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社科类论文模板419 教务 新.docx

1、社科类论文模板419 教务 新分院名称:学生学号:长春师范学院本科毕业论文(社科类)题 目: 专 业: 姓 名: 指导教师姓名: 指导教师职称: 年 月长春师范学院本科毕业论文(设计)作者承诺保证书本人郑重承诺:本篇毕业论文(设计)的内容真实、可靠。如果存在弄虚作假、抄袭的情况,本人愿承担全部责任。论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日长春师范学院本科毕业论文(设计)指导教师承诺保证书本人郑重承诺:我已按有关规定对本篇毕业论文(设计)的选题与内容进行指导和审核,坚持一人一题制,确认由作者独立完成。如果存在学风问题,本人愿意承担指导教师的相关责任。指导教师签名:日期: 年 月 日摘 要当代中国社会正




5、的稳定和思想的稳定。关键词:婚姻 闪婚 农民工 认知 文化目 录承诺保证书 I摘 要 II目 录 III一、 1(一) 1(二) 1(三) 1二、认知理论研究和相关文献梳理 3(一) 21.婚姻和闪婚 22.婚姻和闪婚的文化内涵 23.农民工闪婚 2(二) 21.传统认知理论 2三、农民工闪婚的实证研究 3(一)长春地区农民工闪婚的现状及问题分析 31.农民工闪婚的主体是女性青年农民工 32农民工闪婚是对爱情的简化与误读 3参 考 文 献 5Abstract 6 一、(一)当代中国社会正由封闭的传统农业社会向开放的工业社会转型,由计划经济向市场经济过渡,这必然带来婚姻观念的变化与婚恋行为的多元

6、化,新的婚恋文化静静的荡击着传统的婚恋模式。(二)1. 2. (三)1. 2. 二、(一)1. (1)婚姻婚姻是什么?在我国,婚姻即嫁娶。如尔雅释亲:“婿之姻,妇之父为婚。妇之父母、婿之父母相谓为婚姻。” (2)闪婚闪婚是什么呢? “闪”即快,“闪婚”即闪电般的相识,闪电般的爱情火,闪电般的结婚。2. (1)婚姻的文化内涵婚姻是作为一种文化而存在的。人类自从脱离蒙昧时代蛮时代之后,两性就以婚姻的社会规定相结合,成为文明的文化现象,“生物行为”从此转变为“社会行为”。(2)闪婚的文化内涵“闪婚”的概念,来自于“闪”文化的推动。“闪”文化即FLASH文化。FLASH电脑软件近年来在中国网络世界广为

7、流行。3. 农民工闪婚:是指农民工这一特定主体选择的闪婚。它具备闪婚和婚姻的一切要求。但又有其更为独特之处。(二)1. 认知心理学家认为,学习者必须重视他们尽力去理解或表达语言的每一个方面。学习者渐渐地通过经验和实践能自觉地运用语言。 三、本文对长春地区农民工聚居区:车站附近的公寓,建筑工地,服务行业等进行了访谈式问卷调查。调查对象的选择,从性别构成、年龄构成、职业构成、就业类型构成四个方面,进行非概率抽样中的配额抽样调查。(一) 长春地区农民工闪婚的现状及问题分析1.农民工闪婚的主体是女性青年农民工 从表1的分析中可以看出,长春地区农民工对年龄具有很大的选择性。从年龄看,农民工闪婚的主体是青

8、年人。表1: 性别 * 年龄CrosstabulationCount年龄Total1825263536454655性别男20107340女261810660Total46281791002农民工闪婚是对爱情的简化与误读参 考 文 献1 向德平.城市社会学M.武汉:武汉大学出版社,2002:15-18.2 牛康.社会传播学M.福州:福建人民出版社,2001.AbstractThe Contemporary China society by the seal traditional farming society to open industrial society reforming, is b

9、eing excessive by the planned economy to the market economy, this brings the marital idea inevitably the change and the love and marriage behavior multiplication, the new love and marriage culture static swings is striking the traditional love and marriage pattern. The love low age, the divorce rate

10、 rise, the adulterous love affair increase, unmarried live together and outside the marriage the sex act and so on cause love, the marriage and the birth separate day by day at the present by the original unification. “flash marriage” this kind of special social phenomenon our country metropolis to

11、emerge quietly, and becomes one fashion popularly. flash marriage and the traditional marriage compares, its characteristic lies in “quickly”, also from the understanding, falls in love to the marriage is carries on the quite short time. Then, actually after simplified love is the concentration esse

12、nce, the gorgeous skull, this but actually the question which is worth considering. “flash marriage” this kind of special social phenomenon already to bring to the domestic some scholars attention, but outside regarding “flash marriage” phenomenon system to study domestic and foreign is a blank near

13、ly. Sociologist Liyinhe from the cultural theory of relativitys angle, the appraisal flash marriage phenomenon, she thought that the marriage ties the disintegration and reorganizes whether frequently, to have nothing to do with societys stability. Looked from the cultural theory of relativitys angl

14、e of view that cannot appraise one culture, any cultures appearance has its advantages, has its existence reason, it has met a part of persons need, conforms to the human nature, is the user-friendly demand. Sociologist Professor Hao wheat harvest said: “flash marriage is one kind of fast-food-like

15、marriage, the deficient rationality, the time is short, the fervor is high, divorces quickly, the marriage needs the perception, the rational two-track development, can be lasting. This article from the cultural cognitions unique angle of view, analyzed “flash marriage” phenomenon. According to the

16、cognition theory, any behavior is psychological outside, but a national person psychology way formation by a societys cultural decision. At the same time, the marriage takes one culture, inevitably also receives Chinese other cultures the influence. The Chinese glorious culture tradition has molded

17、peoples unique psychology feeling and the thought custom. Myself comb the related literature through massive time reading, then the manufacture questionnaire, carries on the investigation, carries on the analysis with the SPSS software to reorganize, draws some important conclusions. The peasant lab

18、orer chooses dodges the marriage, has its social transition period overall influence, has from social and the economical pressure, but these are outside the thing which the environment factor, these factors affect chooses to the peasant laborer flash marriages behavior through these outside the thin

19、g transform internalize. This is a culture. Is the cultural cognition to the behavior the influence. “flash marriage” is the people non-rationality and the rational conflict result, therefore it has the instability, if does not perform the reasonable guidance, its spread and the development will giv

20、e individual and the society bring some disadvantageous influences. Therefore, under the construction harmonious society thoughts instruction, youth individual should strengthen own rational raise, but the society should pay attention strengthens the education and the guidance, thus safeguard society stable and thought stability.Key Words: marriage flash marriage peasant cognition culture

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