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Pompeii 庞贝古城.docx

1、Pompeii 庞贝古城The son of the Pharos daughter is the daughter of Pharos son.这句话是一个歧义句,有两个意思,1. pharo女儿的儿子,是法老女儿的儿子。2. pharo(法老)儿子的女儿,是法老儿子的女儿。主要是怎样理解“s”属格和of属格的Lesson 10 Pompeii 庞贝古城教学目标和要求:Teaching objectives1. Understand the history of the city Pompeii2. Learn new words and expressions; useful phrase

2、s and idioms 3. Grasp the main idea and structure of the text 4. Master the usage of grammar: Past Participle as adverbial modifier and as object complement教学主要内容:Major Steps 1.Introduction 2.Warm-up activities3.Detailed study of the textstudy of important language points and expressions comprehensi

3、on questionstructure analysis and theme4.Text appreciation 5.Word study6.Grammar Teaching Notes庞贝古城(亚平宁半岛古城)庞贝城是亚平宁半岛西南角坎佩尼亚地区一座历史悠久的古城,西北离罗马约240公里,位于意大利南部那不勒斯附近,维苏威火山西南脚下10公里处。西距风光绮丽的那不勒斯湾约20公里,是一座背山面海的避暑胜地,始建于公元前6世纪,公元79年毁于维苏威火山大爆发。但由于被火山灰掩埋,街道房屋保存比较完整,从1748年起考古发掘持续至今,为了解古罗马社会生活和文化艺术提供了重要资料多年前,庞贝城

4、在维苏威火山的爆发中消失了;千年过后的今天,我们看到了历史的一瞬。庞贝古城始建于公元前世纪,公元前世纪中叶罗马人将庞贝纳入自己的版图,庞贝随着罗马帝国的强盛而强盛。然而就在公元年月的一天,庞贝的灾难降临了,维苏威火山滚滚的岩浆向庞贝流来,无情地埋葬了整个城市,庞贝就这样凝固在那一刻。 庞贝,那个坐落在意大利那不勒斯东南23公里的古迹,那座曾经完美而多难的城市。 1900多年前,庞贝是世界上最美丽繁华的城市之一,生活在其中的人民拥有坚固的战车和民主的政治,内无忧外无患,乐享天伦。然而,庞贝的劫数是天定的。 公元79年8月的一天中午,烈日当空,闷热异常。连日小地震的维苏威火山憋不住了,一块奇形怪状

5、的云彩从山顶升起,如同一棵平顶巨松分出了无数旁枝,向天际蔓延,遮住了阳光。一声巨响,震耳欲聋,火山口揭盖,岩浆喷高几千米,蒸气云腾空万米,将天地遮蔽得漆黑一团,闪电似的火焰偶尔照亮了大地,火山灰、浮石、碎岩如倾盆大雨飞泻而下。火山爆发30分钟之后,一层轻浮的灰粉覆盖了庞贝城,炽热的硫磺气体使人难以忍受。4小时后,覆盖物够重的了,房屋顶盖纷纷坍塌。 1000年后,人们重新发掘了庞贝古城,发现当时的环境没有阻隔地呈现出来,似乎一切都又回到过去,景致依然人却走了,留下了一座空城让人凭吊。公元79年8月的一天,古罗马帝国最繁荣的城市庞贝因维苏威火山爆发而在18小时之后消失。 维苏威火山海拔1280多米

6、。公元79年,古罗马帝国最繁荣的城市庞贝就坐落在这座火山的南面。流向那不勒斯湾的萨尔诺河绕庞贝而过,连接起古罗马帝国与世界各地的贸易往来,令商贾之影与交易之音终日浮动于庞贝城中。这里土壤肥沃,气候宜人,物产丰饶,在成排的葡萄架和油橄榄间,庞贝人栽种着谷物、蔬菜,还有无花果和迷迭香。直到灾难发生的那一刻,庞贝人都不知道,他们脚下的沃土其实是不远处那座火山的馈赠。庞贝人还不知道,这座已经聚集了几百年力量的火山一旦爆发,他们所拥有的一切将在瞬间被摧毁得面目全非-庞贝的灭顶之灾真的来临了。 1594年,人们在萨尔诺河畔修建饮水渠时发现了一块上面刻有庞贝字样的石头;1707年,人们在维苏威山脚下的一座花

7、园里打井时,挖掘出三尊衣饰华丽的女性雕像。人们以为这些不过是那不勒斯海湾沿岸古代遗址中的文物,没有人意识到,一座古代城市此刻正完整地密封在他们脚下占地近65公顷的火山岩屑中。1748年,人们挖掘出了被火山灰包裹着的人体遗骸,这才意识到,公元79年维苏威火山的爆发掩埋了一座城市! 考古学家一层一层地挖开火山岩屑,深埋在地下的庞贝城出土了-市场的角落里还有成堆的鱼鳞,庞贝人总是先将鱼清洗干净再出售;而酒吧的墙壁上仍写有店主,你要为你的鬼把戏付出代价,你卖给我们水喝,却把好酒留下。一户人家的后花园里种满了夹竹桃,厨房的铁炉上架着平底锅,餐桌上的鸡蛋旁放着一只小人玩偶。公元79年,一位庞贝人死在绘有植

8、物花叶的壁画下,当人们于上千年后挖掘出他的遗骨时,同时发现那幅壁画上刻有一句铭文:没有任何东西可以永恒。-虽然地球史上每一次火山爆发无不令地貌沧海桑田,但公元79年维苏威火山的爆发却的确令一座城市获得了永生-庞贝无法躲过火山的劫难,但它被掩埋封存在渐渐冷却、凝固、变硬的火山灰中,最终竟躲过了上千年岁月的侵蚀。 突发的灭顶之灾使庞贝的生命倏然终止,它在被毁灭的那一刻也同时被永远地凝固了。庞贝因此得以成为我们今天还能领略到的最伟大的古代文明遗址,这处遗址的最动人心魄之处在于:它真实地保留着灾难来临前庞贝人的样子-竞技场能容纳两万观众,这说明庞贝人会在一个时刻倾城而出;30家面包烘房,100多家酒吧

9、,3座公共浴场,用于交易的步行街,可容纳5000人的剧院;而在街道边的小酒馆里,墙上画的酒神浑身挂满葡萄,每一颗果实都饱满得仿佛就要胀破。羊毛作坊、商店、印染店、客栈的墙壁上,到处都留有庞贝人纵情情感的印记:啊,杰斯,愿你的脓包再次裂开,比上次疼得还要厉害。 无疑,我心爱的人曾在此与她的情人幽会。-庞贝人奔放的个性和整座城市欢愉的风情令1000多年后的人类为之倾倒。德国诗人歌德看见庞贝后说:在世界上发生的诸多灾难中,还从未有过任何灾难像庞贝一样,它带给后人的是如此巨大的愉悦。而法国历史学家泰纳从庞贝归来后感叹道:那时候的人,是用整个身体活着。 尽情享受生活吧,明天是捉摸不定的。庞贝城出土的一只

10、银制饮杯上刻着这样的话,相信刻出这句话的庞贝人并不知道死亡在即。这只银杯被挖掘于存放葡萄酒的房间内,同时被挖掘出的还有横陈在酒杯旁的一具女性的遗骸。这就是庞贝,它以瞬间痛苦的毁灭为代价,它穿越了千余年的时空,它在告诉世人为什么要尽享生命之欢乐。Introduction 1.Get the students to locate Rome, the Bay of Naples, Naples, Vesuvius and Pompeii on map of Italy, of the Mediterranean area, or Europe.2.Background information abo

11、ut Pompeii and VesuviusPompeii is a ruined and partially buried Roman town-city near modern Naples.Pompeii was destroyed, and completely buried, during a long catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius spanning two days in AD 79. The town was founded around the 7th-6th century BC by the Osc

12、ans. The volcano collapsed higher roof-lines and buried Pompeii under 60 feet of ash and pumice, and it was lost for nearly1,700 years before its accidental rediscovery in 1748. Since then, its excavation has provided an extraordinarily detailed insight into the life of a city at the height of the R

13、oman Empire. Today, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is one of the most popular tourist attractions of Italy. The excavated town offers a snapshot of Roman life in the 1st century, frozen at the moment it was buried on 24 August 79. The forum, the baths, many houses, and some out-of-town villas like

14、the Villa of the Mysteries remain surprisingly well preserved. The large number of well-preserved frescoes throws a great light on everyday life and have been a major advance in art history of the ancient world, with the innovation of the Pompeian Styles. At the time of the eruption, the town could

15、have had some 20,000 inhabitants, and was located in an area in which Romans had their holiday villas. At the time of the eruption, Pompeii had reached its high point in society as many Romans frequently visited Pompeii on vacations. Pompeii has been a popular tourist destination for 250 years. Vesu

16、vius is probably the most famous volcano in the world and the most observed by scientists. A bibliography compiled in 1918 listed more than 2000 books and articles on Vesuvius, and many more have been written since then. Geological evidence indicates that the volcano has been active for ten thousand

17、 years. Before its eruption in A.D. 79, however, it had been dormant for several centuries, and the early Greeks and Romans did not think of it as a dangerous volcano. In Roman times the area became a popular seaside resort where any people had summer homes. Writing in the first century B.C., the ge

18、ographer Strable reported terrace farming on the slopes of the mountain but described the summit as barren and covered with ash. Spartacus, the leader of a slave revolt during the same period, took refuge in the crater of Vesuvius when he and his followers were being pursued by the Romans. Pompeii w

19、as rediscovered in 1748 but systematic excavation (uncovering) did not begin until 1860. About 2000 skeletons were found in hollows left in the ash by the bodies of the victims. The archeologists poured plaster of Paris into these hollows and so made plaster casts of men, women, children and domesti

20、c animals, looking exactly as they had at moment of death. Many of them had their hands or cloths in their mouths, indicating that they were trying to protect themselves from the poisonous gas. Several were found clutching bags of coins and other valuables.3.Get the students to read more about Pompe

21、ii and search for information on volcanoes. They could report back to class.Warm-up activitiesStudents are supposed to talk on the following two topics. 1) Imagine that if an earthquake happened what would you do?2) Describe a human disaster you have experienced or you have heard of.Detailed study o

22、f the textNotes to the text1) A. D. 79in full: Anno Domini, Latin for the Year of Our Lord. The Christian myth has it that A.D. was the year Jesus Christ was born (He was probably born a few years earlier). Time before A.D. is called B.C., i.e., Before Christ.2) Rich men came down: Some people say d

23、own from (and up to) a big city. They also use down and up when speaking of universities. Down and up do not necessarily mean south and north. 3) Rising behind the city: what is the subject, and what is the function of a grass-covered slopin the sentence?4) 4000-foot Vesuvius: Note there is no need

24、to say 4000-foot-high.5) A terrible rain of fire and ash: The fire and ash fell like rain. “Rain” is often used figuratively. e.g. a rain of bullets; a rain of petals Similarly: a storm of protests; a shower of blows; a storm of abuse; a shower of stones; a storm of cheers; a shower of insults6) The

25、 tragedy struck Similarly: a typhoon (hurricane) strikes; a plague strikes. The verb “strike” has a wide range of meaning, e.g. How did the film strike you?The lightning struck terror into their hearts.He struck his head against the roof.He struck his brother on the head.She struck up an acquaintanc

26、e with a musician on the trip.Lets strike out these words, shall we?The clock struck four.A. hit (a disaster, disease) suddenly occurA typhoon struck the island.Tragedy struck when Nick was killed in a car crash. B. cause someone to have a particular impression How did the film strike you? C. cause

27、or create a particular strong emotion in someoneThe lightning struck terror into their hearts.D. accidentally hit against somethingHe struck his head against the stove as he fell.He struck his brother on the head.E. discover or think of He struck on a brilliant idea.F.(a clock)indicate the time by s

28、trokeThe clock struck four.7) Which had slept quietly: the scientific word for an inactive (through not dead) volcano is “dormant” which means sleeping. In a scientific piece the writer would have said: Mount Vesuvius, which had been dormant for centuries8) Savage violence: Both of these words are v

29、ery strong and normally they would not be used together. We must be careful when we qualify a very strong word in translation from Chinese as often the adjective or adverb actually weakens the English, e.g. in general, no adverb should be used with: ruin, condemn, denounce, etc.9) The clouds of volc

30、anic ash: the smallest pieces of ash and the volcanic dust were suspended in the air to from a dark cloud. Similarly: cloud of dust; cloud of smoke; cloud of steam, etc.10) That filled the sky Note the various use of “fill”: The sky was filled with smoke. The hall filled quickly. The basin soon fill

31、ed with water. Tears filled her eyes. He filled in the application form. Fill in the blanks.11) Beneath the protecting shroud of ash, the city lay intact. Paraphrase: The city remained as it had been before the eruption. It had been protected by the ash which covered it. “Shroud” is a very clever wo

32、rd to use. A shroud is a cover or a garment for a dead body. Note later on shroud as a verb.Darkness still shrouded everything.12) The wine jars were in place: in their original (proper) place or position. Further examples: The books were all in place on the shelves. Lets put the chairs in place before we go. Opposite: out of place.13) And on one counter could be seen a stain where Analyses this clause and point out the subject. “where” is a relative adverb referring t

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