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1、口译素材在全球金融危机的风雨中携手前行在“欧洲与中国”学术战略对话会上的讲话中国驻欧盟使团团长宋哲大使2009年5月19日Speech at the Europe and China Strategic Dialogueby H.E. Ambassador Song Zhe,Head of the Mission of the Peoples Republic of China to the European UnionMay 19, 2009 尊敬的瓦尔德纳委员,梅里特秘书长,女士们,先生们,朋友们,Commissoner Waldner, Secretary General Merritt

2、, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,今天下午,我将赶赴布拉格,参与定于明天举行的第十一次中欧领导人会晤。我很高兴今天上午有这样一个宝贵的机会,在领导人会晤举行前夕同各位探讨中欧关系的战略意义和发展前景。In a few hours, Ill leave for Prague for the 11th China-EU summit. But I am very happy that, before taking part in tomorrows high-level political dialogue, I am able to join you for thi

3、s academic strategic dialogue.当前我们讨论任何问题,都离不开全球金融危机严重冲击各国经济社会发展这个大背景。I think no discussions nowadays can stay away from the financial crisis. Our economy suffers from its impact, so does our society.今年一季度,中国GDP同比增长6.1%,远低于近年来两位数的增长幅度;对外贸易总额同比下降24.9%,一大批外向型生产企业陷入经营困难。For the first quarter of the year

4、, Chinas GDP growth was at 6.1%, much lower than the double-digit rate for the past decades. Chinas foreign trade dropped by nearly 25%. Many export-oriented enterprises are now in great difficulty.欧盟国家面临经济衰退,欧委会预测欧盟经济今明两年将相继萎缩4%和0.1%,欧盟将新增失业人口850万,失业率上升至10.9%。金融危机给各国经济社会发展都带来严峻挑战。The EU economy, on

5、 the other hand, will contract by 4% this year, as estimated by the Commission, while unemployment will rise to 10.9%, amounting to 8.5 million people.此时此刻,各国政治家、企业家、专家学者都在密切关注全球经济形势的发展以及其他国家的应对举措,期盼世界经济尽快走出谷底,实现复苏,避免因经济长期不景气带来更多的社会问题、政治矛盾甚至国际冲突。All statesmen, entrepreneurs and scholars are watching

6、 closely on the dynamics of the world economy and the rescue actions taken by other economies. We all hope that the economy will hit bottom and turn around quickly. We all fear that a prolonged recession might incur social contention, political strife and even international conflicts.然而仅靠等待,我们无法走出危机

7、的困境。现在最需要的是积极的行动、有效的措施、密切的协调、真诚的合作。But the crisis will not fade away if we sit idle. We ought to take decisive actions and effective measures. We ought to have closer coordination and stronger cooperation.欧盟去年12月提出总额2000亿欧元、相当于欧盟GDP1.5%的经济刺激计划,各成员国近几个月来也相继推出整顿金融、振兴经济、保障就业的规划和战略。Last December, the EU

8、 launched a 200 billion euros stimulus plan, which was followed by many national plans from the member states.中国政府自去年下半年起及时、果断地出台了一系列强有力的应对措施,形成了一个以“保增长、保民生、保稳定”为目标,着眼长远、统筹协调的综合系统方案。China adopted a series of forceful measures since the second half of last year, which developed into a stimulus packag

9、e that was aimed at ensuring economic growth, peoples welfare and social stability.为扩大需求,大规模增加政府投资,实施总额为4万亿元人民币(约合5860亿美元)的经济刺激计划,实行结构性减税;为改善供给,对10个重点产业实施调整振兴规划,推进结构调整和优化升级;为提高生产要素,大力推进自主创新,加大科技投入,加强科技支撑;为增强发展耐力,大幅度提高社会保障水平,努力扩大城乡就业,促进社会事业发展。To expand demand, the government took the lead to increase

10、 investment and cut tax, and the total investment was planned at 586 billion US dollars. To optimize supply, ten major industries are undergoing restructuring and upgrading. To improve production, technological innovation is encouraged by heavy investment in R&D capacity-building. To sustain growth,

11、 social security benchmarks have been raised, and employment will be expanded.这些政策措施正在发挥作用,中国经济已经出现一些趋稳和回暖的迹象。投资继续上升,今年头4个月城镇固定资产投资同比增长30.5%。消费继续增长,4月份消费品零售总额同比增长14.8%,商品房和汽车销量都在保持增长。中国成为全球第一大汽车市场,仅4月份就有115万辆新车驶入公路。生产继续扩大,4月份工业增速达7.3%,比去年底、今年初显著提高。信心继续增强,4月份制造业采购经理指数(PMI)达53.5%,连续5个月保持增长。总的看,中国经济发展的

12、基本态势和长期向好趋势没有改变,支撑中国经济持续较快发展的根基没有动摇。This policy package is producing effects. There are already some positive signs of economic rebound. Investment keeps growing. For the first four months, fixed asset investment went up by more than 30%. Consumption keeps growing. In April, retail expanded by nearl

13、y 15%. Housing sale is getting up. Moreover, China has become the largest car market in the world. 1.15 million new cars went on Chinas roads in April alone. Production keeps growing. Industrial growth was at 7.3% in April, a few points higher than the beginning of the year. Confidence keeps growing

14、. The Manufacturing PMI hit 53.5% in April, recording a five-month consecutive growth. In general, the trend of Chinas economy towards growth and expansion has not changed. The economic fundamentals remain solid.与此同时,中国积极参与应对金融危机的国际合作,与国际社会携手努力,共度时艰。Meanwhile, China has taken an active part in the g

15、lobal effort to confront the crisis. China is determined to tide over the hard time hand in hand with the international community.早在去年10月,作为第七届亚欧首脑会议主办国,中方就积极协调与会各方就应对金融危机深入交换意见,达成广泛和重要的共识。Last October, when China hosted the 7th Asia-Euope Summit, we modified the agenda to slot more time to discussi

16、ons on financial crisis, which produced extensive and important consensus.在G20华盛顿、伦敦两次峰会上,胡锦涛主席全面阐述中国政府对应对国际金融危机的看法和改革国际金融机构和体系的立场,重点强调中方加强金融监管、反对保护主义、重视发展中国家利益等主张。On Washington and London G20 summits, President Hu Jintao expounded Chinas views and positions on confronting the crisis and reforming t

17、he international financial institutions, with an emphasis on strengthening supervision, opposing protectionism and protecting the developing countries.中方以政策理念和实际行动,推动了国际社会应对金融危机的合作,提振了国际社会克服金融危机冲击影响、推动世界经济恢复增长的信心。By presenting both ideas and actions, China contributed to a coordinated global respons

18、e to the crisis, and helped boost the confidence on an early economic recovery.面对金融危机风暴,中国与欧洲手握得更紧了。In face of this storming crisis, China and Europe hold hands even tighter.今年初温家宝总理来欧展开“信心之旅”,就凝聚中欧合作、坚定共赢信念同欧盟和有关国家领导人达成重要共识。Early this year, the Journey of Confidence by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao an

19、chored our joint effort to fight the crisis.2月份“中国贸易投资促进团”访欧期间签署了136亿美元的采购合同。It was followed by a trip of Chinas trade and investment delegation, who signed 13.6 billion US dollar worth contracts with European companies.在10天前举行的第二次中欧经贸高层对话上,双方进行了卓有成效的磋商,达成反对贸易和投资保护主义、加强投资合作、共同支持中小企业发展,在能源和环境领域开展合作、共

20、同应对全球气候变化、推动可持续发展等多项共识。Ten days ago, we had a successful Second High-level Economic and Trade Dialogue, where we agreed to oppose protectionism, increase mutual investment, support the development of medium and small size enterprises, promote bilateral cooperation on energy, environment, climate cha

21、nge and sustainable development.女士们,先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen,回顾金融危机爆发以来的风雨坎坷,历数中国实行的政策、采取的行动和发挥的作用,相信大家对中国、对发展中欧关系的重要意义会有更加清晰、明确、深刻的认识。In retrospect of Chinas policy, action and influence since the outburst of the financial crisis, it gives us a clearer idea about what a country China is and what ou

22、r relationship means to us and to the world.首先,中国是一个实现成功发展的国家。First of all, China is a country that achieved rapid development.经过30多年的改革开放和稳定发展,中国的经济总量、对外贸易额都进入世界前列;人民生活显著改善,实现了由解决温饱到总体上达到小康的历史性跨越;民主法制建设不断加强,人民在政治、经济、文化、社会等方面的权利得到了较好维护。Thanks to three decades of reform and opening-up and stable deve

23、lopment, China has become one of the largest economies and traders of the world. The Chinese people enjoy a better life. Chinas democracy and rule of law have improved, giving people better guarantee on their political, economic, cultural and social rights.今天,每一个踏上中国国土的外国人都会感受到那里洋溢的蓬勃朝气和澎湃动力。正是因为中国走

24、了符合自身国情的正确发展道路,中国人民以智慧和汗水积累了一定的社会物质财富,中国政府践行“以人为本”、“执政为民”的执政理念和全面协调可持续的发展理念,中国才有条件、有能力在危机到来时以极快的速度、极高的效率制定并实施这样一套完整、科学,兼顾当前与未来的应对举措。Today, visitors from other countries, once they step on Chinas land, will be overwhelmed by the vitality of the nation and the ethusiasm among the people. China has cho

25、sen a development path that fits its national conditions well. The Chinese Government has put in practice the People First creed of governance and the theory of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development.一句话,中国的快速发展归功于改革开往政策,归功于和平发展道路。In sum, Chinas rapid growth is attributed to the refo

26、rm and opening-up policy and the path of peaceful development.其次,中国仍是一个发展中国家。Secondly, China remains a developing country.中国是一个有13亿人口的大国,人均国内生产总值排在世界第100位以后,人均耕地、草场、森林、地表水、煤炭、石油等资源量值均大大低于世界人均水平。With 1.3 billion population, Chinas GDP per capita ranks below 100th in the world. Its per capita possessi

27、on of arable land, surface water, coal, oil and many other resources are all below world average.中国在经济发展过程中还存在结构性的问题:收入不平衡、地区不平衡、城乡不平衡、经济与社会发展不平衡。Chinas development is still stumbled by many structural problems, such as income disparity, unequal regional growth and imbalanced urban and rural economy

28、.中国绝对贫困人口还有1000多万,相当于一个比利时。More than 10 million people are still living below poverty line, a population equal to that of Belgium.现在每年除解决2400万失业人口问题外,还要解决600万大学毕业生的就业问题,加起来比英国就业人口总数还多。Each year, China needs to create more than 30 million new jobs, about the whole number of the UKs work force.大家知道,一周

29、前中国举行了四川特大地震一周年纪念活动,灾后我们重新安置了1500多万灾民,等于让所有荷兰居民搬一回家。Last week, when we commemorated the anniversary of the Sichuan earthquake, 15 million displaced people in the disaster area have been relocated. Its almost giving every Dutch family a new home.正因如此,全球金融危机给中国经济社会发展带来的冲击以及解决有关问题的困难程度,远非外人所能轻易想象。也正因如此

30、,中国政府和领导人必须审慎、周密、稳妥地部署和实施各项政策措施,抓好每一个步骤和环节,促进经济增长,维护社会和谐,其付出的辛劳也远非外人所能轻易想象。So, it is quite impossible for an outsider to imagine the difficult situation China faces.第三,中国是一个负责任的国家。Thirdly, China is a country that shoulders its responsibility.尽管中国承受着巨大的发展压力,但在涉及世界和平与发展、事关全人类共同利益的重大问题上,中国一贯本着权利与义务相平衡的

31、原则,在力所能及的范围内做出最积极的努力。Despites its heavy burden on development, China spares no effort to promote world peace and development and cooperate with the international community on issues that involves interest of mankind. In this realm, China maintains a balance between rights and obligations and act in

32、accordance with its capability.全球金融危机一爆发,中国就积极参与国际社会关于应对金融危机、改革国际金融和货币体系、加强金融监管的讨论,并发挥了积极的建设性作用。说到其他领域,中国是联合国安理会常任理事国中派出维和人数最多的国家。中国向其他发展中国家提供援助超过2000亿元人民币。去年在联大会议上,温家宝总理代表中国政府郑重承诺,免除截止到2008年底46个最不发达国家的全部中国债务。In coordinating global response to the financial crisis, China played a constructive role from the beginning. For maintaing world peace, China dispatched largest number of peacekeeping personnel among the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. To promote common development, China has o

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