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1、打印版新世纪英语八年级第一学期错题汇编附答案八年级上期中复习( 错题汇编 ) ( Unit 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 3 ) 首字母填空1 . With the Internet, we are able to c_ with each other more easily.2 . People usually greet and s_ hands with each other at their first meeting.3 . Bob is searching the Internet for some information about Western c_ and custo

2、ms.4 . Too much ice-cream is bad foe your health. Take my t_ and eat less junk food.5 . Li Hui was late for school again. He felt very sorry and a_ to the teacher.6. The a _ age of that football team is 23 years old.7 . Li Hui was late for school again. He felt very sorry and a_ to the teacher.8. He

3、 is e_ his son to be a footballer like Ronaldo.9 . Father was late for the meeting because he got s_ in a traffic jam.用所给单词的适当形式填空1 . It is _ to be too late for a party. (polite) 2 . Dont always work so late at night. Sleep is _ to health. (need)3 . I prefer to _ by phone, for it saves me a lot of t

4、ime. (communication)4 . You can ask Mr. Smith for some advice about _ in Britain. (tip)5 . Its _ hot. Lets go swimming, shall we? (terrible)6 . Telephone _ are developing very quickly these years. (serve)7 . The taxi driver was very _ with Li Huis help. (pleasure) 8 . Whats the _ of this restaurant?

5、 (special)9 . Very soon, the thief found he was _ wrong. (complete)10 . I _ my stay in London, I learned a lot about Western culture and customs. (enjoyable)11 . I am very fond of mashed _. Theyre fantastic. (potato)12 . Both of the _ can speak Chinese very fluently. (German)13 . Although he was _ w

6、ith the service, he left a tip to the waiter. (please)14. May I _ you to Mrs. Brother, a British teacher of English? (introduction)选择题1 . What happened to the village _ night of March 10 ? A . on B . at C . on the D . at the2 . Tom sings _ his brother . A. as good as B . so better as C . so well as

7、D . as well as3 . I saw Mr. Li in the office . _ teachers are having a meeting in the meeting room . A . Other B . Others C . The others D . The other4 . _ is polite _ to take a gift for the host or the hostess . A. This to us B . It for us C . That for us D . It we5 . The workers are busy _ our cla

8、ssroom building these days . A . to renovate B . with renovating C . renovating D . renovate6 . I _ my uncles family in Australia last summer . It was my first _ his family . A . visit to visit B . visited visit C . visited to visited D . visited visit to7 . Do I need _ Mr. Smith when we meet for th

9、e first time ? A . shake a hand to B . to shake hands with C . to shake hand with D . shaking hands to8 . What are you going to _ as a present for your host family in Japan ? A . give B . bring C . take D . carry9 . Why not take the underground ? Its _ than the bus . A . much more fast B . more fast

10、er C . much quicker D . much more quickly10 . When will the plane _ , do you know ? A . arrive B . get to C . reach D . arrive in 11 . Theres more than _ books on the shelf . A . hundreds of B . hundred C . hundred of D . a hundred12 . The manager _ with Lees work _ . A. didnt pleased at all B . was

11、 pleased not at all C . didnt look please D . wasnt pleased at all13 . Mr. Black gave us some _ about English learning . A . tip B . tipping C . pieces of advices D . advice14 . The turkey tastes _ the chicken . A . as better as B . much better than C . as well as D . so good as15 . Must I hand in m

12、y homework today ? - _ . A. Im afraid you must . B . Yes , you should C . Im afraid you mustnt D . No , you cant .16 . You should apologize _ Mrs. Green _ breaking her window . A. / for B . to for C . with on D . to about17 . If you spend _ time on your English , youll learn it better . A . a few mo

13、re B . few much C . a little more D . a little much18 . _ we are to visit Shanghai Grand Theatre next Saturday ! A. What happy B . How happy C . How happily D . What a happy19 . There is still _ time left . Dont hurry . A. few B . a few C . little D . a little20 . Grandma Li was very _ the young man

14、 _ his kindness . A . thank for B . thankful to for C . thankful for to D . thanked to21 . The roast duck tastes so _ that Id like to order one more . A . good B . well C . nicely D . better22 . Let me leave the tip , _ ? A . shall I B . wont I C . will you D . dont I23 . _ you like coffee , black o

15、r white ? A . What do B . How are C . What would D . How would24. The steak was _ rare for _ of us to eat _ . A . too anybody it B . too any / C . so any it D . so anybody /25 . Id like _ you _ a film tonight . Are you free this evening ? A . to treat to see B . ask to see C . to treat to D . invite

16、 to26 . Its _ to send an e-mail than a regular mail . A. much more quickly B . quick C . more quickly D . much quicker27 . Theres only _ bread in the fridge . Please go and get some . A. few B . a few C . little D . a little28 . _ Jack _ the teacher _ late this morning ? A . Were apologized to for B

17、 . Did apologize to for being C . Were apologized to for being D . Did apologize for being29. My car _ a traffic jam for nearly an hour on my way to work . A . was stuck in B . got stuck C . stuck in D . was got stuck in30 . Lets go to Pizza Hut . Id like _ you _ some pizza . A . treat to have B . t

18、o treat to have C . to treat to D . treating to 31 . How can you use a man with _ education ? A. such a few B . so a little C . so little D . such few32 . I _ my host family _ their good care . A . thanked to for B . was thankful to for C . thanked for of D .thanked because33 . The workers_ Metro Ei

19、ght these days . A . are busy to build B . are busy with building C . are busy building D . busy to building34 . Dont shout at him . He is deaf . He _ . A . not hear at all B . can hear not at all C . not at all can hear D . cant hear at all35 . When did Mr. Smith _ us to begin the meeting ? A . hop

20、e B . expect C . decide D . say36 . Dont speak too fast . Please speak _ . A . a little more slowly B . a little slowly C . a little slower D . a little more slow37 . Li Hui _ the bill and Helen left a 10% tip . A . spent B . cost C . took D . paid38 . Its _ beautiful park that I would like to visit

21、 it again . A . so a B . such a C . quite a D . a so39 . The turkey tastes _ the chicken . A. as better as B . the best to C . as well as D . much better than40 . Its nice _ you to give us so much advice . A . to B . by C . for D . of 时态填空1 . The old man _ (fall) down on the stairs and broke his rig

22、ht leg last week.2 . We _ (have) a basketball match if it _ (not rain) tomorrow.3 . The Smiths _ (watch) TV when someone _ (knock) at the door.4. When I first _ (meet) him, he _ (tell) a story to some children.5 . I wont go to see the film Harry Potter because I _ (see) it before.6 . Its going to ra

23、in. Shall I lend you an umbrella? -No, thanks. I _ (get) home before the rain _. (start)7 . _ Betty _ (write) a letter to her friend in Britain this time yesterday?8 . - _ Alice often _ (do) her homework before supper?-Yes. But yesterday she _ (attend) a lecture with her classmates instead.句型转换1 . L

24、et me introduce you to my classmate, Li Bin. (保持原句意思) Id like you _ _ my classmate, Li Bin.2 . Youd better take a rest. Youve got a bad headache. (改成状语从句) _ youve got a bad headache, you _ take a rest.3. The waitress hoped that I would leave her a bigger tip. (保持原句意思) The waitress _ me _ leave her a

25、 bigger tip.4 . The painting was too expensive for me to buy. (保持原句意思) The painting was _ expensive that I _ buy it.5. Id like my steak well-done. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you like your steak?6 . My friend treated me to dinner at New Century Restaurant. (保原意) My friend _ me to _ dinner at New Century Restauran

26、t.7 . It will be fine this Saturday. We will go on an outing to Century Park. (改成条件状语从句) _ it_ fine this Saturday, we will go on an outing to Century Park.8 . Jimmy said sorry to me because hed broken my glasses. (保持原句意思) Jimmy _ to me for _ my glasses.=八年级上期中复习( 错题汇编 ) ( Unit 2 Lesson 1 Lesson 3 )

27、首字母填空1 . Li Hui always listens a _ in class . 2 . English idioms can help us to e_ ourselves more vividly .3 . They are having a d_ about idioms with body parts now .4. The 2003 Shanghai International Auto Show opened to the p _ on April 21 . 5 . There s a National Treasures E_ at the City Museum no

28、w . 6 . The world Expo is also called “ the Olympic Games of Science and T_ . 7 . The emperors ordered their people to build the Great Wall in order to p_ the country from the enemy .8 . Is the fish a_ or dead ? 9 . The Great Wall is the s_ of the wisdom of the ancient Chinese .10. Please look up these words in the d _ by yourself if you dont know their meanings .11 . We ought to be always ready to help people in t _ .12 . Do you know who was the first e _ of the Tang Dynast

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