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1、江泽民在剑桥的演讲江泽民在剑桥的演讲(1999 1022)校长先生,同学们,老师们,女士们,先生们: Students and Faculty, Ladies and Gentlemen:我感谢布罗斯校长的邀请,使我有机会来到久负盛名的剑桥大学访问。 I would like to thank you, Sir Alec Broers, Vice-Chancellor, for the invitation, which brings me to the famous Cambridge University.能够与青年朋友们聚集一堂,共同讨论人类如何在新世纪里迎接挑战、创造更加美好的未来,我

2、感到十分高兴。 It gives me great pleasure to be together with young friends in a discussion on how mankind should rise up to the challenge in the new century and build a better future.剑桥大学是具有700多年历史的世界著名学府,曾培养出牛顿、培根、弥尔顿、拜伦、达尔文等对人类进步事业作出杰出贡献的伟大科学家、思想家和诗人。 Cambridge University is a world-renowned university

3、with a history of more than 700 years. It has nurtured great scientists, thinkers and poets such as Newton, Bacon, Milton, Byron and Darwin, who made outstanding contribution to the progress of mankind.今天,剑桥大学作为获得诺贝尔奖学者最多的大学,在世界高等学府中依然居于显要的地位。 Today, Cambridge University, which has produced more Nob

4、el Prize winners than any other university, still takes a significant place among all the institutions of higher learning in the world.50多年前,在我上大学的那个年代,就有不少的中国年轻学子向往到剑桥负笈求学。 Over fifty years ago when I was a university student, many young Chinese students were longing for an opportunity to come and

5、study in Cambridge.剑桥大学与中国交往的历史,早在上个世纪之交就开始了。 This university began its contacts with China as early as the beginning of the last century.一百年前,剑桥大学开设了汉语课程。 A hundred years ago, Cambridge started the Chinese language course.贵校已故的李约瑟博士在中国学术界享有很高的声名。 The late Dr. Joseph Needham of Cambridge University

6、enjoyed a high prestige in the Chinese academic circles.他倾注毕生心血撰写的中国科学技术史,是一部研究中国古代科学技术和文明成就的鸿篇巨制。 He devoted his entire life to the writing of Science and Civilization in China, a monumental work for study on ancient Chinese science and technology and cultural achievements.100年来,许多中国学者不远万里到剑桥求学访问,中

7、国杰出的数学家华罗庚就是其中最著名的代表。 For 100 years, many Chinese scholars, best represented by Mr. Hua Luogeng, an outstanding Chinese mathematician, have traveled long distances to study in Cambridge.今天,中国学术界和剑桥大学继续保持着良好的交流与合作。 Today, the Chinese academic community still maintains good exchanges and cooperation w

8、ith Cambridge.这对加强中英人民的文化交流和友谊,推进科技和思想进步产生了积极的作用和影响。 This has played a positive role in and exerted a sound influence on enhanced cultural exchanges and friendship between the Chinese and British people and progress in science and technology as well as in thinking.20世纪,人类创造的物质和精神财富,超过了以往任何一个时代。In th

9、e 20th century, mankind has created material and spiritual wealth unmatched by any other time in history.令人遗憾的是,人类在这100年中也经历了前所未有的苦难,特别是遭受了两次世界大战的浩劫。 Regrettably, it is also in these 100 years that humanity has experienced unprecedented hardships, particularly the havoc of the two world wars.但是世界的历史

10、从来是由世界人民创造和书写的,因而正义总会战胜邪恶,光明总会战胜黑暗,进步总会战胜落后,人类必然会不断地克服艰难险阻,向着美好的未来开拓前进。 However, it is always the people of the world that make and write world history. In this sense, justice will inevitably prevail over evil, light over darkness and progress over backwardness. Mankind will undoubtedly keep on over

11、coming difficulties and obstacles, blaze new trails and steadily move forward to a better future.21世纪就要到来,世界人民虽然仍面临着很多严峻的挑战,可以肯定地说,人类也面临着巨大的发展机遇。 The 21st century is approaching. The people of the world still face many tough challenges, but definitely they also see enormous opportunities for develop

12、ment.只要世界人民同心协力,形成战胜一切挑战的巨大力量,人类文明进步的航船就必将乘风破浪地前进。 So long as the people of the world work in unison and form a strong force to tackle all challenges, mankind with its civilization will continue to march forward against all odds. like a ship braving the wind and the waves. People of different countr

13、ies have traversed different roads of historical development. Each nation with its own cultural background, social system and value, will continue to lead a life in its own way.世界是丰富多彩的。 The world is colorful and diversified.各国人民走过了不同的历史发展道路,有着不同的文化背景、社会制度和价值观念,延续着不同的生活方式。 People of different countr

14、ies have traversed different roads of historical development. Each nation with its own cultural background, social system and value, will continue to lead a life in its own way.这种多样性正是世界充满竞赛、活力和创新的根本原因。 This diversity is the very reason why the world is full of competition, vigor and innovation.各国之间

15、应该加强交流和了解,在相互尊重和平等相待的基础上共同前进,而不应让这种多样性成为阻碍各国人民携手共进的隔阂,更不应人为地从中挑起对立和冲突。 Countries should enhance exchanges and understanding, and move ahead together on the basis of mutual respect and equality. They should not allow the diversity to be a barrier to their forward march, still less should they deliber

16、ately provoke confrontation and conflict.尊重和发展世界文明的多样性,并在这种多样性中找到共同利益之所在,是人类社会向前发展的伟大动力。 To respect and develop the diversity of world civilization and identify therefrom common interests are a great driving force propelling human society forward.这里,我想就中国的发展这个题目谈一些我的看法,希望有助于诸位对中国的了解。 Here, I want to

17、 share with you some of my thoughts on Chinas development, in the hope that it will give you a better understanding of my country.中华人民共和国刚刚度过了50岁的生日。 The Peoples Republic of China has just celebrated its 50th anniversary.对于绵延5000多年的中华文明而言,50年只是弹指一挥间。 Fifty years are but a brief moment for Chinese ci

18、vilization that has been going on for more than 5,000 years.然而,在这50年中,中国这个古老的国度发生了翻天覆地的变化,面貌焕然一新。 However, in the past 50 years, earth-shaking changes have taken place on this ancient Chinese land. It has taken on a completely new look.近代中国是一个半殖民地半封建的社会, China in modern history was a semi-colonial a

19、nd semi- feudal society.国势衰弱,外强侵入,国土沦丧,生灵涂炭。 It was weak, feeble and fell a prey to foreign invasion, with lots of land annexed and its people plunged into an abyss of misery.中国人民为改变这种悲惨命运,进行了顽强的抗争。The Chinese people fought tenaciously to change their miserable destiny.从上世纪中叶到本世纪中叶,中国人民在苦斗中经历了多次挫折和失

20、败,但始终不屈不挠,最后在中国共产党的领导下取得了民族独立和人民解放,建立了新中国。 From the middle of the last century to that of this century, the Chinese people went through setbacks and defeat in their struggles, but they never yielded. Finally, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, they won national independence and li

21、beration and founded New China.从此,中国历史的发展进入了崭新的时代。 From then on China entered a completely new era of development in its history.掌握了自己命运的中国各族人民,终于可以在一个独立、统一、和平、稳定的环境中意气风发地建设自己的国家,实现振兴中华的伟大理想。 The Chinese people of all ethnic groups, who have taken their destiny in their own hands and enjoy independe

22、nce, unity, peace and stability, are now able to devote all their energy to the cause of building up their country and realize the lofty ideal of national rejuvenation.中国人民十分珍惜经过艰苦卓绝的奋斗而取得的当家作主的权利,十分珍惜经过长期艰辛的探索而开辟的建设有中国特色社会主义这一正确的发展道路。 They deeply cherish their hard-won right to be masters of the co

23、untry and the right past to development, that is ,building socialism with Chinese characteristics. This is a road they have found after years of difficult exploration.历史和现实都告诉我们,只有始终不渝地坚持这一切,中国才能持续发展,中国人民才能过上幸福美好的生活。 Both history and realities tell us that only by adhering to all this can China obta

24、in a sustainable development and the Chinese people lead a happy life.经过50年的艰苦创业,中国的综合国力、社会生产力和人民生活水平大幅度提高。 Our strenuous efforts in the past 50 years have brought about a substantial boost in the overall national strength and social productivity and a marked improvement of peoples livelihood.从1952年

25、到1958年,中国国内生产总值年均增长百分之七点七,明显高于同期世界年平均增长百分之三左右的水平。 From 1952 to 1998, Chinas GDP grew at an average annual rate of 7.7%, much higher than the world average of 3% in the same period.现在,中国的经济总量排名世界第七,外汇储备世界第二,进出口总额世界第十一。 Its economic aggregates are the 7th largest in the world, its foreign exchange res

26、erves the second largest, and its total foreign trade volume the 11th largest.在过去20年间,中国农村贫困人口减少了两亿多,百分之九十五以上的农民过上了温饱有余的生活。 In the past two decades, the poverty- stricken population in its rural areas has been reduced by more than 200 million, and more than 95% of farmers have got enough and to spar

27、e.中国人口的预期寿命由新中国成立前的35岁提高到目前的71岁,成人文盲率由百分之八十下降到百分之十六点五。 Life expectancy has increased from 35 years prior to the founding of New China to the current 71. The illiteracy rate among adults has dropped from 80% to 16.5%.中国的物质文明建设和精神文明建设都取得了举世瞩目的成就, Remarkable achievements have been scored in both the ma

28、terial and spiritual civilization.旧中国积贫积弱的状况已经一去不复返了。 Gone forever are the days in which China was poor and weak.国际舆论评论说:“中国只用了一代人的时间,取得了其他国家用了几个世纪才能取得的成就”。 There are comments from world opinion: “It has taken China only on generation to achieve what would have taken other countries several centurie

29、s to accomplish”.中国建设的成就,不仅为中国的未来发展奠定了坚实基础,而且也为促进亚洲和世界的和平稳定作出了巨大贡献。 What China has accomplished has not only laid a solid foundation for its future development, but also constituted enormous contribution to peace and stability of Asia and the world at large.中国所以能在短短的几十年间成就这样的大业,是由于在中国共产党领导下全国各族人民实现了

30、前所未有的大团结,是由于中国人民找到了有中国特色的社会主义道路,并从优秀的民族文化传统与时代精神的结合中获得了强大的精神动力。 The reason why China can achieve so much in the short space of several decades lies with the unprecedented unity that the people of all ethnic groups have attained under the leadership of the CPC. It can also be attributed to the road o

31、f building socialism with Chinese characteristics that the Chinese people have found and to the inspiration that the Chinese nation has drawn from its fine tradition and culture as well as the spirit of the new era.没有自己精神支柱的民族是没有前途的。 A nation without a spirit to support it has no future.要正确把握中国已经发生和

32、将要发生的事情,需要了解中国人民的基本价值观念。 To have a good understanding of what has happened and what will happen in China, it is absolutely necessary to know the basic Chinese values.中华民族历来尊重人的尊严和价值。 The Chinese nation has always valued human dignity and value.还在遥远的古代,我们的先人就已提出“民为贵”的思想,认为“天生万物,唯人为贵”,Even in the ancient days, our ancestors came up with the idea of people being most important, believing that “man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters”.一切社会的发展和进步,都取决于人的发展和进步,取决于人的尊严的

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