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1、全国公共英语等级考试pest二级口语考试必备二级口语考试必备Un Prsonal Informain an eopl (1) Ho oldis om? Whatis his heht? ats th olor oisi? Whicountyishefm? Wat doe he donw?Tom年龄:2岁 身高:10cm肤色:白色 国籍:英国职业:程序设计员 H i twnty-fiv years l、 He is、80eter all、 He is whie、 He im Enland、 H isa progmdser、1. He ou t smeo fro oh onie?2. Whtdoy

2、ou thk ofte?3. a yu think the differens beteendiferentpeol?4. How can you get along with a reiner? () Isyr friend mle fale? Whathis ne? H ol i he? Hall is he? Whadoes h like?朋友性别:男 姓名:田佳年龄:0岁 身高:、7米爱好:打篮球,踢足球 H is a boy、 His name s Tia Jia、 He s 20 yers ld、 He s1、5eter tall、 He lkes paying babll and

3、fotball、1. Hav ugotmanyfriens?2. Wha indoffnsdo yu expect?3. Wt do you hink oft oldsying:iendin ned s fied indee?4. Watdo you usualy dowit our freds? Weni h irthdy ry? Wre will i be held? What l edo? ht nd o giftshal I by?生日聚会时间: 今晚七点开始 地点: 小刚家活动: 吃蛋糕,唱歌,聊天 应带礼物:特别得东西 I iint bgiat 7:0 hi evenng、 t w

4、ill be heltXiaoangme、 We will eat thebrthday cak, in an at duig tha time、 ou should bu mthing spca、1. veyu erda irthday par?2. Whom you usulycelbrate your bhd ith?3. What is thms eingul bithdagiftou ha ve hd?4. h vet to you? s new classmate boy or a girl? Wts hi name? old s he? e ishfrm? I he oda td

5、es?新同学性别:男 名字:王浩年龄:18岁 从哪里来:大连成绩好不好:优秀 Heis boy、 Hies Wang Hao、 He eighteeyears old、 He i fom Dain、 He i oo at stuie、1. owman stuentsare threi you clas?2. Do yuhelp each e nourstudis?3. h is thebes suent in your cls?4. hatdyoutinkof hmorher?Unit2 Family ndEnionnt(1) Were dos he fmiy live? Homay embe

6、rs are theei theaily? What are ename ofth couple? atdo they dfor lvi? Whatstheiro?一个家庭住址: 港沟路15号成员: 三人,夫妇俩与一个儿子夫妇姓名:史密斯先生,史密斯太太各自职业:史密斯先生就是老师,史密斯太太就是文秘 儿子: 学生 The liv t No、5, ango od、 Th ar three memes the faily,a oue an aon、 Thehusan isMr、mith the wife is Mrs、 Smith、 The husband is a achr dthe wife

7、 is a ecta、 Teirson is asun、1. Do yuften talk abo our fmily ith thes?2. And ?3. o you otn talkbout urmiy wi?4. And h? (2) What urfaher name? owodshe? atdoes h d for livin? How muc oes he earn?父亲名字:张强 年龄:48岁工作:政府官员 月工资:约1,00元 Hisnae isZang Qiang、 e is48 yars 、 Hei genmen fficia、 His aar is abou1,000y

8、an per onth、1. Wh do youthino yur ate?2. oyuoe im?3. Doy think herei eeraion gapbetweeyu an your ather?4. How do o dal wihhe geeaiongap?(3) Wher is yuhome? How ge s yur house? Ho about hesurrondings o your house? How aembsare her i you amily?聊家常住址:广东得一个小村庄 环境:临海面积:100平方米 成员:父母与我 I lve i a mal vilgen

9、 Gngdng proince、 Itis abt10squre metrs、 ouse les e te sea、 Therar hr mmersin my family, mpents ad melf、1. Are ufo the outrid?2. Wher do ou li live, nabigctor n a sm vage?3. And wh?4. Wha is the mst importnisue when ydecie wher to liv? (4) What is yor favorie pet? Wh do oulie her? How do you call er?

10、 How ld ise?宠物最喜欢得宠物:狗 为什么喜欢:很听我得话昵称:小黄 年龄:5岁 Mfavoite pet s a do、 e always oos what tell her、 enickame is Xiaohn、 heis iveears old、1. Howmanpets dyou have?2. What ae hey?3. ot you tin a irt? An why?4. Whatkind of re oes yo favoript py inur fe? () ha isr sns name? How oldis he? her i he tudying nw?

11、Do he workhar? haisis pl or future?儿子名字:李刚 年龄:19岁在哪儿学习:北京大学 学习就是否努力:学习很用功 打算:出国 His e s LiGang、 H s 19 yearsld、 e issdin at ijing Unversity no、 Heworsveha、 eplanstogoabroa after gradaton、1. Ho any hdre doy ave?2. Wichonedo yo ove best?3. And hy?4. Doou let yur chldrmak hei ow decin on their fuure?Un

12、it3 Daily ife (1) Watsn TVonigt? Whic hnnels i o? Whnwil it bgin? Whsh tw teams wll pla gnst eac oher?电视节目名称: 欧洲足球锦标赛 频道: TV5时间: 晚上十点 比赛双方:英格兰对波兰 The is theEupeanFotball haionshp nih I is onCCTV 5 t wil begi a 10:00 p、m、 T nlad nationaleam wllpy ains the Poldatioalteam1. Do u lke wathg T?2. hich cha

13、nneldo ou lik est? Awhy?3. hatkind o pgrams d ylike?4. How ng doyou spnd watcingTV ever d? (2) Watis thenmeo the mgazn? hatis abt? Howmci it? hre cn I b it?杂志名称: 足球周刊 内容: 最新足球新闻价钱: 10元/本 购买地点:报亭 Its ameisFootall Weekl、 i all about the ltestnews in thefob ild、 It s1 ao ea opy、 Yu cn bu atespper san、1

14、、 Dyou ten read magazns?2. Whakind ofmgazineo oulke?3、 hat ur opinon on aazes nowads?4、 Which one, do u tin, i btter,newspapes oagaznes? (3) Wheddyou hae you breakfas? ere did you have i? Wht did you eat or drn? homid you ave your breakast togetherwith?早餐时间:八点 地点:家里食物:面包与牛奶 与谁一起:父母 I d y brekat a ei

15、ght oclok、 I h i t ho、 I te bread addrk k、 I had my reakfastwithmy parents、1. Wat time dyousuayhae our akfast?2. Do you ave breast very da?3. Watind of beakfst fod d you lik?4. t d yothnk tatsome ppl whosay up atednot havebreafast? (4) ho mad a phn cal? Whm didhe poe? Wendd hmake the pne all? How lo

16、ngdid it take?打电话谁打得电话:汤姆 打给谁:玛丽时间:刚才 多久: 5分钟 Tom de phonecall、 He aldar、 Just now、 Iookfiv mnues、1. Doyou ofnk ahoe call?2. yolike to cal our familyrwrie o them?3. oou hoe byus I cardor by acl phon?4. What do you thik f ce hons? (5) What nd o panyis i? Whnwil I hav to wor? Is ta la r small pany? Ho

17、w much isthe salry?工作公司:电脑公司 工作时间:早上0点到下午点规模:小公司 月薪:1,500元 I i utr pany、 ou l wokrom 0:00a、m、to:00p、m、 t i asmall pny、 Youcanearn1,5 Yuanpr mn、1. Whado oud or iving?2. How doyoutinkocareer chang?3. Wha ki of jobis yur fvorie?4. Wht in o bosse you want t worf? nit4 Food n Drnk (1) How muh is bttl f m

18、? ensall wdrinkmilk?? h nutrtionoe mik hve? Whre cn we buymilk?牛奶价格:每瓶3元 饮用时间:早晚各一瓶营养:含各种营养成分 供应牛奶得地方:超市 It i the Yuan a bottle、 We suld rnk otl f mi both in thmornin anin the ein、 Mik conainalmt l nds ontritio、 We canbuyt in thpermr、1. a kin ofdrink do yoften have?2. ht i of drk doy hin isth o nuri

19、tious?3. Wts yoropinioon acohoi drn?4、 Whakind f drnk ishemot popular in Chin? (2) How myare ou? hat kdf foosdo yo want? Do you ne somethigo drink? Hwould you ik you sek?预定午餐人数:人 食物:牛排,三明治饮料:红酒 要求:牛排半分熟 We arjt two、 e want to aveaek a to sandwichs、 e a otleof d win、 e wantthseak meiu、1. Dyu liChnse

20、ood? d why?2. Whsyourfavot Chinesefood?3. Doyou eWesern fod?nd wh?4、 Whats yo favorit Western food? (3) Wht e name o teew etunt? Wher i t? Whn did it begin its biess? re the dshes tere expensiveo hep?新饭店名字: 四川饭店 地点:中关村大街开业时间:上周二 价格:很贵 ts name i Sichn Restauran、 Itcatesn te Zonuancn Stre、 t ban its u

21、is ast Tusdy、 The hs areveryexpensie、1. Do you lke at out or a ome?2. What ae the adantag o eangout?3. Whaare thdisadvntages otingout?4. Whatill bethe deciv fact if you goa restauant?(4) Wt isthe nme ofhe fat-foo retauant? Whih coutry is tfro? I t ood thesive r hep? I thfood thereuitious?快餐店名称:麦当劳 国

22、家:美国价格:不就是很贵 营养:不就是健康食品 ts nme is McDonald、 I i an Aricn fatfood chai restaurnt、 ts foo is not ver xnsive、 Th fod there not good t hah、1. you ikeongt fatfood restarn?2. Dou hikfat od i nohealhy?3. Hv y ben to KF coals?4. Whch one isbtte, F orcDonald? (5) ht time d yo usuay hae luc? Wha is your fvori

23、te food? Doyou rink ouphie havingunch? An why?午餐通常吃饭时间: 2点 喜欢得食物:牛肉吃饭时喝不喝汤:不喝 原因:对健康有影响 sull havlunc at 1 occk、 My faorie food sbef、 , don drink oup whil havi lun、 nkins hle haingunhisno go to ealt、1. Do you have lnch argrwa?2. Wht do ou ik fts peopwo dont hv lunh becuse ofbusywork?3. What do u usallye dring lunch?4. Do ou hav

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