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广州版小学六年级英语下册教案 全册.docx

1、广州版小学六年级英语下册教案 全册第二学期南沙校区小学 六 年级 英语 学科集体备课【教材内容分析】This module is about past experiences. In Unit 3 , the unit is about What animal is it? Unit 8 is We can save the animals.【学情分析】 通过前面一个模块的学习,学生掌握了一般过去时的句型。本单元则是在前两个模块的基础上引入一般过去时,如何描述过去发生的事情是本课时的话题。在教师预设的任务中,引导学生在交际中动态生成,学生有话可说,乐于合作分享。这样就有利于他们更好的运用课本知

2、识,达到提高综合运用语言能力的目的。Unit 3 What animal is it? Unit 4 We can save the animals. 【学习目标】(一)语言知识目标: 1掌握单词:difficult frog hair kangaroo turn ocean starfish Africa tiger Asia be called lion panda bamboo elephant giraffe neck leaf save only earth whale danger in danger disappear .(二)语言技能目标:1.能用句型What did you

3、do yesterday ?进行询问他人在过去的时间里发生的事情;2.能理解课文并流利地朗读课文。3.能用所学的句子玩游戏。(三)情感态度目标:1.培养学生的英语学习的兴趣,让学生学习如何委婉地询问他人做过的事情。2.通过学生之间的合作交流培养学生的合作能力。(四)Learning Strategies学习策略:1.利用情景开展有效教学,让学生在接近真实的情境中愉快学习,在活动中掌握学习的规律。2.引导学生利用所学的知识创设对话,提高语言综合能力,运用到实际。【教学重难点】重点:本课的重点是单词句型的掌握并能运用所学进行询问他人做过的事情并作出回应,学生能掌握本节课的单词及句型。难点:本课时的

4、四会词汇不是很多, 难点基本集中在句型上,句子What animal is it? meet my friends , eat at a restaurant , ride my bike , see a film , have a party with my friends . 以及一些给建议的句子,如何让学生掌握并运用到实际中同时学会询问他人做过的事情并作出。【课时分配】Unit 3 What animal is it? 3课时Unit 3 Fun with language 2课时 Unit 4 We can save the animals. 3课时Unit 4 Fun with la

5、nguage 1课时Unit 4 Story Time 1课时学校英语集体备课教案2015年3月Grade 6TopicUnit 3 What animal is it? 1(共3课时)TypeWord 主备人陈绮雯Teacher 陈绮雯 张艺蓝,余金辉吴巧容,邓瑞燕,王海丽TeachingAims:(1)Using the Simple Past Tense to talk about events in the past .(2) Using becauseto provide reasons, e.g. , He was excited because it was his first

6、visit to the island.(3) To learn the following language items through a dialogueTeaching Points:1. Talking about past events with the Simple Past Tense, e.g. He gave me a check-up.2. To revise language items related to describing events in the Simple .3. To read, with understanding, 6 sentences that

7、 make up a story about a little bear.Teaching Aid:cards 、ppt、 learning software二次备课三次备课I.Warming up II.ObjectivesAsking Wh-questions about past ; What did you do ? Where did you go yesterday ?II. Procedures:(1). Have pupils look at the pictures on Page 38-39.(2). Talk about the pictures with pupils

8、. Guide pupils to see that the children , Ben , Jiamin and Xiaoling , are each talking about something they did .(3). Tell pupils that yesterday was Childrens Day .(4). Set a purpose for listening to the dialogue : What did the children do on Childrens Day ? Did they go out ?(5). Play the recording

9、all the way through ; pupils follow by looking at the text in their books .(6). Play the recording again , pausing after each line for pupils to repeat and for me to clarify meaning .(7). Use the pictures and context in the dialogue to convey the meaning , and provide further examples to illustrate

10、each language structure if necessary .(8). Conduct reading aloud practice on the dialogue . Divide the class into 4 groups : pupils will read the dialogue in the roles of Ms White , Ben , Jiamin , and Xiaoling .1、自然承接上游戏,最后呈现出所有食物与饮料图片。因本课食物名称大多已学过,教师可充分发挥学生的主动性,让学生以旧带新,结合音标学以下单词:peach, pizza, hambu

11、rger, burger, Chinese cabbage.2、操练一:听、读、归类。3、渗透文化意识教育:中西方饮食文化。4、操练二:A Chant. 全班:Who ate the hamburger on the plate? 教师:Tony ate the hamburger on the plate. Tony: Who? Me? 全班:Yes. You! Tony: Not me! 全班:Then who? Tony: Lily ate the hamburger on the plate. Lily: Who? Me?Summary学习的单词比较多。Homework1.抄写单词,每

12、个一行。家长签名2.读单词10次,家长签名Designing on the board:Unit 3 What animal is it?difficult 图片图片图片图片图片图片图片 frog hair kangaroo turn ocean starfish Africa Evaluation: 学校英语集体备课教案2015年3月Grade 6TopicUnit 3 What animal is it? 2(共3课时)Typetalk主备人陈绮雯Teacher 陈绮雯 张艺蓝,余金辉吴巧容,邓瑞燕,王海丽TeachingAims:1.Be able to understand the d

13、ialogue.2.Be able to use the key sentences in daily life 3 Be able to enjoy all the activities.Teaching Points:be able to understand the dialogue and use the key sentences ;to use the key sentences in daily life Teaching Aid:cards 、ppt、 learning software二次备课三次备课.Warming up . Procedures and practiceP

14、resenting the further vocabulary itemsi.Have pupils look at the pictures on Page 39 . Use the pictures to present the further vocabulary phrases .ii.Then say each phrase again for pupils to repeat after me .iii.For further practice , point to the pictures randomly for pupils to say the phrases aloud

15、 . iv.Play the recording all the way through ; pupils follow by looking at the text in their books .v.Play the recording again , pausing after each line for pupils to repeat and for me to clarify meaning .vi.Use the pictures and context in the dialogue to convey the meaning , and provide further exa

16、mples to illustrate each language structure if necessary .Substitution Have pupils produce a dialogue similar to the one between Ms White, Ben , Jiamin and Xiaoling , substituting the follwing words and phrases in bracketswith the further vocabulary items from Page 39,orappropriate words of their ow

17、n. Check than the new dislogue produced makes sense.1、自然承接上游戏,最后呈现出所有食物与饮料图片。因本课食物名称大多已学过,教师可充分发挥学生的主动性,让学生以旧带新,结合音标学以下单词:peach, pizza, hamburger, burger, Chinese cabbage.2、操练一:听、读、归类。3、渗透文化意识教育:中西方饮食文化。4、操练二:A Chant. 全班:Who ate the hamburger on the plate? 教师:Tony ate the hamburger on the plate. Ton

18、y: Who? Me? 全班:Yes. You! Tony: Not me! 全班:Then who? Tony: Lily ate the hamburger on the plate. Lily: Who? Me?此游戏可视时间轮流玩,可替换不同的食物名称,也可根据学生的爱好,让学生以小组形式玩,或只操练几个较难上口的词汇。5、教师用刚才的食物图片向学生介绍自己喜爱的食物。I like pizza, I like hamburgers, too. But I like hamburgers better than pizza, I prefer hamburgers, because I

19、think hamburgers are more delicious than pizza.6、此游戏可视时间轮流玩,可替换不同的食物名称,也可根据学生的爱好,让学生以小组形式玩,或只操练几个较难上口的词汇。. Summary. Homework1、订正听写本;2、完成活动手册单词 家长签名Designing on the boardUnit 3 What animal is it? What animal is it? It is a . Which animals do you like? I likeEvaluation: 学校英语集体备课教案2015年3月Grade 6TopicUn

20、it3 What animal is it? 3(共3课时)Type grammar 主备人陈绮雯Teacher陈绮雯 张艺蓝,余金辉吴巧容,邓瑞燕,王海丽TeachingAims:1. Circle the words.2. Learning objective.(1)To lisyen for, with understanding, what peple did.(2)Verb phrases in the Simple Past Tense (3)To practise using the Simple Past Tense to describe what people did an

21、d how They felt.Teaching Points:1. Talking about past events with the Simple Past Tense, e.g. I went shoppingwith my mother.2. To revise language items related to describing events in the Simple .3. To read, with understanding, 6 sentences that make up a story about a little bear.Teaching aid:cards

22、、ppt、 learning software二次备课三次备课I.Objectives1.Unit 7 Fun with languageLearning objectiveTo lisyen for, with understanding, what peple did.Lenguage focus:Verb phrases in the Simple Past Tense:一Got up early一went to climb the mountain 一Had a lot of homework一worked out all the maths questions一Cooked for

23、my family 一cut my finger一Was happy一helped an old lady一Went shopping 一bought a story bookII.Procedures1.Warming up2.Pre-task(1)Revise asking and talking about past activities with pupils :Peter : What did you do yesterday , Peter?Peter:I went shopping with my farther(And so on)(2)Put some of past ten

24、se verbs elicited on the board.(3)Revise the past tense forms regular and irregular with pupils.(4 ).Have pupils look at Task l on Page 40. Explain the listening task , using the first question as an example , if necessary.(5 ).Play the recording for pupils to listen to and tick or cross each senten

25、ce. Pause after each sentence for pupils to do than. (6 ).After the last question , play the recording all the way through again for pupils to check their answers.(7 ).When pupils have finished , check the answers with them .Extension : Play the recording for the wrong statements again . Discuss wit

26、h pupils what is wrong with each of them.3.While-task and post-taskPlay a game. Page 40Learning objectivePupil practice making sentences in the Simple Past Tense through a board game.1.Have pupils look at Task 2 on Page 40. If you use the e-Resource, show the task on the screen.2.Explain to pupils t

27、hat it is a board game. Pupils have to make a sentence in the Simple Past Tense using the verb in the box that they land on. Use the example to help with the exp-nation.3.If necessary, revise the past tense form of the verbs pupils have learnt so far.4.Have pupils play the board game in groups. .Sum

28、mary .Homework(1)复习U3单词,明天听写(2)读U3课文3次,家长签名Designing on the board: Unit3 What animal is it? 1一般过去时是动词加ed. 时间是yesterday, last night等等。2.一般过去将来时是would+动词原型。Evaluation: 学校英语集体备课教案2015年3月Grade 6TopicUnit 3 Fun with language 1(共2课时)Type grammar主备人陈绮雯Teacher陈绮雯 张艺蓝,余金辉吴巧容,邓瑞燕,王海丽TeachingAims:1.Be able to

29、finish the listening comprehensions.2.Be able to review sport words.3.Be able to distinguish the usage of hope and wish.Teaching Points:Be able to review sport words.Be able to distinguish the usage of hope and wish.Teaching Aid:cards 、ppt、 learning software二次备课三次备课1、Warming up Learning objectiveTo

30、practise using the Simple Past Tense to describe what people did and how They felt.1.Present and PracticeLook and say. (Past 41)This is a freer task for pupils to describe what someone did and he/she felt using the Simple Past Tense.(1).Have pupils look at Task 3 on Page 41. If you use the e-Resourc

31、e, show the task on the screen.(2).Ask pupils questions about the first picture, guiding them to produce sentences in the Sim-ple Past Tense. (3).Ask them to try describing the picture again, without prompting from the teacher.(4).Have pupils describe the remaining pictures. You may begin the task as

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