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英语高二外研版选修7 module1教案电子教案.docx

1、英语高二外研版选修7 module1教案电子教案英语高二外研版选修7 module1(教案)Module 1 BasketballI教学内容分析 本模块以basketball为话题,介绍了篮球的基本规则、NBA的起源和中外篮球明星的风采,通过本模块学习,学生要运用所学词汇口头评价自己喜欢的体育项目,介绍自己喜欢的运动员。Introduction 部分通过一幅介绍篮球规则的图片和几个问题引起学生的兴趣,让他们学习并复习与篮球规则有关的词汇。接着介绍了NBA的起源,使学生对美国篮球联赛有基本的认识。Reading and Vocabulary部分通过阅读对 Michael Jordan和 Wilt

2、 Chamberlain的简介,让学生学习相关词汇,学会归纳文章的主旨大意;分析文章的结构和介绍人物写作技巧;并围绕文章内容,进行听、说、读、写等各项活动。Speaking部分是阅读文章后所展开的一项活动,要求学生能够结合所学内容,来探讨NBA在我国受欢迎的现象,并说明原因。Grammar (1) 部分通过观察课文中的例句,要求学生能够识别名词与动词之间词性转换的语法现象,并通过相关练习让学生掌握此用法。Listening and Vocabulary部分听取一段关于篮球比赛的现场评说录音,培养学生准确获取有效信息、完成相关练习的能力。Function部分学习使用合适的形容词表达个人情感,让学

3、生通过相关练习活动掌握相关的词汇。Reading and Writing部分通过设置几个问题,要求学生围绕一篇有关姚明的报道,讨论相关内容,然后根据提示步骤和相关的句式写一篇表达自己意见的文章。 Grammar (2) 部分列举了相关词汇,让学生通过先观察然后实践的方式掌握以后缀结尾的形容词,通过Activity 2和3练习进一步巩固。Everyday English部分围绕听力出现的习惯用语,通过选择的形式使学生熟练掌握它们的用法。Reading Practice部分通过阅读有关体育运动安全的文章,训练学生的阅读技巧,使学生能辩证地来看待篮球运动存在的风险。Cultural Corner部分

4、是一篇介绍American football, basketball 和baseball的起源和发展现状的文章,并让学生讨论这三种体育项目在中国的流行程度。Task部分是对本模块的一个复习与应用,要求学生查找资料,利用本模块所学的词汇介绍自己心目中最出色的五名运动员所组成的“梦之队”,并和别的同学分享。Module File部分有助于学生对本模块学习内容进行归纳,对自己的学习进行总结和检验。II教学重点和难点1. 教学重点(1) 掌握一些与篮球运动有关的词汇。(2) 学习词性转换。(3) 学习添加后缀的构词法。2. 教学难点(1) 听懂与运动现场解说有关的常用表达,正确理解新学词汇的含义。 (

5、2) 正确使用表达感情和情感的形容词。(3) 学会介绍自己喜欢的体育运动和体育明星。III教学计划本模块分六个课时:第一课时:Introduction, Vocabulary and Listening, Everyday English第二课时:Reading and Vocabulary, Speaking第三课时:Function, Grammar (1), Grammar (2)第四课时:Reading Practice第五课时:Reading and Writing第六课时:Cultural Corner, Task,Module FileIV教学步骤Period 1 Introdu

6、ction, Listening and Vocabulary, Everyday English Teaching Goals: 1. To arouse Ss interest in learning about basketball.2. To get Ss to learn some words to describe basketball.3. To get Ss to know something about NBA.4. To enable Ss to listen to people talking about basketball match.Teaching Procedu

7、res:Step 1. Introduction1.Ask Ss answer several questions in order to introduce the topic of this module.(1) What do you think of basketball?(2) Do you know how did it start?Suggested Answers:(1) Open(2) It was invented in 1891 in a gym in Springfield.2. Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 1 and l

8、earn some new words about basketball sport: basket, hoop, slam dunk, score, referee, guard, forward. Ask them to write out the words according to the meanings.(1) The circular metal band which is attached to the backboard and holds the basket (hoop)(2) The playing area (court)(3) The rope through wh

9、ich the ball must pass in order to score points (basket)(4) One of the shots with which a player can score (Slam dunk)(5) An attacking player, who tries to score points (forward)(6) A defending player, who tries to stop the forwards scoring (guard)(7) The person who controls the game (referee) 3. As

10、k Ss to answer the following questions about basketball sport: Q1. How many kinds of position do you know in the basketball? Q2.What are they doing?Suggested Answers:A1. They are center, power forward, small forward, shooting guard, point guard.A2. Power forward and small forward are attacking; Shoo

11、ting guard and point guard are defending.4. Ask Ss who are interested in basketball to say something about NBA. Then get them to read the information about basketball in Activity 2, page 1 and fill in the blanks.NBA is the top-class basketball _(1)_ in the world. It was called _(2)_ when it began in

12、 _(3)_. Many teams in the major cities of _(4)_ and _(5)_ join the organization. Some _(6)_ basketball players and _(7)_ basketball teams often turn _(8)_ the moment they graduate from universities. Suggested Answers:(1) league (2) BAA (3) 1946 (4) the United States (5) Canada (6) talented (7) amate

13、ur (8) professionalStep 2. Listening and Vocabulary 1. Before listening, ask Ss to finish the exercises in Activity 1 on page 7 and get some basic knowledge about basketball. Then ask them to look at the exercises of Listening and Vocabulary on pages 78 to get a general impression of the listening m

14、erial.2. Ask Ss to listen to part 1 again and answer the following questions.(1) What is their attitude towards the match?(2) Why is the Houston Rockets hot at the moment?(3) Why does the journalist feel nervous?Suggested Answers:(1) Both of them are looking forward to seeing a great game between tw

15、o very exciting teams.(2) One of the main reasons for this is having Chinese star Yao Ming on the team.(3) Because the Rockets expect too much from Yao Ming sometimes. Hes a terrific player, but he cant do everything by himself.3. Ask Ss to listen to part 2 again and choose the best answers.(1) The final score is _. A. 101:100 B. 110:100 C. 100:110(2) Why were the Rockets fans disappointed? A. Because they cant see Yao Ming playing in the match. B. Because the talented team didnt play as well as they were expecting. C. Because they dont enjoy the game.(

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