机146. 高周波塑料熔接机147. 半自动锡浆印刷机148. 剪线机149. 超声波啤机ultrasonic welding machine150. 自动绕线机151. 超声波清洗机 ultrasonic cleaning machine152. 振动试验台 vibration test platform153. 计算机剥线机 electronic wire-peeling machine154. 贴片机 SMT equipment155. 供料器 feeder156. 红外焗炉157. 封黑胶预热炉158. 回焊炉温度曲线测试仪159. 焗炉160. 进料器车161. 锡浆搅拌机162.

12、 无铅波峰焊机163. 开线机164. 封口机165. 胶纸机166. 移载装置167. 送板机168. 周转车 169. 发电机electric generator170. 注塑机 plastic injection machine171. 碎料机smashing machine172. 干燥机drier173. 自动吸料机auto-sucking machine174. 锯床175. 车床lathe176. 钻床177. punching machine 冲床178. 干燥机 drier179. 冷水机 cooler180. 数控精密火花机181. 移印机 printer182. 手动吊机

13、183. 热油机 oil-heating machine184. 叉车forklift185. 磨床grinder186. 铣床miller187. sheet metal parts 冲件188. punching machine 冲床 189. 过滤器 filter190. 碎料干燥机191. 抽湿机192. 热风回焊炉 hot air reflow soldering oven193. 注塑机plastic injeciton machine194. 润滑油grease195. 汽缸Rmulti cylinder 196. 螺丝screw197. 弹簧spring198. 蜂鸣器buzz

14、le199. 刮刀 squeegee200. 真空杯vacuum cup201. 真空咀vacuum tip202. 喷嘴Nozzle203. 支架bracket204. 六角板手hex.wrench205. 过滤器Filter206. 密封圈 airproof ring207. 套筒/活塞piston208. 顶针thimble209. 传输皮带belt/conveyor210. 真空棉pad vacuum211. 消音器muffler212. 滑轮Pulley,idler tension,asy pre-tension213. 夹片Replacement Fine Foil214. 线夹w

15、ire clamp215. 扎线 tie wrap216. 通风孔 blowhole217. 自功螺丝 self-tapping screw218. 保险丝Fuse219. 高度规High dividers220. 螺线管solenoid221. 送/扯线螺线管Spring solenoid assembly222. 焊咀gaiser223. 电源线Power cord224. 测试针test probe225. 变压器transformer226. 弹性定位柱spring fixation pole227. 铝皮sheet aluminum228. 网络线communicate wire22

16、9. 电磁阀Solenoid AIRTAC230. 精调电阻Precision adjustable resisto231. 脚踏开关foot switch232. 开关电源switching power233. 散热片Thermal Conductive Pad234. 旋转开关Rotary switch235. 接线柱Pole Wiring236. 音频插头Audio plug237. 按键开关keyswitch238. 保险丝座Fuse jack239. 定位柱fixation pole240. ICT压棒ICT-PRESSING STICK241. 除泡剂Defoamer242. 继电

17、器Relay243. 电线束electrical wiring harness244. 锡箔纸Solder foil papper245. 针筒needle canister246. 光电开关Photoelectricity switch247. 电批Electric screw driver248. 烙铁soldering iron249. 黄油(润滑油)butter (lubricant)250. 气管wind pipe251. 刀片blade252. bolt螺栓253. trailer=long vehicle拖板车 254. stopper阻挡器 255. flow board流水板

18、 256. vaccum cleaner吸尘器 257. quenching淬火 258. tempering回火 259. annealing退火 260. volatile挥发性261. 风批Pneumatic driver 262. 电批Electric screw driver3、 质量管理QC : quality control 质量管理 263. IQC : incoming quality control 进料质量管理 264. .OQC : output quality control 出货质量管理265. PQC : process quality control 制程质量管

19、理也称266. IPQC: in process quality control.267. AQL : acceptable quality level 允收标准 268. CQA: customer quality assurance 客户质量保证269. PPM Parts Per Million 百万分之一270. MA : major defect 主要缺点 MI : minor defect 次要缺点271. CR :critical defect 关键缺点 272. SMT : surface mounting technology 表面粘贴技术273. SMD : surface

20、 mounting device 贴片机 274. SMC : surface mounting component 表面粘贴组件275. ECN : engineering change notice 工程变更通知 276. DCN : design change notice 设计变更通知277. BOM : bill of material 物料清单 278. MIL-STD-105E : 美国陆军标准,也称单次抽样计划.279. NG :Not Good 不行,不合格280. ESD Electry-static Discharge 静电排放 281. 5S 希腊语 整理,整顿,清扫,

21、清洁,教养 282. Polarity : 电性/极性 Icicles : 锡尖 283. Non-wetting : 空焊284. burr 毛刺,批锋285. locking knot 死结286. torsion 扭曲 287. warpage 翘曲 288. waviness 波痕289. flying 飞件290. blister 起泡291. Short circuit : 短路292. 冷焊 cold soldering293. non-welding294. 假焊295. 包焊296. 焊点297. lifted solder 浮焊 298. pseudo soldering

22、虚焊 299. open soldering脱焊300. Splay mark水纹 301. icicle/solder projection拉尖302. Flow mark流纹303. White patches on surface表面白斑304. Sink marks缩影305. Mold release脱模306. 焊盘 soldering tray 307. Missing component : 缺件 308. Wrong component : 错件 309. Excess component : 多件 310. Insufficient solder : 锡少 311. Exc

23、essive solder : 锡多312. Solder residue : 锡渣 313. Solder ball : 锡球 314. Tombstone : 墓碑 315. breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂 316. Sideward : 侧立 317. cosmetic defect外观不良 318. mixed color杂色 319. die repair模修 320. rust生锈321. grease/oil stains油污 322. delamination起鳞323. gouge沟槽;凿槽324. inclusion杂质 325. po

24、or staking铆合不良 326. oxidation 氧化 327. abrasion磨损 328. reverse angle = chamfer倒角 329. failure, trouble故障 330. dents压痕 331. defective upsiding down抽芽不良 332. defective to staking铆合不良333. embedded lump镶块334. feeding is not in place送料不到位 335. stamping-missing漏冲 336. excessive gap间隙过大 337. burr(金属)flash(塑

25、件)毛边 338. mildewed=moldy=mouldy发霉339. slipped screw head & slippery screw head螺丝滑头 340. slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread滑手341. speckle斑点 342. dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏大(小) 343. not up to standard不合规格 out of specification344. shrinking/shrinkage缩水 345. mixed color杂色 346. discolorati

26、on异色 347. ageing 老化348. hardening 硬化349. overheating 过热350. rust prevention 防蚀351. tempering 回火352. water spots水渍353. exposed metal/bare metal金属裸露 354. lack of painting烤漆不到位 355. Component damage : 零件破损 356. Gold finger : 金手指357. SOP : standard operation process 标准操作流程 358. SIP : standard inspection

27、 process 标准检验流程 359. Simple random sampling : 简单随机抽样 360. SPC : Statistical process control 361. SQE : Supplier quality engineering 362. Sampling sample :抽样计划 363. fixture : 治具 364. Gauge 量规365. QTS: Quality tracking system 质量追查系统 366. Spare parts :备用品 367. Inventory report for : 库存表368. Manpower/Ta

28、ct estimation 工时预算 369. Calibration : 校验 370. Corrugated pad : 波纹垫 371. Conductive bag : 保护袋 372. Fixture : 制具 373. Probe : 探针 374. Lint-free gloves : 静电手套 375. Wrist wrap : 静电手环 376. plug hole孔塞 377. Wrong direction 极性反 378. component damage or broken 零 件破损 379. Unmeleted solder熔锡不良 380. flux resid

29、ue松香残渣 381. wrong label or upside down label贴反 382. mixed parts机种混装 383. poor solder mask绿漆不良 384. 氧化 Oxidization385. 刮花 Scratch386. 脏污Contamination387. 变形 Deformation 388. stand off height浮高389. IC reverse IC反向 390. supervisor课长 391. Forman组长 392. R.T.Y: Rolled throughout yield直通率393. PPM: Parts pe

30、r million 不良率 394. DPU: Defects per unit 单位不良率395. Resistor: 电阻 396. Capacitor:电容 397. Resistor array : 排阻 398. Capacitor array: 排容 399. DIODE: 二极管 400. triode: 三极管 401. Crystal:震荡器 402. Fuse:保险丝 403. Bead: 电感 inductor 404. Connector:连结器 405. Metal Shearing:裁剪 406. ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源规划 407. Processed material: 流程性材料 408. Corrective action:纠正措施 409. Preve

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