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1、供应商审核检查表供应商审核检查表ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES SUPPLIER AUDIT CHECKLIST供应商(SUPPLIER):_地址(LOCATION):_AMD审核成员(AMD AUDITORS):_ _日期(DATE):_现场审核(ON-SITE AUDIT)_ 书面审核(MAIL AUDIT)_注意:审核员在每个空格将输入一些关键数字,应答者应回答YES或NO,如果不适用回答N/A NOTE:On-site auditors will enter the key number rating in each space. For mail audit surve

2、ys, respondents will answer yes or no, or use the key number rating system in each space. If aquestion does not apply, answer N/A.1.0 质量承诺(QUALITY COMMITMENT)1.1 是否有质量方针、目标或质量手册? Is there a quality policy, statement, or manual? _ 1.1.1是否定期评审、更新质量方针及手册? Is the quality policy or manual updated regular

3、ly? _ 1.1.2质量方针或手册是否包括本检查单提及的基本系统? Does the policy or manual include basic systems as identified in this checklist? _ 1.2 对质量有影响的人员的职责与权限有无明文规定? Is the Quality functions authority and responsibilities clearly defined in writing? _ 1.3 有无组织结构图? Is there an organization chart which identifies quality

4、function elements? _ 1.4 是否负责质量的人员有权拒绝不符合规定要求的物品? Does the Quality function clearly have the authority to withhold items that have not met an acceptable quality standard? _ 1.5 有无书面的持续改进计划? Is there a documented quality improvement plan? _意见(COMMENTS): _总计(POINT TOTAL):_2.0 总体质量体系的要求(GENERAL QUALITY

5、 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS) 2.1 有无定义了过程质量控制点的过程流程图? Is there a current process flow chart with process or quality inspection points defined? _ 2.2 有无追溯交付到原材料的系统并能贯穿在进出货检验、过程检验之中? Is there a system for lot traceability of materials that will trace materials from raw supplies to shipped product, which conta

6、ins, quantity in/out, inspection performed? _ 2.3 有无进料检验的管理程序? Is there a system which indicates the acceptance of material throughout the process? _ 2.4 有无描述过程检验,使产品达到规定要求的整个生产过程的验收? Does the Quality function maintain a system for the use and control of inspection stamps or an alternate method of i

7、ndicating acceptance and identification of the person making the decision? _意见(COMMENTS): _总计(POINT TOTAL):_3.0 统计程序及质量控制(STATISTICAL PROCESS AND QUALITY CONTROL) 3.1 有无书面的SPC系统文件? Is a SPC system defined and documented? _ 3.2 是否有最高管理层参与评审SPC控制系统? Is there evidence of top management involvement? _ 3

8、.3 是否用统计的方法进行持续改进,以证明公司的质量方针、目标,是否达到? Do company policies/objectives reflect managements commitment to continuous improvement through the use of statistical methods? _ 3.4 是否建立了通过适当的特性来监控每个关键过程的程序,并且指明用何种统计技术? Have procedures and techniques been established to determine the appropriate characteristi

9、cs to be monitored for each critical operation? _ 3.5 是否有书面的文件规定当超出控制线时应提供适当的书面反应,并给予必要的行动? Is there a documented procedure defining out of control limits and significant patterns within control limits which provides appropriate written responses for actions taken? _ 3.6 有否使用控制图? Are control charts

10、in use? _3.7 控制图是否简明、扼要、清晰? Are the charts clear and concise? _ 3.8 统计的控制线是否用于管制图中? Are statistical control limits used on the control charts? _ 3.9 由谁发现失控情况? Who detects out of control condition(s)? 操作工operators? _ 主管supervisors? _ 维护人员maintenance? _ 工程师engineers? _ 经理managers? _ _ 3.10 谁对失控现象作出反应?

11、 Who responds to out of control condition(s)? 操作工operators? _ 主管supervisors? _ 维护人员maintenance? _ 工程师engineers? _ 经理managers? _ _ 3.11 当发生时有无及时的解决方案? Is there prompt resolution of out of control conditions? _ 3.12 有无制定记录控制图上的相关信息的程序,且被执行? Has a procedure been implemented for recording pertinent info

12、rmation on control charts? _ 3.13 有无调整控制线的控制程序并执行? Has a procedure been implemented for establishing and adjusting control limits? _ 3.14 有无建立减小过程变差的目标? Have goals been established to reduce variation in the process? _意见(COMMENTS): _总计(POINT TOTAL):_4.0 人员培训及证明(PERSONNEL TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION)

13、4.1 有无建立关键过程、操作、检验员工的培训程序? Are there training procedures for personnel assigned to work on critical processes, operations, and inspections? _ 4.2 培训计划是否包括下列几个方面? Does the training procedure include the following? 4.2.1 操作姿势指导及测试? Hands-on instruction and testing. _ 4.2.2 在特定的时期结束时或效果不好的特定时期,再测试和再培训?

14、 Retesting or retraining of personnel at the end of a specific time period or when performance indicates poor performance for a specified time period. _ 4.2.3 有无取消颁发能力资格证的标准规定? The criteria for decertifying and recertifying personnel. _ 4.3 培训记录及培训人员名单是可利用的、可保留的? Are training records and a list of t

15、rained personnel available and maintained? _ 4.4 人员是否被培训在工作中用到的统计方法, Are personnel trained to use statistics within the job,especially SPC/SQC methods? _ 人员达到了何种水平? What level of personnel? _意见(COMMENTS): _总计(POINT TOTAL):_5.0 测量设备的控制(TEST AND MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT CONTROL) 5.1 有无程序规定测量设备的周期性校验? Is

16、there a documented system for the automatic recall and periodic calibration of test and measuring equipment and measurement standards? _ 5.1.1 若员工被允许使用自已的量测设备、那么此设备是否在公司规定的控制之中? If employees are permitted to use their own test and measuring equipment, is such equipment incorporated in the system? _

17、5.2 测试及测量设备的标准的校对是否基于制造商的定期(时间间隔)统计数据的基础上? Are test and measuring equipment and standards calibrated based on an established manufacturers interval or upon current statistical data? _ 5.3 关于测量设备及测量标准的校对是否有文件化规定? Are procedures documented for the calibration of test and measuring equipment and Measur

18、ement standards? _ 5.3.1 公差的定义是否已被文件化? Are tolerances defined and documented? _ 5.3.2 这份文件是否定义了对于超出公差的纠正措施? Do the procedures specify corrective action for an out of tolerance condition? _ 5.3.3 这些校验是否遵循NISN、ASTM等标准? Is calibration traceable to nationally acceptable standards such as NIST, ASTM, etc

19、.? _ 5.3.4 校验记录是否包含以下信息? Does the calibration record include the following information? 校验日期Calibration date. _ 校验人Person who calibrated the equipment. _ 下次校验的时间Next calibration due date. _ 适用的条件Applicable environmental conditions. _ 超出公差的设备在校验前有无保存记录? For out

20、 of tolerance equipment,initial reading before and final reading after calibration. _5.3.4.6 超差的情况是否有相应的纠正措施? Corrective actions taken for out of tolerance conditions. _5.3.4.7 校验使用的基准物质有否进行校验? Unique identifier of the equipment being calibrated. _5.3.4.8 有无使用的校验程序? Reference to the calibration proc

21、edure used. _5.3.5 在使用前是否重新做测试及验证? Are acquired or reworked test and measuring equipment inspected and calibrated prior to use? _ 5.4 有无预防性维护程序与日程安排? Are there preventive maintenance procedures and schedules maintained in each area? _ 5.5 对于测量设备是否经常做相关的措施? Are regular correlation tests for measureme

22、nt equipment conducted? _ 5.6 测量设备是否有标识注明:校验日期、校验人、下次校验时间? Are labels utilized on test and measuring equipment and measurement standards to show the current calibration date, next calibration due date, and the person who performed the last calibration? _ 5.7 是否有标识或其它方法表明测量设备或测试标准是过期的或超出公差范围的? Is the

23、re a system which uses tags or another method to identify past due or out of tolerance test and measuring equipment and measurement standards? _ 5.8 对超出公差的测量设备是否会缩短其校验周期? Is the calibration interval for test and measuring equipment subject to decrease when identified as out of tolerance? _意见(COMMENT

24、S): _总计(POINT TOTAL):_6.0 文件与资料变更的控制(DOCUMENTATION AND CHANGE CONTROL) 6.1 书面化的资料是否包含以下各项?Are the following documented? 6.1.1 主要的设计特性(适用时)Major design characteristics (if applicable) _ 6.1.2 使用的材料Materials used. _ 6.1.3 过程控制程序Process procedures. _ 6.1.4 检验程序Inspection procedures. _ 6.1.5 有关成品的制造及测试所必须的程序和记录是否被控制? All other necessary procedures needed for manufacturing an

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