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1、英语阅读理解Passage 1People thank each other everywhere in England, all the time. When people buy something in a shop, customer and shop assistant in most cases thank each other two times or more. In Germany, it would be unusual to hear more than one “thank you” each in such a conversation. British studen

2、ts thank their lecturers when leaving the room. English employers thank their employees for doing their jobs, as opposed to Germans, who would normally think that paying their workers money is already enough.Another thing I noticed was that English people seldom criticize others. Even when I was wor

3、king and mistakes were pointed out to me, my employers explained several times that none of their words were meant as criticism. I feel that by avoiding criticism, English people are making an effort to make others feel comfortable. This also showed in other ways: British men still open doors for wo

4、men, and British men are more likely to treat women for a meal than German men. However, I do need to point out here that this applies to English men a bit more than it would to Scottish men! Talking about differences between the English and the Scottish, I have found that Scottish people are a lot

5、more like Germans as to politeness. They are more direct, and Scottish men especially are known for being very bad-tempered sometimes. Scottish dialect even has a special word for this: crabbit. Those crabbit Scottish men can be a little bit intense, but at least no one can blame them for pretending

6、 to be polite when they dont feel like it.This brings me back to English people, and the other side of their politeness coin. One word that easily springs to mind here is “artificial”. As enjoyable as it is to interact with friendly people, it has often made me wonder what the English really think.

7、In fact, this confused me throughout my stay in their country. As everyone seemed to like me, I found it hard to understand who was really my friend and who was just being polite. I also wonder whether this whole politeness thing is actually connected to the great English love for getting drunk: thi

8、s might give them a good excuse for being rude once in a while! Choose the best answer for each of the following questions. 1. What can we learn from the passage?A. The Scottish like the Germans more than the English.B. The Scottish belong to the German.C. The Scottish are reserved (含蓄的).D. The Scot

9、tish may seem a little more intense than the English.2. Which of the following statements is true according to Paragraph One?A. In Germany, customer and shop assistant usually thank each other more than once.B. British students give no thanks to the teachers when leaving the classroom.C. German empl

10、oyers would not thank their employees for doing their jobs.D. None of the above. 3. In what way are the Scottish men like the German men?A. They like to criticize others in work.B. They like drinking.C. They are not so polite as the English.D. They treat women badly.4. Which of the following things

11、confused the author? A. He couldnt tell the English from the Scottish.B. He couldnt accept the employers criticism.C. He didnt know who were his real English friends. D. He didnt know if he should get drunk.5. Which of the following adjectives can best describe the authors attitude towards the Engli

12、sh manners?A. Critical. B. Approving. C. Uninterested. D. Objective.Passage 2He amazed the world by speed and he was awarded the Sportsman of the Year in 2009 and may be awarded again in 2010 by the Laureus World Sports Awards, the “Sports Oscar”. No doubt he is Usain Bolt. At the Beijing 2008 Olymp

13、ic Games, Usain Bolt set a new record of 9.69 seconds at Birds Nest in the 100 metres and won the 200 meters at a world record time, and broke the world record in the mens 400-meter relay. In 2009 he made history again in Berlin World Championships by breaking his own 200 meters world record in time

14、 of 19.19 seconds and 100 meters in time of 9.58 seconds. He is regarded as the fastest man on the planet and is called “Lightning Bolt”. Usain Bolt was born on August 21, 1986 in Jamaica. As a child he enjoyed excellent gifts in sports. But he wasnt trained for running at first. Upon his entry to W

15、illiam Knibb Memorial High School, his cricket coach found Bolt very good at running and encouraged him to be a runner. His school had a successful history of training young sportsmen. With the help of his coaches, Bolt made rapid progress in his running abilities. In his first Caribbean national ev

16、ent, Bolt ended the 200 meters in the first place in 21.81 seconds. At the age of 15 Bolt won both the 200 and 400 meters events in the High School Championships, CARIFTA Games and Central American and Caribbean Junior Championships. In 2002, Bolt got two gold medals and one silver in the World Juni

17、or Championships in Kingston, his hometown and became very famous. Then he signed a deal with Puma, and the company helped his dream in the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China. And just at the Beijing Olympics Bolt amazed the whole the world with a miracle and broke the world record the first tim

18、e. What makes him so successful? Of course, Bolt was born with great gifts and his height gives him long steps. But he says theres more to it. “It has been hard work. Year after year, after year, after year of work. So thats what got me so good,” he said. Choose the best answer for each of the follo

19、wing questions. 1. Why is Bolt called “Lightning Bolt”? CA. Because he won the award twice.B. Because he was a good sprinter(短跑运动员).C. Because he is the fastest runner in short distance till now.D. Because he got a lot of medals.2. How many times had Bolt broken the world records by the end of 2009

20、according to the text? DA. Twice.B. Three times.C. Four times.D. Five times. 3. Who helped Bolt begin his career as a sprinter? DA. His primary school teacher.B. His junior middle school teacher.C. His classmate.D. His cricket coach. 4. When and where did Bolt become famous for the first time accord

21、ing to the text? BA. In 2000, Sydney. B. In 2002, Kingston. C. In 2008, Beijing.D. In 2009, Berlin.5. What made Bolt so successful? DA. His talents.B. His hardworking.C. Great opportunities.D. All above but C. Passage 3People in cities all over the world shop in supermarkets.Who decides what you buy

22、 in the supermarkets? Do you decide? Does the supermarket decide? When you enter the supermarket, you see shelves full of food. You walk in the aisles(过道)between the shelves. You push a shopping cart and put your food in it. You probably hear slow music as you walk along the aisles; if you hear fast

23、 music, you walk quickly. The super-market plays slow music. You walk slowly and have more time to buy things. Maybe you go to the meat department first. There is some meat on sale, and you want to find it. The manager of the supermarket knows where customers enter the meat department. The cheaper m

24、eat is at the end of the meat department, away from where the customers enter. You have to walk by all the expensive meat before you find the cheaper meat. Maybe you will buy some of the expensive meat instead of the meat on sale. The dairy department sells milk and milk products such as butter and

25、cheese. Many customers like milk that has only a little butterfat in it. One store has three different containers of low fat milk. One says “1% Fat” on the container. The second says “99% Fat Free”. The third says “Low Fat” in big letters and “1%” in small letters. As you can see, all the milk has t

26、he same amount of fat. The milk is all the same. The amount of milk in each container is also the same. However in this store the three containers of milk dont cost the same. Maybe the customer will buy the milk that coststhe most. Choose the best answer for each of the following statements.B1. This

27、 passage mainly discusses .A. why people in cities shop in supermarketsB. what influences peoples shopping in supermarketsC. what people usually buy in supermarketsD. how music is related to people s shopping in supermarkets2. The supermarket plays slow music so that D . A. it may attract more custo

28、mers B. it may seem more like a home C. customers will feel more comfortable D. customers will possibly buy more 3. The manager knows C . A. what kind of customers like low fat milk B. what kind of customers like slow music C. where customers enter the meat department D. where customers enter the da

29、iry department 4. The cheaper meat is put at the end of the meat department because A . A. the supermarket wants to sell more of the expensive meat B. customers can be easily reminded before they leave C. the supermarket intends to sell it at its original price D. customers can easily make a compari

30、son 5. The author implies that customers tend to believe that A . A. the more expensive the milk, the better its quality B. the bigger the container, the better the milk in it C. the less fat the milk contains, the cheaper it costs D. the more words there are on the container, the less fat the milk

31、in it containsPassage 4Many visitors finds the fast pace at which American people move very troubling. Ones first impression is likely to be that everyone is in a rush .City people always appear to be hurrying to get where they are going and are very impatient if they are delayed even for a brief mo

32、ment. At first, this may seem unfriendly to you. But drivers will rush you; storekeepers will be in a hurry as they serve you; people will push past you as they walk along the street. You will miss smiles, brief conversations with people as you shop or dine away from home. Do not think that because Americans are in such a hurry they are unfriendly. Often, life is much slower outside the big cities, as is true in other countries as well.Americans who live in

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