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高中英语 Unit10 Money单词典句考点 北师大版必修4.docx

1、高中英语 Unit10 Money单词典句考点 北师大版必修4【英语】北师大版 单词典句考点(Unit 10Money)名师导航三点剖析单词典句考点使有动机,促使,激发【巧记提示】motive(n.动机)去e+-ate(动词后缀) 【经典例句】He was motivated only by his wish to help me,and expected nothing in return. 他仅仅是为了帮我,没有期望得到回报。 Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge. 考试不能促使学生去追求更多的知识。 H

2、er suicide was motivated by desperation. 她自杀的诱因是自暴自弃。 What motivated you to do such a thing? 你做这事的动机是什么?【考点聚焦】1)比较motivation和motive的区别: motivation只作名词表示“动机”;motive还可以用作形容词,表示“发动的;运动的”。 2)motivate的过去分词motivated可表示“出于某种动机的;有积极性的”。如: The students are all highly motivated. 学生们的学习积极性都很高。 【活学活用】1.单项填空 As

3、far as I know,the positive and lively activities_our students,who used to focus on just remembering knowledge,to use their knowledge freely. A.motivateB.motivated C.have motivatedD.had motivated 答案:C技术,方法,技能,技巧【巧记提示】techni(c)(技术)+-que(名词后缀) 【经典例句】In many sports physical fitness is not as important a

4、s technique. 在许多体育运动中,体能没有技巧重要。 He displayed a flawless technique in the competition. 他在竞赛中显示出了精湛的技艺。 The technique is still at the experimental stage. 这项技术正处于实验阶段。【考点聚焦】1)形容词:technical技术(上)的;技能的 名词:technician技术员;技师 2)technique作“(总称)技巧,技术”解时是不可数名词;作“技术,方法,技能”解时是可数名词。如:He is learning the technique of

5、 painting. 他正在学习绘画技巧。 The technique holds great medical promise. 这项技术很有医学前景。【活学活用】2.选词填空 (technique,technician,technology,technical) 1)He is now studying in a Federal Institute of_.2)My brother works as a_adviser.3)To learn something well does not necessarily mean that you ought to be a craftsman or

6、 a_.4)Painting is also a popular_practiced by many teenagers.答案:1)Technology2)technical3)technician4)technique【巧记提示】percent(百分数)+-age(名词后缀,附于名词或动词之后,表示“集合,数量”)【经典例句】The figure is expressed as a percentage. 这个数字是用百分率表示的。 A small percentage of the workers are unskilled. 少数工人是非熟练工。 A large percentage o

7、f the crop has spoiled. 大部分庄稼被毁。 【考点聚焦】1)对percentage提问要用what(注意主谓一致)。如: 2)当percentage与population这样的集合名词连用时,谓语动词用单、复数都可以。【活学活用】3.完成句子 1)缺席的孩子占百分之多少? _ _ _ _was absent? 2)中国有百分之多少的人口超重? _ _ _the population is overweight in China? 答案:1)What percentage of children 2)What percentage of完成,成就,功绩 【巧记提示】achi

8、eve(v.取得成就)+-ment(名词后缀) 【经典例句】They are proud of their childrens achievements. 他们为孩子们取得的成就感到骄傲。 Such was Albert Einstein,a simple man of great achievements. 阿尔伯特爱因斯坦就是这样一个人,一个淳朴而又取得巨大成就的人。【考点聚焦】1)achievement作名词时还可表示“实现,成功”,如: It will give students a feeling of success and achievement. 这会带给学生成功感和成就感。

9、2)achievement作“成就,功绩”讲时是可数名词,因此须用复数形式。如: The inventor was rewarded by the government for his scientific achievements. 由于取得的科学成就,他受到了政府的嘉奖。 3)achieve vt.取得(胜利、成功等),实现(目标、目的等)。如: Nothing would stop me from achieving my ambition. 什么都不能阻止我实现我的抱负。 Ive achieved only half of what I hoped to do. 我的目标只实现了一半。

10、 【活学活用】4.翻译下列词组 1)光辉的成就_2)伟大的成就_3)outstanding achievements_4)scientific achievements_5)make achievements_答案:1)a brilliant achievement2)great achievements3)杰出的成就4)科学成就5)取得成就【经典例句】That word doesnt exist in English. 英语中没有这个单词。 Contradictions exist everywhere. 矛盾无所不在。 One cannot exist without air. 没有空气人

11、就不能生存。【考点聚焦】1)同根词:existencen.存在,生存,生活如: The tree owes its existence to soil. 树木依赖泥土生存。 2)相关短语:bring into existence使产生 come into existence出现,产生 【活学活用】5.单项填空 Without the sun,none of the living things on earth_. A.existed B.would exist C.would have been existed D.exists 答案:B【经典例句】We defeated Class One

12、in the volleyball match. 我们在排球比赛中击败了一班。 Our hopes were defeated. 我们的希望破灭了。【考点聚焦】1)defeat还可以用作名词,意为“失败”,同义词:failure。 The football team suffered a defeat. 该足球队被击败了。 2)辨析defeat和win: 两者都有“打败,战胜”的含义,但defeat常用于敌我对抗的战斗中打败或战胜对手,后面跟“sb.,team,school”之类的参赛者,表示“击败某人或某个团体”;而win所带的宾语一般是“game,war,match,battle”之类的词

13、,表示“赢得某场比赛、某种奖赏或某种东西”。 【活学活用】6.单项填空 They were_in the football match. A.hit B.struck C.attacked D.defeated 答案:D【经典例句】He earned $30 000 a year by writing stories. 他每靠写小说有3万美元的收入。【考点聚焦】1)固定搭配: earn ones living=make a living意为“谋生,挣钱生活”。如: He earned a hard living carrying bricks up a ladder ten hours a d

14、ay. 他每天爬梯子运砖十小时,来艰苦地谋生。 2)辨析earn和get: He earned the prize through his hard work while I got nothing. 他通过努力得了奖,而我什么也没得到。 从这个句子可以看出,get是一般意义上的“得到”,只讲结果,不能显示过程;而earn强调经过努力、作贡献等去赢得、获得,含有不容易得到的意思。 【活学活用】7.单句改错 Its the first time that I earned money,so I was quite excited. _答案:earned前加have【经典例句】He has det

15、ermined to overcome difficulties in his study. 他决心要克服学习中的困难。 This determined him to act immediately. 这使他下决心马上采取行动。 He has determined to learn English. 他已下决心学英语。【考点聚焦】1)同根词: determined adj.下定决心(做)的 determination n.决心,决定 determiner n.决定者 2)辨析have/has determined to do和be determined to do: He has determ

16、ined to go abroad. 他已决心要出国。(强调行为的完成) He is determined to go abroad. 他下定决心要出国。(表结果的心理状态) 【活学活用】8.单项填空 They_on an early start. A.carried out B.given C.determined D.made 答案:C【经典例句】The problem of environmental pollution concerns people all over the world. 环境污染问题关系到全世界的人民。 As far as I am concerned,you ca

17、n do what you like. 就我而言,你想干什么就干什么。【考点聚焦】1)辨析concentrate和concern: concentrate on sth. 全神贯注于,为主动形式 be concerned about sth. 关心某事 be concerned with sth. 与有关,涉及 2)同根词: concerned adj.作“担心的,忧虑的,有关的,有牵连的,参与的,感兴趣的等”解,注意在系表结构中和介词的搭配; concerning prep.关于 3)concern还可用作名词,当意为“担忧”时,为不可数名词;意为“关注的事情”为可数名词。【活学活用】9.单

18、项填空 _Im concerned,they have no way of keeping away from the danger. A.As long as B.As far as C.Just as D.Even if 答案:A【巧记提示】a-(加强语气)+ware(adj.知道的,意识到的)。 【经典例句】We were not aware of the fire. 我们没有意识到火。 We were quite aware (of) how you would respond to our terms. 我们十分清楚你们对我们提出的条件肯定会有什么反应。【考点聚焦】常用于be awa

19、re of/that。如: He doesnt seem to be aware of the coldness of their attitude towards his appeal. 他好像没有意识到大家对他的呼吁态度冷淡。 The principal didnt seem to be aware that there should have been so much dispute about the decision. 校长好像没有意识到这个决定竟会有这么多分歧。 【活学活用】10.翻译句子 1)他注意到了危险。 _2)I was aware of what he was aimin

20、g at. _答案:1)He became aware of the danger. 2)我知道他在打什么主意。交易,便宜货,讨价还价 【巧记提示】bar(阻止)+gain(获得),阻止轻易获得(物品)。 【经典例句】At that low price the house is a real bargain,which is the great achievement I made by bargaining with the seller for at least a week. 这么低价位的房子真是便宜货,这可是我和卖主至少一个星期讨价还价的成就。 If you bargain with

21、them they might reduce the price. 你讲讲价,他们可能会把价钱降低。 She bargained with the trader till he sold her the fruit cheaply. 她和卖水果的人讨价还价,直到他把水果便宜地卖给了她。【考点聚焦】1)固定搭配: bargain/make a bargain with sb.about/over/for sth.与某人就某事/某物讨价还价 2)常用句式: Thats/Its a bargain.我同意了,成交。 【活学活用】11.单项填空 $500,but that is my last off

22、er. OK,it is a_. A.cost B.price C.bargain 答案:C【巧记提示】cloth(布)+-ing(名词后缀) 【经典例句】You should pay more attention to your clothing. 你应该多注意一下你的着装。 He is a wolf in sheeps clothing. 他是披着羊皮的狼。 Our clothing protects us from the cold. 衣服使我们免受寒冷。【考点聚焦】辨析cloth,clothe,clothes和clothing: 1)cloth为名词,指“布,织物,布料”

23、。 2)clothe为动词,指“给穿衣,为提供衣服,覆盖”。如: He has to work hard to feed and clothe his large family. 他必须努力工作才能使一大家子人有饭吃,有衣穿。 3)clothes为名词,指“衣服,服装,(总称)被褥,床上用品”;包括“上衣、裤子、内衣”等。clothes是复数名词,不能直接与数词连用,后面要接复数动词。如: The clothes of men are different from those of women. 男女的衣着不同。 4)clothing为名词,指“(总称)衣服,被褥”,还包括“帽子、鞋、袜”等。

24、clothing没有复数形式,后面要跟单数动词。“一件衣服”要说an article of clothing。打搅,使烦恼,使生气、不高兴,招惹 【经典例句】If you annoy the cat she will scratch you. 要是你惹恼了猫,她会用爪子挠你。 Our boss got a bit annoyed at the slow progress of the project. 我们老板对项目的缓慢进展有点恼火。【考点聚焦】annoy的重要派生词,包括名词和形容词形式: 1)annoyance n.恼怒,烦恼,打扰,讨厌的东西(或人)如: The teacher fro

25、wned with annoyance when a student fell asleep during his lesson. 看到一个学生在课堂上睡着了,老师不快地皱起了眉头。 2)annoying adj.使人不高兴的,恼人的如: It is annoying to be interrupted. 被打断总是让人不舒服。 3)annoyed adj.恼怒的,气恼的 【活学活用】12.单项填空 Buying something and then finding it on sale the next day can be very_. A.annoying B.appealing C.e

26、xciting D.interesting 答案:A乐趣,娱乐活动 【巧记提示】amuse(vt.使愉快)+-ment(名词后缀),参加娱乐活动使人愉快。 【经典例句】Big cities have many amusements.大城市有许多娱乐。 Sports and games should not be treated only as amusements. 体育运动不应看成纯粹是娱乐。 His chief amusement is reading novels. 他的主要消遣是看小说。【考点聚焦】1)同根词: amusing adj.引起乐趣的,逗人发笑的 amuse v.使快乐 同

27、义词:fun;entertainment 2)amusement作“欢乐,快乐,发笑”解时是不可数名词;作“消遣,娱乐活动”解时是可数名词。如: I find amusement in collecting stamps. 我以集邮为乐。(不可数名词) There are not many amusements in this city. 这个城市的娱乐活动不多。(可数名词)呼吁,恳求;引起兴趣,吸引 【巧记提示】ap-(缀于p字母前,加重语气)+peal(词根,“发声,叫”)呼叫,呼吁,吸引。 【经典例句】An appeal is being made for help for those

28、who lost their homes in the earthquake.人们正在呼吁为在地震中失去家园的人提供帮助。 I appeal to your sense of justice. 我呼吁你们拿出正义感。 She appeals to me.我对她感兴趣。【考点聚焦】1)固定搭配: appeal for/to do sth.呼吁某人做某事 appeal to sb.使喜欢,投合(心意、兴趣) 2)同根词: appealing adj.令人欢喜的,吸引人的如: an appealing smile 迷人的微笑 【活学活用】13.单项填空 Can you give me s

29、ome advice about the design? I think it should_to all ages and social groups. A.appear B.appeal C.suit 答案:B【巧记提示】con-(和,共同,联合)+tain(=to hold,keep,maintain) 【经典例句】His paper contained no mistakes at all.他的论文里没有错误。 The album contains many memorable songs. 这张唱片中包括许多值得收集的歌曲。 The hall can contain 3000 people. 这座大厅可以容纳3000人。【考点聚焦】辨析contain和include: contain多指一个“容器”中包含有别的事物,它的主语和宾语通常不是同一种事物,宾语是处在主语的包容之中; include意为“包括”,指事物的集体中含有不同的种类,它的主语和宾语通常是一样的事物,只是宾语是属于主语的范围内的。 【活学活用】14.完成句子 1)那包裹里装的是一本字典。 The parcel_a dictionary. 2)字典的价钱包括邮费在内。 T

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